Chapter 137 Knowing the identity

Gu Huayu was stunned for a moment. It turned out that Ye Shangshu passed away and said, "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't know..."

 Lu Ziqin raised his head and looked at Gu Huayu, "It's okay!"

Facing Lu Ziqin's gaze, Gu Huayu could see the sadness in his eyes. She felt a little intolerable, but she was so stupid that she didn't know how to comfort him.

Lu Ziqin held the teacup in his hand, "When I first received the letter, if I had asked Doctor Gu to go to the capital with me, maybe my grandfather would not have died?"

Lu Ziqin's trust surprised Gu Huayu, but people cannot be resurrected, so she didn't want him to blame himself too much, so she said: "First of all, I have never met Ye Shangshu, so I don't know what disease he is suffering from.

Secondly, even if I see Ye Shangshu and know what disease he is suffering from, I am not sure I can cure him.

 After all, I am just a human being, not a god. Furthermore, life, old age, illness and death are all determined. Brother Qingyan needs to be more open-minded. "

Lu Ziqin sighed slightly, "Yes, life and death have their own destiny."

Lu Ziqin leaned back on the chair, his eyes wandering to nowhere, and continued: "The night I rushed back to the capital from Shicheng, my grandfather left. For half a year, I always feel that my grandfather is still alive. As long as I turn around, I can meet him."

When Lu Ziqin said this, he stopped and took a lonely sip of tea from his cup.

Gu Huayu played with the teacup and didn't speak, just listened to him quietly.

In Gu Huayu's view, what Lu Ziqin needs at this time is a listener.

Lu Ziqin put down the tea cup and continued: "I am a descendant of the British Duke's house. Growing up, I lived in Ye's house much more than in the Duke's house.

 My father was stationed at the border all year round. My grandfather pitied me for not being accompanied by my father. He often took me with him and played wildly with me, playing hide and seek, rolling hoops, and spinning tops...

 One time, my grandfather was playing a spinning top with me and got distracted. Because of this, my grandmother still talked about it for a long time. "

An image of the old man playing wildly in the garden with his children flashed through Gu Huayu's mind, and she said, "Your grandfather dotes on you very much."

 Lv Ziqin looked at Gu Huayu, nodded and said, "Well, my grandfather dotes on me very much.

 In addition to playing with me, he also taught me how to read and write. He was my first teacher.

I have two cousins. They are very afraid of my grandfather. They are always cautious and cautious in front of my grandfather.

I really don’t understand why my grandfather is an amiable person, why are they afraid of him? "

"That shouldn't be called fear, it should be called awe. Ye Shangshu is so outstanding. Your cousin and the others are in awe of him." Gu Huayu enlightened.

“Do you know that my grandfather is Ye Shangshu?” Lu Ziqin asked.

Gu Huayu was stunned for a moment, regretting that she had spoken too quickly. He replied truthfully: "Yes, Uncle Huang told me."

Lu Ziqin nodded, "Oh!"

“Sir, it’s time to eat, shall we serve now?” Ru’an came in and asked.

 “Come on!” Lu Ziqin nodded in response.

 After a while, the waiters came into the house one after another and put the food on the table.

 Ru'an and Hongxia came in to wait on Lu Ziqin and Gu Huayu to clean their hands.

Lu Ziqin was stunned when he saw Hongxia. Gu Huayu explained: "This is the girl next to me, named Hongxia. Hongxia is here to pay tribute to Mr. Lu Liu."

Hongxia bent her knees towards Lu Ziqin and said, "How are you, Master Six?" Lu Ziqin nodded slightly.

After washing his hands, Lu Ziqin waved his hand, "You guys, please step back."

 Ru'an led everyone back out.

Gu Huayu smiled and said, "Brother Qingyan doesn't need them to serve you?"

Lu Ziqin looked at Gu Huayu, shook his head and said, "I don't like to pretend to be someone else when it comes to food, clothing, shelter and transportation. I don't want others to do what I can do. Xiaoyu needs someone to take care of him?"

