Chapter 242 Vicious

 Ruji looked at the barbed arrow and said, "The other party wants Mr. Liu's life!"

Gu Huayu lowered her head to sew Lu Ziqin's wound, but did not reply to Ruji's words.

 Isn’t this obvious? Isn't it because the arrows are coated with poison so they are foolproof? What the other party didn't expect was that Lu Ziqin's body was not afraid of poison.

Ruji put down the arrow, came over to look at Hua Yu's wounds, and asked: "Master, is my body invulnerable to all poisons?"

 Gu Huayu didn't raise her head, "I don't know. Let's try it when he gets better. We can't tell outsiders about this matter. We just need to know."

 Ruji nodded in agreement, "I understand, little one."

Gu Huayu treated the wound, then cut off a piece of Lu Ziqin's blood-soaked clothes, wrapped them and put them in the medical box. If she guessed correctly, the poison should be curare wood.

He said to Ruji, "Change your clothes for Ziqin."

 Ruji leaned down and took some clothes from the closet for Lu Ziqin to change into. Asked: "Master, when will I wake up?"

Gu Huayu put the medical box away, stepped forward to feel Lu Ziqin's pulse, and said: "Fortunately, his internal organs were not injured. I gave him life-sustaining pills and the wound stopped bleeding. He will wake up soon."

Let's first think about how to deal with the current situation. With such a big battle outside, the imperial doctor may arrive soon. We cannot let outsiders know that Ziqin's body is not all poisonous. I will give Ziqin acupuncture first.

 When the imperial doctor comes, tell him to give Ziqin life-sustaining pills and give him acupuncture to detoxify him. "

Ruji said: "In my opinion, the poison looks like arrow poison wood, and the poison is extremely poisonous. If the imperial doctor asks about the elixir, what will I say?"

Gu Huayu said: "Whatever you say, as long as you don't tell me. Also, there is only one pill, and it has been taken by Mr. Liu. There is no need for the imperial doctor to see it."

Ruji nodded in agreement and watched Gu Huayu administer the acupuncture to Lu Ziqin.

As Gu Huayu expected, before she finished the injection, the British father's voice came from outside, "Mr. Hu is here, you are busy."

"Master, where is the Sixth Master? Where are they?" The visitor's cold voice was filled with concern.

Ruji said: "The person here is Dr. Hu. In the past few years, he often went to Chengguo Palace to treat Ye Shangshu and Mrs. Qin. He is very familiar with me."

“In the back room, I’ll ask for Dr. Hu,” said the British Duke.

Gu Huayu applied the silver needle on her hand and said, "Next, come here. There are two more needles, one for Quchi and one for Hegu."

Ruji picked up the needle and was about to give it, when the door opened.

 The British Duke accompanied Dr. Hu in, followed closely by Mrs. Ye and others.

The British Duke saw that the arrow on Lu Ziqin's body had been pulled out and the silver needle was stuck in his body. He couldn't help but paused and said to Dr. Hu, "Doctor Hu, please take a look at Ziqin."

Physician Hu did not move, looked at Ruji holding the silver needle in his hand, and asked: "Doctor Ji, please continue."

Ruji nodded, inserted the silver needle in his hand into Quchi point, and then inserted the last needle into Hegu point.

Then he turned around and cupped his hands towards Dr. Hu and said, "Mrs. Hu has been well treated. I'm so polite to you."

Physician Hu asked: "How is Master Liu's injury?"

Ru Ji replied: "Master Liu was hit by two arrows. Fortunately, his internal organs were not injured. However, the arrows were poisonous. When the younger one came, Master Liu's breath was weak. The younger one was given acupuncture, hoping that Master Liu could hold on."

Physician Hu took a step forward and stretched out his hand to feel Lu Ziqin's pulse.

Mrs. Ye stared at Dr. Hu closely. When Dr. Hu put down Lu Ziqin's hand, she asked, "Mr. Hu, how is Ziqin doing?"

