Chapter 67 Fragrant Dew

Gu Chengjuan ran over quickly, not forgetting to turn around and explain to Gu Huayu.

Gu Huayu followed closely behind Gu Chengjuan, "I know, let's go and take a look first."

The two of them walked under the pine tree. "Xiaohua, are you okay?" Gu Chengjuan knelt down and asked.

 Zhang Xiaohua closed her eyes tightly and did not respond.

“Xiaoyu, come and take a look.” Gu Chengjuan shouted in panic.

Gu Huayu bent down and touched Zhang Xiaohua's forehead, and the back of her hand suddenly felt hot.

"She has a high fever and has lost consciousness. We need to help her lower the fever." Gu Huayu knelt down and said to Gu Chengjuan.

Gu Chengjuan asked nervously: "How can I help? Xiaoyu, do you know how?"

Gu Huayu quickly took out cotton **** and alcohol from the medical kit to cool down Zhang Xiaohua, "Shut up, don't make any noise. Come and help, support her like this."

Gu Huayu demonstrated to Gu Chengjuan as she spoke.

"Huh? Oh! Okay, is that so?" Gu Chengjuan sat next to Zhang Xiaohua and raised her hand to support him.

Gu Huayu took a look, nodded and said, "Yeah."

Gu Chengjuan watched Gu Huayu busy with curiosity, and couldn't help but ask: "Xiaoyu, what are you doing?"

 “Lower her fever.” Gu Huayu replied casually without stopping.

 After Gu Huayu finished the heat-lowering treatment, she then examined Zhang Xiaohua.

 “Oh my god, why is Zhang Wu so cruel?” Gu Chengjuan couldn’t help but gasped when she saw the purple bruises on Zhang Xiaohua’s body.

Gu Huayu raised her head and looked at Gu Chengjuan and said, "Hold on, don't look!"

Gu Chengjuan obediently looked away and said sadly and angrily: "How can there be such a family in the world?"

Gu Huayu didn't answer, she lowered her head to check.

 “Xiaoyu, how is Xiaohua doing?” Gu Chengjuan asked next.

Gu Huayu still didn't reply. She raised her hand and touched Zhang Xiaohua's chest, and then helped Zhang Xiaohua tidy up her clothes.

He said calmly: "Two broken ribs, a fractured left leg, multiple soft tissue contusions on the body, long-term malnutrition, and extremely weak body."

"What should we do? Xiaohua's family will definitely not treat her." Gu Chengjuan looked at the unconscious Zhang Xiaohua and looked up at Gu Huayu.

 Gu Huayu looked at Zhang Xiaohua, who was sallow and skinny, and said, "I'll treat her first, and we'll do the rest after she wakes up. Sitting like this is not a problem. We need to find a place for her to lie down and rest."

Gu Huayu stood up and looked around, trying to find a place for Zhang Xiaohua to lie down.

“Xiaoyu, there is a haystack in Liujiakan, how about we carry the little flowers there?” Gu Chengjuan said, pointing to the haystack not far away on the upper left.

Gu Huayu looked in the direction of Gu Chengjuan's finger, nodded and said, "Okay, let's do it right here."

 “I’ll carry Xiaohua, and you’ll carry the blue basket.” As she said that, Gu Chengjuan put Zhang Xiaohua’s hand on her shoulder and bent down to carry it on her back.

 Gu Huayu saw that Gu Chengjuan couldn't help but carry Zhang Xiaohua on her back, so she had no choice but to carry the basket and walk forward.

Arrived at the haystack, Gu Huayu put down the basket, pulled out two bundles of corn stalks from the haystack and spread them on the ground, and then helped Gu Chengjuan put down Zhang Xiaohua.

Gu Chengjuan raised her hand and wiped the sweat from her forehead, panting and said: "Xiaoyu, what should we do next? Just guard her like this?"

Gu Huayu spread her hands and said, "We can only guard it, what else?"

