The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1455: upgrade

The sky, the gray, the goose-like snow fell on the ground, and soon a thin layer of snow was accumulated. Eight?? One Chinese W≈W=W≤. ≤8≥1≥Z≤W≤. ≤COM

Jujube jujube stood in the hand-to-hand corridor and looked at the ground that had been stepped on a clear footprint. He said depressedly: "You can't go anywhere, you can only close the room."

Molan smiled and said: "The big princess, you can bear it again. The doctor said that you will be born in half a month. When the child is born and finished the month, no matter where you want to go, no one stops."

"It will take two months to get rid of it." After that, jujube dates to the round belly and said: "I will not be born again after giving birth." Born a child, exhausted.

Molan smiled and said: "A child is more lonely, at least two. So there will be something in the family, and some people will help."

It is difficult to support a single tree, and this theory also knows about dates. In addition, this fetus is a prostitute, and the lower fetus is best a son. In the future, there will be a younger brother who will support the prostitute and be bullied.

Thinking of this, jujube is very happy to say: "There are two." Even when the two sons, she is determined not to have a third.

Molan smiled and said: "The big princess, let's go two more laps!" The snow is afraid of slipping outside, so the jujube can't go out, and can only circle in the hand-to-hand corridor.

Well, the date and date asked Molan: "What did you think about the last two hi-childs with you?" Erxizi is the next thousand years of jujube, and this year is 21 years old. All conditions are good.

Molan said helplessly: "The big princess, I said that I am not married. You should not do this again in the future."

How many times did she say that she would not marry or marry someone else, but none of the people around me would go to the heart.

"The big princess, why does Meilan sister say that you don't marry, you don't persuade her, why don't you hold me?" With Chen's precedent with Fu Li, Molan is really a little married. .

When I heard this, the jujube said: "You are not the same as Meilan. After Meilan is old, there is Ahao to support the old. What about you? Who will give you pension after you are old? I tell you, don't expect me to give you old-age care. Ah!" She deliberately gave Muran pressure to let her dismiss the idea of ​​being an old girl.

"I don't want the big princess, you give me old-age, I will earn enough to support the old man."

"You really are not going to marry?" Seeing Molan was solemnly nodding, Jujube said with a sigh: "I am afraid that you will regret it when you are old, and then regret it." Young is not afraid of anything. If you are old, one person will be very lonely.

Molan smiled and said: "When I am old, I will accompany my big sister." Anyway, her older sister does not want to marry, just as the sisters are a companion.

After a pause, Molan looked at the jujube and said very firmly: "The big princess, I really don't want to marry. If you marry someone, even if you have a son, your husband may also be jealous. If you can't have a son, don't even say Moreover, when I gave birth to my daughter, I was worried that I would suffer from being married to someone else’s family. My life is only a few dozen years, so I am too tired to live."

Jujube dates are funny: "According to you, the women in the world don't want to marry? There are also good men in this world. You see me and Jin Yu, not very good."

Molan smiled and said: "That is very rare." Jin Jinyu does not say that Yunqing has a black history.

Sighing, jujube said: "I respect your choice. If you change your mind, just tell me." Fu Tianlei and Li Chengke are really harmful, even let Molan repel the marriage to this point.

"It has been two quarters of an hour, the big princess, let's go back to the house and rest!" Tai said that the production should not be too tired.

Crossing the threshold, the jujube suddenly slammed.

Molan asked nervously: "The big princess, is it painful? Do you want to call it a stable woman?" I was afraid that the production would be done in advance.

Jujube smiled and touched his stomach and said: "No, no pain." Then, go to the house.

Just sitting down, my stomach hurts again. Molan screamed wrongly and shouted: "Zeng Ma, Zeng Mama, you are coming, the big princess has a stomachache."

When Ms. Zeng entered the house, she asked the following situation: "This is to be born, and I will call the stable woman."

Molan is a bit embarrassed: "Is the expected date of birth not after half a month? How was it born, is it wrong?"

Wen Po came over and checked that the jujube was indeed born, and the big princess was suddenly flying.

I heard that the jujube was born, and Yuxi even went to the palace without even changing clothes.

When I arrived at the front of the main courtyard, I saw that there was no quiet sound inside, and Yuxi’s heart suddenly came up.

Ink is a big girl and should not enter the delivery room. When I saw Yuxi, I was busy with a ceremony.

