Chapter 41

In the evening self-study, Lin Qi felt that time flies so slowly for the first time, and every second is suffering.

The first night of self-study is about to end.

The front row of the classroom.

Xu Yueyan suddenly covered her lower abdomen with a look of pain on her face.

At the same table, Xiao Chuchu noticed her anomaly for the first time, and said with concern: “Yueyan, are you uncomfortable now that you are like this?”

“I’m here.” Xu Yueyan blushed slightly.

“Huh? Doesn’t it matter? How about you make a call and ask your family to pick you up?”

“No, it’s so embarrassing. I’ll just go to the girls’ dormitory and take a rest.”

“Well, let me ask the boarding girl to get the key.”

“Well, thank you, Chu Chu, remember to ask quietly, don’t let others find out.”

“Okay, I know.”

Xiao Chuchu left his seat, walked to a girl, whispered a few words next to the girl, and got the key to the girl’s dormitory.

Seeing that Xiao Chuchu asked the boarder to take the key to the girls’ bedroom, Lin Qi was even more sure that Xiao Chuchu had written the piece of paper.

He was incredibly happy.


Lin Qi tiptoed into the girls’ dormitory.

There are not many boarding students in No. 1 Middle School. They are basically one class and one dormitory, and the corresponding class is written on the door of each dormitory.

Lin Qi easily found the female dormitory in the second class of high school.

The door of the dormitory is unlocked, indicating that there is someone inside.

Lin Qi snickered, ‘It turns out that Chu Chu is already waiting for me. ’

Pushing open the door lightly, Lin Qi walked in.

Because it is not time for self-study next night, the dormitory is not energized and the lights are not turned on.

Lin Qi could only see a figure sitting on a bed.

The preconceived Lin Qi naturally thought that the figure was Xiao Chuchu.

He couldn’t wait to speak: “Chu Chu, I’m here, don’t you have something to tell me? Let’s talk.”

“Ah–” Xiao Chuchu didn’t speak, because Xiao Chuchu was not here at all, and the response to Lin Qi was a super high decibel scream.

Hearing the screams, Lin Qi felt as if he was being topped with a bucket of cold water, and poured a chill out of his heart.

Because he heard that the voice was not Xiao Chuchu’s voice.

“Sorry, someone framed me!”

Lin Qi reacted instantly, and ran out.

However, can he run?

Ten minutes later, Lin Qi was called to a separate office.

There are only three people in the office, Lin Qi, Xu Yueyan, and class teacher Zheng Yingying.

The nature of this matter is too bad, Zheng Yingying didn’t want to make the matter public before finding any reasonable solution.

This is about the reputation of a female classmate.

Xu Yueyan’s eyes were red and she kept sobbing.

It makes me sad to cry.

It’s not that her acting skills are too good.

But Su Zhiwen told her that if you don’t cry, you don’t want her.

She is afraid, what should she do if Su Zhiwen doesn’t want her anymore?

Zheng Yingying gently patted Xu Yueyan’s back, softly comforting.

After comforting for a while, he asked, “Xu Yueyan, are you sure that that person is Lin Qi?”

Xu Yueyan cried out: “It’s… it’s him, although the bedroom… doesn’t turn on… the lights are turned on, but… but his voice is… …I remember, he…he often comes to my…that position, ask…Xiao Chuchu questions, I don’t remember…remember Incorrect.”

Zheng Yingying continued to ask: “What did he do to you?”

“He he…” Xu Yueyan cried louder as she seemed to think of the sad thing, and accused: “He came in… just grabbed my hand, wanted to hug me, and… …Also tell me not to move.”

“Sneak into the girls’ dormitory at night, with the intent to molest the girls, Lin Qi, you are so courageous!”

Thanks to the influence of the family environment, Zheng Yingying is most embarrassed, and Lin Qi’s behavior makes her very angry.

Lin Qi glared at Xu Yueyan and defended: “I have been to the girls’ dormitory, but I have never done those things.”

Zheng Yingying was unrelentingly angry and asked, “What are you doing in the girls’ dormitory all right?”

“Yes… someone pretended to be Xiao Chuchu and wrote me a note, asking me to go to the girls’ dormitory and tell me something.”

“If it’s not someone pretending, it’s really a note given to you by Xiao Chuchu, can you enter the girls’ dormitory?” Zheng Ying was so speechless that he stretched out his hand and asked, “Where is the note?”

“I… I ate it.” Lin Qi also regretted it a little. If he knew this was a sinking, he would not eat the note.

“Eat it?!” Zheng Yingying was almost exasperated. “Do you think that you are alone and the others are fools?”

“Ms. Zheng, what I said is true!”

“Needless to say, call your parents over.” Zheng Yingying didn’t want to listen to Lin Qi’s sophistry anymore.

Lin Qi was anxious when he heard that he was about to call his parents.

“Xu Yueyan, why did you frame me?”

Of course Xu Yueyan wouldn’t say that Su Zhiwen made her do this, she just kept crying, and the tears flowed out like money.

“It was Su Zhiwen who instigated you, right?” Lin Qi soon became suspicious, and Su Zhiwen was the only one who had conflicts with him at school.

“Lin Qi, you are enough, you have made a mistake and refused to admit it, and you have wronged other people!” Zheng Yingying was even more angry.

Does she still understand Su Zhiwen’s character?

She studied hard and she was smart. That night, she was frightened by the thunder. Su Zhiwen accompanied her until late at night. She fell asleep, and Su Zhiwen didn’t do anything to her.

Instead, she was sent to the bed and covered with a quilt.

Would such a person frame someone?

This is impossible!

On the contrary, it was Lin Qi, who had repeatedly banned skipping classes and fighting.

Last time Lin Qi made a report and was rewarded, but she thought that Lin Qi was not bad in nature.

Unexpectedly, it is getting worse and worse than before!

[Ding, congratulations to the host for the successful conspiracy, destroying the protagonist Lin Qi’s image in the eyes of the heroine Zheng Yingying, affecting the plot trend, rewarding the villain with a value of 500]

Su Zhiwen, who was sitting in the classroom, received the system’s prompt and was so happy from ear to ear.

Zheng Yingying was very disappointed with Lin Qi. She was really unacceptable. Such students would appear in her class.

“Lin Qi, if you still don’t admit your mistake, then I can only report this matter and let the school handle it.”

“Ms. Zheng, no…can’t report, if other students…know, I’ll be…ashamed to see people.”

Xu Yueyan heard that Zheng Yingying was about to report, and she immediately stopped her. Su Zhiwen had told her before that she should not make things worse.

Su Zhiwen didn’t want to make matters worse, because Lin Qi still had a backer, Shu Lao.

That old man was the school manager of No. 1 Middle School, and Lin Qi saved his life again. He was definitely on Lin Qi’s side.

If let him know about this, he would definitely be more inclined to believe Lin Qi’s words.

To prove Lin Qi’s innocence at that time, for Old Man Shu, it shouldn’t be too simple.

With some modern instruments and careful inspection, it can be proved that Lin Qi is not close to Xu Yueyan at all.

Or use power to oppress Xu Yueyan to force Xu Yueyan to tell the truth.

After all, although Xu Yueyan’s family is still rich, but in the face of the power of the Shu family, it is not enough.

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