The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 1531: Restructuring plan

On May 14, after the war of software compatibility was stopped in the distance, other small and medium-sized Internet companies also resumed production compatibility with Teng Xun.

Teng Xun, on the 13th, stopped the exclusionary war with the distance.

It starts on the 9th and ends on the 14th.

Head to tail, less than 6 days in total.

However, these 6 days have left a heavy stroke in the history of China Internet, which may be unforgettable after decades.

The battle for software exclusion happened a few years ago, when Baidu and several search sites did it.

But this time is different, on the one hand, it is due to the large increase in the number of Chinese netizens, and on the other hand, there are too many giant companies that have participated and started this time!

Distant, Teng Xun, Baidu, Rising, Jiang Min, Kaba ... These companies directly participated in the war.

Ali, Sina, Shanda, NetEase ... These companies are waving their flags ready to take action at any time, and even a battle of saliva broke out in the early stage.

In addition, it also involves three major operators, including financial institutions, several related departments, hundreds of investment institutions, tens of thousands of investors, and hundreds of millions of netizens!

6 days, it seems short, but too many things have happened!

This battle of exclusion has far more influence.

Some netizens united and sued Teng Xun, Yuanyuan, Baidu and other giants for infringing on the interests of users, and litigation and litigation continued in various places.

Some official media criticized several giant companies for being responsible for their users. They should not kidnap users and deprive netizens of their choice.

The People ’s Daily even published a chapter pointing directly at several companies to “make online public opinion”!

Some financial institutions are also blaming several companies for affecting the interests of shareholders.

Faraway and Teng Xun employed a large number of naval forces and so-called experts, and issued a series of inappropriate remarks, which also had a serious impact on the stock market.

Some research institutes and people from all walks of life have suggested to the higher authorities to introduce a new bill. In addition, they will investigate whether the dispute between Yuanyuan and Teng Xun involves unfair competition and monopoly!


A few days in total, it triggered a series of follow-up reactions.

Yuanyuan and Teng Xun all issued letters of apology, and it is still difficult to make up for the previous impact.

Companies such as Ali and Sina have also followed suit. On some public occasions, the media platform has published opinions on several companies.

Teng Xun and the users on both sides of the distance are constantly blaming the Internet.

Although the enterprise war is over, a software exclusion war affecting hundreds of millions of users has obviously not eliminated the impact so quickly.

Xiangjiang stockholders also scolded, not only Teng Xun, but also distant places.

If it were not in the distance, Teng Xun ’s stock price would not fall to this point, or if Teng Xun did not have to do his best to fight against the distance, such a war would not break out, and eventually he would be defeated.

Although compatibility is now restored, the number of unloading of Tencent can exceed 100 million!

During this period, the distant place seized more than half of the market. At this time, even if the users of Teng Xun returned, it would be good to be able to return half.

Teng Xun, who once claimed to be 600 million users, now has almost 10 million people online at the same time.

Among them, including mobile QQ users, in fact, the number of online users has fallen below the tens of millions mark.

For the QQ that has reached 50 million online users before, is it as simple as a heavy loss? Such a defeat, even if there is no further suppression in the distance, do not want to restore the previous vitality in one or two years.



In the hotel.

Seeing Li Dong standing on the balcony and looking at the window of the world not far away, Bai Su did n’t want to disturb Li Dong, but considering more things, he still reminded him: "General Li, now the government, netizens, shareholders, society People from all walks of life are accusing us.

President Liu's opinion is that Teng Xun's reorganization will be announced quickly.

In this way, the interests of netizens and the interests of stockholders will be protected, including changes in the attitude of the government.

In addition, the acquisition of Teng Xun ’s 700 million share capital, involving funds of 16.1 billion Hong Kong dollars, according to the current exchange rate, the total amount of 14.2 billion yuan, about 2.1 billion US dollars.

Mr. Liu means that the US $ 100 million is used from afar. This money is the remaining money you said before to compete with Teng Xun.

The remaining 2 billion US dollars is for external financing.

However, these 2 billion US dollars, if financed, can only be offset from the converted equity of our industry. Teng Xun did not agree to the overall financing plan. "

If Yuan pp and Teng Xun are reorganized and capital is introduced, then the total share capital will increase again, and the shares of these Teng Xun shareholders will be diluted again.

