Chapter 208 Making it public

Mrs. Qin said Amitabh several times, "The child has finally been found. In order to find the child, the old sister scattered all her belongings, and her daughter-in-law Xinlan sold all her dowry. , just to find this child.”

Mrs. Ye nodded, "Who says otherwise! Aniang, do you think Ziqin knew it earlier?"

 “What does Aniang say I know?”

Lu Ziqin came back to look for Ye Minghao and went to Qingfang Hall to say hello to Mrs. Qin.

Mrs. Qin waved to Lu Ziqin and asked, "Ziqin, come and sit down. Grandma asked you, did you know that Miss Gu was a girl from the Hua family?"

Lu Ziqin was stunned and asked, "How did grandma know?"

 Mrs. Qin saw Lu Ziqin's reaction and knew that he had known it for a long time.

Mrs. Ye told Mrs. Ping about her recognition of Gu Huayu.

After hearing this, Lu Ziqin got up and walked out, "Grandma, mother, aunt, I have to go to the palace."

Mrs. Ye quickly stood up, chased after her and asked, "Okay, what are you doing in the palace?"

Mrs. Qin raised her hand and said, "Sister Shan, don't stop Ziqin, let him go."

Mrs. Ye looked at Mrs. Qin, and Mrs. Qin continued: "Hua Ling was a person close to the emperor during his lifetime. The emperor must know about this matter. There is a dragon shadow guard behind the Hua family. There are many things going on here."

Mrs. Ye suddenly understood and said: "I have forgotten this."

Mrs. Qin thought thoughtfully, something strange happened to the Hua family back then.

Hua Ling and Han Ru died in an unknown manner. Now that their daughter is back, will the people who harmed the Hua family sit back and ignore it? Certainly not!

If Gu Huayu came for revenge, how much did Ziqin know about her?

It seems that the capital is going to be uneasy.

Mrs. Qin thought of this and said, "Ziqin has entered the palace. Tomorrow at most, the emperor will definitely summon Miss Gu, and Miss Gu's identity will be made public.

 Next, it is indispensable for each family to send messages to Miss Gu during the banquet.

Be smart at the banquet and protect her if someone bullies her. "

Mrs. Qian smiled and said, "Don't worry, mother, we understand. Of course we have to help protect the person Ziqin is interested in, so that no one can bully him."

Gu Huayu came out of the space, heard a knock on the door, and asked, "What's the matter? Didn't you tell me not to be disturbed?"

Aunt Wang said outside the door: "Miss, someone is coming from the palace. I want you to come into the palace to see the saint."

Gu Huayu was stunned. This news was too fast. It took only half a day to reach the emperor?

Gu Huayu opened the door and came out.

Wang Qin asked worriedly: "Miss, how does the emperor know about you? Why did he let you enter the palace?"

Wang Qin didn’t believe anyone until the events of that year were clarified.

Seeing Wang Qin's anxious look, Gu Huayu comforted her: "Don't worry, Aunt Wang, it's probably not a bad thing. I went to Wanfu to meet my grandmother in the morning. Your Majesty, it may be the news passed in by the Sixth Master. It's from the palace." Who is he? Where is he?"

“But don’t forget, miss, if someone from the palace had not gone to see the old master, the old master would not have failed to find out the truth.” Wang Qin said.

Gu Huayu nodded, "I understand, the more this happens, the more I should enter the palace, right?"


Gu Huayu took Wang Qin's hand and said comfortingly: "No, I know you are worried about my safety. As long as Lu Liu is here, I will be fine."

“Miss, do you believe in Mr. Liu so much?” Wang Qin asked.

Gu Huayu said bluntly without thinking, "I believe in him!"

Wang Qin compromised and said: "Okay, the person here is named Gao. He appears to be in his forties or fifties. He is said to be someone close to the emperor."

Gu Huayu nodded, "I know, let's go."

 Gu Huayu went to the front yard and greeted Eunuch Gao Fushen, "How do you do, Eunuch Gao? My little girl is Gu Huayu."