Yuxi looked at the people in the yard and was in order, but he was relieved.

Open the curtain and take off the jacket before entering the house. As soon as I entered the house, I saw jujube dates lying on the bed. The sweat on my forehead had been brushed down, but she did not say anything.

Yuxi’s hand was a little cold, and she did not dare to hold her hand. She just asked her mother who stood next to her: “Let her eat anything?”

Ms. Zeng nodded and said: "The big princess just ate a bowl of beef noodles." Four eggs were placed in the noodles, all of which were eaten by the jujube.

See jujube dates do not speak, Yuxi asked: "Jujube jujube, have not eaten enough?" After eating enough, it is good to be born.

"Full." This will actually hurt. But because Wen Po said that it is now a lot of effort, when I was born, I had no strength. Therefore, the jujube has been forbearing, and when the child is ready to wait for life, the child will be born.

Yuxi put his hand in the hot water and then took the towel to wipe the sweat on the date: "Forbearance, it will be good."

Well, the date was not spoken.

After a quarter of an hour or so, I’ve been watching the progress of the stable woman’s voice: “Opened the fingers.”

According to the instructions of the stable woman, the jujube took a deep breath and then used a force, suddenly felt a loose body.

The child who slipped out when she looked at it, the whole person was stupid.

"Wow..." It seems that he has been ignored, and the doll opens his door and cries.

Stewart returned to God, quickly took the poisoned scissors to cut the umbilical cord, and then wiped the blood of the child's body, and then wrapped it with a donkey. Another stable woman began to rub the jujube.

Yuxi hugged the child and said with a smile: "Jujube, this child did not let you suffer a little sin, and it must be filial and sensible in the future." Whoever gave birth to a child is not guilty of sin, but the child sneaked out.

"I haven't been sinned? I just hurt me." It was also often hurt before, so she endured better than the average person. Other women who have children can't speak from start to finish.

Yuxi placed the child next to the jujube and said: "Look, how good this child is!"

Looking at the child in the squat, the date of jujube looked at Yuxi with a shocked look: "Mother, how is the red pass? The brow is also wrinkled, like the little old lady. Niang, is this really my birth?" So ugly The child, her mother actually said that it looks good, this eyes!

Weng said with a smile: "The big princess, the redder the child is born, the skin will be white afterwards..."

Waiting for the stable woman to finish the words, the jujube will say: "That's good, the girl is still white, good white." The so-called white cover ugly, the daughter is still like her.

Wen Po opened her mouth and said: "The big princess, the buddy, not the girl." It is also that the jujube is born too fast, just forgot to say.

"What do you say? Is it a son?" After that, he reached out and untied. Looking at the obvious male characteristics in the middle, the jujube date shouted: "Yun Qirui, Yun Qiyou, I can't spare you."

The entire delivery room is silent. Even the stable woman who gave birth to a child for 30 years was the first time to see a woman who was born so fiercely.

Yuxi laughed and said: "What does this have to do with A Rui and Ayou? The child is in your stomach, it is a man or a woman, and they can change it in two sentences."

Jujube dates and says: "They cursed me." When she came out of the month, she had to look good.

"Whether it is a man or a woman, the child is the meat that falls from you, but you can't let him be treated." Jujube is not doing anything that is reliable. Yuxi is worried that she will not wait to see the child.

Wen Po feels that she has long knowledge. She only saw that her son was suspected of being a prostitute, or the first time she saw a prostitute who wanted a son.

Jujube and jujube reached out and held the child in his arms. He said with a smile: "Mom, what did you say? This is what I gave birth to, and I can't hurt him." There is some regret in my heart. But it doesn't matter, the next child must be a prostitute.

Yuxi took the child back from the date of jujube: "You can't hold a child in the moon, or you will have an old arm."

Jujube dates have always listened to Yuxi’s words and nodded. Looking at the child who squinted and slept, asked: "Mother, is he not hungry?" At the request of Yu Yuxi, she intended to feed her own breasts.

"It should be tired, let him sleep well, and then feed him when he wakes up." After that, Yuxi said to the jujube: "When you sleep, you will sleep quickly. Otherwise, when he wakes up, you will Didn't sleep."

Jujube date grabbed Yuxi’s hand and said: “Mother, don’t go back to the palace today, stay with me, is it good?” She’s just a mother, she has no experience, and she has no bottom.