It is equivalent to repurchasing their own shares with their own money. This is a pleasure from a distance. Teng Xun obviously does not agree.

At present, Teng Xun's attitude is that the remote industries have converted a total of 3.3 billion shares of capital, and it is irrelevant whether they are held by a distant place or other capital institutions.

However, the total share capital can no longer be increased.

Once it continues to increase, the total share capital will exceed 5 billion shares, and the 1 billion shares held by Teng Xun will drop by 20%.

And the distant place also wants to use the money from the financing to buy back their shares again. This kind of beautiful thing, I think about it in my heart.

In fact, many companies do this, and sometimes they do not need to spend money on mergers and acquisitions.

But it also depends on the situation. The current situation is that Teng Xun has made concessions, and then promised to carry out the reorganization plan as a whole, then Teng Xun really suffered a lot.

Far away did not spend a penny to get Teng Xun and used some of the shares, most of which were Teng Xun's, and eventually obtained more than half of the shares, or the merged industry, then Li Dong would too grab money, this Point Ma Huateng including ih no one will agree.

After Bai Su finished, Li Dong couldn't help sighing: "Heart is really greedy.

After the merger, the introduction of capital is good for us.

Do n’t you just dilute it a little bit?

This small loss is not willing to bear, how to make big money in the future? "

Bai Su's face changed and changed. When there was no one in the past, Li Dong didn't seem to pretend to be. Now he is here by himself. He also pretends to be like that. Is it a habit to become natural?

Dilute a little bit?

Once the distant place introduces 2 billion US dollars of capital, it is unclear how much the total share capital will increase and how much the other party ’s 1 billion shares are diluted.

In this case, the fool will agree!

If the conditions in the distance are not so harsh this time, maybe the other party will consider it. As a result, they have an absolute advantage in the negotiation. Now they want to get Teng Xun completely without spending a penny. How can there be such a good thing in the world? .

Li Dong exclaimed with emotion, and then said: "Well, the loss is the loss point. I myself suffer a loss, and I can't let Teng Xun follow us.

Or remote pp as the main body for financing, the total share capital of 3.3 billion shares, this unchanged.

Among them, 300 million shares were used for financing, and the financing capital was 2 billion US dollars.

Take the US $ 2 billion again and repurchase Teng Xun ’s shares. After the financing, we held 3.7 billion shares. Teng Xun included 1 billion shares held by shareholders, and newly introduced capital institutions held 300 million shares ... ”

"Mr. Li!"

Bai Su couldn't help saying: "This is completely different from the plan we announced!"

Before the remote pp financing valuation of 12 billion US dollars, financing 3 billion US dollars.

Now, according to Li Dong's statement, the valuation of Yuanfang pp before financing exceeds US $ 20 billion!

Li Dongwen frowned and said: "At this moment, at that time, I did not want to backdoor listing, nor prepared to reorganize.

After the first financing, we will continue to raise funds instead of going public directly after a round!

Now that Teng Xun has been won, he will go public directly in the name of reorganization, which saves several rounds. Is it still implemented according to the previous plan?

Move your mind!

This is almost equivalent to going directly to the market. Obviously making money, I burn more money. Who are cheaper?

Love does not do, do not pull down!

With 300 million shares, even if one billion more shares are issued, these people will hold 5% of the shares after dilution.

5% of the shares, 2 billion US dollars, the market value of 40 billion US dollars they can pay back.

In fact, Teng Xun's strength after the integration of distant industries has more than doubled than before. Do you think that after the reorganization and listing, Teng Xun's market value has stopped at US $ 40 billion?

I do n’t think so!

If you want to make money, you have to wait and wait for gambling. We need very little time. Before the end of the year, it will definitely rise to the market value of 50 billion US dollars. This is my promise to ih.

With more than US $ 50 billion, their half-year rate of return exceeds 25%. What is unsatisfactory? "


Bai Su was speechless, Li Dong said so, but can the market value of 50 billion US dollars exceed 380 billion Hong Kong dollars, is it really that easy?

This is a Hong Kong stock, not a Nasdaq.

At present, the top ten companies in Hong Kong's stock market value, not to mention the previous few, to the tenth place, the market value is not even 200 billion Hong Kong dollars.

What Li Dong said is simple, 50 billion US dollars is no problem!

50 billion US dollars will be put in a few years, because the market value of enterprises such as Ali, Teng Xun and Apple has set new highs, and everyone is not surprised.

