The Rebirth of Space: the Lucky Girl From a Farm Family

Chapter 358: Dragon and phoenix present auspiciousness

Chapter 358: Dragon and Phoenix present auspiciousness

At the Huangji Noodle House in Maoer Lane in the north of the city, Hua Ruijun and his entourage Mingrui sat under the window facing the street and ate noodles.

As soon as Mingrui sat down, he turned to look out the window and saw two groups of imperial guards heading to Qiwan Lane. He hurriedly whispered to Hua Ruijun: "Master, look, the imperial guards are heading to Qiwan Lane."

Hua Ruijun just took a bite of noodles and paused. He quickly raised his head and looked over. His heart couldn't help but sink. He said to Octavia: "Let's get out of the city quickly."

Octavia nodded, stood up, paid the bill, went out and drove the car to the door.

Hua Ruijun went out and got into the car. Octavia raised a whip and drove the car towards the city gate.

 The shopkeeper behind him shouted loudly: "Sir, I'll give you some change."

Octavia raised his voice and replied: "No need to look for it."

Hua Ruijun lifted the curtain and took a look outside, urging: "Hurry up!"

Octavia responded: "I understand, little one." Then he raised the whip in his hand and whipped it left and right several times, making the car go much faster than before.

Mao'er Lane is not far from the north gate. After a while, the carriage left the city.

Octavia asked: "Sir, where are we going? Jinghu Villa?"

Hua Ruijun shook his head, "We can't go to Jinghu Villa. I have a hunch that we have to leave the capital quickly."

Octavia hesitated and said: "Are you leaving the capital? Otherwise, let's go to the restaurant in front to rest and see what's going on."

Hua Ruijun thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay!"

Octavia nodded and drove to a Sichuan food restaurant. Hua Ruijun got out of the car and said to the shopkeeper: "Shopkeeper, do you have any ready-made dishes? We are in a hurry and can't stay long."

The shopkeeper said with an apologetic smile: "Sir, the roast chicken and braised beef are all ready-made. It's already dinner time, and our family can cook two ready-made dishes very quickly, so it won't waste your time."

“Well, the shopkeeper will bring me a roast chicken, two pounds of braised beef, a plate of peanuts, two hot dishes that will be served quickly, and a large basket of steamed buns.

By the way, are there any packed food boxes? Prepare another one as usual. I have a few brothers loading the goods and don't have time to come over for dinner. You have to take them there. "

"Yes, yes, yes, I'll make arrangements right now. Should the guest sit upstairs or downstairs?"

Hua Ruijun said: "I like the quiet upstairs."

 The shopkeeper asked the waiter to take Hua Ruijun to the private room upstairs.

 Hua Ruijun asked for a house facing the street and sat under the window to drink tea. After the waiter left, Hua Ruijun dipped his fingers in water and poked the paper on the window open. While drinking water, he paid attention to what was going on outside the house.

 After a while, Octavia opened the door and came in, followed by the waiter who brought in food.

After the waiter left, Mingrui asked: "Master...\'

 Hua Ruijun raised his index finger to signal him to stop talking, then pointed to the opposite seat and asked him to sit down.

 October Mingrui sat down opposite Hua Ruijun.

Hua Ruijun lowered his voice and said, "Let's take a look first and then make a decision after eating."

Just now at the noodle shop, Hua Ruijun took one bite, but Octavia didn't even have time to take one.

Mingrui bowed down and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

The two of them were eating and looking out through the small hole in the window.

Soon, he heard the rapid sound of horse hooves, and Octavia put his head to the window to look.

 Hua Ruijun was holding the kidney flowers on the plate. His hands paused for a moment, and his hands that continued to hold the vegetables were a little stiff.

Mingrui whispered in a low voice: "Sir, the Royal Forest Army is heading towards Jinghu Villa."

Hua Ruijun had calmed himself down and said, "Eat, what is supposed to come will always come."

Octavia sat back, lowered his head to eat, and said no more.

After dinner, Mingrui looked up at Hua Ruijun, "Master, we can't stay in the capital, where should we go next?"

"Let's go around to the west of the city, pick up my mother, and then leave." Hua Ruijun said.

The two of them came out of the restaurant and walked around to a village in the western suburbs.

At the entrance of Zhuangzi, Hua Ruijun got out of the car, looked around to make sure there was nothing abnormal, got back in the car and continued walking inside.

 Hua Ruijun looked out through the car window warily. Based on his intuition, he felt that Zhuangzi was too quiet today, so he said to Dan Rui: "We are not going in, and we must turn around quickly."

Octavia responded: "Yes, I understand."

When Octavia turned the front of the car around, he saw a group of forest guards standing at the door, and said in panic: "Master, we can't leave."

