Chapter 53

Because of Yang Yifeng on the dinner table, the atmosphere became a little depressing.

Chen Yu and Qin Shiyu were just sullenly eating, apparently in a silent protest.

Xu Yueyan would look up at Yang Yifeng from time to time, her eyes full of curiosity.

Because Yang Yifeng’s eating style is too bold and unrestrained, he sweeps the food like a raging cloud, just like he hasn’t eaten in eight lifetimes.

Su Zhiwen smiled and shook his head when he saw Yang Yifeng’s eating.

‘Hao Jianzhi is right, this Yang Yifeng is really a hillbilly. ’


At this moment, the door of the box was suddenly kicked open, and a group of big men rushed in and blocked the door tightly.

Su Zhiwen was a little surprised, what’s the matter?

Qin Shiyu, Chen Yurou, and the three daughters of Xu Yueyan were also stunned, their expressions were slightly flustered.

After all, these big guys look too fierce, really scary.

Only Yang Yifeng was present, as if he hadn’t noticed, his hands kept moving, continuing to eat Hesai.

“Brother Hao, right here, I watched him go in with my own eyes.” Outside the box, an unusually flattering voice sounded.

Three figures walked into the box.

Naturally, it is Hao Jian and his dog legs, as well as the eldest brother of society, Leopard, whom Hao Jian spent money to invite.

As soon as he entered the box, Hao Jian caught a glimpse of Chen Yurou sitting inside.

The pig-headed face was stunned for a moment, and then smiled like a chrysanthemum.

“Rourou, are you there too?”

Hao Jian is a fanatical pursuer of Chen Yurou. In order to pursue Chen Yurou, he also took a lot of thoughts and took the initiative to lick the dog.

No, I originally came to seek revenge from Yang Yifeng, but after seeing Chen Yurou, he ignored the others.

Chen Yurou frowned when he heard Hao Jian’s words, and her tone was disgusted, “Hao Jian, I don’t know you very well, please don’t call me Rourou, I am disgusted!”

“Rourou, how can you say that you are not familiar with me? We meet every day, don’t you understand what I want for you?”

Hao Jian looked at Chen Yurou affectionately, trying to impress Chen Yurou.

It’s just that he is too self-aware, he is not very handsome at first, and his face is bruised, like a pig’s head.

It’s funny no matter how you look at it.

“Puff, hahaha, sorry, I couldn’t help it.”

No, Yang Yifeng didn’t hold it back and laughed directly.

Hearing Yang Yifeng’s laughter, Hao Jian realized that he was here to take revenge, and he forgot about business.

“Okay, you country boy, I haven’t bothered you yet, how dare you make fun of me?”

Hao Jian was very angry. He would be ridiculed after being beaten. Can he bear it?

What is even more annoying is that the guy who beat him actually ate with his dream goddess. He hasn’t eaten with Chen Yurou yet!

Anger, jealousy, resentment, all kinds of negative emotions flashed in his mind, Hao Jian’s face changed for a while, and he said with hatred:

“Go on, go on with me, kill me this hillbilly!”

Hearing this, there was a big man slowly leaning towards Yang Yifeng.

It’s just dealing with a student, there is no need to do it together, the other big guys continue to stand and watch the show.

Yang Yifeng remained unchanged, and continued to eat his food.

“I said, have you had enough trouble?” Su Zhiwen wiped his mouth, got up and asked lightly.

Because Su Zhiwen’s back was facing the door, Hao Jian and the others did not see Su Zhiwen’s when they came in.

In addition, Hao Jianping is used to being arrogant and domineering, even if there is a person who can’t see his appearance, he doesn’t care.

‘Who has Hao Jian been afraid of? ’

Hearing Su Zhiwen’s voice at this time, Hao Jian was a little stunned. The voice was so familiar, as if he had heard it before.

After thinking about it for a while, he didn’t remember where he heard it. Hao Jian didn’t want to think about it, and asked loudly:

“Who are you? Dare to talk to me like this?”

