Chapter 59 Confession

Lu Ziqin nodded, "Okay, I understand. You go one more time and deliver the house and Shuilan Village to Mr. Gu, and give him some silver as a token of your gratitude.

 Also, pass this on to Dr. Gu. Tell her that if she encounters something difficult in the future, she can take this jade pendant to Chang'an Restaurant and find the shopkeeper. "

 Ru'an stepped forward to take the jade pendant, leaned forward and said, "I understand, little one."

Lu Ziqin waved his hand, "Go down."

 Ru'an retreated.

 Lü Ziqin finished breakfast and ordered people to take away the dishes.

Ruxuan knocked on the door and walked in. He stepped forward and handed over the letter in his hand, "Sir, Dabai just sent the letter."

After Lu Ziqin took it and looked at it carefully, he said to Ruxuan: "Pack it up and prepare to return to Beijing."

 Ruxuan asked worriedly: "Master, your injury..."

Lu Ziqin waved his hand, "It's no longer in the way. Go down and get ready."

Ruxuan looked at Ruji as if asking for help, and Ruji shook his head slightly at him, indicating that he would obey.

“Young man, go and get ready.” Ruxuan lowered his hands and stepped back.

 Lv Ziqin turned around and ordered: "Have someone ask shopkeeper Huang to come over."

 If you are unable to do so, go out and make arrangements.

Shopkeeper Huang arrived very quickly, and Lu Ziqin bowed his hands to Shopkeeper Huang in greeting.

Shopkeeper Huang hurriedly leaned over and said, "Sixth Master, I can't do it, I can't do it!"

 Lv Ziqin politely asked Shopkeeper Huang to take a seat, "Shopkeeper Huang, please have a seat."

Shopkeeper Huang stood up and looked at Lu Ziqin, he couldn't believe his eyes.

In just a few days, this handsome young man with a face as fresh and handsome as a crown jewel, how could he still be sick at all?

If he hadn't seen him seriously injured that day...

“Shopkeeper Huang, please sit down!” Lu Ziqin bowed slightly and greeted again.

 “Oh? Okay, okay! Thank you, Mr. Liu!”

Shopkeeper Huang sat down to the edge of his seat with some restraint. Don’t blame him for being absent-minded. The face of the person in front of him is so good-looking...

“Shopkeeper Huang, please have some tea.” An Ji served the tea and Lu Ziqin signaled.

Shopkeeper Huang bowed and said, "Thank you, Master Six."

 Speaking, Shopkeeper Huang picked up the tea cup and sipped the tea to hide his nervousness.

Lu Ziqin waited for Shopkeeper Huang to put down his tea cup, picked up the name card he had prepared in advance, and pushed it in front of Shopkeeper Huang.

   said: "This time, I would like to thank shopkeeper Huang for your life-saving grace. They say that no thanks are given for a great favor, so I won't say more words of thanks.

 This is my name card. I hope Shopkeeper Huang will accept it. In the future, if shopkeeper Huang encounters something difficult, he can use this post to go to the British government to find him. I will definitely go all out. "

Shopkeeper Huang took the name card cheerfully and said with a smile: "Thank you, Mr. Liu, I hope I will never need this name card."

Lu Ziqin raised the corner of his mouth and said, "It's not just an embarrassment. I owe Shopkeeper Huang a favor. From now on, as long as Shopkeeper Huang asks for something from me, no matter how difficult it is, I will do my best. However, Shopkeeper Huang Only one chance."

Shopkeeper Huang leaned forward and said, "Okay, I'll keep this in mind."

After saying that, shopkeeper Huang stood up knowingly, cupped his hands and said, "Master Six is ​​busy, I'll take my leave."

Lu Ziqin did not hold back, stood up and cupped his hands and said: "The days are long, we will see you later."

Shopkeeper Huang was stunned for a moment and asked, "Master Liu is leaving?"

 Lv Ziqin nodded, "Yes, I plan to return to Beijing today."

"Sixth Master's injury?" Shopkeeper Huang asked with concern.

 Lv Ziqin leaned back and said, "Thank you very much, Shopkeeper Huang, for your concern. It's no longer a serious problem."

Shopkeeper Huang stopped talking. He bowed his hands and said, "Huang, I would like to say goodbye to Mr. Liu here. I wish Mr. Liu a safe journey and an early arrival in Beijing."

 (End of this chapter)

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