 Gu Huayu smiled and shook her head, "No need, I'm used to doing my own thing."

Lu Ziqin filled half a bowl of soup for Gu Huayu, "It has been windy and very cold in Hongcheng for the past two days. Drink the soup first to warm yourself up."

Gu Huayu smiled and thanked her.

During the dinner, Lu Ziqin took care of Gu Hua and talked a lot, while he ate very little.

After dinner, Lu Ziqin asked Ru'an to call Dangtou over, and Gu Huayu taught Dangtou how to make potato noodles.

 Afterwards, the two of them sat aside and drank tea for a while, and Gu Huayu stood up to say goodbye.

Lu Ziqin stood up to see him off and said, "Xiaoyu, I will return to Beijing tomorrow. Keep the jade pendant I asked Ru'an to give you last time. If you come to the capital in the future, take the jade pendant to Chang'an Restaurant or to Duke Chengguo. Just look for me."

Gu Huayu stopped and asked in surprise: "Brother Qingyan will return to Beijing tomorrow?"

Lu Ziqin nodded and said: "Well, when we set off, my grandmother fell ill. My uncle, eldest cousin, and second cousin all helped my grandfather's coffin back to Hongcheng. There were no men in the family, so I was a little worried and had to go back early. .

Ru'an will stay and take care of my uncle and the others. If you need anything in Hongcheng, come here to find Ru'an and he will take care of things for you. "

 Gu Huayu was moved by Lu Ziqin’s sincerity and thanked her: “Thank you, Brother Qingyan, I’ll note it down.”

"Silly girl, I told you not to say thank you!" Lu Ziqin said seriously.

Gu Huayu smiled and said, "Okay, I won't say anything more."

Lu Ziqin put his hands behind his back and stepped aside, "Let's go, I'll take you back."

Gu Huayu wanted to say no, but seeing Lu Ziqin's insistence, she swallowed her words.

Lu Ziqin sent Gu Huayu to Jinpan Road, watched Gu Huayu enter the house, and then turned and left.

As soon as Gu Huayu entered the courtyard, Qing Yu came over and said, "Girl, the boy next to Mr. Li came here to deliver the post."

 Gu Huayu took the post, read it, and said, "Go back and tell me that I have something to do and can't go to the banquet."

“Second Young Master Li invited the girl to a banquet at the Zheng Mansion?” Shopkeeper Huang asked while standing on the corridor.

Gu Huayu replied calmly, "Yes."

Shopkeeper Huang smiled and said: "Tomorrow, the most lively place in Hongcheng will be the birthday banquet of the old lady of the Zheng Mansion. It is said that all the dignitaries in Hongcheng will go to congratulate the old lady on her birthday. The scene will be very grand. The girl will not go , and it’s not a pity?”

Gu Huayu shook her head, "The top priority is that we should focus on our careers and not join in the fun."

Shopkeeper Huang said: "The girl is right. Since Mr. Li has posted the message, it's not a good idea for us to pretend we don't know. I have prepared a gift for the girl. If the girl doesn't go, should I ask Qing Yu to send the gift over?"

Gu Huayu shook her head, "I only met Mr. Li once, and I am not familiar with him, so there is no need to give gifts. Besides, in their eyes, I am just a little girl, and there is no need to be so sensible among children. "

Shopkeeper Huang lowered his hands and responded, "Yes, I'm overthinking it."

As she spoke, Gu Huayu walked to the pavilion and sat down. She looked at the chrysanthemums arranged at random in the courtyard and asked, "Did Uncle Huang arrange them?"

"Huh?" Shopkeeper Huang followed Gu Huayu's gaze and immediately understood what Gu Huayu meant. He nodded with a smile and said, "Well, I learned it from the master of the house before. The master of the house is good at taking care of flowers and plants. The front and back yards of Hua Mansion are planted. Full of flowers and plants.”

Gu Huayu nodded thoughtfully, "Ye Shangshu passed away."

Gu Huayu suddenly changed the topic, making shopkeeper Huang stunned again, then nodded and said: "I heard about it too.

