Chapter 216 Etiquette

Gu Huayu leaned over to thank Mrs. Ping for the reminder, then turned around and told Hua Da and Wang Gu to do these things.

Shi Yamei said with some suspicion: "The emperor just made Xiaoyu a princess, not a princess. Are the empresses of the palaces trying to give gifts?"

Mrs. Ping glanced at Shi Yamei and sighed: "You, I usually ask you to learn to be a housekeeper, but you always don't pay attention. What can I say about you?"

“We were talking about giving gifts in the palace, why did it involve me again?” Shi Yamei lowered his head and muttered.

Yang Jing smiled and took Shi Yamei's hand and said: "Mother is right, she wants you to learn to take care of the family affairs, just to learn these worldly things.

The empresses of each palace gave gifts to Xiaoyu. Some of them wanted to please the emperor, some did not want to follow the truth, and some of them sincerely congratulated Xiaoyu. "

Shi Yamei pouted and said, "It's so troublesome, how can Xiaoyu tell who is sincere and who is fake?"

Yang Jing asked: "Why does Xiaoyu have to distinguish these things? Xiaoyu just accept them all as gifts. You, you have to learn to take care of the housework when you get back."

Shi Yamei turned to Mingxin Mingzhi and said, "You two go outside to see who has come to congratulate you. I want to see if the second sister-in-law is right?"

As expected by Mrs. Ping, just as the congratulatory gifts from Huaqing Palace arrived, the congratulatory gifts from Weiyang Palace arrived, followed by those from Yongning Palace and Jingyang Palace. Not only the empresses in the palace sent congratulatory gifts, but also congratulatory gifts from several royal palaces. "

As Mingxin and Mingzhi came in alternately to report, Mrs. Ping looked at Shi Yamei and asked, "Are you convinced? Go back and take care of the housework for me."

Shi Yamei lowered his head and responded: "I understand."

Not long after, a servant came to report: "Miss, just received the post, Mrs. Yan from Ping Mansion came to the door with her family to congratulate her."

 Pingfu? That's my grandmother's natal family. Gu Huayu looked at Mrs. Ping and was about to ask a question.

Before Gu Huayu could speak, Mrs. Ping snorted coldly: "She is running very fast now. When she usually goes to Wanfu, she only sits in the east courtyard and doesn't want to step through the door of the west courtyard."

From the look on Mrs. Ping's face, Gu Huayu knew that Mrs. Yan's relationship with them was not harmonious.

Seeing Gu Huayu looking at Mrs. Ping in confusion, Mrs. Wang explained: "A-niang has three brothers and sisters. A-niang has two elder brothers. The eldest uncle Ping Fengbao is Yingzi's father, who passed away more than ten years ago.

In addition to Yingzi, there is another son in the uncle's room. He is Yingzi's brother, named Ping Jizong. He is now the magistrate of Mingzhou, and his wife Miao and their children are accompanying him.

 Second uncle Ping Fengwei also passed away six years ago. The second uncle has two legitimate sons. The eldest son Ping Jisen is now a minor official in Taipu Temple, and the second son Ping Jixing is a county magistrate in Huangzhou.

At present, the Ping Jisen family remains in Beijing. Yan and the eldest wife of Wanfu, Yan, are cousins ​​who have not been born in the fifth service. "

 Mrs. Wang told Gu Huayu the situation of the Ping family in a few words.

 Gu Huayu understood, nodded and said: "Thank you, aunt, I understand. I'll go to the gate to greet you."

Mrs. Ping took the words and said, "Go to the main gate. Yamei can accompany Yanran to the second gate to greet her. If you want to follow my instructions, don't go and greet her. She won't come if you like."

Mrs. Ping sighed and said: "Go and greet him, he is a guest. We cannot lack etiquette."

 Mrs. Wang said to Gu Huayu, "Listen to your grandmother and go and greet her."

Gu Huayu said to Shi Yamei: "Yamei, let's go there."

 “Okay!” Shi Yamei stood up and walked out with Gu Huayu.

The two of them walked to the corridor. Gu Huayu took the opportunity to hand Ye Minghao's letter to Shi Yamei, "Here, your letter!"

Shi Yamei's expression was stagnant. He looked at the letter in Gu Huayu's hand without reaching out to take it. He asked, "Who gave it to you? Is Ye Minghao right?"

Seeing that Shi Yamei didn't answer, Gu Huayu asked, "What's wrong? Are you still angry with him? Then I will return the letter?"

Shi Yamei took the letter angrily and said angrily: "He is already on a blind date, why should he write me a letter? What does he want to do?"

Gu Huayu spread her hands, "How do I know this? Maybe, he told you what he wanted to do in his letter."

Shi Yamei lowered his head to open the letter, when Gu Huayu saw a woman wearing a black gold cloud embroidered shirt and a woman wearing a pomegranate red gauze skirt walking over. The reminder: "When people come, put the letter away and read it again when you go back."

 Shi Yamei looked up and saw Mrs. Yan with a smile on her face and Ping Panyun who was one step behind Yan. She put the letter away and said to Mrs. Yan, "Auntie."

