Chapter 121 Harvest

 At first, Shen Zhuangtou was waiting absentmindedly on the side, thinking to himself, what can a lame person know?

As he listened, Shen Zhuang concentrated his attention. I sighed secretly, it’s true that a person cannot be judged by his appearance. A lame scholar can talk about farming in a very clear and logical way, which is comparable to that of the veteran farmer who has been working for decades, and even has more experience than him.

By the time Gu Dechang finished speaking, Shen Zhuangtou was so impressed with him.

Gu Dechang turned to Shen Zhuangtou and said: "There are not enough people in Zhuangzi. You can go and find some people nearby. I pay forty coins a day and don't care about food. Can you treat me?"

Shen Zhuangtou nodded repeatedly, "It's a good treat, a good treat. Forty cents a day, the wages are not low."

Gu Dechang said: "Well done!"

Shen Zhuang bowed his head in agreement, turned around and left. After walking a few steps, he suddenly remembered something and turned around and asked, "Mr. Gu, how many people do we need to find?"

Gu Dechang blurted out: "No less than 200 people."

Shen Zhuangtou chuckled secretly and replied respectfully: "Okay, I understand."

After Shen Zhuangtou left, Gu Dechang said: "There are many people, we have to keep an eye on them to prevent anyone from sneaking around."

Gu Chenglin nodded and said: "That's right, forty cents a day, the wages are not low. Let's divide the work, each person will lead a team, keep an eye on it, and plant the seeds quickly."

In the following days, Gu Huayu focused entirely on farming. Everyone and their helpers worked for more than ten days to plant the seeds.

Gu Dechang breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Everything that needs to be planted has been planted. Next, there is field management."

Gu Huayu crossed her hands and raised her head above her head, stretched, and said, "It's done! Leave the rest to the fourth brother. I miss the bean curd rice in Uncle Huang's shop. Let's go back to the city today."

Gu Chenglin patted Gu Chengzhang on the shoulder and said: "Xiaoyu said that field management is very important. I will have to work hard for you in the future."

"It's okay. Xiaoyu has written down the precautions in a booklet. I just follow the instructions in the booklet." Gu Dechang responded with a bit of excitement.

September has entered in a blink of an eye. In these months, Gu Huayu traveled back and forth between the county seat and Zhuangzi.

At the end of July, Gu Huayu opened an agricultural and sideline food shop for Gu Chenglin, named "Sixi", selling all kinds of agricultural and sideline food.

"Xiaoyu, are you going to Zhuangzi again today?" Gu Chengjuan put the baked shortbread on the table, turned to ask Gu Huayu and was about to go out.

 Gu Huayu nodded, "Yes, the autumn harvest has started. I have to go over and take a look. The sweet potatoes will be made into potato starch. Otherwise, there will be no place to pile them."

"Then I'll go with you." Gu Chengjuan said while taking off her apron.

"You don't need to go there. The business at Sixi is good, and Third Brother is too busy. You can send these shortcakes over later, and talk to Third Brother by the way, and ask him to clear out a warehouse." Gu Hua stopped. He came down and warned.

 Now in the Gu family, the brothers and sisters all obey Gu Huayu's arrangements.

Gu Chengjuan escorted Gu Huayu to the car, "Okay, I know, Xiaoyu, please go slower on the road."

Gu Huayu waved her hand and said, "I understand, Qingzhu, let's go."

In June, Qingzhu returned to Shicheng to visit Shopkeeper Huang and Su Min. After learning about the young master, he insisted on staying with Gu Huayu to work.

After Gu Huayu found out, she kept him here.

 “Okay, girl, sit down.” Qingzhu reminded, whipped up his whip and drove the car forward.

The car arrived at the gate and met Gu Dechang who was driving back.

Gu Dechang saw Qingzhu and asked, "Where are Xiaoyu going?"

 Gu Huayu lifted the curtain, got out of the car, and replied: "Dad is back? I'll go to the village to have a look."

Gu Huaidong and Gu Defang got out of the car, "Just in time, let's go take a look with you."

Gu Huayu hurriedly stepped forward to greet her, "Hello grandpa, hello uncle. Grandpa has been working hard all the way. Please come in and have a rest."

 Gu Huaidong waved his hand, "You're not tired, let's go to Zhuangzi now. Your father said that Zhuangzi will have a good harvest this year. I'll come over and take a look."

“Dad, why don’t we go inside first and have a cup of tea, and then we’ll go there after a while.” Gu Dechang said.

"I'm not thirsty, no need, let's go there now." Gu Huaidong said anxiously.

Gu Huayu turned around and said, "Qingzhu, go get some tea and fruit snacks."

Qingzhu bowed and responded, "Okay, little one, let's go right now."

Qingzhu turned around and entered the yard.

Gu Huaidong looked at Qingzhu's back and asked, "Who is this person?"

Gu Dechang explained: "He is Qingzhu. It turned out to be a man under Brother Huang. Brother Huang saw Zhuangzi running in both directions in Xiaoyu City and was worried about Xiaoyu's safety, so he asked Qingzhu to come over and help."

Qingzhu came out with a food box, and Gu Huayu asked him to put it in the car.

 After a group of people got on the bus, they went straight to Shuilanzhuangzi.

When the car entered Zhuangzi, Gu Huaidong saw the golden scene outside the window and was so excited that he asked Gu Dechang to stop the car.

 Gu Huaidong got off the car and walked straight to the field. He reached out to pick up the bent ears of rice, picked out an ear and raised it to look at the sun.

Then he turned around and said to everyone: "What a bumper harvest, what a bumper harvest. This is the first time I have seen such full ears of rice after living for decades. De Fang, look at it, every grain is very full."

Gu Defang looked at the grains in his hand, nodded and said, "It's very full."

Gu Defang raised his head and looked into the distance and asked, "Dechang, does this area belong to our family?"

Gu Dechang followed Gu Defang's fingers and looked over, "Well, they are all, not only these, but also this side, all the way to the river. The ones on this side of the river belong to our family. The road over there is bounded by the big camphor tree road. This is our home.”

Gu Huaidong followed Gu Dechang's explanation and was so shocked that he was speechless.

After a while, Gu Defang said: "Can you harvest so much grain? Can the granary hold it? What if it rains?"

Gu Huayu said: "A few days ago, Shen Zhuangtou had people build two drying rooms. If it rains, the millet will be put into the drying room to dry. The granary has been expanded and should be able to accommodate it. Let's first Go to the granary to take a look?" Gu Huayu looked at everyone and asked.

Gu Huaidong nodded, "Let's go and have a look. Is it far? Let's walk there."

Gu Dechang said: "Okay, it's not too far. Let's walk there."

Gu Dechang threw the riding whip to Qingzhu and walked to the granary with his father and eldest brother.

On the way, Gu Huaidong asked, "Dechang, what method did you use to make the crops grow so happily? It was obvious that the season was already past when you planted them. Was it good?"

 Gu Dechang glanced at Gu Huayu and saw that Gu Huayu was walking with her head lowered, so he said, "Everything is possible. If the seeds are good, the land is fertile, and with proper management, the harvest will be good."

Gu Defang took the words and said, "Fertilizer? Our land is also fertile and well managed. I think it's because of the seeds. Where did you buy the seeds? We will also buy some for our family next year."

"Huh? Xiaoyu bought the seeds. You have to ask Xiaoyu." Gu Dechang looked at Gu Huayu.

Gu Huayu replied: "Oh? It's the seed shop in the county town. I'll buy more next time and send some home."

 (End of this chapter)

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