The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1432: Responsibility 1

Yu Rong sat in a chair with a tired face. Eight? One Chinese network W = W ≈ W ≤. ≥8≥1ZW. After COM died from Jiang Wenrui, she has never been as angry as it is today.

The safflower brought a cup of tea to Yurong and said, "Well, don't be angry, just like the lady of the country to make things clear."

Yu Rong licked his temple and shook his head and said, "It's not that simple. If you don't solve the problem with Xinxin, this family can't keep it."

Safflower said: "It should not be that our young master is embarrassed."

Yu Rong will drink the tea and put down the cup and say: "I don't mean to say it, but to see the action." The two decided to make a marriage, and she was afraid of accidents and specifically informed the people of Lingjia. Unexpectedly, it still happened. Thinking of Grandma Lingda saying that the government is in love with Xinxin, her brain is pumping.

Safflower said: "Mom, what are you going to do?"

Yu Rong, she only knows that this door can't be retired. How do she do it now?

Stable and steady, Yu Rong said: "You go to ask Mr. Gao to come over, and this matter has to be discussed with him." After she returned from Lingjia, she went directly to the British government. At this time, Mr. Gao still does not know about this.

Mr. Gao came over very quickly and asked anxiously: "Mrs. What is going on?" The safflower only said that the political brother had a problem at Lingjia, but he did not say anything clearly.

Yu Rong said with a black face: "The new soft-skinned brothers are not dressed in a room."

Mr. Gao’s face was ugly: “Why would a political brother go to Ling’s backyard?”

Speaking of this matter, Yu Rong was annoyed: "Not in the backyard, in the small yard next to Lingjia Garden. The political brother and Ling Kaile are drinking in the garden. When he wakes up, he is now lying in a new soft clothes. Beside him." Lingjia Garden is between the front yard and the back yard.

Ling Kaile is the eldest son of the Ling family, and has a good relationship with the political brothers.

Mr. Gao said: "Mrs. This is very suspicious. First, why is it so cold and cold? Kay will invite political brothers to drink in the garden. Secondly, the amount of alcohol is not small. It is impossible to drink a few cups and get drunk. ”

"The political brother is calculated by people." This kind of trick Yu Rong had heard much before. I did not expect that one day my son would have been subject to such calculations.

"Mrs. What about the political brother?" If this matter is not resolved, the reputation of Yu Zheng’s brother is hindered.

Yu Rong said: "The politician is in his yard. He can't go anywhere until things are resolved."

After the meeting, Yu Rong said: "Lingjia Grandma wants to be a new brother, and I refused."

Mr. Gao said after a moment of indulging: "The political brother has already decided to kiss, but it is impossible. But it has broken the famous girl's festival and can only be admitted to the door." If the family is not willing, then it is better. It is. Anyway, they show that they are responsible, and the other party does not accept that it has nothing to do with them.

Yu Rong did not want to refuse: "No!"

Mr. Gao smiled bitterly: "Mrs. If we are not responsible, then Ling Daren will definitely think that the political brother is not responsible and does not take responsibility, which is not good for his future."

Yu Rong said: "Gao Lao, Cui Wei's family appearance is a first-class character, even if he is retired, he can find a good family. Once the political brother returns, he can only look at it. I don’t know the sorrow of the shame." She decided not to allow this kind of thing.

Mr. Gao hesitated and said: "We have explained to Mrs. Feng that they should be able to understand."

"As long as we open this mouth, Mrs. Feng will immediately retreat." She said at the time that the political brother was awkward, but the lady could still change her face.

Sighing, Yu Rong said: "The girls don't marry, how can they make their children suffer such grievances." The most important thing is that Fengjia and Cui are not the kind of people who are stubborn and do not care for their children. . Otherwise, the family will not let her daughter and return to her family.

This is really a dilemma.

After a long time, Mr. Gao said: "First look at Ling Daren's attitude?"

Ling Tongpu’s idea is the same as that of Mr. Gao. Grandma Lingda is not happy, saying that the girl of the family never gives people a sneak peek. Can not be a wife, but also must be a wife.

Yu Rong immediately exploded, and the family even refused to accept the new soft and soft, and they did not even agree to flatter their wives. As long as they loosed their mouths, they would have to be yellow with the Cui family. However, she was afraid of delaying the future of the political brother, and she was caught in a dilemma. Things are freezing.

