Chapter 6

Lin Qi had just obtained the clairvoyance ability, confident that he could not lose to Su Zhiwen, confidently said: “What do you want to bet on?”

“Yeah~” Su Zhiwen pondered for a moment, and said, “Whoever loses, don’t get close to Xiao Chuchu. You have to walk around when you see her, how about?”

“Okay, I agree.” Lin Qi agreed without thinking.

He may not be so arrogant against other people, but for Su Zhiwen, one of the biggest crane tails in the class, he has this confidence with his clairvoyance ability.

“Hey, why are you betting on me? Have you ever asked my opinion?” Xiao Chuchu saw that the two had made a bet so soon, she was a little angry without considering her feelings.

“Oh? Don’t you agree?” Su Zhiwen turned to look at Xiao Chuchu, and said with a chuckle: “That bet is fine.”

“You…” Lin Qi was taken aback, but he didn’t know what to say. If he continued to ask for a bet, wouldn’t it be disgusting to Xiao Chuchu? This was not what he wanted.

Just when Lin Qi was struggling, Su Zhiwen walked past him, deliberately bumped Lin Qi, and whispered in his ear: “Go on betting, don’t let Xiao Chuchu know.”

Lin Qi’s eyes lit up when he heard this, and he didn’t care about Su Zhiwen hitting him, and then returned to his seat calmly.

After school, Su Zhiwen was not in a hurry to go home, but stared at Lin Qi’s deskmate. While following him out of school, he did not forget to send a few messages on his mobile phone.

Although Su Zhiwen didn’t want to oppose the protagonist, but now that he is standing on the opposite side of the protagonist, he has to limit the development of the protagonist by any means, or he will only be unlucky in the end.

As a qualified villain, he can’t lack doglegs, but Su Zhiwen is different from those brainless villains, and his doglegs cannot be mentally retarded.

Lin Qi’s tablemates looked like a transparent body with no promise. The only advantage may be that they emphasize loyalty and empathy, but in Su Zhiwen’s opinion, this kind of person is best dealt with.

“Classmate, wait for me.” Su Zhiwen followed Lin Qi out of the school gate at the same table and patted him on the shoulder.

Wang Xiaobo paused, turned around and saw Su Zhiwen. He shuddered and couldn’t say everything. “You…I…oh no, Su Shao, you…call me?”

“Don’t be nervous, do you have time to play with me?” Su Zhiwen patted Wang Xiaobo on the shoulder and signaled him not to be nervous, and he hugged him with enthusiasm.

“Shao Shao, I…I was wrong. If something is wrong, I apologize to you, can you let me go?”

Wang Xiaobo is about to cry. He is not very popular in school, and his grades are not high. He is so ordinary and ordinary. Because of this, he is also low-key and has never dared to provoke people like Su Zhiwen.

He really couldn’t understand why Su Zhiwen would find him.

“Don’t think too much, I just see you pleasing to the eye and want to make friends with you,” Su Zhiwen was a little bit dumbfounded, am I so scary? “Well, won’t you give me this face?”

“No, no, thank you Su Shao for looking up to me.” Wang Xiaobo was a little flattered. Although he thought it was strange that Su Zhiwen suddenly found him, what can he do? Don’t dare to refuse!

“Well, a few friends will come out in a while, I’ll take you to play.” Su Zhiwen let go of Wang Xiaobo’s shoulder and asked, “By the way, what’s your name?”

“Shao Shao, my name is Wang Xiaobo.” Wang Xiaobo smiled embarrassedly. You have been making friends with me if you don’t even know my name for a long time.

“Well, Wang Xiaobo, I remember.” Su Zhiwen didn’t feel embarrassed at all, nodded calmly, and saw several familiar figures walking out of the school gate, “They are here, let’s go.”

“Shao Shao, where are you going to play today?” Fan Jian went straight to Su Zhiwen when he walked out of the school gate. Following him were Qualcomm and Zeng Zhibing. The three of them belonged to Su Zhiwen’s school basketball team. Friends are also rich second generations with small assets in the family, and they often play together.

“I made a new friend today. Let’s just have fun. Let’s have a meal together.” Su Zhiwen is not in the mood to play. He is doing business. “Wang Xiaobo, these are my buddies. Get to know them.” .”

Fan Jian, Qualcomm, and Zeng Zhibing are all on the school team, and Wang Xiaobo also knows him. He can’t believe it, and one day he will be able to become friends with the school’s figures.

Fan Jian and the three of them were a little surprised when they saw Wang Xiaobo, and Wang Xiaobo was not the same person as them.

But since they are Su Shao’s friends, they can’t help but greet them enthusiastically.

“Wang Xiaobo, don’t say anything. Since it is Su Shao’s friend, it is our friend. Please speak up if you have anything in the future.”

Su Zhiwen didn’t talk too much, and asked the four of them to a hotel. After eating and drinking, they really became friends who talked about everything.

At first glance, Wang Xiaobo doesn’t drink often. Su Zhiwen hasn’t felt it yet. He can’t tell the difference between the south, east and the north, and he starts to talk nonsense.

Su Zhiwen didn’t stop him. His goal had been initially achieved. With a little trick later, Wang Xiaobo could become an undercover agent next to Lin Qi.

[Ding, the host destroys the relationship between Lin Qi and the supporting actor Wang Xiaobo, affects the original plot trend, and gets a villain value of 500. 】

Su Zhiwen was a little surprised when he heard the prompt from the system. He didn’t expect to get the villain value so easily. It seems that Wang Xiaobo and Lin Qi haven’t established a deep friendship yet, so let him get on the ground first.

It’s a pity that there is only a villain value, no villain points, he still wants to improve his intelligence, to deal with the protagonist, he is not sure if the IQ is not high.

‘System, I want to draw a lottery! For the first time he got the villain value, Su Zhiwen was not too excited, and he was about to draw a lottery right away.

He needs skills, props, exercises, and tails. The system is produced, no matter what it is, it must be a boutique!

[A lottery draw costs 500 villain points, is the host draw a lottery? 】

‘500? No matter, smoke! ’

Su Zhiwen just got the 500 villain value, before he got hot, the system was all done after one draw.

Su Zhiwen felt distressed and reluctant to give up, but in the end he gritted his teeth and decided to draw the lottery.

[Ding, 500 villains are deducted, and the lottery starts][Ding, congratulations to the host for swelling for luck, draw an S-level ability, see through, whether the host uses it? 】

‘Damn? ! exploded! It is perspective, system, I love you to death! ’

‘Not used yet. ‘use? Let’s forget it now, what’s so good about a few big lords?

When the 500 villain value was deducted to start the lottery, Su Zhiwen’s heartstrings tightened. The whole lottery process did not exceed three seconds, but he felt that a century had passed.

‘The system really didn’t lie to me, the things I got were really superb! With this perspective ability, wouldn’t it be…hehe’

Although Su Zhiwen didn’t know how high the S-level was, it didn’t affect his imagination.

[Host, this system needs to remind you that the perspective ability is very useful, please don’t just think about nasty things]

‘Ahem, what do you say about the system? Of course I know that perspective is useful, and there is absolutely nothing nasty about it! ’

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