The Rebirth of the Financial Hegemon

Vol 3 Chapter 19: It turns out that you can do whatever you want with money.

In the religious code, God is omnipotent.

However, this omnipotence is always contradictory.

Paradoxically, no matter how loyal believers are, they have to rely on their own food and clothing.

Paradoxically, even the most devout servants of God, few want to see God sooner.

But there is one thing that can eat and do everything.

And, everyone wants to see it.


Translation, money.

Deep water wading area.

Located in the northwest of the Kowloon Peninsula, this area is adjacent to Shatin Lion Country Park to the north.

In the early days, it was the industrial and commercial center of Hong Kong.

Since the 1960s.

With the rapid development of Hong Kong's industry, the industrial development of Sham Shui Po has become increasingly prosperous. Coupled with the construction of a large number of public housing in the area, this area has been the most populous administrative area until the 1990s.

But later on, it was one of the poorest areas in Hong Kong.

Zhang Jiarong, the Royal Hong Kong Police, lives in the Sham Shui Shed area.

The partner was beaten into a maim, and he was beaten in vain.

Now suspended again.

Zhang Jiarong was full of hatred.

He believes that there is still justice in this world, but he does not believe that those people who have money can really do whatever they want.

After discussing with a group of brothers in military uniforms.

A plan was finally made.

The gang of murderers can be lawless, nothing more than because they bribed the British.

But as long as he broke the news to the media organizations.

Will definitely put pressure on those people.

Until then.

If the Kowloon Branch does not care, he will go to the Police Headquarters, and if the Police Headquarters does not care, he will go to the Governor's Mansion.

I can't believe no one cares about this yet.

Didn't he just scold the two Bei Gus for a few times.

Actually shot so heavy.

These mainland boys are really savage.

Now Ah Cai is still lying in the hospital, and he was beaten in vain.

Zhang Jiarong has already thought about it, no matter what, he must find the mainlanders to get the announcement back.

He wants to let these mainlanders know.

Hong Kong has laws.

"Bang bang..."

At dawn, there was a knock on the door.

Zhang Jiarong shouted and asked.


"The police handle the case."


Could it be that he and Ah Cai were beaten by the police headquarters?

Last night, Zhang Jiarong broke the news to several major media organizations in Hong Kong.

From when they took to the streets for law enforcement and patrols, to being beaten, to Ah Cai being crippled by murderers.

In the end, the police chief of the Kowloon branch used his power to seek personal gain and release the murderer.

Zhang Jiarong told the media organization what happened to himself and his partner one by one.

He believed that as long as the media broke things out.

Under the pressure of public opinion, the gang of British people could not cover the sky with one hand.

Zhang Jiarong was overjoyed.

Unexpectedly, the efficiency of media organizations is so high.

The news that only broke yesterday was released today.

It's a pity that he hasn't had time to buy a newspaper to read the card.


I see what else you mainlanders can do.

at Hong Kong.

But everyone is equal to the law.

Beat up the police and maim people.

See if you die this time.

Zhang Jiarong looked through the cat's eyes on the door.

After confirming that it was the police outside, he quickly opened the door.

Several police officers stood at the door.

The leader was a plainclothes man with a work permit around his neck.

Zhang Jiarong opened the door.

The leading plainclothes picked up the document and gave Zhang Jiarong a look.

he opened his mouth.

"Hello, I'm He Chaozhan, Senior Inspector of the Hong Kong Political Department. Are you Mr. Zhang Jiarong?"


Zhang Jiarong's mind was stunned.

Political Department.

How could it be the Political Department.

There really is a political department.

Didn't it say that it was disbanded in 1995?

Zhang Jiarong stood for a moment.

Then came an indescribable ecstasy.

You dare to beat the Royal Police, and now even the Political Department is involved to see if you die.

Zhang Jiarong nodded quickly.

"I am Zhang Jiarong."

He Chaozhan glanced at Zhang Jiarong.

He continued.

"At 10:15 last night, when you and your partner Zhang Acai were on duty in Ladies Street, did you meet a few Asians who spoke Mandarin."

Asians who speak Mandarin?

Not mainlanders.

The Political Department is the Political Department, and even its speech is so eloquent.

Zhang Jiarong thought to himself.

he replied.

"Yes, when Ah Cai and I were performing official duties in Ladies Street last night, we encountered two Pei Gu who smuggled in. We..."

Before Zhang Jiarong could finish his words, He Chaozhan interrupted him.

"That's right, you've been accused of serious racism by you and your partner on official business in Ladies' Street last night.

Also, one of the ladies was seriously injured by your brutality..."


One of the ladies was seriously injured by the brutality?

He Chaozhan continued to speak.

But Zhang Jiarong couldn't hear anything.

Those four words of racism.

Let Zhang Jiarong's brain seem to be severely smashed.

Isn't it just scolding the two Beigu, how could racial discrimination be involved.

Aren't these people here to do justice for me and Ah Cai?

Zhang Jiarong wanted to laugh.

How can discrimination against mainlanders be called racial discrimination?

But he couldn't smile.

Since the Political Department has come to the door, it must be real racial discrimination.

how so….

"Mr. Zhang Jiarong, you have the right to remain silent, and every word you say now will be used as evidence in court..."

Finally, He Chaozhan finished his words.

The last few words Zhang Jiarong said in the past made him come back to his senses.

he murmured.

"Is discrimination against mainlanders also called racial discrimination..."

Zhang Jiarong was arrested.

According to Zhang Jiarong's testimony and witness testimony at the scene.

The court makes a judgment.

Zhang Jiarong and his partner Zhang Acai committed serious racial discrimination in the performance of official duties, and caused serious injury to one of the women during the pulling process.

Under British domestic law, racial discrimination can be punishable by up to 13 years in prison.

Both are Royal Police officers.

Violent law enforcement and serious harm to victims in the performance of official duties.

Know the law and crime plus one class.


Zhang Jiarong was sentenced to serve 18 years in prison at Stanley Prison.

His partner, Zhang Acai, was sentenced to 13 years in prison. Given that he is recuperating in the hospital, the court's pardon can allow him to be released on medical parole.

It took only three days from Zhang Jiarong's arrest to the court judgment.

at the moment of getting the verdict.

Zhang Jiarong's mind went blank.

He didn't understand why this matter ended up like this.

He has clearly told the media organization everything, but unfortunately none of the media known as the uncrowned king has spoken out.

What Zhang Jiarong can't figure out is that.

It's not that he didn't despise mainlanders before, but he'd never heard of racial discrimination.

Not just cursing a few words.

How could it be racist.

Zhang Jiarong did not choose to appeal.

He knew that an appeal could not change this fact.

What the mainlander said was true.

turn out to be.

You can really do whatever you want with money.


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