Chapter 6 Betrothal Money

"That's enough! If you don't do anything serious all day long, just focus on trivial things, what's the point?" Gu Dehai glared at Gu Chengnan dissatisfied and scolded him with a straight face.

Gu Chengnan was flustered by his father's glare, and felt annoyed and angry at Mr. Wang.

Wang has been married into the Gu family for more than a year. Her father-in-law usually treats her kindly, but today she was scolded by her father-in-law in public, and her face suddenly burned with anger.

Wang glanced at everyone in a hurry, and finally cast her eyes on her mother-in-law Fang, hoping that Fang would give her a few words of help.

 What happened today is not for herself, she is complaining for everyone.

   Fang’s head was half lowered. She didn’t know what she was thinking, and she never glanced at Wang.

Wang Xiu'e looked away from Fang in disappointment and looked at Qin next to Wang.

Ms. Qin lowered her head, held the soles of her shoes in her hands, and squeaked the twine, as if she was concentrating as if today's events had nothing to do with her.

Wang sneered in her heart. Today she was willing to take the lead in speaking out for everyone... In the end, no one spoke for her. I dare you to think she is a fool!

The anger in Wang's heart surged upwards, and she threw all the rules and etiquette behind her head. She stood up and said bluntly: "What Dad said makes no sense! Isn't life all about trivial matters such as firewood, rice, oil, and salt? Who? Does your family rely on family and country affairs all day long? "

Gu Dehai didn’t expect that Wang would contradict him.

Although the Gu family is not a wealthy family, the family tradition places great emphasis on respecting the elderly, caring for the young and supporting the weak.

 Hence, the Gu family has the reputation of being respectful, united and friendly brothers among fellow villagers.

Now that Wang was contradicting her elders, everyone looked at her in shock.

When Wang saw everyone looking at her, she didn't realize that her words were inappropriate, but she felt proud and proud.

Without waiting for Gu Dehai's reply, he continued: "I'm not a fussy person either. When we live together as a family, we need to be considerate of each other, but we also need to be self-aware, right? As a parent, you need to keep your bowl of water balanced. Right? ?”

"Second sister-in-law, you..." Gu Chenglin couldn't stand it anymore, stood up and stared at Wang Xiu'e.

"What's wrong with me? Why are third brothers staring at me? Did I say something wrong?" Before Gu Chenglin could finish speaking, Wang Xiu'e interrupted him.

Just when Gu Dehai was about to speak, Gu Dechang spoke first: "Brother Lin, sit down. The Chengnan family is right."

 After saying that, Gu Dechang turned to look at Gu Huaidong, bowed and said, "Father, my son can go out alone with his three bedrooms."

Gu Defang stood up from the bench with a bang and blurted out: "No! Third brother, my father is still alive, so don't talk about the separation of the family."

 “But…” Gu Dechang still wanted to speak.

Gu Huaidong took the words and said, "Dechang, sit down and don't mention the division of the family again. The Defang family will go and get twelve taels of silver for Xiu'e."

Xiu'e will go back to her parents' home for a while and send the money to her parents-in-law. Among them, ten taels of silver are the betrothal gift money when Brother Nan married you. The two taels of silver were borrowed by you from your parents' home when I was ill a few years ago. Thank you from my relatives. "

After Wan's death, the housekeeper's affairs were handed over to the eldest daughter-in-law, Qin.

Mrs. Qin raised her head and looked at Gu Huaidong, and said awkwardly: "Dad, isn't that silver used to repay the second uncle and the third uncle? There is also the seed money from shopkeeper Liu in the town."

Gu Huaidong picked up the cup and took a sip of tea, and said: "Huaiqing, I'll go to Huaiyang and tell them to pay them back later. I'll think of a way to deliver it to Shopkeeper Liu on the next market day." ”

Gu Defang gestured to Mrs. Qin, "Listen to Dad and give the money to Xiu'e."

Ms. Qin put down the soles of her shoes, got up and went back to her room to get some money.

Gu Chengnan glared at Wang Xiu'e and said coldly: "Are you satisfied now?"

Gu Huaidong reprimanded with a straight face: "Brother Nan, what are you talking about?"

 After speaking, Gu Huaidong looked at Wang Xiu'e and said in a gentle voice: "Xiu'e, we have never forgotten the gift money.

I have already discussed with De Fang, De Hai, and Dec Chang that all the grandchildren in the family should be treated equally and receive ten taels of silver.

 I wanted to wait until my family had more money before I could make up for your bride price. Since you mentioned it today, let me fill it in for you first. Looking back in front of my in-laws, I hope you can make up for it. "

After Gu Huaidong finished speaking, he straightened his body, looked around at everyone and said, "That's it for today, no one is allowed to mention it again in the future.

 Everyone, please remember that your family and everything will be prosperous! Brothers, friends and brothers are respectful to each other, which is the way to build a family. Wan and Xiaoyu are weak, so as family members, we should be more considerate! It's time to break up, let's go and do our own business. "

  Everyone got up one after another and went about their business according to grandfather's previous instructions.

Wang Xiu'e sat on the bench and stared blankly at the money in her hand. She didn't know how things turned out like this.

She originally wanted to say that the third house spent too much money, and Gu Huayu did nothing, so why did it become the money for the bride price?

Seeing that Wang was sitting still, Mrs. Fang said calmly: "Xiu'e, go change your clothes and send the money to your relatives as soon as possible."

Wang Xiu'e raised her head and looked at Fang, "Auntie..."

  Fang sighed, "Go quickly."

Gu Chengjuan rolled her eyes at Wang Xiu'e, turned to Gu Huayu and said: "Xiaoyu, you haven't done anything yet, go back to the house to rest. I'll help Aniang pick up the beans."

Gu Huayu shook her head, "No, picking up beans is a manual job. I'm not tired. I'll go with the second sister to help the second uncle."

"How can that be done! You are weak, go back to the house and rest, we can do these things." Gu Chengjuan refused.

Mrs. Fang came over with a dustpan and looked at Mrs. Wang who was walking towards the side room. "Xiaoyu, don't take your second sister-in-law's words to heart. Go and have a rest."

Gu Huayu smiled and said, "Thank you, second uncle. I'll pick up the sand in the beans with my second sister. I'm not tired from the work on my hands."

Gu Huayu wanted to go shopping with him at the market tomorrow, so he stuck to Mr. Fang and refused to leave. The family was too poor, so she had to get money.

Seeing that Gu Huayu insisted on staying, Mrs. Fang had to say: "Okay, the main room is spacious, let's pick beans here. Xiaoyu waits here, Chengjuan comes over to help Aniang."

Gu Chengjuan followed Fang to move the beans, while Gu Huayu was waiting in the main room.

Gu Huayu sat down at the table, holding her head with her right hand and looking towards the yard.

I am thinking in my mind, what should I sell tomorrow? The family is so poor, yet everyone still protects her so much. Such a family deserves her careful care.

"Miss, if you don't go to the room to rest, what are you doing here?" Wang's strange voice brought Gu Huayu back to her senses.

Wang is wearing a blue floral top, a pair of navy blue muslin trousers, and her hair is tied with a wooden hairpin. Wang's facial features are exquisite, and a little grooming will give people the feeling of Xiaojiabiyu.

Gu Huayu secretly thought that if this person didn't speak in a weird way and was more open-minded, he would be much more likeable. He raised his eyebrows and said, "I am the young ancestor of the Gu family. I don't need to tell you in detail what I do here."

 (End of this chapter)

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