The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1406: Enthron 2

After the Baiguan officially finished the ceremony, the next step was to issue a certificate. Eight? One Chinese W? W? W (a). ?8?1 (eight) Z?W?. ?C?O?M to indicate that the emperor is a ‘true life emperor’ determined by heaven.

The university's priest, Ms. Jing, thought about the Wenwu Baiguan and finished the slogan. The slogan set the national number and the year number, and then handed it to the ritual Shang Shang Gu Taining.

Gu Taining held the book to the next level, and placed it in the mahogany tray with moiré. Then, the head of the 銮 卫卫, Huang Guan, was sent out by the Nakajima and the whip.

Yunqing and Yuxi took the Wenwu Baiguan from the sides of the Taihe Gate and went out to the Wumen with the script. They placed the script in the Long Pavilion and carried it to the Imperial Palace.

The husband and wife stood on the tower and took a panoramic view of the entire capital. For a long time, Yunqing said: "I didn't expect that I could stand here one day."

Yuxi said with a smile: "I believe that Grandpa and the public will see you like this, and will be happy."

"My grandfather's expectation for me is that I hope to become the general of the defending country." He is now an emperor, and he has more scenery than the general.

After the proclamation of the script was completed, the husband and wife went down to the tower and took the dragon to return to the Qing Palace.

Sitting on the dragon's raft, Yunqing whispered: "I am sweating all over, how about you?"

Yuxi Waner: "I will be slimy in my body." When Baiguan shouted for a long time, Yunqing was nervous enough to hold her hand. Of course, she is equally nervous. This grand ceremony is only once in life.

"Fortunately, other processes have been cut, or else you have to be exhausted." Others don't mention, it is said that some scripts can't be finished for half an hour. Their instruments are all streamlined, or else they have to be a nightmare!

Thinking of this, Yun Qing said to Yuxi: "In the future, whether it is a ceremony or a banquet, unless you need it, you can do it without doing it. It is not only expensive, but also tiring."

Yuxi smiled and nodded: "Okay." Generally, only grand events will be held. As for the banquet, it will be a holiday, and other provinces will save the province.

Back to the dry Qing Palace, jujube and jujube looked at the couple's tired face, very puzzled.

Qi Hao stood up and said: "Hey, mother, you have a good rest, let's go back first."

Both husband and wife did not stop, only let them come back when they used dinner.

Out of the Qing Palace, the date of jujube asked You brother: "You are not saying that the mother is only accepting the courtiers of the courtiers, why are they so tired?"

Kaiyou is speechless: "Do you think it is easy to sit on a dragon chair? It is also very tired." Yunqing is as tired as Yuxi because it has gone too far.

Liu Er looked at the jujube and looked like a blank face. He whispered: "Big sister, if you let you go from here to the Hall of Supreme Harmony and then to the deserted city, then come back, are you tired?"

"Oh..." Obviously, for this kind of statement, jujube is dubious. If Yuxi walked the morning, the road was very exhausting, but Yunyun was martial arts all the year round. That road was nothing to him. However, the jujube did not continue to ask, and it did not make sense to ask the reason.

Yunqing and Yuxi both ate the pastry pad and laid their stomachs. Although tired, but the husband and wife are a little sleepy.

Yunqing recalled what he had just said and couldn’t help but say: "The feeling is very different from the previous victory." Sitting at the Hall of Supreme Harmony, accepting the worship of the civil and military officials, let Yunqing breed a kind of overlooking the sentient beings. feel.

Yuxi laughed and said: "There is no difference in the world."

After the meeting, Yuxi shifted the topic: "I want you to be a soldier to rebel on the same day, I hope that you don't want to be the fish of the **** board. I really didn't expect to have it today." The queen of the world, more than twenty years ago It’s something you don’t want. At that time, she thought that she could survive in the chaos after learning more.

"Yes! Not to mention other people, that is, myself, I did not expect that I would be an emperor one day." It is now that he has the feeling of dreaming.

Yuxi heard this and smiled and said: "The emperor is not so good, we can be more diligent in the future." The greater the right, the greater the responsibility. Since sitting in this position, it is natural to benefit the people.

Yunqing said: "This is natural, but today, I still have a rest." From the time they arrived in Beijing, their husband and wife did not rest for one day, and they were busy all day. It’s hard to have a half day today, and he wants to take a good sleep.

