The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1681: Liuer child (1)

Yuxi is the same for jujube and Liuer. In August 1st, the text network?? W?W (a) W?. ?8 (eight) 1? Z? W (a). COM not only pays the same amount of dowry, but after the two sisters get married, they send both things and never send one person.

Looking at a box of brightly colored satin, Liu Er smiled and pointed at the two rain silks of pink and sea bream: "Get the embroidered room, let the embroidered mother give Jiaojiao and Dan sisters to make two spring shirts." "Except for the rare material like Yunjin, she is reluctant, and the rest are fine."

I added a new point and said: "Princess, you can also make a clothes!" From the back of the city, Liu Er did not make new clothes.

Liu Er shook his head and said: "When you have finished your child, let's talk." After the birth of the child, the child broke the milk and leaned down to make clothes. Now, let’s wear it!

In fact, Liu Er cabinets are full of clothes, and one set is not heavy.

In the evening, Liu Er went to the main house for dinner. After returning from the self-styled army, he asked for a dinner to be used in the main hospital. He feels that this can deepen feelings. As for the morning and noon, it is not strong. Mainly in the morning and at noon, Feng Zhiyi and Feng Zhixi are not at home.

Dandan saw Liu Er and thanked him for making new clothes: "Thank you for your aunt." Although Dandan also changed his name, her name with the seal has not changed.

Liu Er smiled: "But a set of clothes is not worth anything." Although Dandan is still young, he knows to buy gifts for seven and seven. Although these gifts are not before, and some are still made by myself, but the child's mind still makes the seven seven and Liu children very useful.

For a long time, not to mention that Qiqi is more affectionate to her, that is, Liu Er also has a pity for her. In private, he also sighed with Feng Zhixi, saying that the child’s bad luck was not overwhelming. I hope that this child will be angry and will be better in the future. Otherwise, marriage is a bit difficult.

Before the meal, Feng Dajun came with the two brothers Feng Zhiyi. Because Feng Dajun’s face was a little bad, he was also black-faced when he was eating, which caused everyone to eat this meal. Among them, Liu Ye is also included.

After using the dinner, Feng Dajun let Feng Zhixi and Liu Er go back to their yards, leaving Feng Zhiyi and Qiqi.

Liu Er whispered: "What is the ugly face, what is it for?"

Feng Zhixi is somewhat difficult to talk about.

Liu Er’s heart said, “It’s not the big brother. He’s outside the outside room. Now he has to pick up the outside room and enter the door?” Otherwise, why should the cousin stay?

Feng Zhixi was originally in a heavy mood. When he heard this, he laughed: "Big brother is not a person who is not as measured. After he promised to wait until he was 30 years old, he would not dare to violate his intentions." "His big brother dare to take it, but he lost his face." He groaned, he was able to spare, fearing that his older brother’s legs were discounted.

The main reason is that Feng Zhi has a criminal record, so Liu Er will think about it. She was not a concubine, she was very loose. It’s also afraid of seven or seven sadness, otherwise she will take care of this gossip: “What is that? It’s so ugly to look like.”

To avoid Liu Er’s thoughts again, Feng Zhixi quickly said the reason: “Ding Sanyang died half a month ago.”

"Death is dead, what is the ugly look of his face?" After that, Liu Er’s heart jumped: "Is it necessary to pick up Dandan and his brother?"

"Ding Sanyang's wife only gave birth to two daughters, and there was no child under the knee." If Ding Sanyang had a son, they could refuse this request. But now Ding’s family is only a male, and they can’t refuse.

Liu Er shook his head and said: "Zhi Xi, can't let the elder brother go back." Because of Liu's reminder, Qi Qi was very careful to find a gentleman for his brother. This gentleman only has a good name, but his character is high and clean.

Before, my brother was not only timid, but also a bit filthy. This is also the reason why Liu Er reminded him that he was neglected. Fortunately, my brother and I have been studying with Mr. for a year, and not only have the courage to become bigger, but also cheerful.

Feng Zhixi smiled and said: "I know that the King family does not have a male now. If the brother does not go back, Ding will break the grandson. In the case of love, we can't stop the brothers from confessing their ancestors. "The old lady of Nading is a hob meat. If they don't let Ding Hao go back, she will definitely go to the door, and when they stop, they don't want peace."

"Nading's old woman's narrow-minded eyes are short-sighted, and nothing happens to stir up three waves. The sorcerer's temper is originally a bit gloomy. Now, under the guidance of Mr., it is getting better. If I return to Dingjia to give the old woman, who knows will become What?" Liuer’s words are euphemistic. If the elder brother returns to Ding, it is estimated that he will be retired.

Feng Zhixi said: "He also has this worry, so he is not willing to let his brother go back."

Liu Er thought about it: "Hey brother back to Ding, this is for sure. However, we can extend the time." When the buddy is older, the temper has been developed, and the Ding will not be They have affected.

Liu Er is not a nosy person, but he is only looking at his brother. I can't bear to be a child, and I was buried by my so-called relatives for a lifetime.

