Chapter 69 Selling Girls

Just as Gu Huayu was about to speak, someone behind her said, "Rang, Xiaohua's mother is back."

Gu Huayu turned around and looked over, and saw Wu Shiyi coming back with pigweed on his back.

Liu Dongsheng's daughter-in-law Meng said: "Auntie, you are back. If you come back later, Xiaohua will be beaten to death by her brother."

Wu sullenly threw the basket of pig grass to the ground, straightened up and shouted at Meng: "Who is your mother? What does it have to do with you that our brother Wu is disciplining his sister?"

   You’re just a **** person who’s full of food, minding other people’s business. Don't think that I don't know about the bad things going on in your family? My own porridge can't be cooled, why are you taking care of my mother's family's affairs? Gungungun, you bunch of nosy bastards, don't block the door of my house. "

Meng is a warm-hearted person who likes to fight against injustice. She just married into Shangtai Village not long ago and doesn't know much about the things in the village.

She didn’t expect that her kind intentions would not be met with a kind word from Mrs. Wu, but instead she would be shamed by Mrs. Wu.

She lowered her face in embarrassment and choked: "Hey, aunt, why are you so unreasonable? Discipline a girl? Is there anyone who disciplines like Zhang Wu? Xiaohua is your daughter, not a pig or a dog! How can you allow your son to bully your daughter like this?"

Wu stepped forward and shouted fiercely at Meng, "It's none of your business how I discipline my daughter. Who are you? Is it your fault?"

Wu’s saliva sprayed directly into Meng’s face. Meng raised her hands to cover her face and stepped back.

Wu rolled up her sleeves playfully and tried to pounce on Meng and beat her.

Gu Huayu saw that everyone was shrinking back and did not dare to say a word.

Gu Huayu raised her hand and threw a stone, and the stone landed accurately on Wu's leg.

Wu’s feet dodge, her body swayed and she fell to the ground.

Before everyone came to their senses, Gu Huayu turned to Gu Chengjuan and said, "Oh, second sister, Zhang Xiaohua is too injured to move. I'm afraid Shopkeeper Huang won't take it seriously, so let's go back and give Shopkeeper Huang a reply."

Gu Chengjuan was stunned for a moment, then saw Gu Huayu blinking at her, and then understood.

"Huh? Oh, that's right, let's go back. Shopkeeper Huang has given so much money, where can't he buy a maid?"

 After saying that, the two of them walked out together.

“Xiaojuan, Xiaoyu, wait a minute.” When Wu saw the two leaving, she didn’t care about cursing, and hurriedly got up from the ground and shouted.

Seeing Gu Huayu stop, Gu Chengjuan stopped, turned around and asked, "Auntie, is there something wrong?"

  Mrs. Wu changed her previous fierce look and asked with a smile on her face while rubbing her leg sockets: "Xiaojiao, what did you two just say that the shopkeeper bought a maid?"

“Oh, shopkeeper Huang from the county town is familiar with my father and wants to buy a maid to help him. He asked my father if he has anyone suitable.

When I went to the market last time, I heard that my aunt wanted to sell Xiaohua, so I told my father. My father thought that Xiaohua was diligent and a nice person, so he asked me and my second sister to invite my aunt to come and sit.

 But now that Xiaohua is so injured, she is afraid that she may not survive. "Gu Huayu glanced at Zhang Xiaohua and focused her gaze on Wu's face.

When Wu heard this, the smile on her face became even brighter, with a bit of flattery and pettiness, "Don't worry about Xiaoyu, Brother Wu just teaches Xiaohua a lesson, how can he be cruel?

Our little flower has a very strong skin. The injury on his body will heal in a few days.

 Auntie asked you, how much money is shopkeeper Huang willing to pay? did you know? "

 Gu Huayu shook her head, "I don't know. It is said that there are living contracts and dead contracts. There are differences, and the prices are naturally different.

If Auntie wants to know more, come to my house and discuss directly with Shopkeeper Huang. However, shopkeeper Huang might not buy it if the little flower is injured like this. "

 (End of this chapter)

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