I talked for a long time in bed for two days, and I fell asleep unconsciously. When I wake up, it is already the beginning of the application.

Yuxi, while purifying his face, asked: "Is there a date for them?"

Meilan said with a smile: "Come here. I heard that you were sleeping with the emperor, and went to Zhanghua Palace together." Zhang Huagong, now a place where several brothers and sisters meet.

The food was sent up, Yun Qing glanced and asked: "How are all vegetarian dishes?" There is not a leek.

"You are all on fire, how can you eat meat?" Don't look at Yunqing's surface is very calm, in fact, the inside is not the same thing. Otherwise, the mouth will not grow up.

Seeing Yunqing’s face disgusted, Yuxi said with a smile: “Let the white mother make a lion head, it should be able to be on soon.” The lion head is also made of fine meat and glutinous rice, and will not get angry.

Yunqing played a discussion: "Yu Xi, you look at today's important day, you have to eat a lot of good celebrations!" These dishes, he looked at it without appetite.

Yuxi smiled and asked: "Want to eat mutton?" To say that this thing is strange, Yu Qing can eat three mutton a day, and even eat a month is not greasy. If it is replaced by her, I am afraid that I will not be able to stand for three days.

Yunqing nodded and said: "Or you know me." Scallion lamb, braised lamb chops, red mutton mutton, sauce mutton, and mutton dumplings, these are his favorite.

Yuxi has been tempered: "When you have fired, let you eat enough."

Yunqing is satisfied.

Mei Lan bowed his head and laughed. The emperor outside the prestige, even eating a piece of meat have to comply with the consent of the master, if you say it out, no one believes.

Han Jianming and the Han Jianye brothers attended the ceremony and returned to Han.

When I got to the upper house, I saw that Xiangshi and Lu Xiu and Zhong Minxiu were there. Qiu asked: "Can everything go smoothly?"

Han Jianming said with a smile: "It was very smooth." It was raining all day long, which made him feel awkward, and he was afraid that it would rain today. I didn't expect that God would give me face and empty it. In the future, you will be able to do everything.

Qiu’s thought of Amitabha: “It’s just fine.”

Han Jianye said: "Mother, the emperor's country is ‘明’, and the year is ruling.” The meaning is to put the rule of the world first. At that time, the minister drafted six years, one of which was Yuxi’s favorite name, Yongtai, and Yunyun insisted on setting the year number as the rule.

The emperor enthroned the ceremony, and it was glory to participate. In addition to really can not walk away, such as Liu Yongnan who guards the border town, other people such as Cui Mo and Du Fu have come back.

Governing the yuan, this name is a bit of a mouthful. It’s just that everyone is not so stupid and wants to declare it in their hearts.

Zhong Minxiu asked carefully: "The public, what about the queen? What can be said?" Generally speaking, the Queen has no title, and after the death, there is a nickname. But now the situation is different. The empress, along with the emperor, accepts the pilgrimage of the Baiguan. It is reasonable to say that there should also be a name.

Han Jianming glanced at Zhong Minxiu and his eyes showed appreciation.

Xiang’s eyes saw Han Jianming’s eyes, and he almost called out. Fortunately, reason still exists, even if the heart is over the river, there is no speech.

Zhong Minxiu glanced at Xiangshi and then turned his head. The better, the better, the day will be stunned, and then she will have no worries.

Han Jianming did not know the machine front between the two women. He smiled and said to Qiu: "The emperor made a title for the empress, which is ‘Xianxian’.”

Qiu’s frowning said: “Xianxian? Start virtuous? How did you get such a title?” It’s as if Yuxi was not good before.

Han Jianming smiled and shook his head: "No. Niang, this sage has the meaning of Yin Huixian's internal help, and the virtue of virtue and virtue. As for the beginning of the word, it is the meaning of the king, the queen." Called the habit of Wang Hao, for a while It's hard to change your mind.

Qiu did not think so much: "As long as the emperor does not think that Yuxi is not good, it is good."

When the words fell, the rest of the house was speechless. If the emperor thinks that the queen is not good, then she can let her board the Golden Temple.

Han Jianye returned to the gods and said: "Mother, after this, you must not say in front of outsiders. Otherwise, those who have the heart know that they will become the handle of the attacking queen."