Gu Chengjuan turned around and pulled a bundle of corn stalks and spread it on the ground, "Then let's sit and watch, Xiaoyu, when will Xiaohua wake up?"

Gu Huayu sat down next to Gu Chengjuan. Gu Chengjuan looked at Zhang Xiaohua and told Gu Huayu all the evil deeds of the Zhang family.

Gu Huayu listened silently and made no comment.

The more he scolded, the angrier Gu Chengjuan became, so she said, "Forget it, stop talking. Besides, I want to hit someone."

Gu Huayu raised her head and looked at her and said, "If you feel bored, go pick flowers. I'll guard you here."

“Is this okay?” Gu Chengjuan asked, turning her head.

"What's wrong? Go quickly and I'll teach you how to make perfume tonight. I guarantee it will be better than the one sold in the rouge shop." Gu Huayu said with a smile.

"Then I'll go!" Gu Chengjuan said, but she sat still.

Gu Huayu smiled and patted Gu Chengjuan on the shoulder, "Get up and go quickly."

 “I really went.” Gu Chengjuan looked at Gu Huayu seriously.

Gu Huayu smiled and said, "Don't worry, go ahead and pick more."

 Gu Chengjuan then took out the rice oil and steamed buns from the basket, and carried the basket to pick flowers.

Gu Huayu waited for Gu Chengjuan to go away, took out the medicine from the space, fed it to Zhang Xiaohua, and then bandaged her injury.

 After everything was taken care of, Gu Huayu put away her tools and sat down to read.

"Xiaoyu, Xiaohua hasn't woken up yet?" Gu Chengjuan came back with a basket full of jasmine flowers and asked from a distance.

Gu Huayu looked up at Gu Chengjuan and shook her head, "No, the second sister is back."

"Xiaoyu, look, are these enough? If not, I will pick more." Gu Chengjuan handed the basket to Gu Huayu.

 Gu Huayu looked down and reached out to press, "Let's pick these first, there are quite a few. This is my first time doing it, so I don't know if I can make it yet..."


 Gu Chengjuan looked for the voice and turned to look at Zhang Xiaohua, "Xiaohua, are you awake?"

Zhang Xiaohua looked at Gu Chengjuan and Gu Huayu blankly, feeling in a trance and not knowing where she was.

"You have two broken ribs. It's best to lie down and don't move." Gu Huayu saw Zhang Xiaohua trying to get up and stopped her.

After being reminded by Gu Huayu, Zhang Xiaohua realized that she was in pain all over her body. She remembered Zhang Wu holding a stick and waving it at her... She remembered that she had secretly crawled out of the house in the middle of the night despite the pain...

"That's right, Xiaohua, just lie down and don't move. Are you hungry? We brought you something to eat." Gu Chengjuan turned around to bring rice and oil.

 Zhang Xiaohua has lived in a home as cold as an ice cellar for a long time, and has never received any care from her family.

The concern of the Gu sisters made her stunned. When she felt their kindness, the grievances, fragility, and emotions in her heart gathered together and rushed upward... Suddenly, tears fell down from the corners of her eyes like lake water bursting. Tiao, choked with sobs: "Chengjuan, thank you."

Gu Huayu felt sad when she saw it, so she turned around and went to the wheat field to pick up a straw and come back.

"Stop crying, this is rice oil. Come, I'll feed you." Gu Chengjuan comforted Zhang Xiaohua with a smile, half-kneeling beside Zhang Xiaohua, holding a clay pot in one hand, and preparing to help Zhang Xiaohua with the other.

"Chengjuan..." Zhang Xiaohua looked at Gu Chengjuan and was so moved that she didn't know what to say.

"It's hard to feed Xiaohua when she's lying down, let her **** it from this." Gu Huayu put the wheat straw into the bowl.

Gu Chengjuan looked up at Gu Huayu and said with a smile: "This is good, Xiaoyu still has a way."

Gu Chengjuan brought the wheat straw to Zhang Xiaohua's mouth, "Xiaohua, let me tell you, the person you want to thank today is not me, but Xiaoyu. Your injury was treated by Xiaoyu. You don't know, you just It's scary how hot you are, Xiaoyu will help you cool down..."

