The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1577: Ning died without falling

Rui Geer is more fortunate. Just one night before snowing, I found a shed that the hunter abandoned. ????? 中?文W?W?W?. (a) 8 (one) 1? Z (eight) W?. (8) C?O (eight) M After waking up in the middle of the night, he quickly got a fire. When there was no firewood, he took the broken table in the house and burned it. Otherwise, I am afraid that it will freeze to death.

After dawn, the stomach screamed. Feeling hungry and flat, Rui Ge reluctantly got up.

As soon as he walked out the door, the coldness around him went straight into the cracks in his bones, and Rui Ge played several shackles in succession, so that he had to return to the house.

The nest was warmed up by the fire. Rui Geer bitterly said to himself: "How did it snow?" Because there are precedents for jujube in the grassland as a target, Yunqing and Yuxi have no specific Rui Geer created a set of armor, but gave him a soft armor directly. And this soft armor is just a protective suit, not warm!

From the morning to the noon, Rui Geer finally couldn't stand it or went out to find food. Deep in the jungle, eat a lot, it depends on whether you have the ability.

Rui Geer was injured in his left hand before, but he was slightly injured. He carried a medicine to stop bleeding and healed. If he was bandaged, it would be fine. In these few days, he relied on wild animals to feed his hunger. But on such a cold day, the animals all huddled in the nest, and they will come out.

After a long walk, Rui Ge didn't even see the feathers. I couldn't stand it, I could only pick some wild vegetables and go back.

The fire in the straw shed has long since disappeared, but it is also good to have Mars. After the fire was burned, Rui Ge went out to chop firewood again. When he got back from the firewood, there was actually one more person in the grass shed.

The man heard the footsteps and turned his head in a reflexive manner.

Rui Geer saw this person's face and was scared to take two steps. No way, this person’s face is all embarrassing, and it’s not too much to say that it looks terrible. In other words, Rui Ge is too courageous to be replaced by ordinary people who are afraid to directly stun.

The man saw that Rui Ge was also very surprised and asked. Unfortunately, he said the dialect, Rui Ge did not understand.

Rui Geer asked in the official language: "Who are you?" In order to escape the pursuit of the Yan army, he drilled deep into the jungle. I feel so dangerous that I want to go out in the past, but I am lost. How to go, can't go out, just turn around in the mountains. If the person is familiar with the terrain, he can go out.

The ugly man couldn't understand the words of Rui Geer, but he pointed to the things placed next to the fire.

Rui Geer looked at the two dead pheasant hares and immediately understood: "Are you a hunter?" You can still get wild animals on this snowy day, except for full-time hunters.

Seeing the ugly person can't understand, Rui Geer made a bowing posture. Hunting people, how can you not understand the bow!

The ugly man nodded and pointed to the next brother.

Rui Geer thought about it and said in Changzhou: "I am Changzhou, I am lost, I don't know how to go out."

The ugly man still can't understand, and his face is awkward.

At this point, Rui Geer screamed. Seeing the ugly person looking at him, Rui Geer touched his stomach and said with embarrassment: "There was no food for two days."

The ugly man walked over and threw the **** hare to Rui Geer. This is very obvious, this hare gives Rui Geer.

If you come out to find such a cold day, the days will definitely not be good, but the ugly person did not hesitate to give a hare to himself. Rui Geer knows that although this ugly person looks very scary, his heart is very good. Make up your mind and let the ugly take him out. It’s just that the words don’t work, but it becomes an obstacle.

The snow stopped after a day, and then it began to rain again. The rain is not big, and the pattering is also cold and straightforward. In the city of Shengjing, because of this snow, thousands of people have died.

Under normal circumstances, the government must be responsible for disaster relief. But now the food and the cold-proof things are not enough in the supply army, and they can even be distributed to the people.

The book of the Ministry of Housing has been said for a long time, and Yan Wushuang has no answer. Sighing, the head of the book said: "The emperor, this snow will freeze all the crops." Food, must be collected.

Yan Wushuang didn't want to listen any more, waved his hand and said: "These things, you look at it." As long as the weather gets warmer, the Ming army will attack the city. Now even Shengsheng can't keep it, and there is still the spirit to manage the people's starvation and food.

When I said this, the book is no longer spoken. Said, it is useless.

After Achi and other households went out, this was the opening: "Father, so that we won’t wait for the Ming army to come in, we will have to mess up ourselves."

"If you want to have money without silver, if you want food without food, what can you do?" These days he has let Achi take Abao and Yuchen first, but the three are unwilling to live and die. Said to go together, stay together.

Achi looked at Yan's unparalleled, hesitated for a long time or did not speak.

"If you have anything to say," I always look like a word, and he feels tired when he looks at it.

