The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1423: Hemiplegia

Feng Dajun has not yet set off for Beijing, and his impeachment has already reached the Imperial Study Room. ? Bayi Chinese Network W (eight) W (eight) W (eight). ? 8? 1? Z (a) W (eight). (1) C?O?M

Yunqing looked at the folds of Chen Lei, who was in the left court of the Imperial Court. After reading it, he looked at Yuxi with some incomprehensibility. "It’s just that Ding Sanyang has a fight. How is it that the army has committed a heinous A felony?" It caused people to be disabled, to win the people, and to force the people. Then they turned over the old account and said that the army had robbed the women and abused the prisoners, and all kinds of crimes were blamed.

Yuxi chuckled: "These people want to make you punish the British public. If you don't impose heavy punishment, you will be more and more impeached."

Yunqing frowned and said: "They stare at the army and want me to punish them. What is the purpose?" The emperor should have been praised, but Yunqing felt that he was reluctant to change. Gu Taining said a lot of back, see no use, it will not mention.

"They are not staring at the British public. They hope to use the British public affairs to give the court a good name." Not long after the establishment of the court, it is all about the chicken feathers. They urgently need to catch a typical one to stand up, and Feng Dajun just hit the muzzle.

"If it is me, I will definitely be heavier than the army." Even dare to abuse the lotus fog, this Ding Sanyang really ate the bear heart leopard.

Yuxi chuckled and said: "You can tell me anything about this. If you say to Chen Lei, your ears have to suffer." Chen Lei can quote the classics and criticize Yunqing for three days and three nights.

What Yunyun is most afraid of now is the preaching of these civil servants, and you can say that you are dizzy.

After thinking about it, Yunqing said: "Then let go, wait for the army to come back and say it again!" He did not think that the army was wrong, so obviously wanted to protect him.

Yuxi shook his head and said: "It should be solved as soon as possible! Otherwise, the impeachment of the magazine can be piled up with books."

"You don't really want to impose heavy penalties on the army?" If Yuxi thinks like this, he certainly won't agree.

"Before the British public went to the palace to tell us about this, it is to tell us that he will not let Ding Sanyang." After the meeting, Yuxi said with a smile, "The penalty is definitely a penalty, but it does not have to be heavy. Penalties, this matter is small, it is just a chores."

"Using chores can block the mouth of Chen Lei's gang?" For Chen Lei's history, Yun Qing is very complicated. The DuChang is the main supervisor, impeachment and advice. It’s good to catch corrupt officials and bring these people to justice. As it is now, I am a little tired.

Yuxi said with a smile: "I still deal with this matter!" Handed over to Yunqing for disposal. I was afraid that when Yunqing was angry, he would beat these censorships. If this is the case, the loss can be Yunqing.

Yunqing said very happily: "Good!" He thought that Yuxi would not manage it and would hand it over to him for disposal.

On the second day, Chen Lei and Ye Zhengde once again impeached the army and demanded that Yunqing and Yuxi severely punish the army.

Yuxi put the fold on the book case and said to Si Bo Nian: "Call Chen Yushi and Ye Yushi."

After entering the royal study room, Chen Lei took the lead to say: "The Queen's Empress, the British public deception, the behavior is extremely bad, must be severely punished."

Yuxi’s look indifferently asked Ye Zhengde: “Ye Daren, your eldest daughter has also been married. If your eldest daughter was beaten by your son-in-law, would you be a daughter in the first place?” Chen Lei has no daughter. I can’t understand the pain of this daughter being bullied.

Ye Zhengde said, "I am a queen, if my daughter is doing something wrong, my son-in-law will persuade her, and persuasion will not only blame." Ye Zhengde's daughter-in-law is his disciple, and he knows his temper. of. Even if his daughter did something wrong, she wouldn’t start playing. Otherwise, the daughter will not be married to him.

Ye Zhengde deliberately said that her daughter would do the wrong thing to blame, meaning that the lotus fog must be wrong and wrong, or else it would not provoke the husband to do it.

Yuxi did not seem to hear the meaning of Ye Zhengde's words. He said: "What would you do if he had poisoned your daughter for a slap?"

Ye Zhengde said: "I will take care of people and will not use violence."

"Feng Dajun is a military commander, writing articles are reluctant, you let him tell Ding Sanyang reason is not to make him embarrassed." Yuxi said with a smile: "I am also a man, if someone dares to bully this big Princess, I am not sure."