 Eunuch Gao stared at Gu Huayu's face when she came out. Gu Huayu couldn't detect any change in emotion on his face.

Seeing Gu Huayu sizing him up, Eunuch Gao leaned forward and said, "Hello, Miss Gu. Your Majesty has asked our family to invite Miss Gu to the palace to meet the Holy Spirit. Miss Gu, please."

Gu Huayu nodded and responded calmly: "Okay!"

After saying that, Gu Huayu walked out and got on the carriage outside the door.

Wang Qin chased to the door and shouted: "Miss!"

Gu Huayu raised the curtains and said, "Aunt Wang, I'll be back as soon as I go. You guys wait for me at home."

The carriage drove to the entrance of the Hall of Supreme Harmony. Eunuch Gao got out of the car and stood aside. A servant put the footstool in place, and the palace maid stepped forward to lift the curtain.

Eunuch Gao said: "Miss Gu, we're here, please get out of the car."

Gu Huayu stepped out of the car and followed Eunuch Gao into the palace.

As he walked to the door of the imperial study, Eunuch Gao said to Gu Hua: "Miss Gu, please wait a moment and let us go in to report.

Gu Huayu nodded and stopped.

 After a while, Eunuch Gao came out and called: "Miss Gu, please come in."

Gu Huayu entered the imperial study and saw Lu Ziqin sitting on the side. He nodded slightly towards her and relaxed his tense heart.

Gu Huayu knelt down to the emperor who was sitting on the dragon table.

The emperor sat upright and said, "You are Gu Huayu, raise your head."

Gu Huayu raised her head as instructed. After seeing Gu Huayu, the emperor turned to look at Eunuch Gao and said with a smile: "This girl looks like Hua Ling."

Eunuch Gao leaned forward and said, "Yes, if he puts on men's clothes, he will look exactly like Commander Hua back then."

The emperor raised his hand towards Gu Huayu and said, "Sit down on your back."

Gu Huayu bowed to thank him, stood up and sat opposite Lu Ziqin.

The emperor asked Gu Huayu about her life in recent years, and Gu Huayu gave a concise answer.

After hearing this, the emperor said: "Hua Aiqing has done a great job in protecting me and has done a lot for me. I will always remember it. Now that you are back, I will make you the princess, okay? Is there anything you want?" ?”

Gu Huayu knelt down to thank her, and then asked: "Can women of the people mention it as they please?"

The emperor smiled and said: "Of course."

Gu Huayu said: "The girl made two requests."

The emperor nodded, "Okay, you say."

Gu Huayu said: "The daughter of the people wants the land deed of the old house in Huafu. Secondly, the daughter of the people wants to ask the emperor to issue an order to reconcile her grandfather Wan Yunshu and her grandmother, Mrs. Ping, and to allow the daughter of the people to marry her grandmother, Mrs. Ping, and her aunt Wang. Madam and her cousin Wan Chang are invited to live together. No one from the Wan family can interfere."

The emperor was a little surprised and asked: "Are these two requirements?"

Gu Huayu nodded, "Back to the emperor, these are the two requirements."

The emperor said: "I thought you would let me give you an explanation. After all, you were the biggest victim of what happened back then."

Gu Huayu said bluntly: "Thank you, Your Majesty, the women of the people will investigate what happened back then. The women of the people will take revenge on their parents."

The emperor frowned slightly and said, "The Dragon Shadow Guard is now in Hua Ruiming's hands."

Gu Huayu said calmly: "Back to the emperor, the civilian daughter will not touch the Long Shadow Guard, nor is she willing to touch the Long Shadow Guard."

 The emperor asked: "Why? Longyingwei has been the painstaking effort of the Hua family for generations."

Gu Huayu shook her head and said, "No reason. Fifteen years have passed, and it's no longer the same generation."

The emperor smiled and said: "You girl, you have a clear life. Okay, I'm sure."