However, it is still 2009!

The global financial crisis hasn't passed yet. Not counting manufacturers like Apple and Microsoft, Google is still the number one online stock leader in market capitalization, and its market value is less than $ 150 billion.

Ranked second in the world, it is currently Amazon. Because of the prosperity of e-commerce, it has risen quickly, from a market value of more than 20 billion U.S. dollars, it has exceeded 30 billion U.S. dollars in a short period of time, and it is still growing.

The third is ebay, with a market value approaching the $ 30 billion mark.

The fourth is Yahoo, which is worth more than $ 20 billion.

If Teng Xun had not been hit hard by a distant place before, according to the increase, it might soon be able to surpass Yahoo and even eBay and reach the top of the Internet stock market.

Of course, there is definitely no drama now.

And Li Dong, the direct positioning is the market value of 50 billion US dollars. In one fell swoop, it has become the second Internet company after Google. Is it really that simple?

There is also Weibo ready to go public, and Li Dong's positioning is not low.

Really want to be done by Li Dong, what is the concept?

Global Internet companies, of course, refer to the Internet companies after excluding some terminal manufacturers. Teng Xun and Weibo ranked second and third, respectively. If they are combined, they may surpass Google and reach the top of the global Internet companies' market value!

This is also the case where the Faraway Mall and Wanhuatong are excluded.

Can the distance really do this?

Can distance really have this value?

In fact, many people are still skeptical about this.

Of course, no matter how specific the company is not listed, it is not easy to say, it depends on the specific situation.

It can bet that Teng Xun's restructuring and listing market value can exceed 50 billion US dollars. In fact, there is still a lot of gambling. Ih they have no way to do it.

Are other investment institutions willing to gamble?

After the reorganization and listing of Gambling Express, the market value exceeds 50 billion US dollars, 380 billion Hong Kong dollars?

While Bai Su was meditating, Li Dong said impatiently: "With this plan, if you can't sign a gambling agreement, it's not what our family did.

A certain period of time, less than 50 billion US dollars, I repurchase the other party's stock at that price.

When they reach it, it is not cheap to buy them back at that price.

I'm not a pure Internet trader. I don't just do Internet business. I still have a huge industry to support and have money to buy back!

Are they empty checks? They count! "

Other Internet companies often sign some gambling agreements. My brother signed several times. Of course, I must lose every time.

But they generally rarely sign repurchase agreements. After all, there are too many funds, and it is difficult for Internet companies to support them.

It can be different from afar, there is a lot of industrial industry support in the distance, Faraway Retail is currently the absolute overlord of China Retail.

Li Dong said that to repurchase, at a critical moment, there is still money.

The risk is not too great. Whether to invest or not depends on the psychological expected value of other institutions.

If you feel that 25% of the income after half a year is low, then it is nothing to say that it is their business to invest or not.

If it is acceptable, there is no problem in financing 2 billion US dollars.

In Li Dong's view, there is nothing unsatisfactory about such a rate of return.

He doesn't feel much about signing the gambling agreement now, which is also the privilege of the reborn.

If you change a person, you will definitely be trembling and under great pressure. I am afraid that you will fail to meet the conditions.

As far as Li Dong is concerned, as long as the environment does not show much change in the butterfly effect, some things will not change too much.

With the global economy recovering, the market value of a large number of Internet companies hit a new high in 2009. Is it impossible for remote parties to do so?

At the peak of the previous life of Teng Xun in 2009, the market value reached 40 billion US dollars. The distance is now equivalent to shortening Teng Xun's development process for about three years. How difficult is it to increase 10 billion US dollars?

As for what other people think, Li Dong is too lazy to think about it. He is not short of investors now, and a large number of capital institutions around the world are optimistic about him.

You are not happy, someone will always be willing.

Two billion dollars is not too much. If there are many participating organizations, there will be only one or two hundred million dollars in one family. How can there be so many problems?

Hearing Li Dong's tone, Bai Su didn't dare to say it anymore. He quickly jotted it down and then asked, "Then follow the current plan? When we announced the plan before ..."

"This is not a big problem. We will announce our plan after the announcement of Teng Xun's affairs tomorrow morning.

Everyone is not stupid, the two coexist, and the pp industry about to swallow Teng Xun, the value parity is still not equal, they know.