Physician Hu did not reply. He stood up and checked Lu Ziqin's wound. When he saw that the wound was treated very well, he raised his head and looked at it with admiration. Then he picked up the arrow on the table and looked at it carefully. He raised his head and said to the British Duke and Mrs. Ye: "The poison on the arrow is curare wood, and this poison is extremely poisonous."

After hearing what Dr. Hu said, Mrs. Ye felt her head buzzing and she fell to one side.

Mama Yao quickly supported Mrs. Ye and shouted urgently: "Madam!"

Furong came over to help, and Doctor Hu said: "Hel Mrs. Ye to the chair and sit down."

Gu Huayu brought a chair over and asked Mrs. Ye to sit down.

Physician Hu went over to check Mrs. Ye's pulse.

 The British Duke asked: "How?"

Physician Hu said: "It's nothing serious. Madam is just having a heart attack due to a heart attack. She fainted for a while. She will wake up after taking a rest."

Mammy Yao from the British Royal Court said to Furong: "Help your master down so that he can be taken care of."

Mama Yao and Furong helped Mrs. Ye out of the house.

Physician Hu turned to the bed, reached out and looked at Lu Ziqin's eyes, mouth, and nose, and frowned in thought.

 The British minister stood beside Dr. Hu and asked, "How is it?"

Doctor Hu said: "Looking at Mr. Liu's expression, the poisoning is not serious. Doctor Ji, besides treating Mr. Liu's wounds and applying acupuncture, did you do anything else to Mr. Liu before?"

 Seeing that Dr. Hu was suspicious, Ruji said truthfully, "I'll give Mr. Liu a life-sustaining pill."

"Oh? Life-sustaining pill? What kind of pill is this? Can you show me?" Dr. Hu's eyes were filled with earnestness.

Physician Hu has been practicing medicine for many years and is well aware of the overbearing toxicity of curare. Otherwise, curare would not have the reputation of sealing the throat at the sight of blood.

What kind of elixir can cure this poison?

 Ruji spread his hands and said regretfully: "I'm sorry, the pill was not made by me. It was given to me by my master, and there is only the last pill left."

Physician Hu became more and more curious, and then asked: "Who did Doctor Ji study under?"

Ruji leaned over and said, "I'm sorry, the master has instructions not to mention his name."

Even though Imperial Physician Hu was curious, it was hard for him to ask further questions after Ji Du said this. I had no choice but to ask: "Did Master tell me about the function of the life-sustaining pill?"

Ji Ruji said: "It's true, the master said that the life-sustaining pill can clear up blood stasis, clear up the meridians, and can also relieve hundreds of poisons."

After hearing this, Dr. Hu nodded involuntarily, "That's right."

After finishing speaking, Dr. Hu turned to look at the British Duke and said, "Sixth Master is lucky to be able to take the detoxifying elixir in time. Although his pulse is still weak, he will be able to rest and recuperate, so his life should be worry-free."

The British Duke bowed and thanked him: "Thank you so much, Dr. Hu."

Physician Hu leaned forward and said, "I didn't do anything. Doctor Ji's medical skills are admirable. It is Liu Ye's blessing to have such a capable person as Doctor Ji by his side."

 Ruji bowed to express his thanks, "I feel ashamed that Dr. Hu received the award."

Physician Hu patted Ruji on the shoulder and said sincerely: "I'm not lying. Doctor Ji's way of treating wounds is just extraordinary."

 After saying that, Dr. Hu announced his resignation to the British, "I have to go back to the palace to reply to the emperor, so I won't stay any longer."

 The British Duke thanked him and sent Dr. Hu out personally.

The waiter Ruxuan stood aside and glanced at the door and asked: "Princess, are you really fine with me?"

Gu Huayu nodded, "Yes, how did Mr. Liu get hit by an arrow? Didn't you go with him?"

Ruxuan lowered his head and was about to reply when Ruji coughed twice and said: "Ruxuan, go to the kitchen and ask someone to cook some porridge for me. It will be delicious when I wake up later."

