The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1516: Poisonous wine (2)

Xuan Geer seems to have fallen into the ice cave, and even the teeth are shaking: "Mom, you, do you want me to drink poisonous wine?"

Yuxi nodded and turned to Meilan Road: "Give him the wine. August 1 Chinese? Net?? W≠W=W≥.≠8≈1≤Z≈W≤.≠COM"

Meilan took the poisonous wine and handed it to Xuange.

Xuan Geer looked at Yuxi's indifferent look and indifference. His mother really wants his life. Xuan Geer said with sorrow and despair, "The tiger poison is still not eating, mother, you want my life." But I want to 娶 Zhong Yuting, why is it his life.

Upon hearing this, Mei Lan’s mouth twitched and then lowered her head.

Yuxi's look is still very indifferent: "You can rest assured that I will let Zhong Yuting give you a funeral. When you get to the ground, no one can beat you, you and her can do a loving couple."

Meilan said with a blank expression: "Your Highness, do you want to drink, I will feed you!"

See Xuan Geer does not move, Mei Lan handed the white jade cup to his lips, ready to pour into his mouth.

In the face of death, human potential is endless. Xuan Geer used all her strength to push Meilan to the ground, and then went to Yuxi: "Mother, I know it is wrong, don't be angry."

"Meilan, go and pour a glass of wine."

Meilan climbed up from the ground, then went to the table and took the jug, and poured a glass of wine and handed it to Xuan Geer.

Xuan Geer grabbed Yuxi’s clothes and cried and said, “Mother, I don’t know how to listen to it. Mother, I will listen to you later. Mother, I don’t want to die.”

Yuxi laughed, and the smile could not tell the bitterness: "Is it really bad?"

"I don't want to. Mother, who will you marry me later, I will marry who." His life has just begun, how to die.

Yuxi sighed faintly and said: "Then you continue to sleep!" Other words, she did not want to say a word.

Xuan Geer looked at Yuxi step by step out of his house, the sadness that could not be said in the back.

Meilan reveals a mocking smile: "Three Highness, you and Zhong Yuting only saw two sides, so she decided that she would not harm you. The Queen Mother gave birth to you to teach you 15 years, telling you that this wine is Poisonous wine, you actually believe it. Fifteen years of the birth of the grace, even surrendered to a woman who met twice."

It is better to raise a dog than to raise such a son. Once again, Mei Lan feels that it is right to not marry. To her son is also the same as Xuan Geer, it is estimated that he will hand over a glass of poisonous wine to poison him.

After Ling and other Meilan went out, this went into the house. See Xuan Geer squatting on the ground, she is busy walking to help him.

Xuan Geer picked up the jug and poured it into the white jade cup in his hand, and then said to Liang Ling: "Do you know? This wine is poisoned, see the poison of the blood seal."

Another diamond, and turned to smile: "His Royal Highness, what do you say? How can the Queen Empress send poisonous wine to His Highness." I also know that it is impossible. Queen Empress, but my Royal Mother!

Xuan Geer ate and laughed: "Do you know? When Niang said that this was a poisonous wine, I actually believed it. I just believed that I wanted to poison me."

Yan Ling opened his mouth and then closed again.

Yuxi returned to Kunning Palace and sat in bed. For a long time, I didn’t move.

Meilan couldn't help but persuade: "Queen Empress, don't think too much. The three halls are so natural, it has nothing to do with you." Several children are the same teacher, but they are intimate and filial with the Prince. Only three halls, cough, don't say anything.

Yuxi returned to the gods and said: "It has been raised, and it is useless."

After saying this, Yuxi got up and went to the Qing Palace.

Yunqing saw Yuxi look indifferently and asked: "What does he say to you? Is it forced to die?"

Yuxi shook his head: "No, he said that the marriage is dominated by us." The son is raised, it is the responsibility of two people. However, Yuxi does not want to complain with Yunqing, because complaining regrets will not help. Instead of wasting time complaining, it is better to think of a way to bring Xuan Geer to this temper.

Yunqing face suspicion: "Really?"

"When did I fool you?" After finishing, Yuxi said: "Before he said that he wanted to travel like a Pang Jinglun. I want him to go out as he wishes." I have seen the outside world, maybe the eyes The chest will be relaxed. Every day in the palace and the college, but also the bottom frog. Of course, if this can't be changed, give him a powerful wife and let his wife manage him.

"Is he willing?" If Xuange is willing, he has no opinion. He was disappointed with Xuan Geer, let him go out, and his eyes were not as good as the net.

Yuxi smiled: "As long as you agree, you can do it." After this incident, Yuxi is now wrong with the teaching of Xuan Geer. His temper is weak and he has no opinion, and he acts entirely on his own preferences. To follow his advice, the results are definitely not good. Therefore, for Xuan Geer, Yuxi decided to change the method. Just tell him the result of the decision and no longer follow his advice.

Yunqing naturally has no opinions.

On the slewing head, Yuxi called Pang Jinglun into the palace and said to him: "I want you to take Axuan to walk around."