Cui Wei can't eat and can't sleep, and only two days of hard work, people can't do it.

Lianwu advised: "You can make such a thing before marriage, and you won't stop after marriage. Hey, listen to me, retreat this door. Otherwise, you will regret it later."

Chang also agrees with the retreat: "Hey, I will try it in March next year. We will pick one in the scholars in the exam." Enke’s child test in September this year, the township test in November, will try in the next three month. Jiang Yizheng has passed the child test and the township test, and now it is already a person.

Cui Wei was confused and said: "Auntie, you let me think about it." She actually wanted to see how Jiangjia handled this matter before making a decision.

Chang said: "This has not been the result of the past three days, showing that they are ready to compromise." If Jiang Jiayu refused, she did not say anything. Han Yurong’s attitude made her very dissatisfied.

Cui Wei still can't make up his mind. It is also because she likes Jiang Yizheng, or else she promises to return. It is not easy to meet someone I like, she doesn't want to miss it.

Mung bean looked at her frowning and said: "Girl, if you want to post a post into the palace, tell the Princess and Princess II about this, and see what they say!"

Cui Wei is hesitant.

Mung bean said: "Girl, I remember that you once read a sentence, called the authorities fans, bystanders clear." She felt that Chang and Li Yuwu were not rational enough to treat this incident because of Ding Sanyang.

"The authorities are fascinated, the bystanders are clear." After reading this sentence, Cui Wei said with a smile: "You are right, I can't look at it calmly now."

Jiang Yizheng and Xinxin’s things are temporarily squatting, so there are not many people who know. And Liu Er was busy with the New Year, and did not pay attention to the outside.

When she received a post from Cui Wei, she did not think much. She told the female official that she would enter the palace early.

Jujube still said with a smile: "I said that I have to go into the palace, but I have more words." Liu Er said that Cui Wei is going to marry, and it is not good to call Cui Wei into the palace. Now Cui Wei handed the sign, it can be seen that people are relatively idle.

Liu Er said with a smile: "When the time comes, ask her if she is busy during this time? If she is not busy, let her enter the palace to chat with you."

When I saw Cui Wei on the second day, the jujube and the Liuer were all scared. Jujube is making a mask and it is not convenient to talk. Therefore, the question is Liu Liu: "How is this so embarrassing, what happened?"

The last time I met Cui Wei was still full of red light. It was only two days of hard work, just like the eggplant that was beaten with frost, there was no spirit at all.

He smiled bitterly: "My family has changed."

Liu Erwen asked: "What happened?" Jiang Yizheng raised people, Cui Wei was happy. If this is not a good thing, how sad it is!

Cui Wei said things roughly: "Auntie said that flies are not a seamless egg, it must be that Jiang Yizheng is not correct, so it will come up with such a thing."

Jujube dates and Liu Er look at each other, do not know whether Jiang Yizheng is unlucky, or Cui Wei is unlucky.

Liu Er first asked: "What do you say at home?"

"The meaning of the family is that even if you can't be a wife, you must at least be a wife." Ping wife is also a good name, and it is also a noble. However, the family is a scholar, and what is needed is this reputation.

"What attitude does my aunt have? Is it promised?" It is not such a confused person to take care of her aunt.

Cui Wei shook his head and said: "No. So this thing, froze." But things always have to be solved, and it won't last long.

Liu Er also felt that this was difficult to do, and the reputation of Jiang Yizheng was not good. If you don't want to lose the reputation of Jiang Yizheng, you can only agree to the conditions of your family. This is really a dilemma.

After a while, Liu Er asked: "Hey, what do you think?"

Cui Wei bowed his head and said: "Whether it is to make a new wife or a wife, I have to retreat." She likes Jiang Yizheng well, but she does not want to share her husband.

Liu Er did not persuade Cui Wei, but she also had to retreat. However, it is a pity for Cui Wei.

Jujube dates are acute, see Liu Er accompanied by Cui Wei sighing, very speechless: "I said that you are enough, how big things, as for this!"

Liu Er knows that jujube and jujube have the most ideas: "Big sister, what good way do you have?"

Cui Wei is also looking at the jujube.

Jujube dates and laughs: "This is mainly because of Jiang’s attitude. If he does not want to have anything to do with Xinxin, then this will be solved."