Gu Chengjuan told Zhang Xiaohua in a hurry.

 Zhang Xiaohua raised her head and looked at Gu Huayu, "Xiaoyu, thank you! I thought I wouldn't survive..."

 Zhang Xiaohua said, tears welling up again.

Gu Huayu felt sad again. She knelt down to wipe Zhang Xiaohua's tears and said with relief, "Don't think too much, just eat first."

 “Yes, yes, eat first.” Gu Chengjuan advised.

 Zhang Xiaohua was so hungry that she drank up all the rice oil in the bowl in a few mouthfuls.

Gu Chengjuan took out the steamed bun and handed it to Zhang Xiaohua.

"Second sister, feed her in pieces, and make them smaller." Gu Huayu was afraid that Zhang Xiaohua would devour it, so she raised her hand to block Zhang Xiaohua's hand, and then explained: "She can't eat too quickly."

Gu Chengjuan looked at Zhang Xiaohua and nodded in agreement.

Gu Chengjuan broke off a small piece of steamed bun and put it into Zhang Xiaohua's mouth.

Gu Huayu warned: "Chew more and don't swallow too quickly."

 Zhang Xiaohua nodded while chewing, "Okay!"

Gu Huayu waited for Zhang Xiaohua to finish the steamed buns and asked, "What should we do next? Shall we take you back?"

 Zhang Xiaohua shook her head hurriedly, "They will beat me to death. I can't go back."

Gu Chengjuan and Gu Huayu looked at each other, then turned to Zhang Xiaohua and said, "If you don't go back, where will you live? And what about your injuries?"

 Zhang Xiaohua looked at the haystacks beside her and said, "I'll hide here for a few days."

Gu Chengjuan looked at Gu Huayu and wanted to ask her what to do.

Gu Huayu thought for a while and said, "That's good, she can't be injured again, otherwise, her legs will not be saved."

“But what should we do at night? What if it rains?” Gu Chengjuan looked around, trying to find a place that could shelter from the wind and rain.

"It doesn't matter, it's cold at night, just huddle up in the haystack. If it rains, I'll go to the cliff cave halfway up the mountain to take shelter." Zhang Xiaohua said calmly.

Gu Chengjuan was still worried, "What are you eating? Besides, if your brother and your father and mother find you, they will definitely beat you."

Zhang Xiaohua smiled bitterly, "They want me to die outside, so how can they care about my life or death? Rather than go back and be beaten to death by them, it is better to starve to death outside. As for food, just find some wild fruits and vegetables. When the injury is better, I'll think of something else."

Gu Chengjuan wanted to say something else, but Gu Huayu reached out and pulled her, telling her to shut up.

Gu Chengjuan looked at Gu Huayu, who shook her head at her, and then said to Zhang Xiaohua: "Don't worry about food, my second sister and I will find a way to bring it to you. You can take care of yourself with peace of mind and heal your injuries first." "Second sister, we should go back."

Gu Chengjuan nodded, "Yes, we have been out for a long time. If we don't go back, it's time for our family to go out and look for her."

Gu Chengjuan gave Zhang Xiaohua some instructions, and the two sisters walked back.

 After dinner, Gu Chengjuan rushed to deliver food to Zhang Xiaohua.

Gu Huayu nodded and whispered: "I have hidden a thin quilt in the haystack next to the cattle pen. You can take it with you."

Gu Chengjuan gave Gu Huayu a thumbs up, "Xiaoyu is still thoughtful."

Gu Huayu pursed her lips and smiled, saying nothing more.

After Gu Chengjuan left, Gu Huayu directed the men of the Gu family to build a distillation stove in the kitchen.

 Gu Dehai asked while building the stove: "Xiaoyu, can this stove really make perfume? What kind of perfume is sold in the rouge shop in town?"

 Gu Huayu responded with a smile: "It's not that kind, it's better than the Rouge Shop."