The British Duke came in with Du Bin and looked at Lu Ziqin on the bed. Just as he was about to say something, a servant came over to report: "My lord, Liu Fuyin from the Jingzhao Mansion has come over and said that he has something to talk to the Duke's Mansion." Negotiate.”

The British Duke said: "I know, let's go down first."

The British Duke turned around and said, "You are so happy to serve Ziqin. When Ziqin wakes up, ask someone to come to Wenyuan Pavilion to report."

 Ruxuan, Ruji, Gu Huayu bowed down and escorted the British prince out.

When the three of them returned to the house, Ruji asked, "Have you gone out alone today?"

 Ruxuan replied: "No, Rujin and I went out together.

 A few days ago, wasn't the princess attacked by some thugs at Dongshui Gate? Afterwards, I have been tracking down the person behind the scenes.

Last night, I received a letter saying that Shi Lei had returned to Beijing and our people were locking him up in Jiangxiang.

I planned to go there this morning to take a look, but when my car reached Cuiping Road, it was blocked by a group of small vendors.

Ru Jin argued with someone, but a fight broke out. When he opened the curtain and came out, he was shot by a cold arrow.

 Ru Yan turned around to protect Liu Ye, and the gang of hawkers immediately dispersed. "

Gu Huayu said: "So, the other party came prepared, and today they want to take Liu Ye's life."

 Ruxuan nodded, "I think so too,"

Gu Huayu asked: "Where is Rumo?"

“After Ru Jin sent Liu Ye back, he took his belt and went to the palace to ask for the imperial doctor. When he came back, he was asked by Jing Zhaoyin’s officials to identify the hawkers blocking the road. He has not returned yet.”

Gu Huayu asked: "The road was closed when we came, who reported it to the official?"

 Ruxuan replied: "Rujin went to the palace to ask for the imperial doctor and alerted the emperor. The people in the Military and Horse Department must have given the order.

Cuiyuan Road adjacent to Cuiping Road is Jing Zhaoyin's government office in the west of the city. The movement on Cuiping Road alerted the official in the government office. The official knew that the injured person was Liu Ye and immediately reported it. "

"The other party dared to attack near the government office. Not only was he bold, he must have back-up plans. And those vendors were just ordinary people who paid to do things and knew nothing about the matter." Gu Huayu said.

 Ruxuan said: "I wonder if he is from the old lady?"

Gu Huayu raised her head and looked at Ruxuan, "Mrs. Yang? By the way, doesn't the Sixth Master live in the Chengguo Duke's residence? Why are you back at the British Duke's residence?"

 Ruxuan was talking about what happened recently. Before he could finish speaking, Ruji saw Lu Ziqin open his eyes and hurriedly got up and walked to the bed, "I'm awake!"

 Ruji put his hand on Lu Ziqin's hand and felt his pulse.

Gu Huayu and Ruxuan followed and gathered around.

"How do you feel? Are you dizzy?" Gu Huayu asked.

Lu Ziqin's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard Gu Huayu's voice, and he said, "You're here."

 After taking the pulse, Ruji put Lu Ziqin's hand back to its original position, winked at Ruxuan, and the two of them retreated consciously.

Lu Ziqin wanted to sit up, but Gu Huayu reached out to stop him, "Lie down well and don't move around. Be careful of the wound opening."

Lu Ziqin reached out and held Gu Huayu's hand and said, "I'm sorry for making you worry."

Gu Huayu hooked the brocade stool with her legs, sat down on the edge of the bed, rubbed her face against Lu Ziqin's hand, and said with lingering fear: "Fortunately, you are okay, otherwise, what do you want me to do?"

As he spoke, Gu Huayu's eyes turned red.

Seeing Gu Huayu shed tears, Lu Ziqin quickly comforted her and said, "Xiaoyu, don't cry. When you cry, in addition to my wound pain, my heart also hurts."