Su Zhiwen turned around and just kicked it over, “I gave you a face, right? Do you dare to enter the place where labor and management treat guests?”

Hao Jian was kicked to the ground, only to feel a tumbling in his stomach, and the food he ate at noon was almost vomiting out.

“You…” There was resentment in Hao Jian’s eyes, but he looked up and saw Su Zhiwen staring at him with an indifferent face, swallowing back what he had originally wanted to say.

With a daze on his face, he asked: “Watch…cousin, why are you here?”

“Why can’t I be here?” Su Zhiwen asked rhetorically.

“…” Hao Jian didn’t dare to continue to ask. He was beaten by Su Zhiwen at noon, and he suffered another kick now. He was aggrieved.

But what can he do? He can’t afford this cousin.

“Give you three seconds, hurry up!” Su Zhiwen’s face looked a little ugly, seeing Hao Jian’s wretched look. How could he be relatives with this kind of scum?

Hao Jian didn’t dare to refute, so he got up in a desperate manner and walked out.

Before, he was not very afraid of Su Zhiwen.

But after today, he is really scared, how can he bully his cousin like this?

Do you really see it once?

“Also, you are not allowed to pester Chen Yurou in the future.” Hao Jiangang walked to the door, and Su Zhiwen warned again.

“…I got it.” Hao Jian paused, already scolding in his heart.

Hao Jian came and left in a hurry.

Regardless of the people he brought.

“Leopard, did I let you go?”

The moment he saw Su Zhiwen, Lei Bao burst into countless cold sweats on his back ‘swiping’ his back. His mood was complicated. Why was this evil god again?

Su Zhiwen dared to beat Hao Jian. Lei Bao was not surprised at all. That was Su Shao, who didn’t dare to beat him?

But the next second he was dumbfounded, what did he hear? Hao Jian’s name is Su Shao’s cousin? But is there any cousin who treats his cousin like this?

Taking advantage of Su Zhiwen’s effort to teach his cousin, Lei Bao wanted to sneak away. Didn’t he see Su Shao even hit his cousin?

Encountering such an evil god, can’t I still not be able to hide it if I can’t provoke me?

But Su Zhiwen didn’t let him get what he wanted. He was stopped before he reached the door.

Lei Bao didn’t dare to run, turned around and smiled bitterly: “Well, Su Shao, my surname is Lei, not Leopard. Today I don’t know Taishan. I’ll bother you to eat. I’ll pay you.”

“Regardless of whether your surname is Lei or Leopard, I ask you, have you ever troubled Gu Hongyue?” Su Zhiwen didn’t care about Lei Bao’s surname, he cared more about his woman.

He hasn’t been to the Red Moon Bar since the last time.

“Don’t dare, don’t dare, where can I dare, who don’t know about being on the road now…” Lei Bao immediately shook his hand to deny. Whoever wanted to talk about it didn’t know that Gu Hongyue was Su Shao’s woman.

But seeing Su Zhiwen’s warning look in his eyes, he glanced at the three women in the box, and shut his mouth very witty.

Secretly rejoicing in my heart, ‘fortunately, I haven’t said it. If the good thing about Su Shao is broken, I’m afraid it’s not going to be finished. ’

“Okay, let’s go, do less bad things in the future, or I will let you go in and squat for a lifetime.”

Su Zhiwen didn’t bother to care about Lei Bao. After all, he was just a helper hired by Hao Jian, and he couldn’t be crushed too badly. There might be places where Lei Bao could be used in the future.

“Thank you Su Shao, I will go now.” Lei Bao was overjoyed when he heard Su Zhiwen let him go.

It was terrifying all the time to stay here, it was so scary.

Moreover, Lei Bao was scared when he thought of Su Zhiwen’s squatting warning.

‘I don’t know where the last guy who was reported and warned is now, and he hasn’t been accounted for yet! ’

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