Chapter 24 Favor

Fang paused for a moment, and then said: "Xiao Yu, to live a life, you need a steady flow of water, but you can't afford to spend money so lavishly. Do you understand?"

Gu Huayu looked like she was being taught, and responded with a low eyebrow: "Er Auntie is right, Xiaoyu has written it down. Forget it for now, Xiaoyu promises that it won't be the same next time. Okay?"

 After speaking, Gu Huayu raised three fingers to assure Fang.

Fang raised her hand and pinched three of Gu Huayu's fingers, "You girl, you are so sweet-tongued. Second aunt is doing this for your own good, so don't think that second aunt talks too much."

Gu Huayu said coquettishly: "How could it be? Is Xiaoyu the kind of person who doesn't know what's good and what's wrong, and who can't understand what's being said?

 Er Auntie is willing to teach Xiaoyu because she loves Xiaoyu like a daughter. In the second uncle's heart, Xiaoyu and the second sister are the same. "

Gu Huayu suddenly felt that there are advantages to being small. For example, if you are so coquettish, you can just say it.

  Fang is a simple woman. She does a lot and talks little on weekdays. How can she withstand Gu Huayu's sweet words?

Fang's heart was warmed by Gu Huayu's coaxing, and she rubbed Gu Huayu's head sheepishly, "You girl, have you fallen into a honeypot today?"

Gu Huayu leaned her head on Fang's body and said more and more coquettishly: "How can there be? What Xiaoyu said is true."

  "Okay, okay, I know that what you say is true." Fang said lovingly.

“No wonder Brother Nan dotes on you! You are just a warm-hearted little cotton-padded jacket.”

 Gu Huayu: “…”

When the car passed by the cross street, Gu Huayu hurriedly asked the driver to stop.

Fang asked nervously: "Xiaoyu, what are you..."

Gu Huayu smiled and said sweetly: "Second uncle, sixth brother asked me to bring them some calligraphy treasures back. Look..."

"Go!" Fang nodded after hearing this.

 Gu Huayu jumped out of the car with a smile, "Yes, second uncle, don't worry, I won't spend money recklessly."

Gu Huayu went into the store to buy pens, inks, paper and inkstones for her brothers, and then went to the cloth shop next door to buy some pieces of cloth.

Fang watched the driver pile things on the car and looked at Gu Huayu speechlessly.

Gu Huayu said with a smile: "Second uncle, Xiaoyu said, forget it today, you understand, right? Besides, my brothers' clothes have been patched, so it's time to make them two new clothes. Do you think so?" Gu Huayu said while grabbing Fang's arm and shaking it.

Mrs. Fang poked Gu Huayu's forehead with her index finger and said, "You, how do you want me to say hello to you! Oh, I think of my brothers and sisters in everything, no wonder they all love you! You are so generous, be careful when your grandfather lectures you when you go back."

Gu Huayu stuck out her tongue.

Gu Huayu's cute and innocent look amused Ms. Fang. Ms. Fang raised her hand to rub her head and asked in a low voice, "Are you scared?"

Gu Huayu smiled at Mr. Fang with crooked eyebrows, shook her head and said, "Grandpa has always been kind, so he is not afraid!"

Fang Shiyu laughed and said, "You, relying on the favor of your elders, have become more and more courageous. Xiaoyu, you have to be diligent and thrifty to live a long life."

Seeing Fang coming back again, Gu Huayu felt a little weak in her heart and agreed with a smile: "Yes, Xiaoyu has written it down."

Fang looked up at the sky and said, "It's getting late, let's go back quickly."

Gu Huaidong did not work in the fields today. He sat worriedly in the yard drinking tea under the pear tree. He pricked up his ears and listened to the sounds outside the yard. Whenever there was any movement outside the yard, he would get up to see what was going on.

 All morning, the old man looked back and forth outside the courtyard several times.

 (End of this chapter)

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