Qiu Shi was surprised to hear this: "How do you say this?"

Han Jianye explained: "The Queen Empresses followed the emperor to accept the worship of the Baiguan, which is equal to the status of the two. Many people are dissatisfied with this, thinking that the Queen's Empress is not in the right, if people hear her say this, they will be Misinterpretation for you does not agree with the empress of the Queen." In the minds of many men, women should be friends, as far as the outside is not related to them. Now that Yuxi has come out like this, let them not panic. The women in the family have a kind of learning, it is not a mess. It’s just cloud engine support, and their opposition is useless.

Qiu’s heart really does not agree with Yuxi’s pie, but she also thinks about it and never said it. When speaking to the family, there will be one or two words in the speech, but she is always standing next to Yuxi. This is a bit of a measure, she still has it.

Han Jianye said: "Mother, those people have a very good ability to be born out of nothing, we are still cautious. Otherwise, it would be inappropriate to let the Queen Empress misunderstand. Our family is based on the Empress of the Queen, today, not to say She is trouble-free, at least not to delay her."

Qiu’s squatting, then nodded and said: “You can rest assured that I will not give Yuxi a hindrance.” These words are actually a bit heavy. However, because it is a biological son, Qiu Shi did not mind.

Han Jianye looked around at the people in the house and said coldly: "Today's business, one word is not allowed to be said. If not, don't blame me for not feeling good."

Han Jianming was very satisfied, and Jianye finally experienced it. Immediately took his shoulder, although nothing was said, but it is clearly supporting Han Jianye.

When everyone saw the situation, they dared to disagree, and they nodded.

Zhong Minxiu looked up a bit in amazement and looked at Han Jianye, and then quickly lowered his head. Because I knew that Han Jianye was a woman who almost killed Yuxi and his body, and rarely heard Qiu praise him, so she had a misunderstanding that Han Jianye climbed to a high position by relying on the relationship between Gong and Wang Hao. There is nothing really true about it. Now I know that she wants to be embarrassed. This little uncle, the ability is not inferior to his own public money.

After finishing the conversation with Qiu, Han Jianye went to the study room of the front yard with Han Jianming.

Han Jianye said: "Big brother, then the emperor should start to comment on the dedication..." In the following words, he did not know how to speak.

Han Jianming nodded: "If you have anything, you will say."

Han Jianye hesitated and said: "Big brother, you will definitely have a title. And my battles over the years should be able to win a title." Han Jianming’s contribution is bigger than him, and Yuxi’s coming from the Han family will definitely be Appreciation, and Enshang is definitely on the head of Han Jianming. These together, there should be a Marquis. With his credit, it is estimated that he will be a baron.

Han Jianming is not stupid. He probably guessed the meaning of Han Jianye: "Do you want to be separated if we all have a title?"

Han Jianye nodded: "If you and I both have a title and live in it, the limelight is too much. Big Brother, Queen Empress is holding the power, those people will stare at us. But if they do something wrong, these people will definitely bite." Living in a family is a family, and the separation shows that they are two families.

Han Jianming said: "This is the same as the reward." Although the parents are not separated, it is only a general situation. Like their current situation, they must not act in this old way.

After the election, Han Jianming said: "If you really want to separate, you must say to the Queen Empress."

Han Jianye said with some concern: "Big brother, I am afraid that the mother does not agree." If the mother does not agree, this matter is not easy to do.

Han Jianming shook his head and said: "You don't have to worry about this. As long as we will share the reason with the mother, she will not stop it." As long as it is good for them, even if Qiu is not happy, she will do it.

Han Jianye said very slyly: "I have not been able to filial piety in front of my mother all these years. I am really sorry for her old man." It is really unfilial to propose a separation.

Han Jianming said with a smile: "As long as you are safe and secure, don't let your mother worry, that is to be filial."

In fact, Mr. Zhao had talked about this issue with Han Jianming before, and he was hesitant. I can listen to Han Jianye’s words today, he is not worried. This younger brother has been trained to support the portal.

After talking about it, Han Jianye returned to his yard. Seeing Lu Xiu coming out to meet him, Han Jianye took her hand into the house and said guiltyly: "In these years, you have worked hard." To be filial in front of his mother, he must also manage to raise children, this can be Not ordinary hard work.

Lu Xiu’s eyes are red: “I’m satisfied with this sentence.”

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