It’s rare to look at the fragile sample of jujube and jujube. Yuxi suddenly felt so sad that he immediately agreed: “Cheng, don’t go back to the palace, I will be here with you today.”

Giving birth to a child is a physical activity, and even if the date is very good, it will be very tired. I narrowed my eyes and fell asleep soon.

Yunqing is talking to Kaihao, and he said that Meilan said: "The emperor, the big princess was born, and gave birth to a five-pound six-two brother." Don't look at jujube and eat so much, but she consumes too much. Even if the stomach is not big at the end of the day.

Yunqing stayed in the way, Yuxi only went out for a long time, and he was born.

Qi Hao let Meilan come in and ask: "Can the big sister be okay now?"

When I heard this, Mei Lan smiled with a smile: "The big princess did not suffer any crimes. The young son was born a while. Emperor, Prince, you don't know, when the child was born, the stable woman was dumbfounded. ”

When the upgrade was a grandfather, Yunqing’s mood was excellent.

Meilan said with a smile: "The big princess knows that he is a buddy, and he squats under the second house and the four halls, saying that he will wait for the month to find them."

Yun Qing laughed.

Qi Hao also feels funny. Whose wife is not asking Grandpa to tell her grandmother to have a son. His big sister is weird and has been clamoring for a prostitute.

"But it really should be the words of Rui Geer. I don't want to ask for anything." If she wants her son's partial daughter, she wants a prostitute but she has a son. The world is so unpredictable.

Seeing Qi Hao said that he was going to see the child, Mei Lan shook his head and said: "Prince, the big princess and the children have fallen asleep. This day is also cold, the child should not be out." The outsider should not see the delivery room. Qi Hao is now gone, and I can't see children.

"Why didn't the Queen come back?" It is reasonable to say that the mother and the child are safe, and Yuxi should return.

"It is also a coincidence that today, a prince, accompanying Mrs. Ma to accompany the lady to the Lingshan Temple. If there is no one in the house, the Queen Empress is not at ease, and she will stay." Fang’s nightmare for three days, he couldn’t help himself. Decided to go to Lingshan Temple. But because the frosty road outside is not easy to go, let alone the mountain road. After Jin Jinyu knew it, he did not feel relieved and went with him.

Yunqing's face is a bit unsightly, and there is no peace of mind in this family.

Today's snow is very big, the mountain road is originally rugged, and it is easy to get off the mountain in a snowy day.

Qi Hao's face is also not good-looking: "Today's heavy snow, the mountain road is difficult to walk, and it is impossible to return in all likelihood." When the child was born, the husband's family was not there. What happened?

Meilan said with a smile: "The Queen Empress has sent people to Lingshan Temple, and the news of the horse will definitely come back."

As Meilan expected, Jin Jinyu heard that the jujube was going to be born, and immediately went down the mountain.

Fang Shi only told him to pay attention to safety, but did not stop.

When Jin Yu went away, Fang said with some annoyance: "How can it snow today?" If it doesn't snow, you can go back after worshipping Bodhisattva.

He mother has different opinions: "Rui Xue Zhao Fengnian, this is a good time for his brother."

Fang smiled and said: "It may be a girl too!" Because there are two grandchildren, she is not disgusted with the date of the date and the birth of a prostitute.

"Whether it is a buddy or a girl, it must be rich and wealthy." As long as you don't make a big mistake, you will be a glory with this blood relationship.

When Fang heard this, he sighed and said: "The big princess gave birth to a child. I am not at home with Jin Yu. I don’t know if I would be annoyed by the empress and the empress." And it is really lacking. After the family got a baron, the official position was gone, and now it’s a vain job. I also know that it must be the day that annoyed the emperor and the queen.

"This is also a coincidence, the emperor and the empress Ming Li will certainly not blame." This said that the mother did not believe. The expected date of the big princess is half a month later, but this woman has a child who has been pushed back in advance, and who can have a child can not know. Because of the nightmare, Fang’s must come to the Lingshan Temple. If she only came by herself, she did not know how the two young masters knew. She knows that Fang is not a heart, but the emperor and the queen are afraid that they will not believe it.

Ps: I have a cold, I feel dizzy, and my body hurts a lot. What's even worse is that my husband's children also have a cold, \\/(ㄒoㄒ)\\/~~. I can't add more today, wait until my health is better.

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