Wang leaned against the door frame and snorted: "The cowhide blows so loudly!"

Gu Chengliang turned around and glared at Wang, wanting to fight back.

Gu Huayu pulled Gu Chengliang's sleeve and shook her head at him to ignore it.

Gu Chengliang glanced at Mrs. Wang, then turned to see everyone busy.

Gu Chengdong asked curiously: "Xiaoyu, did you see this method in a book again?"

Gu Huayu raised her eyebrows, "Of course, otherwise, how could I know?"

Wanshi said while chopping the pigweed: "I saw that you pampered Xiaoyu to no end. She said whatever she said and let her do whatever she wanted. How can the fragrant dew sold in Rouge Shop be easily made?"

Gu Chenglin handed the bricks to Gu Dehai and replied: "Third Aunt, you can't say that. How will you know if you can't do it if you don't try?"

"Well, how can you know if you don't try? Besides, I think that if Xiaoyu says it can be done, it can definitely be done." Gu Chengliang took over.

Wan Shi smiled and said: "I won't argue with you, just go along with her and mess around."

 Gu Chengjuan went away for more than an hour before coming back.

When Gu Huayu saw her coming in, she walked over and asked in a low voice, "Why have you been gone so long? What happened?"

Gu Chengjuan whispered back: "I had a conversation with Xiaohua. When I came back, I walked around Zhang's house to see if they were looking for Xiaohua."

Gu Huayu lowered her eyes, kicked a small wooden stick on the ground, and asked casually: "What did you see? Is anyone in the Zhang family looking for Xiaohua?"

Gu Chengjuan shook his head, "No, in order to save money on lamp oil, the family sat in the yard to eat.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, this family's heart seems to be made of stone, no one asks Xiaohua, not one! "

Gu Chengjuan was so angry that she gritted her teeth.

Gu Huayu kicked the wooden stick away from her feet, waved her hands and walked to the kitchen. As she walked, she said, "A cold-hearted person will not have good results. Don't be angry with such a person. Let's go and make scented dew." "

Gu Chengjuan followed Gu Huayu, "That's right, I don't have to be angry with this kind of person."

The next day, Gu Huayu's jasmine fragrance was made. A group of women from the Gu family sat around Gu Huayu, lowered their heads to smell the fragrance on their wrists, and said it smelled good.

“Xiaoyu, this fragrance smells so good! How about we make more and sell them in the town?”

Gu Chengjuan looked up at Gu Huayu and asked excitedly.

Wang's eyes lit up, and she raised her head to look at Gu Huayu: "Xiaoyu, this business is good, there are many flowers in the back mountain, and we don't need capital, we will pick flowers soon.

I heard that the products in the rouge shops in the city are very valuable, and they are all used by ladies from wealthy families.

 A small box of rouge costs a lot of money. Our perfume smells good, so it might fetch a good price. "

 The rest of the people looked at Gu Huayu, waiting for her answer.

Gu Huayu didn't show off, nodded and said: "Well, I plan to do business in fragrant dew. However, I won't sell it in the town."

Wang leaned forward and asked eagerly: "If you don't want to sell it in the town? Where can you sell it? In the county town?"

Mr. Guan took the words and said, "County town? We are not familiar with the county town? How can we sell it?"

 Gu Huayu put away the vial and said with a smile: "Don't worry about this, there are no strangers in the world, only people who have no time to get to know each other. Let's make the fragrant dew first. If there is goods, don't worry about not having buyers."

Wang laughed along and said: "Xiaoyu is right, the key is to have the goods. Let's go pick flowers now and pick more. By the way, what should we use to make it? Xiaoyu, where did you get this small bottle? Can you have more? Bring some back?"

Wang Xiu'e looked at the glass bottle in Gu Huayu's hand.

 Gu Huayu shook her head, "I got this by accident when I went back to the county town last time. Second sister-in-law, please go pick flowers first. I will arrange other things."

 (End of this chapter)

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