Yan Shi looked at Gu Huayu with his eyes, and responded to Shi Yamei's words, "Yamei has arrived? Is this the princess? She is so beautiful, she looks like your mother-in-law."

Shi Yamei looked at Gu Huayu and replied rudely: "My mother-in-law is obviously more like her father in Xiaoyu..."

Being snatched away by Shi Yamei, Yan was not embarrassed at all, and said with a smile: "Yamei, don't worry, I haven't finished speaking yet. I said the princess is more like her mother and more like her father."

Gu Huayu stood on the side with a smile and watched Shi Yamei and Yan's exchange of blows.

Shi Yamei gave Bai Yan a disgusted look and said, "Yes, aunt is right. Xiaoyu is more like aunt than uncle."

Yan ignored Shi Yamei, turned around and said to Ping Panyun behind her: "Xiaoyun, come quickly and pay tribute to the princess. Princess, this is my little girl Ping Panyun, who is two years younger than you."

Ping Panyun took a step forward and said to Gu Huayu: "Hello, Princess."

Gu Huayu returned the favor and said, "Hello Xiaoyun, please come inside."

With that said, Gu Huayu politely allowed the two of them to go inside.

Yan asked warmly as she walked: "Are you okay, aunt? I am most happy that the princess is back. In the years since the princess has been away, my aunt has been most concerned about the princess.

For the princess, my aunt shed so many tears that she went blind from crying. The emperor paid off, and the aunt finally brought the princess back. "

Gu Huayu turned her head to look at Yan, and couldn't help but admire her. Yan was a good talker.

I knew clearly that what she said was flattering, but it didn't sound unpleasant to my ears.

Shi Yamei corrected: "Auntie, don't talk nonsense. My aunt's eyes are not blind from crying, nor are she blind. My aunt's eyes have nebula, which can be cured."

Yan's speech was once again overtaken by Yan's words. A trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes, but it was not shown on his face. Then he smiled and said: "Really? That's fine.

 with the princess coming back and my aunt's eyes can be cured again, it's a double happiness for our family.

Yamei, was it the imperial doctor invited from the palace to treat my aunt? It's the imperial doctor hired by the princess for her aunt, right? The princess is really filial. From now on, with the princess taking care of her, my aunt will live a good life. "

 Gu Huayu was afraid that Shi Yamei would spill the beans, so she took over the words, "No, he is a doctor who travels around..."

Before Gu Huayu finished speaking, Yan interrupted her, "A doctor who travels around?

The princess can't just believe anything! There are too many charlatans these days, so be careful not to be fooled.

These charlatans are so despicable that they only rely on their mouths to blow things up, but in fact they have no ability at all. After taking your money and walking away, who are you looking for? "

Gu Huayu never expected that one day she would be called a charlatan who boasted.

He patiently explained: "No, this doctor doesn't take anything from you..."

Yan immediately said: "That's even more unbelievable. If your aunt is blinded, how can you argue with him?"

Shi Yamei looked at Yan, who was still trying to persuade Gu Huayu, and said impatiently: "We're here."

Mrs. Yan raised her head and saw the door of the hall, smiled and stepped across the threshold, and walked towards Mrs. Ping who was standing above her. "Hello, aunt, it is not in vain that you have fasted and prayed to Buddha for many years, prayed to Bodhisattvas everywhere, and moved God. God sent the princess to you." Come to your old side.”

Shi Yamei stood at the door, looked at Yan, and said softly: "She is a complete flatterer. I have never seen her treat my aunt so affectionately."

Gu Huayu glanced at Ping Panyun who was standing by the side, stretched out her hand to pull Shi Yamei, and gave her a wink.

Shi Yamei looked at Panyun, curled his lips and stopped talking.

As soon as Gu Huayu sat down, a servant came in and said, "Princess, the eldest young master Li and the second young master Li from the Li Mansion came over to celebrate. The second young master Li said he had a gift and wanted to hand it over to the princess himself."

Gu Huayu said to Mrs. Ping: "Grandma, let me go and take a look."

Shi Yamei didn't want to see Yan's flattery, so he stood up and said, "Xiaoyu, I'll let you go."

Gu Huayu nodded, "Let's go, together."

They came to the second gate and saw Li Tao holding a sandalwood box in one hand and a folding fan in the other, leaning against the pillar of the corridor, looking bored.

Gu Huayu couldn't help but want to laugh. This guy was in this posture every time, and it seemed like he didn't have any bones in his body.

Li Tao saw Gu Huayu coming out, stood up straight, raised the box in his hand, and said, "Congratulations to the princess!"

Gu Huayu reached out and took the box, raised her eyebrows and said, "Thank you."

Shi Yamei asked curiously: "What's in the box?" As he said that, Shi Yamei reached for it.

Li Tao hurriedly stopped him: "Shi San, can you be more conscious? This gift box is not for you."

Shi Yamei said "cut" and said, "You are so stingy, let's see if you can get rid of one piece?"

Li Tao ordered to Gu Huayu: "Gu Xiaoyu, please put the box away and don't show it to outsiders. Do you understand?"