Gu Huayu fell to the ground to thank her.

After Gu Huayu straightened up, the emperor asked: "Why don't you ask your adoptive father's family for a reward?"

Gu Huayu replied: "The Gu family is kind to the daughters of the people, and the women of the people have the ability to take good care of them and repay their kindness in raising them."

The emperor nodded happily and said: "Okay, you are ambitious! Hua Aiqing named you Yanran, and I will make you Princess Yanran. From now on, you will enjoy the salary of the princess."

 Gu Huayu thanked him again.

The emperor said warmly: "Go back and prepare to receive the decree first. The decree will arrive soon."

Gu Huayu said goodbye.

Lu Ziqin saw Gu Huayu saying goodbye and wanted to say goodbye too.

The emperor raised his hand and said, "Zi Qin will stay here for a while."

 Lv Ziqin had no choice but to sit down.

Gu Huayu came out of the palace and saw Huada waiting at the door with a carriage, so she walked over and got in the carriage.

Hua Da waited for Gu Huayu to sit firmly and drove away in the car. After driving for a while, he asked, "Miss, are you okay?"

Gu Huayu said: "It's okay, just confirm my identity and then give me a reward. Let's go back to Wutong Lane. The imperial edict will arrive soon, so we are ready to receive it."

Hua Da breathed a sigh of relief: "Suddenly I heard that the young lady has entered the palace, so I rushed over immediately. Su Er and others are waiting in Wutong Lane."

Gu Huayu said: "I didn't want to disclose my identity so early, and I didn't expect that Mrs. Ping would go to Huayu Pavilion today.

But it’s okay, this way I can take care of my grandmother and the others openly.

I met my grandmother today and found out that my grandmother and aunt had sold all their dowries in order to find me. Life is hard. "

Hua Da said guiltily: "It's all my fault. If I had been more careful, the old lady and the others would have suffered less."

Gu Huayu comforted and said: "Don't blame yourself. At that time, you also had too much to take care of. I begged the emperor to let my grandmother and the others live with me. Uncle Hua, please make arrangements. After receiving the order later, we will go to Wanfu Bring grandma and the others over.”

Hua Da raised his voice and responded, "Okay, I'll make arrangements when I get back next time."

Gu Huayu returned to Wutong Lane and asked Shi Niang to have someone clean up the room in the backyard.

Shi Niang was surprised and said: "Okay, why do you need to clean up the house? Someone is coming to the house?"

Gu Huayu nodded, "Yes..."

Before Gu Huayu finished speaking, Qingyu came over and said, "Miss, the imperial edict has arrived."

A flash of panic flashed in Shi Niang's eyes, and she immediately ordered: "Set up the incense case and open the door. Get ready to receive the order."

Shi Niang prayed while making arrangements, hoping that the person who came to announce the decree was not that person...

Gu Huayu led everyone in Wutong Lane to the door and knelt down to receive the order.

Eunuch Gao came in person to announce the decree. "By God's blessing, Emperor Zhao said, Gu's Huayu is the daughter of Hua Ling, the former leader of the Dragon Shadow Guards. Hua Ling served well in protecting the country and was named the General Protecting the Country. His daughter Hua Yanran was named Princess Yanran and was given a mansion. Thousand taels of gold, ten thousand taels of silver, a box of Eastern beads, eight pieces of jade, and eight pieces each of Yun brocade and Shu brocade."

Gu Huayu thanked him and stepped forward to receive the imperial edict.

Eunuch Gao said: "Princess, the emperor has ordered people to rebuild the Hua family's old residence into the princess's mansion."

 Gu Huayu thanked him again.

Seeing that Shi Niang was not there, Hua Da stepped forward and stuffed two silver notes into Eunuch Gao's hand. "Just a little thought, please invite your father-in-law to have a cup of tea."

Eunuch Gao looked at Hua Da, bowed and said, "Thank you, our family will go ahead and go to Wanfu."