Chen Lei and Ye Zhengde really want to vomit, and they are as brave as the big princess.

"This Yuezhang teaches that the son-in-law is a family matter, and it is not a major event in the military. We should not take more control." When Feng Dajun hit Ding Sanyang, the lotus mist had not left with him. Therefore, Yuxi said that it is a family matter, and it is not an exaggeration.

Chen Lei knows that Yuxi is stealing the concept, but he is not willing to give up: "Queen, it is a family matter, but also a state affairs. If it is not severely punished, other people will have a kind of learning in the future, which will ruin the trend."

Yuxi glanced at Chen Lei and said with a smile: "What bad atmosphere?"

Chen Lei said bluntly: "The British public has a high power to regain the son of Ding, and this behavior is too bad."

Yuxi said with a cold face: "What you mean is to leave two children in Dingjia regardless of their life and death, so this is right! Or you want to say that the husband is a wife, even if you are abused, you should not resist. If you die, you can only Accept the fate."

In Chen Lei’s mind, Yuxi has always been calm and self-sufficient, and he is also fair. But this will be, but some of them are quite entangled.

Yuxi is too lazy to circle, and said with a blank expression: "My daughter is beaten, when my father can not speak. If you don't show your head, then you will become a father." They are parents, she can understand the anger of Feng Dajun. . Change to her, if her daughter is beaten, she will definitely do more than Feng Dajun.

This is obviously a partial squad. Chen Lei and Ye Zhengde saw each other and suddenly did not say anything.

After sweeping the two men, Yuxi said: "But you are right, the British public has done something, it is a punishment."

Playing Ding Sanyang can be said to be a family matter, but using the power to force the Ding family is a bit too much. Therefore, Yuxi punishes the army for three years, and sends another person to reprimand him.

This punishment is too light. The attitude of Yuxi's partiality is so obvious that they know that it is useless.

Chang knows that he was fined for three years, but he was relieved. During this time, the impeachment of the imperial history made her very worried, and she was afraid that her husband would be severely punished.

Cui Wei said with a smile: "Auntie, I said, let you not worry, you see that this is not okay."

"I am afraid that the penalty is too heavy. After the lotus fog knows, I will feel that I have dragged us down." Knowing that the child is like a mother, if the lotus is full of heart, returning to the government will be unhappy. Well now, although I have fined more than 20,000 yuan of money, it is nothing compared to my daughter. It is also now that the family is thick, and as always, Chang’s fear will not be able to sleep.

Cui Wei did not think of this layer.

The matter of the lotus fog was solved. Chang’s also had the time to say that Cui Wei’s business: “Hey, I have asked for your wife, Han’s wife. In the past few days, she recommended me a personal election.” Han’s family left. Beijing has been in the city for more than 20 years, but friends and relatives are here, asking her to help inquire about it is the most appropriate.

Speaking of lifelong events, Cui Wei is a look of shame.

Chang said: "The child I have seen, very good. The only bad thing is that his father died early, it is brought up by the widowed mother." Widows are more difficult to get along with, if not seen Yurong, she certainly does not Will consider it.

Cui Wei’s mind showed a person, but he quickly vetoed it. It’s such a clever thing: “Aunt, what is this?”

Chang smiled and received: "It is the only son of the Korean family's grandmother. But she is very young, but she is good."

Cui Wei is a little helpless.

Chang thought that because of the lotus fog, she resisted the marriage: "You are a bad luck, you don't be scared by this thing." Their husband and wife also have to pay half of the responsibility.

Cui Wei quickly asked the excitement of his heart and asked: "Mother, did Mrs. Jiang Er agree?"

Chang's laughed: "Where do you agree? It must be said that you have to meet you again."

When I paused, Chang said: "I also sent people to inquire. Although Jiang’s two masters have long since disappeared, they have 500 acres of good land, three shops, and two houses, one of which is still Five big houses."

Cui Wei was a little surprised and asked: "Is it so rich?" How can these industries combine tens of thousands of dollars? This is the bottom of the capital, it is also a rich man.

"Yeah! I have some accidents." Jiang Jia Laojiao official to Shangshu, certainly a lot of money. What made her somewhat unexpected? Han Yurong actually saved so much money after the Jiang family copied the house and the troubled times. This is not normal.