"Queen Empress, the grass people do not understand what you mean." Pang Jinglun is free to use himself, not willing to be an official, and still a white body. However, his son has established a family and does not need him to support his family. So the days are very chic.

Yuxi smiled and said: "Axuan said that reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles. Just let him go alone, I don't worry, I want you to bring him." In this way, she can rest assured.

Even if Xuan Geer was abolished, it was born in October, and she could not really ignore it.

Pang Jinglun is somewhat hesitant: "Queen Empress, if the three emperors are just learning to go to school, there is no problem." Even if they go to those places of interest, they are not afraid. The most worrying thing is to go to those dangerous places. If Xuan Geer has a mistake, he is not afraid of death, but he will be involved in his wife and children!

Yuxi heard the meaning of Pang Jinglun: "I will let people follow you." As for saying that you will encounter danger, then it is impossible to be more dangerous than snoring.

When it comes to this, Pang Jinglun will naturally not refuse: "Queen Empress, do not know when to start?"

After hearing it for two days, Pang Jinglun was shocked. He thought that he would go after the end of the year!

Yuxi found an excuse: "Zhong family has an accident, he is in a bad mood. If he leaves early, he will not be sad." To let Xuan Geer stay in Beijing again, it will be completely abolished.

Pang Jinglun nodded and agreed.

Before the dinner on this day, Yuxi said in front of Yunqing and Kaihao, and Xuan Geer said: "Before you always said that you want to go outside and see the world outside. I have already told Pang Jinglun in the afternoon. Ok, you will follow him to Beijing the next day."

Xuan Geer looked pale.

You buddy is not right, asks: "Mother, what's wrong with this? Even if you want to let the third brother go to study, it's time to finish the year!" Now, go out and go back to New Year.

Xuan Geer looked up at Yuxi and said: "Mom, I know it is wrong, I really know it is wrong, don't drive me away."

Yuxi looked faint and said: "When the bird grows up, it is time to fly away from the nest. You are already fifteen years old, and you should complete your dreams."

Xuan Geer’s eyes were red.

Yunqing is the most fascinating look of Xuan Geer. It’s not a girl’s tears. “It’s your own saying that you want to travel around the world. Now, if you wish, don’t you? What do you want?”

After a pause, Yunqing said: "If you don't follow Pang Jinglun's departure from Beijing, then you will go to Changzhou in two days." After this incident, he is no longer willing to let Xuan Geer continue to study. After studying again, I really became a fool.

Xuan Geer looked at Yuxi.

Yuxi didn't feel soft again this time: "If you don't follow Pang Jinglun to go to Yunyou, go to Changzhou. You choose both."

Yunqing added: "Whether it is going to Yunyou or Changzhou, it will start tomorrow." He now sees Xuan Geer, and he has a stomach fire.

When using dinner, the atmosphere is very dignified. Even the beloved brother who loves to laugh and laugh is also silent.

After using the dinner, the three brothers of Qihao left. Yun Qing asked: "What did the third child do?" With Yu Xi's temperament, under normal circumstances, it is impossible to let Xuan Geer go after two days. Unless, what did this obstacle do, it hurt Yuxi’s heart.

Yuxi smiled and said: "Xuangeer likes to drink fruit wine. At noon, I specially opened a wine to bring him some past."

"and then?"

"He said a few words to annoy me, and he told him that the wine was poisonous. As a result, he really believed, scared to kneel on the ground and asked me to say that he did not want to die." After that, Yuxi sighed. Continued: "In that moment, I was really sad. But after calming down, I thought about it. In fact, Xuan Geer became like this. I have to bear half of the responsibility. These years are too busy and neglected to teach him. Because you always want to make up for him, so everything goes along with him."

Yunqing did not agree, saying: "Qi Hao and Kaiyou will not say it, just say A Rui, we have not managed how to manage it on weekdays. But A Rui is not only advancing, but also obedient." Several children are the same teacher, I don’t think about Xuan’s faintness.

"A Rui is cheerful and not as sensitive and paranoid as Xuan Geer." Yuxi feels that it doesn't make sense to say it: "Forget it, don't say it. I just hope to follow Pang Jinglun to see the outside world and let him have something to do." change."

Yunqing said: "It is best to grow into the best. If you want to keep the mud from getting on the wall, let him do the whole life of learning!" In this way, let him enter the DPRK as an official, and he will be pitted in all likelihood. At that time, they have to wipe their buttocks.

In the past, Yuxi must be refuted with Yunqing. This will be, but I am not in the mood.

"Right, give him a prostitute must pick a strong one to make him." To pick a soft, both husband and wife are so incompetent, they are still affected.

Yuxi said with a smile: "This is still used by you."

"You even laughed?" With such a son, he was almost dying. Feeling these days, the whiteheads are a lot more.

Yuxi has already wanted to open this: "It’s better to think about it than to be eager to face it. If you don’t come back, he will be better! Even if it is still the same as now, it is just raising him forever."

Yunqing listened to this and felt a lot better: "You are right. If you are too big, you will raise him for a lifetime." Four sons, anyway, Qihao is a talented person, and no one is behind.

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