Hua Da sent Eunuch Gao into the car, turned around and walked into the courtyard.

Gu Huayu delivered the imperial edict to the incense hall, turned around and came out to see Hua Da, and asked, "Eunuch Gao is gone?"

Hua Da nodded, "Yes, I'm going to Wanfu."

Gu Huayu said: "Then let's go there too. Just take three passenger cars and just pick up the people. Where is Shi Niang?"

 Shi Niang responded from behind: "Miss, I'm here."

Gu Huayu ordered: "Inform the people in the embroidery room to come over, and we will make tailor-made clothes for my grandmother and them later."

Shi Niang responded and said, "I'll write it down."

Hua Da asked: "Shi Niang wasn't here just now? Where did she go?"

Shi Niang was startled, and then said: "I was in a hurry just now, so I went to the palace."

Hua Da said "Oh" and said no more.

Gu Huayu said to Hua Da: "Uncle Hua, let's go."

 Hua Da nodded in agreement, and the two of them walked out together.

Wanfu, the concierge received the letter and hurried into the house to report. He hurriedly bumped into Wan Changfan who was going out.

Wan Changfan raised his leg and kicked towards the concierge, "What are you doing in such a hurry, you don't have any eyesight? You're looking for death!"

The concierge apologized for being so busy, "Third Master, I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry. The imperial edict has arrived, and I'm anxious to report it to the old lady." The concierge said incoherently.

Wan Changfan asked in disbelief: "What did you say? Imperial decree?"

The porter responded as he ran in: "Yes, the person standing in front has arrived, and the imperial edict will arrive soon. I will go and report to the old man."

Seeing the concierge going out to the study, Wan Changfan hurriedly shouted: "Grandpa is not in the front yard, but in Fu'an Hall in the backyard. Forget it, you can't enter the backyard either, so I'll go."

Wan Changfan has grown up, and this is the first time that the government has received an imperial edict. He couldn't conceal his excitement and hurried to the backyard.

Mr. Wan was lying on the rocking chair, chatting with Mr. Shen wordlessly.

“Grandfather, the imperial edict has arrived at the door. Hurry up and receive it.” Wan Changfan ran to the door of Fu’an Hall and shouted loudly.

Shen stood up in excitement, went out and looked at Wan Changfan at the entrance of the courtyard and asked, "Brother Fan, what did you say? The imperial edict has arrived?"

Wan Changfan nodded and replied: "Grandma, you heard me right. The imperial edict has arrived. Please tell my grandfather to go and receive it."

Mr. Wan walked to the door and asked doubtfully: "Who in our family did what? Okay, why is there an imperial edict coming to our house?"

Shen urged: "Don't think too much, hurry up and ask people to change their clothes, prepare the incense case, open the door, and prepare to receive the order."

Old Master Wan went into the house to change his clothes while giving instructions. The maid dressed him better and took Shen and the others to the gate.

Seeing that Eunuch Gao had arrived, Mr. Wan had a low official position when he was in office. He didn't know that Eunuch Gao was in front of the emperor, so he only politely came forward to greet him.

Eunuch Gao bowed and returned the courtesy and asked: "Where is Mrs. Ping? Please ask Mrs. Ping to come and receive the order."

Shen Shi thought that one of his descendants had received the award, but he didn't expect that it was Ping's imperial edict, and he felt a little unhappy.

Mrs. Wan hurriedly said: "What? Ping's eyesight is serious and she can't see the road clearly, so she didn't notify her. How about my father-in-law declares the order first and I collect it for her on my behalf."

Eunuch Gao said calmly: "This imperial edict must be received by Mrs. Ping personally. Please ask someone to invite Mrs. Ping out."

Mr. Wan had no choice but to order his servants to go to the West Courtyard to invite Mr. Ping.

Eunuch Gao frowned when he saw his servants walking westward from outside the courtyard. No wonder the princess ordered the emperor to make peace between the Ping family and Wan Yunshu.

 (End of this chapter)

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