Achi drum said with courage: "Father, as long as they let us leave the Central Plains, we will give them Liaodong. Father, I believe they will promise." He is not afraid of death, but he hopes that the family can do well. Alive.

Yan Wushuang smiled and said: "Even if you promise, it is also for the world to see. After the event, she will not let me go." Han Yuxi that fangs must report the temper, how could really let him go! If he surrenders, then he will become the fish on the chopping board, and Han Yuxi will be slaughtered.

Under the heavens, it is not the king's land. If Han Yuxi really wants the life of their family, staying in the Central Plains will definitely not escape. This truth, Achi understands.

Achi said: "Father, then we will go overseas." This way, even if Han Yuxi wants to retaliate against them afterwards, his hand can't stretch out so long. Their family can live happily and harmoniously.

Yan Wushuang glanced at Achi and said: "It's useless. Once they know where they are, they will not let us go even if they go overseas."

Achi said: "Father, but the left and the right are dead. Now don't surrender, the family will all die." Even if Han Yuxi wants to kill their family in the future, it will take at least a few years. As long as you live, there is always a way.

After staying in Tongcheng for so many years, Achi deeply understood a truth. It is not easy to live, but there is hope as long as you live. When you die, you are all over a hundred. Nothing is gone.

Yan Wushuang shook his head: "The people of Yan family will not die."

Achi heard this and bowed his head.

This evening, Yunqing heard that Han Jianming came, very unexpected. Seeing people, Yunqing asked: "Big Brother, how come you? Is it for Rui Geer?"

Han Jianming nodded and said: "The Queen Mother knew that after the second emperor was arrested, she was in a hurry."

Qi Hao was busy asking: "Hey, is there any good way for my mother?" It’s been ten days, and I don’t know how much suffering Ai Rui suffered in Yan’s hands.

"The meaning of the Queen's Empress is to want to recruit Yan to be unparalleled. In this way, not only can the war be removed, but also the safety of the second emperor." It can be said that this is a two-pronged approach.

Yunqing calmed his face.

When Han Jianming saw this, he knew that Yunqing was not very happy: "The emperor, there are still 100,000 soldiers and horses in Shengjing City. Tongcheng, there are also 200,000 soldiers and horses. Even if we win Shengjing, Can Yan is unparalleled. We can also retreat to the new city and continue to fight with us. When they occupy favorable terrain, we must pay a huge price to win Liaodong."

"The arrow is on the string, I have to." The army is under the city, even if Yan Wushuang said that he is not willing to surrender, let alone to recruit.

Han Jianming followed Yunqing and Yuxi for more than 20 years and knew the temper of the two. Therefore, he also knows how to say Yunqing: "The emperor, this snow will definitely make the grain in the land unrecognizable. The people of Liaodong will have no food for the winter."

After a pause, Han Jianming looked at Yunqing and said: "The emperor, if we don't fight with the Yan army, we can use this money to fight the disaster." Not fighting can not only reduce casualties, but also help countless people. If you fight, if you fight Liaodong, disaster relief will be difficult. After all, the court now says that it is stretched.

Kai Hao saw that Yun Qing had loosened and added a fire: "Hey, I think it is very reasonable. What are we fighting for? It is to let the people of the world live a happy life. If it can not move If you solve the problem in Liaodong, why not do it."

Yunqing was able to be rebelled by Yuxi in the past, because the soldiers and the people were too bitter. He hopes to change this with his own strength. Therefore, the words of Qi Hao have poked his weakness.

If you can get rid of this war, at least tens of thousands of soldiers can not die, think of Yuxi said that if the population is dying today, it must be rehabilitated, Yun Qing sighed: "Let me consider it."

Considering one night, Yunqing agreed to recruit Yan Wu. However, Yunqing and Yuxi’s ideas are different. His request is that Yan Wushuang must surrender unconditionally. I want to bargain with him, and there are no doors.

It is not easy to let the cloud engine loosen. Han Jianming did not say Yuxi’s words, just nodded: "Good."

Qi Hao sent Han Jianming out, and outside, he lowered his voice and asked: "Hey, are you sure?"

"There is a 30% confidence." On the road, I heard that Shengjing was snowing here. He had a 70% confidence to convince Yan that he was unparalleled. It’s just that Yunqing’s request is a bit harsh, so he’s only 30% sure now.

Qi Hao said: "Hey, you can talk about it, you can talk about it, you must protect yourself." Qi Hao supports the recruitment, half of the reason is that Yan Wushuang caught Qi Rui. If they do not have the advantage, how can they send someone to recruit Yan Wushuang.

Han Jianming clicked.

Hua Geer looked at Han Jianming, Shen Sheng said: "Hey, you must return safely, Han family can not be without you," Han Jianming, is the pillar of the Han family. If he falls, it will definitely hurt the Han family.

"You can rest assured that I will return safely." If there is no grasp, he will not automatically ask for it.

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