Although Cui Wei has a good impression on the political brothers, if the mother-in-law is not good, she should also carefully consider: "Auntie, Mrs. Jiang 2 is not very powerful?" Not too bad, but can not hide so much money.

Chang smiled and said: "Some temper, but a reasonable person." As long as reasoning, it will be better to get along. Like Ding's wife, it should be respected. Unfortunately, she was too big at the time.

Cui Wei is hesitant. If it was not because of seeing Jiang Yizheng, she would definitely refuse it.

Chang Shi said: "If it is difficult, Han Jia Er will not recommend it to me." She has been with Lu Xiu for many years, still believe her vision.

Cui Wei whispered after listening to this: "Aunt is the master."

"It is not necessary to settle down. You will see Jiang Jiagong first. If it doesn't suit your intentions, let us find it again, and always find the right one." I think Jiang Yizheng is good, otherwise she will not let go. Let the two children meet. As for whether or not it can be achieved, then it is necessary for these two children to have a fate.

Cui Wei hangs his head and says, "Okay."

On the afternoon of the same day, Yu Rong received the words of Lu Xiu, saying that Mrs. Feng promised to let the two children meet. When you have chosen the day, you will be sent to inform them.

While listening to the Yurong line, Red Voice said: "Mrs. This girl is an orphan girl. Isn't it good?" I always feel that Cui Wei's life is too hard.

When Yu Rong heard this, he said while winding the line: "I have been in Cuijia for more than ten years, and I am almost like my biological daughter. And the British lady also treats her as a daughter, and the princess and the princess also make good friends with her. And if you can get the love of so many people, this girl must be a smart one." After the political brothers want to enter the official, with such a smart and skillful help, she no longer has to worry.

Red tone said: "Mrs., the young master is so good, waiting for him to get a fame, but still afraid of not getting a good girl?"

Yu Rong shook his head and didn't speak.

Red tone felt that this was a bit strange. He asked the safflower in private: "How do I feel wrong with this matter! Saffron sister, what is going on here?"

This thing safflower really knows: "A few days ago, when the young master came back, he hanged a treasured green bamboo purse, and the purse was also equipped with incense."

The food and clothing of the politicians are all taken care of by Yu Rong. Suddenly there is such a purse, she can't notice it.

The red tone face immediately changed: "Who is the purse sent?"

The safflower whispered and said: "It was sent by the niece of Lingjia Grandma. When the wife knew it, she immediately sent someone to inquire about the girl's details."

"The girl is definitely not good." If it is good, how could it be sent to the young master's purse!

The safflower did not comment on this form, but said: "The family is also the home of the scholarly family. This girl is also full of poetry, but her body is weak."

Red tone asked with some worries: "Is the young master also thinking about her?" Otherwise how to collect the girl's purse!

The safflower immediately shook his head and said, "No."

The government did not really mean the meaning of this girl. It’s just that he and Yu Rong talked about this girl very much, and he always admired that this girl is very knowledgeable.

Yu Rong is a vigilant heart, this girl must be a gift to the political brothers should not have the mind. The political brother did not open up, so he did not notice the girl's mind. Otherwise, the politician’s admiration for her will be tempted.

The girl is not in good health and is sick when she is not moving. Not to mention the family, Yu Rong is not willing to let the political brothers marry her, and marrying her is equivalent to adding a burden. Not to mention that the family has long since fallen. If you can't help the political brother in the future, you may not be able to talk about it.

The only and most effective way to stop this situation is to quickly set aside a political brother. It happened that Lu Xiu gave her Cui Wei, which is equivalent to a sleepy pillow. Yu Rong agreed.

"Oh, it is like this!" Red tone was married some time ago, and Yu Rong gave her a one-month leave. After the wedding, she came back to serve. Therefore, she did not know about it.

After that, the red voice said: "But this Cui family girl, it seems to be very powerful." The daughter-in-law is too powerful, afraid that the wife can not restrain it later.

The safflower said with a smile: "It’s just a look at it, but it’s not fixed." That’s what it says, but the safflower is clear, if the Cui family agrees, the affair should be settled soon. Anyway, Cui Wei is also better than this girl.

Red Voice said: "Is this Cui girl, haven't read the book? I have heard that this British public and the loyal Hou Hou do not know a few words!" The bottom people, there are very few opportunities to read and read. And Feng Dajun and others are just from the bottom.

This, the safflower is not clear.

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