"Look at how to say it!" Hey brothers encountered such relatives, but the road is not good.

Feng Dajun means to keep his brother to ten years old, and then send him to the college to study. In this way, even if the brother-in-law returned to Ding’s family, the time spent in Ding’s family was not long. In this way, people who are not afraid of Ding Jia are not affected.

Feng Zhiyi and Qiqi, both expressed no opinion.

Feng Dajun was very satisfied and said to the seventy-seven: "It is his blessing for you, and it is also the blessing of our family." Lotus has done so much, but the daughter-in-law can still worry about her brother. Look for Mr. This heart is hard to come by. As a woman, it is necessary to be generous.

Seven or seven eyes are red, and they whimpish: "This is what the daughter-in-law should do." To get this sentence, the hard work of these years is also worthwhile. However, Qiqi also knows that in the past few years, she has been able to live so well because of the closure of the army. Without his suppression, now I am afraid that the family already has the eldest son.

After talking about this, the husband and wife went back. Out of the main courtyard, the mood of the seven seven was calmed down: "Fei Jun, I remember Ding Sanyang's diverticulum gave him a son!" Ding Sanyang was almost the same as the outside room. The fog was killed. Now it is said that Ding Sanyang has no son, and the child is afraid that he has not raised it.

Feng Zhisheng said: "The child died."

Seventy-seven, remembering the mother who was sent on the same day, it is not unexpected. The woman just used the child as a bargaining chip in Dingfu. She didn’t really love him. This child is the most vulnerable, the adults are not taken care of, and one will not be able to pay attention.

Some seven sighs sighed: "I thought that Ding Sanyang would help the cockroach!" At that time, Ding Sanyang was the shack, and even the original and the children who did not care, she thought it was true love.

Feng Zhixiao smiled: "Ding Jia still can't afford this face. The woman, sold by Master Ding." As for where to sell, he did not pay attention. However, the child did not have a mother, and Mrs. Ding’s heart was deliberately neglected in Ding Sanyang’s body. A cold wind will kill the child’s life.

At that time, Ding’s family did not care. He thought that Ding Sanyang’s health would be better, and he would not have a grandson in the future. Who knows that Ding Sanyang’s wife is not only pungent but also very versatile, and Ding Sanyang is dead. Not even a single, no. It is a pity that the daughter-in-law of this later gave birth to two girls and did not give birth to a son.

Seven Seven asked: "How did Ding Sanyang die?"

"There was a dispute with the people in the restaurant. One didn't pay attention to falling from the upstairs and fell to death." This method of death is really enough.

In view of the fact that the seal of the lotus is not a good thing, the seven sevens did not comment on the death of Ding Sanyang.

Feng Zhiyi also thought of the lotus fog: "The meaning of 爹 , 等 等 就 就 等 等 等 等 等 等 等 等 等 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开 开. In order to seal the army and not allow her to return to her family, she made another trouble. Unfortunately, Feng Dajun’s endurance to her has reached its limit. When she saw her madness, she drove her out without saying anything.

Chang's crying is not good, but it is Feng Fengjun who can be the master of the house. She is powerless.

"This is the case, I am the master." Before the seven or seven, she made up her mind, and she did not appear where the lotus was in the fog. However, the decision of Feng Dajun can give her more things. At least, the contradiction between mother and daughter has been reduced.

The husband and wife are talking, and the winter maiden yelled outside: "Shi Ziye, Grandma, the people around the two princesses said that the second public was born. Grandma, you are going to have a look!"

When he heard this, he said to Fu Zhiyi: "You take care of the tiger brother, I will go and see."

Although it has already become awkward, I can hear that Liu Er’s birth of Feng Zhixi is still scared. Fortunately, there is no panic in the pomegranate and the lotus. See Liu’s stomachache, and I will immediately call it to be steady, then send someone to inform Chang’s and Qiqi.

Seventy-seven and Chang's are the front and rear feet. When the two entered the delivery room together, they saw Liuer lying on the bed and yelling.

In view of the precedent of the early production of the seven seven, the Yuanxiao Liuer will let the stable woman live in the Princess House. In this way, once production is advanced, there is no need to worry.

Seventy-seven walked over and held her hand and said: "Do not endure, don't call, or you will have no strength when you will be born." When she gave birth to a child, she could endure it. What does the stable woman do, she will do it. Therefore, the students are born more smoothly, and the sins are less.

"I can't help it." She also knows that it is not appropriate to yell at the moment, but it can't be controlled when the pain comes.

After saying this, Liu Er cried: "I haven't given birth to this child." It hurts her, and this sin is no longer willing to suffer for the third time. Whether it is a man or a woman, she is determined not to be born anyway.

The seven seven did not pick up the words, but said to the Liuer while sweating: "Forbearance and forbearance will pass." The second child's production time is not as long as the first child.

The kitchen quickly sent brown sugar eggs, but unfortunately Liu can hurt to eat.

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