The Rebirth of Space: the Lucky Girl From a Farm Family

Chapter 98: Listen to the head of the family

Chapter 98 Listen to the head of the family

 “Then…” Shopkeeper Huang asked.

Zhu Mingdao waved his hand, "I know what you want to ask. The second master was brought up by the old master. How can the old master not know what the second master's temper is like?"

Shopkeeper Huang said angrily: "But what about the death of the master and his wife? Was it in vain?"

Zhu Mingdao sighed and said: "I also asked the old patriarch about this. The old patriarch's original words were that Ling'er was in that position, but he couldn't protect himself. It was his destiny."

Shopkeeper Huang looked at Zhu Gongfeng in surprise, "..."

Zhu Mingdao took a sip of tea and continued: "The head of the family inherited the charity and generous temperament of the old head of the family, but without the experience of the old head of the family when he was young, he was very bad at recognizing people, and even lost his life."

Shopkeeper Huang asked in confusion: "The old master just watched the master and his wife lose their lives?"

Zhu Mingdao glanced at Shopkeeper Huang, shook his head and said: "After the incident, someone in the palace went to see the old master.

After the man left, the head of the old family called back the people he sent and refused to let him investigate again.

 After that, the old master's condition worsened and he passed away soon. "

Shopkeeper Huang said clearly: "So that's it! No wonder I've been checking here and there over the years, but I can't find any useful letters."

Zhu Mingdao smiled dryly and said, "The old master won't let me check, so how can you find out?"

Shopkeeper Huang nodded, "Then, what should we do next? Still not investigating? Still not avenging the family head?"

Zhu Mingdao smiled and said: "This depends on Xiao Yanran. Xiao Yanran is now the head of the family. All the rules of our Longying Guards must be obeyed by the head of the family.

This matter is not urgent. Ten years have passed, so why not wait a few more years? "

Shopkeeper Huang’s face showed a smile, “That’s right, for a girl, the head of the family and his wife are her parents, and there is nothing a girl can do that is too much.

But, the girl’s identity..."

Zhu Mingdao nodded, "Listen to Xiao Yanran, her current status is very good. The head of the family suffered the disadvantage of having less experience back then, so it will be beneficial for Xiao Yanran to have more experience."

Shopkeeper Huang nodded repeatedly, "Mr. Zhu is right."

Zhu Mingdao tapped the cup with his hand, thought for a while, and then said: "Experience is one thing, and so is Xiao Yanran's thoroughness.

In this way, I will leave some people behind, and you can find an opportunity to send them to Yanran. "

 “Okay!” Shopkeeper Huang responded cheerfully.

Five people, Gu Chenglin, Gu Chengzi, Gu Chengzhang, Gu Chenggui and Gu Chengliang, took the entrance examination for Nanshan College.

On the day of waiting for the results, Gu Chenglin and others followed Gu Huayu and walked around the county.

Gu Huayu opened a rouge shop not far from the county government office, named it "Xinxin Rouge Shop", and planned to sell homemade perfume in the shop.

After shopkeeper Huang found out, he came to the shop to have a look.

When Gu Chenglin saw Shopkeeper Huang coming in, he hurriedly put down what he was doing and came out, "Uncle Huang is here, please come in quickly."

During the days since they came to the county town, the Gu family brothers and sisters had eaten at Huangji several times and became familiar with shopkeeper Huang. The brothers and sisters all called him Uncle Huang.

Shopkeeper Huang walked in while looking at the shop. He nodded and said, "Well, this location is good. It is considered a prime location in Shicheng. Most of the people living around it are wealthy families in Shicheng. You have a good taste!"

Gu Chenglin smiled and responded: "Yes, Xiaoyu has a unique vision, and whatever he chooses is good."

Hearing that it was the place chosen by Gu Huayu, the smile on Shopkeeper Huang’s face deepened. "Miss Xiaoyu's vision is really nothing to say. Where is Miss Xiaoyu? Is she not here?"

Gu Chenglin quickly replied: "Yes, in the backyard. Uncle Huang, please come with me."

 (End of this chapter)

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