 Gu Huayu looked up, trying to force back the tears. The more she did this, the more her tears rolled down.

Gu Huayu let go of Lu Ziqin's hand, raised her hand to cover her face, and took a deep breath to calm down her emotions.

 She doesn’t know what’s wrong with herself? When she heard that he was injured, she didn't cry, but her heart was high and she wished she could teleport to him. After seeing him, she could calm down and heal him.

At this time, when he woke up and could talk to her, she was in a state of confusion. The worry, fear, and even some grievances in her heart rushed out uncontrollably.

  Not at all like a drunken self.

Lu Ziqin moved his body to the bed, stretched out his hand to pull Gu Huayu's clothes, and said softly: "Xiaoyu, don't cry, today is just an accident. I promise, I will be more alert next time, so as not to put myself in danger again." among.”

The tears that Gu Huayu had finally put away burst out of her eyes again amidst Lu Ziqin’s persuasion.

"Old madam, madam, uncle, hello." Ruxuan's voice sounded outside the door.

"Where is Ziqin? How is he?" Mrs. Qin's voice sounded.

 “Stop crying, grandma and the others are here.” Lu Ziqin reminded.

Gu Huayu naturally heard Mrs. Qin's voice, panicked, and turned around to go to the lavage room.

Lu Ziqin saw Gu Huayu turning around and leaving, and wanted to tell her not to avoid him, but he saw that she had already closed the bathroom door.

Lu Ziqin turned to look at the door and saw Ruxuan standing at the door, politely letting his grandmother and others enter the house.

Mrs. Qin entered the room and saw Lu Ziqin smiling at her. She breathed a heavy sigh of relief, walked to the bed and asked, "Ziqin, are you seriously injured? How do you feel?"

Lu Ziqin was relieved again.

 The Ye family members felt relieved when they saw that Lu Ziqin was in good spirits.

Mrs. Qin did not see her daughter, so she asked, "Where is your mother? Why haven't you seen her?"

Ruxuan said: "My wife heard that the arrow taken from my body was poisonous, and my blood rushed to my heart and I fainted. The Duke of Guo asked my wife to help her back to rest."

After hearing this, Mrs. Qin's face suddenly changed, "The arrow is poisonous? How vicious is this man's heart! Did he come here with the intention of taking your life?"

Lu Ziqin’s heart sank and he turned to glare at Ruxuan.

 Ruxuan realized that he had made a mistake, so he lowered his head and said nothing more.

 Lv Ziqin had just woken up and had not had time to ask about the situation. With his grandmother in front of him, he was worried that the old man would be worried if he knew too much, so he cheered up and comforted him: "Grandma, don't worry, I will have someone investigate thoroughly."

Ye Minghao said: "You can rest in peace and recuperate. The emperor has ordered that people from Jing Zhaoyin and the Bingma Division conduct a thorough investigation."

Lu Ziqin was stunned again and said, "You actually alerted the emperor?"

Ruxuan said: "My situation at that time was too dangerous. Rujin sent me back, took my badge and went to the palace to ask for the imperial doctor. Since I have invited the imperial doctor, the emperor will naturally be alarmed."

 Lv Ziqin asked: "Has someone from the Taiyuan Hospital come? Who is it?"

Ruxuan leaned forward and said: "Mr. Hu has been here. When Dr. Hu arrived, who? Ruji had already helped me remove the arrow, treated the wound, and administered acupuncture to detoxify me. Dr. Hu took my pulse and saw me. It’s no big deal, so I’ll go back to the palace to reply to the emperor.”

Lu Ziqin took the opportunity and said: "Mr. Hu said it's fine, so of course it's fine. Grandma doesn't have to worry."

Mrs. Qian saw that Lu Ziqin looked tired, so she said, "Mom, since Ziqin is fine, let's let him have a good rest and go see Sister Shan first, and then come to see Ziqin another day. Okay?"

 (End of this chapter)

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