Shi Yamei raised her foot and kicked Li Tao, "Outsider? You understand, Xiaoyu is my cousin, and you are the outsider!"

"I don't care, this gift can only be seen by Xiao Yu, no one else is allowed to see it." Li Tao solemnly explained.

Gu Huayu asked: "What gift is in the box?"

Li Tao's attitude made her hesitate, wondering whether she should accept the gift.

Li Tao seemed to have read Gu Huayu's thoughts and said, "It's a worthless gadget. I'm afraid that Shi San will laugh at it, so she's not allowed to look at it."

 Gu Huayu felt relieved and took the box in her hand, "Thank you, I'll take it."

After speaking, Gu Huayu solemnly thanked Li Taofu, "Thank you brothers for coming to congratulate me, thank you!"

Li Tao waved his hand and said: "Come on, we don't care about this between us. I am happy for you to be named the princess. You are very busy today, so I won't disturb you. Leave some of your 'Warm Sun' for me." Bottle, I’ll go to Taoyuan Street to get it another day.”

Gu Huayu nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go to Huayu Pavilion another day and I'll treat you to tea."

Li Tao nodded, shook his folding fan, turned around and walked out. After taking two steps, he turned to Gu Huayu and said carelessly: "Xiaoyu, be careful when you act in the future. If you encounter anything, take the one I gave you last time. Jade pendant, go to Xingjiao Gang and someone will help you.”

Gu Huayu was stunned, and then she thanked her again: "Thank you, I'll note it down."

Shi Yamei looked at Li Tao's back and asked: "Xiaoyu, what does Li Er mean? Someone is doing something bad to you?"

Gu Huayu looked away and said calmly: "I don't know either. I'll just accept his kindness."

 Shi Yamei said: "That's right, Li Er has always been loyal and is a friend worth making."

Gu Huayu nodded, "Let's go back."

 Gu Huayu and Shi Yamei returned to the back hall, but before they could sit down, Wang Gu came in and said, "Princess, Commander Hua has come over to the mansion. He said he would come to see the old lady, Madam Uncle, and take the princess back to Hua Mansion."

The people present looked at each other and took Gu Huayu back? Does this mean that you can pick it up as soon as you want, and you can take it back if you want?

Mrs. Ping said calmly: "This Liu family has lived in vain for many years. She doesn't even understand the basic rules."

Mrs. Wang smiled dryly and said, "Ms. Liu has been the mistress of the house for many years, so she doesn't understand these rules. She must be deliberately scornful."

Gu Huayu looked at Wang Qin and said, "Aunt Wang, let him in."

Wang Qin leaned forward and exited.

Mrs. Ping was afraid that Gu Huayu was young and ignorant, so she reminded her, "Yanran, you can't go back with Hua Ruiming."

Gu Huayu smiled at Mrs. Ping and said, "Don't worry, Auntie, I understand."

Mrs. Ping wanted to say something else, but when she saw Hua Ruiming coming in behind Aunt Wang, she swallowed her words.

Wang Qin bowed to Gu Huayu respectfully and said, "Princess, Commander Hua is here."

Gu Huayu waved her hand and said, "Go down."

Wang Qin retreated.

Hua Ruiming saw Wang Qin's respectful look and thought to himself that Xiao Nizi is quite capable.

Gu Huayu saw Hua Ruiming standing at the door stupidly, and did not greet him, letting him stand like this.

Hua Ruiming was stunned for a moment, came back to his senses, looked around and saw that the room was full of people, and first went to Princess Jinglian to greet her.

Then he cast his gaze on the blind woman who was holding the beads in his hand. He determined that this person was Mrs. Ping. He walked forward and bowed his hands in greeting, saying: "Well done, Madam. My junior, Hua Ruiming, would like to pay my respects to Mrs. Ping."

Mrs. Ping continued to take care of the prayer beads and responded calmly: "Hello, Mr. Hua, thank you for coming to see me."

At that time, my son-in-law died in an unknown manner, Hua's house was in a fire, and my daughter was buried in the flames.

Mrs. Ping had no doubts about Hua Xu, but she was suffering from the lack of evidence and could not judge Hua Xu, but she hated Hua Xu a lot in her heart.

Hua Ruiming thought that the old lady Ping would say a few polite words, but the old lady replied dryly to him and stopped talking, leaving him to move forward and retreat in disobedience.

Hua Ruiming was stunned for a moment, turned to Mrs. Wang in embarrassment, and bowed towards Mrs. Wang.

 Mrs. Wang nodded slightly and said, "Thank you, Commander Hua, you are considerate."

This time, Hua Ruiming did not stop. After paying homage to Mrs. Wang, he turned around to pay homage to Mrs. Ping.

Mrs. Ping smiled and nodded, and asked: "Commander Hua came here alone? Didn't Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Lu come together?"

Hua Ruiming leaned back and said, "My mother injured her leg a few days ago and can't walk. Ziqiu is at home to serve her mother, so she didn't go with her."

Mrs. Ping nodded clearly, "Oh, so that's it."

 (End of this chapter)

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