As for the plan we released before, I said that it was a round of financing. It is not financing now, but asset restructuring. Do you understand?

The round a financing was cancelled directly. The two are not a plan. The plan changes, and naturally there is no problem. "

Li Dong stole a change of concept. Anyway, the previous one was the previous one. Previously it was pp financing. Now it is not. It is now a reorganization before listing.

If you want to be more authentic, Li Dong does not ask you to invest.

There are good and bad corporate restructuring, and it is difficult for general restructuring stocks to create any miracles.

But today it is different. Teng Xun doubled its scale and introduced such a strong owner from afar, unified China's instant messaging field, including mobile.

The two can't be the same, and reorganization and listing will surely create miracles.

Li Dong even found excuses, and Bai Su had no doubts.

After recording Li Dong's words, Bai Su hesitated and said: "Zong Li, now defeating Teng Xun, the group will have a quiet period next.

Taking advantage of this time, I want to go down and practice ...

After all, since the internship, I have been in this position ... "

She was hesitant to say that a secretary who took the initiative to ask the boss for a change of post was actually not too appropriate.

The boss may think, does the secretary have an opinion on himself or what?

The reason why Bai Su took the initiative to mention it is because the two are classmates, and some things can be said a little bit more clearly.

As soon as she finished speaking, Li Dong couldn't help turning her head to look at her.

After about three or four seconds, Li Dong said in a deep voice, "Where do you want to go?"

"I ... wherever I go ..."

Li Dong was somewhat sullen and waved his hand: "Go find the personnel over there and arrange where you want to go, as long as there is not a big gap between the ranks and there are vacancies."

"Mr. Li ..."

"Go out!"

Bai Su changed his face slightly, bit his lip, and finally turned away.


When Bai Su left, Li Dong suddenly whispered, "It's hard to get cold in high places!"

As he gradually went higher, some people, some things, after all, can not return to the previous state.

He didn't know whether Bai Su was going to leave because of the pressure or other reasons, but no matter what the reason is, the former classmates have actually lost their classmates to now.

Between people, once interests, positions, ranks, and feelings are no longer pure.

Even Wang Jie and Meng Qiping are the same.

In fact, Li Dong sometimes regrets it, and should not let these people go into the distance.

What he thought back then was that somehow he was helped by a friend, even if his ability was not strong, it was reliable.

But when he got to this point, he realized how naive the ideas were.

When friends, brothers, and you are involved in interests, and not equal interests, it is difficult to maintain the pure friendship before.

Wang Jie and Meng Qiping are actually quite good, and they are not too obvious.

But to be honest, there are still changes at

Wang Jie acts as a tour guide for Shen Qian in the Shanghai market. When Li Dong is not present, he will not go out with him alone, but will bring his wife and children together, fearing that Li Dong will misunderstand.

Meng Qiping used to run to Li Dong's office, but now he would hardly come again, lest someone behind him talk about him to please Li Dong and want to walk through the back door.

Even if Meng Qiping wanted to come, Cheng Nan wouldn't let it, Meng Qiping didn't care, but Cheng Nan cared about these criticisms and didn't want to be gossip.

Gradually, there was more business and less personal contact with each other.

This reminded Li Dong of Wei Yuan, who was still in Dongping. The guy, the change was not big, changed to Wang Jie, maybe he would taboo to run to Yuan Xue, but this guy Wei Yuan didn't care much. Neither will consider too much.

Of course, Yuan Xue ignored him, and he went in vain.

On a comparison, Li Dong understood that this person, after all, has changed.

Status and wealth are the keys to these.

When Bai Su was in school, when he saw Li Dong, he rolled his eyes and scolded a few hypocrisy. That was common.

Since entering the distance, trembling, only promised, there is still the posture of the year.

The longer he stays with Li Dong, the more cautious Bai Su is, and the less dare to show his true temperament, let alone mention the relationship between his classmates.

She made a request to change her post and replaced it with an ordinary person. Li Dong may have to ask why, but this time she didn't ask.

Because there are some things, there is no need to ask at all. If you are far away, there may be classmate friendships in the future. If you continue, the only trace of classmates will completely disappear.

At this moment, Li Dong was indeed deeply touched.

At the same time, she could not help thinking of Shen Qian. Perhaps Shen Qian knew better than he thought, otherwise, she would not choose to leave from a distance so simply.

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