Chapter 57 Su Zhiwen Cuts Husband Again

Chen Yurou regrets a bit, why did he come to the bank to withdraw money today? If she didn’t come, she wouldn’t have encountered such a thing.

When the robbers pointed their guns at them and asked them to squat on the ground with their heads in their arms, she could still pretend to be calm and comfort Qin Shiyu, who was shivering beside her.

But when the robber wanted her to be a hostage, she couldn’t help it anymore. She couldn’t get up at all because of fear. Seeing the robber approached step by step, she was about to cry.

At this moment, the robbers stopped.

Because Yang Yifeng stepped forward, he also voluntarily asked to change her, and Yang Yifeng took the hostage.

At that moment, Chen Yurou was moved. Before that, she hadn’t given Yang Yifeng a good face at all, and she was still targeting her everywhere.

Unexpectedly, Yang Yifeng stepped up to rescue her despite the prejudice.

However, the next moment, Chen Yurou was so frightened that she turned her head and closed her eyes because the robber shot.

She didn’t dare to look, she was afraid that Yang Yifeng would die like this, and she would feel guilty for a lifetime.

It wasn’t until she heard Yang Yifeng’s voice that she breathed a sigh of relief, ‘fortunately, he is not dead. ’

“I’m like this, now you can safely change the hostages, right?” Yang Yifeng gritted his teeth and asked painfully.

“Hey, what hostage will be changed? Since you are sincerely sending you to death, you will be taken with you. One hostage can be safe, and two hostages are twice as safe.”

The insidious laughter of the robbers came from the headgear. Their target was Chen Yurou. How could it be possible to change the hostage?

“You are not robbers?” Yang Yifeng frowned. He is not stupid. On the contrary, as the protagonist, he is very smart. He has already seen that these people are not robbers at all. Their target is Chen Yurou.

“Huh?! Your kid is not easy.” The robber didn’t expect Yang Yifeng to see their intentions, and he did not deny it. They were all wearing hoods anyway, and no one knew them.

Hearing someone shouting with a loudspeaker outside, the car they wanted had arrived, and the robbers stopped talking. They held Chen Yu and Yang Yifeng and walked out.

After getting in the car, a few people checked, and after confirming that the police did not do anything, they drove away.

When the robbers brought Chen Yu and Yang Yifeng out of the bank, Su Zhiwen started the car.


After moving away from the crowd, Su Zhiwen got out of the car in an unmonitored place, and then chased the car driven by the robber.

At his current speed, he is speeding when he gets on a high speed. Wouldn’t it be easy to chase a car in the city?

However, Su Zhiwen was afraid of exposing himself. Before getting out of the car, she used the Qiansi mask she had drawn before, and then put on the gloves and mask that Yu Perry took out.

He also pinched a few needle-shaped hidden weapons in his hand.

“Shoo-hoo-hoo -” After using perspective to see the location of the robber, Su Zhiwen made a decisive move, and each needle accurately hit the robber’s death hole.

Su Zhiwen didn’t expect that the master-level medical skills he had acquired before were not used to save people, but used to kill people.

Almost in an instant, the robbers in the car didn’t even have time to make a sound, so they all went to see the Tathagata.

At the same time, because the robber who was driving fell on the steering wheel, the car started to lose control.

While running, Su Zhiwen pulled the car door, pushed the dead robber inside, and steered the car to a stop on the side of the road.

Su Zhiwen got out of the car and stepped into the rear compartment.

The moment Su Zhiwen acted, Yang Yifeng was aware that the sound of steel needles penetrating the glass in front of a cultivator like him could easily be noticed.

But it’s the same thing to perceive. The man in black who appeared suddenly moved too fast, and his reaction was a bit unable to keep up. When he reacted, the car had stopped.

The whole process went smoothly, without a pause, and in a blink of an eye, all the six robbers were silent.

Yang Yifeng originally wanted to wait for the robbers to drive outside the city and then find a chance to do something. He was not yet confident enough to deal with six thugs holding guns at the same time.

What’s more, he was injured, and he had to take care of Chen Yurou.

‘Master! A master above the yellow level! Yang Yifeng looked solemn, and saw the man in black in the back compartment, he subconsciously stood in front of Chen Yurou.

After all, whether this man in black is an enemy or a friend has not yet figured out, it is impossible for him to let the man in black approach Chen Yurou.

Although he didn’t think he would be the opponent of the man in black.

The man in black started, and Yang Yifeng’s pupils shrank for a while, and his reaction could not keep up with the movements of the man in black.

The next moment, he fainted, very simply.

“Sleep.” Su Zhiwen knocked Yang Yifeng fainted with a hand knife.

Then she looked at Chen Yurou.

Chen Yurou was frightened and stupefied, although she didn’t know why the robbers had no voice, but she had been stimulated enough this day.

Encountered a bank robbery, and seeing Yang Yifeng injured her leg, she didn’t want to think of the bloody scene again.

Then he was kidnapped as a hostage, and then the car swayed from side to side, almost out of control.

She already regards Yang Yifeng as the last straw. As a bodyguard, she has some skills, right?

But what did she see? A man in black appeared and knocked Yang Yifeng stunned with a slap.

bodyguard? That’s it?

Chen Yurou was desperate.

“Don’t be afraid, it’s me.” At this moment, a somewhat familiar voice rang in her ears, and Chen Yurou was slightly stunned, and raised her head with a stunned expression on her face.

Su Zhiwen took off the mask, took off the mask, revealing the original appearance.

“Su Zhiwen?”

“It’s me, you are safe now.” Su Zhiwen smiled.

“Ooo, ooo, I’m scared … ooo, ooo ……” I saw an acquaintance, heard that they have a safe moment, Chen Yurou tight mind relaxed, no longer bear it, He cried out holding Su Zhiwen.

It made me sad when I cried, and my tears flowed out like money without money.

Su Zhiwen was not polite, hugged Chen Yurou along the way, patted her back gently, and comforted her softly.

After crying for a while, Chen Yurou broke free from Su Zhiwen’s arms with a blushing face, and looked at Yang Yifeng with some worry, “Yang Yifeng, he…”

“He’s okay, he just passed out.”

“Why did you stun him?” Chen Yurou was a little confused. Since Su Zhiwen was here to rescue them, why did he stun Yang Yifeng again?

Su Zhiwen stared at Chen Yurou’s eyes, “I don’t want other people to know about me, promise me something.”

“What?” Chen Yurou was a little shy when Su Zhiwen looked at it like this, and her face flushed again.

“Don’t tell anyone, I saved you. If someone asks, you will say that you are a man in black. After you solve the robbers, you will leave. Don’t say anything else, just treat it as a secret between us. Good?” Su Zhiwen’s voice is very soft, which makes people feel comfortable.

“Okay.” Chen Yurou lowered her head shyly. When she heard Su Zhiwen’s voice, she didn’t think much about it, and she agreed directly.

[Ding, the host solves the villain, the hero Yang Yifeng cuts Hu, saves the beauty, destroys the original plot, rewards the villain with a value of 500][Ding, the host staged a hero to save the beauty, and received a favorability score of 40 from the heroine Chen Yurou, current intimacy of 50, and a reward of 800 for the villain]

After receiving two system prompts in a row, Su Zhiwen felt happy.

Moreover, the intimacy with Chen Yurou rose directly to 50. It is true that heroes who save the United States are the easiest to capture the heart of the heroine. No wonder the cliché plot is still used repeatedly in the novel.

It’s cliché, but it works!

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