Master Lu Liu came to Hongcheng to deliver Ye Shangshu's coffin back.

 Alas, time flies so fast, and in a blink of an eye, Ye Shangshu has passed away.

I remember that when the old head of the family was in Beijing, he often got together with Ye Shangshu, Grand Scholar Huang, the father-in-law of Prince Lu, to drink tea and chat.

 At that time, Ye Shangshu often took Ye Cheng with him, and the old head of the family took the head of the house with him. I and Su Xing followed the head of the house.

The adults did not shy away from the children when they were talking. The head of the house liked to listen to the conversation between Ye Shangshu and Huang Daxi. No matter what they said, the head of the house listened with great interest and sat there for an hour or two.

 Sigh, thinking about that time, it seems like it was only yesterday, but in the blink of an eye, everything has changed. "Shopkeeper Huang sighed lightly.

Gu Huayu was very surprised and asked: "Grandfather and Ye Shangshu have a good personal relationship?"

Shopkeeper Huang nodded repeatedly, "Yes, very good!"

Gu Huayu suddenly thought of Lu Ziqin's attitude towards her today, and her brows furrowed involuntarily.

"What's wrong with the girl?" Shopkeeper Huang noticed the change in Gu Huayu and asked.

Gu Huayu said about Lu Ziqin's abnormality today, "I didn't think much about it at the time. I just thought he was protecting me in front of Mr. Li because of what happened yesterday. Now that I think about it, I'm afraid he knows my identity."

Shopkeeper Huang suddenly became nervous, "Girl..."

 Gu Huayu waved her hand, "Don't be nervous, go by your intuition, he has no ill intentions towards me!"

"Oh!" Shopkeeper Huang responded on the surface, but he was still a little uneasy in his heart.

 Gu Huayu thought for a while and said, "Go and find out where Ye Shangshu's grave is? Let's go and pay homage another day."

Shopkeeper Huang leaned forward and said, "Okay, I understand."

Gu Huayu stood up and said, "Brother Qingyan is going back to Beijing tomorrow. I have a box of health elixirs here. Please help me deliver them to Brother Qingyan. I hope it will be helpful to his grandmother."

Shopkeeper Huang then leaned forward and said, "Okay!"

Gu Huayu took out the elixir and handed it to Shopkeeper Huang, saying, "You go and hand it over to Brother Qingyan in person. I'll write down the usage and dosage on the note, so Mrs. Qin can take it on time."

Shopkeeper Huang took the elixir and said, "Okay, I'll go right away."

Shopkeeper Huang took two steps back and turned around and walked out of the yard.

Lü Ziqin had just returned to Ye Mansion to put on his clothes when a servant came in and said, "Master Six, there is a man named Huang Xiao who wants to see you."

Lu Ziqin frowned slightly and said, "Take the person to the living room of the study."

 The servants retreated, and after a while, shopkeeper Huang was brought over.

 Lü Ziqin raised his hand and the servants retreated.

After the two parties greeted each other, shopkeeper Huang handed over the box, "Sixth Master, this is the health elixir that Doctor Gu asked me to send you. Doctor Gu said that he hopes this elixir will be helpful to the old lady's health."

Lu Ziqin took the box and opened it casually. There was a piece of letter paper in the box, and ten wax-sealed **** were neatly placed under the letter paper.

Lu Ziqin unfolded the letter paper, and the usage, dosage and precautions were written in small regular script.

Shopkeeper Huang leaned forward and said, "Doctor Gu said that she has already written down the usage and dosage on the paper. Mrs. Qin just needs to take it according to the instructions."

Lu Ziqin put away the note and said, "Thank you, Shopkeeper Huang. Shopkeeper Huang, please have a seat."

Shopkeeper Huang leaned forward and said, "Thank you, Master Six. I have something else to do, so I'll take my leave."

Before Shopkeeper Huang turned around, Lu Ziqin said: "I don't know why Shopkeeper Huang stays with Xiaoyu. I just want to remind Shopkeeper Huang that he should be more careful in his future actions.