When Liu Er heard this, he deliberately asked: "Big sister, how do you know that Jiang Yizheng and Yan Xinrou have no personal feelings?"

Jujube jujube looked at Liuer contemptuously: "If there is an affair, you still need to be drunk, and then the people of Lingjia are swindling in bed. The Ming is calculated by the new soft calculator."

After that, the jujube and jujube slammed two times: "In the end, it is still too tender and there is no passing, so the poor snares can't be worn. If you change to me, you will definitely fight them all."

Liu Er is full of black lines, why her big sister never forgets to praise herself! I don't know when this problem can be changed.

However, Liu Er must also admit that the jujube is reasonable: "Hey, but if he thinks about you, he will not agree with Nayongxin and will not agree to marry her. On the contrary, don't hesitate, hurry back. Dear."

If you have jujube, you will hesitate to sip the top, and let Cui Wei wake up from the waking. Right! The attitude of the family and Jiang Jiaji is second, and Jiang’s attitude is the key.

Cui Wei looked at the jujubes with gratitude and said, "Thank you, Grand Princess." This is really right.

"You really want to thank me. When the matter is finished, I often come to the palace to talk to me." After that, the jujube pointed to the green cream on his face and said: "I can’t go out every day, suffocate me. "If this marriage is saved, then Cui Wei will be allowed to make a mask with her."

Liu Er also knows that Cui Wei has no intention to chat with them now, and said very intimately: "Hey, go back! Wait for this matter to be handled, and then come into the palace."

After waiting for the person to leave, the jujube said: "Why is this unfortunate thing happened to her?" Both of them reached a tacit agreement, and Jiang Yizheng will become a relative after he will try it next year. Waiting for you to go to Beijing to celebrate, and then choose the date of becoming a relative. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be such a thing.

"It’s not easy." When I was a child, I suffered so much. Now I have a good marriage, and the result is such a bad thing.

Jujube said: "Before the mother said that Kai Hao will be remembered in the future, I still feel that the mother is alarmist. Now it seems that the mother is still in the long-term." Jiang Yizheng and Kaihao are far worse than each other, he has people I remember, Kai Hao, not to mention them.

Liu Er thinks that jujube is a nonsense, and what her mother said has always been a word, when she missed it.

Jujube said: "Qi Hao and Kaiyou are not able to be counted by themselves. Rui Geer later took the soldiers to fight, and all the men are not afraid. As for Xuan Geer, then it is not allowed. ”

Therefore, Xuan Geer is the focus of the teaching. It is a pity that people who say that they listen more are not motivated.

When Cui Wei returned to Fengjia, he relayed the words of jujube to Changshi: "Auntie, I think the words of the princess are right." They all ignored the attitude of Jiang Yizheng.

Lotus mist is accompanying Chang's children's clothes at this time. Not for her own two children, but for the little daughter of seven or seven.

Chang asked: "If he pity the girl, what are you going to do?" She knew that Cui Wei was in the heart of Jiang.

"Retirement." These two words are arrogant and not hesitant.

Lotus fog put down the needle thread and said softly: "Hey, then you thought about it. If Jiang Yizheng doesn't give the girl a name, what if the girl wants to find a short story?"

Cui Wei looked at the lotus fog with a strange look: "Where is she living and doing with me? I am not letting her calculate Jiang Yizheng. Since I dare to do it, I have to bear the consequences. It is not afraid that she will find short-sightedness, I will Want to give her fiancé to her?" Although she is good, she is not the Virgin.

The lotus mist is stunned.

When Chang’s age is old, he thinks deeply: “In case the girl of this family really finds a short-sightedness, Jiang Yizheng’s heart is guilty, and you are afraid that you will not be happy when you marry him.”

Cui Wei listened to these words and said: "Auntie, I want to see Jiang Yizheng. I want to ask him what he thinks about this matter, and how do he plan to deal with it?"

After the election, Cui Wei said: "Auntie, Jiang Yizheng only has one widowed mother, no other elders. He is the only male in Jiang's second house. Therefore, he has no right to retreat."

Chang nodded and agreed: "Well, I will send people to Jiangjia."

Turning his head, Chang Shi said with the lotus fog: "You, you should learn from the shackles. When it's soft, it's soft. When it's hard, it's hard." The lotus fog is too hard, and it's hard to lose.

Lotus fog lowered his head.

Ps: Good night.

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