Qingzhu watched the imperial guards **** Hua Ruijun to Tianlao, and then turned back to the princess' mansion.

On this day, what caused a sensation in the capital was that in addition to the emperor’s personal visit to Chengguo Duke’s Mansion to congratulate him, there were also the Royal Forest Army generals who surrounded Wang Xiang’s Mansion, Shangguan Mansion, Hua Mansion, Qiwan Lane in the north of the city, Dali Temple, and several official officers from the Ministry of Punishment. The family members were taken to jail.

 The Ministry of Punishments and Dali Temple reviewed the case for more than a month and handed the memorial to the emperor on the morning of the 20th day of the twelfth lunar month.

After the early dynasty, King Qin went directly to the princess's mansion.

Hua Yanran was having breakfast with Mrs. Ping and Mrs. Wang. After receiving the report from the concierge, she stood up and came out to welcome them.

Hua Yanran saw King Qin and asked, "Is there any result?"

King Qin smiled and nodded, "Yes, Lord Kong handed the fold to my father this morning. Now I'm just waiting to be disappointed. Is there anything to eat? I came over after leaving the court, and I haven't had breakfast yet."

Hua Yanran smiled and replied: "Yes, yes, I am having breakfast with my grandmother and the others."

 Speaking, Hua Yanran brought King Qin to the dining room.

After breakfast, Hua Yanran looked at King Qin and asked, "Are the British Duke and the Prime Minister the prince's people?"

After King Qin took a sip of tea, he nodded and said: "Yes, the British Duke and the Prime Minister are both followers of King Duan, and they planned the palace coup with King Duan. After the palace coup failed, the British Duke sent his daughter to the palace to Keep away from your relationship with Prince Duan.

At that time, the king was just a minister in the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and he was extremely hypocritical, so his father did not suspect him.

At that time, the only people my father trusted were a few people who were nearby, so he ordered Uncle Hua to investigate the palace incident and my whereabouts.

 The Prime Minister and the British Duke were worried that Uncle Hua would find out about them, so they harmed Uncle Hua and burned down the Hua Mansion. After Uncle Hua's death, the Long Shadow Guards were leaderless, and they pushed Hua Xu to take over.

There is another conspiracy here. Hua Ruijun's biological mother Yue Niang is the legitimate daughter of Shangguan Mansion and the biological niece of Mrs. Shangguan. Her original name was Shangguan Yixin.

Shangguan Yixin was a member of Prince Duan and was pregnant when the palace changed. It is not clear whether Hua Xuzhi knew about this.

Hua Ruijun is not Hua Xu’s son, but the posthumous son of Prince Duan. "

 “So that’s it!”

 The next day, the emperor made a decision, and everyone involved in the palace incident was executed.

  The Hua family’s great revenge was avenged.

 Years later, the emperor granted marriage to King Qin and Hua Yanran.

 Six months later, Hua Yanran married into the Prince of Qin's Mansion. On the wedding night, after some lovemaking, the green wind on Hua Yanran's hand appeared again.

 Hua Yanran told the King of Qin about her experience.

 King Qin got off the ground, put on his clothes, went to the study next door, and took out the red jade ring with phoenix pattern from the secret compartment.

Hua Yanran was so shocked that she couldn't speak when she saw the ring on King Qin's hand. She took off Qingfeng and put them together to compare. Unexpectedly, the two rings touched together and started to rotate quickly.

Hua Yanran was so surprised that she grabbed King Qin's hand, and King Qin held Hua Yanran in his arms. Watching the two rings merge into one, and finally split into two.

Hua Yanran picked it up and took a closer look, and found that the pattern on the ring turned into a dragon and phoenix pattern.

Hua Yanran put one of them on King Qin’s hand, and the other on her own hand. When the ring is turned, the two people enter the space at the same time.

Hua Yanran looked at the Dongshan Mountain with blooming mountain flowers in the dream, and immediately pulled King Qin out of the space.

  King Qin remembered many things the moment he entered the space. After coming out of the space, he hugged Hua Yanran tightly. Wen Yan said: "Xiaoyu, from now on, we will never be separated again."

Hua Yanran nestled in King Qin's arms and responded softly: "Okay!"

 This book ends here. As for the past life and future of Yanran and Qingyan, I will write about it later.

 Thank you all book friends for accompanying me along the way, thank you for your support and encouragement! Mumu would like to sincerely thank you, thank you all! Happy Mid-autumn Festival.

Thank you book friend Fallen World for your reward. Thank you, thank you, thank you very much.

Thank you all for your support and encouragement along the way! thanks, thanks!



 (End of this chapter)

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