Long Shadow Guard has been looking for your whereabouts these years. If Long Shadow Guard knows your whereabouts, they will definitely kill you.

If possible, please ask Shopkeeper Huang to stay away from Xiaoyu to prevent Xiaoyu from suffering the disaster of Chiyu. "

Huang Xiao was not surprised that Lu Ziqin could see through his identity. He replied calmly: "Thank you, Mr. Liu, I know what I am doing."

Lu Ziqin asked: "Xiaoyu knows your identity?"

Shopkeeper Huang thought for a while and nodded, "Doctor Gu knows."

Lu Ziqin frowned, and then asked: "You obey Xiaoyu's orders, is Xiaoyu really Uncle Hua's..."

Shopkeeper Huang's heart skipped a beat. It turned out that Lu Ziqin had not confirmed the girl's identity. He was just testing himself.

Shopkeeper Huang was annoyed that he was too rash, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

Lu Ziqin firmed up his thoughts from Shopkeeper Huang's panicked look, "I'm right, right? Not long ago, Mr. Zhu, the life chaser, showed up in Shicheng. Was it because of this?"

Shopkeeper Huang leaned forward and said, "Sixth Master, this is Long Yingwei's family matter."

Shopkeeper Huang acquiesced, and Lu Ziqin let out a breath and said: "Although this matter is Long Yingwei's family matter, Xiaoyu is my savior, how can I ignore her safety? Goodbye, she is Uncle Hua's daughter, and I And can you stand by and watch?”

Shopkeeper Huang leaned back and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Six, if anything happens, I will do my best to protect the little master."

“Master?” Lu Ziqin asked.

Shopkeeper Huang cupped his hands and bowed, "Master Six, I'm taking my leave."

Seeing that shopkeeper Huang didn't want to say anything, Lu Ziqin had no choice but to hold his hands and say, "Goodbye! I'll leave Ru'an behind. If necessary, I'll go to Chang'an Restaurant to find Ru'an. If something happens in Shicheng, I'll go to Chang'an Restaurant to find Shopkeeper Shen."

Shopkeeper Huang thanked him again, took two steps back, turned around and left in a hurry.

Shopkeeper Huang walked to the door of Ye Mansion and saw Ye Cheng getting out of the car. He quickly stepped aside and waited for Ye Cheng to leave before leaving quickly.

Back on Jinpan Road, Shopkeeper Huang reported back to Gu Huayu, "Girl, the elixir was given to Mr. Lu Liu himself. Mr. Lu Liu found out my identity and guessed the girl's identity."

Gu Huayu nodded, "It's okay, just know it if you know it. We have no conflict of interest with him. Even if he knows, he won't embarrass us."

Shopkeeper Huang said worriedly: "But Mr. Lu Liu is a popular person in front of the emperor."

Gu Huayu smiled and said, "Uncle Huang, don't worry too much. There will be a way for the car to reach the mountain. There is nothing to worry about."

In Hua Mansion in the capital, Hua Xu knocked on the table several times, looked at Deng Jiayu opposite and said, "The old guy hasn't left Hangzhou for many years. He won't go to Jiangnan East Road for no reason. Have you asked someone to check it? As long as the old guy has stayed there Everyone who has come into contact with me must be checked one by one. Do you understand?”

Deng Jiayu leaned forward and said, "Master, Zhu Gongfeng left Fuyang, and our people followed him all the way. According to the news that came back, there is nothing suspicious about Zhu Gongfeng. It's just..."

Hua Xu asked: "Just what?"

Deng Jiayu replied: "Zhu Gongfeng did not enter Guiyuan Pavilion anywhere, but only chose ordinary inns or local specialty shops to rest."

Hua Xu turned his gaze to Chen Song sideways and asked, "What do you think about this?"

 Chen Song let go and pinched his chin, and said thoughtfully: "Don't be careless, but don't be too nervous. Maybe Mr. Zhu is going out for fun."

 (End of this chapter)

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