The Reborn Noble Girl is Hard to Find

Chapter 103: Assassin in the boudoir (3)

Now that's all right, Han Yan glared at Zhuo Qi, this person is indeed a person who will cause trouble, but he only provokes officials, what is this person's identity?

Before she could think about it, she pushed Zhuo Qi into the back room, and "shush" at him, her eyes suddenly became very solemn: "Don't make a sound if you don't want to die."

He has never been threatened like this before. The other party is still a little girl who is not up to the standard. His wolf-like eyes suddenly became a little deep, and his handsome facial features are surprisingly evil at this moment.

Very good, this little thing is an unexpected gain this time. If you can, take it back together.

The Zhuang Mansion was brightly lit at this moment, and the two sisters of the Zhou family put on their clothes and walked into the courtyard. Zhuang Yushan also woke up and saw the officers and soldiers surrounded the Zhuang Mansion and held torches to illuminate it, and he was a little scared: "What's the matter? ?"

Zhuang Shiyang was also puzzled, and the officers and soldiers headed saluted Zhuang Shiyang: "Excuse me, Mr. Zhuang, we are ordered to come here to search for assassins."

"Assassin?" Zhuang Shiyang was shocked: "Where did the assassin come from?"

The head of the officers and soldiers said: "Tonight the emperor was assassinated. We chased the assassin all the way to this place, and we saw the assassin entering your residence, so we were disturbed."

Aunt Mei had a big belly, she was startled when she heard the words, she snuggled up beside Zhuang Shiyang in fear: "Master, this concubine is frightening, since there are assassins, let the officials search, if they are hiding in our mansion Come on, it's dangerous."

Concerning the emperor, Zhuang Shiyang naturally did not dare to refuse, and he was extremely jealous of the assassin himself, so he nodded hastily: "Thank you for your hard work."

The leader of the officers and soldiers continued: "We saw the assassin enter the southeast..."

"Southeast?" Before he could finish speaking, Zhou Shi exclaimed, "Isn't that where Fourth Young Lady lives?"

"Then let's go and have a look, Yan'er is going to become Princess Xuanqing in the future, if there are three long and two short..." Da Zhou said worriedly, but there was a hint of unnoticeable joy in his tone.

Zhuang Yushan also hurriedly followed: "Fourth younger sister is the weakest on weekdays, Dad, let's go to Qingqiuyuan to see."

Aunt Mei, who was on the side, looked at everything in front of her, and couldn't help showing a clear smile. If the assassin wasn't in Han Yan's Qingqiu Garden, it would be fine. If Han Yan was accused of harboring an assassin in... Han Yan, he would have become a sinner through the ages. Even if the news of not harboring an assassin, being held hostage by an assassin, or sharing a room with an assassin spreads out, his innocence is ruined. How can it still be like the gate of the Xuanqing Palace in the future.

The two sisters of the Zhou family are really good abacus.

Thinking so in her heart, Concubine Mei smiled and said, "My concubine also thinks the same way, sir, why don't you go to Qingqiuyuan to have a look."

Zhuang Shiyang looked at Zhuang Hanming, who clenched his fists and said nothing, and nodded.

Perhaps among the group, only Zhuang Hanming was truly worried about Han Yan's situation.

However, they said that a group of people came to Qingqiuyuan in a mighty way. At this time, just after the rooster crowed, the sky showed a little light. The bright torches illuminated Qingqiuyuan very clearly. The officers and soldiers quickly surrounded Qingqiuyuan. An old mother who had just woken up. Seeing this, she was startled, and hurriedly went to invite Han Yan.

At this time, Qingqiuyuan was quiet and quiet, and there was no special appearance at all. Everything was no different from before. Ji Lan got dressed and entered the back room. After a while, the voice of a woman getting up came from inside: "What's the matter?"

The voice was tender and timid, with a hint of laziness. It seemed to be a confused voice just after getting up, and the leader of the officers and soldiers said loudly: "Excuse me, Miss Zhuang, my subordinates have been ordered to come here to search for assassins, and I hope Miss Zhuang will make it easier. ."

Han Yan's puzzled voice came from inside: "Assassin? I haven't seen any assassins?"

Zhou Shi said with a smile: "Fourth Miss, the official is also afraid that you are in danger. Everyone is here. Fourth Miss, it's better to do something convenient."

Han Yan's voice was a little flustered: "Then let me change my clothes..."

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of "rustling" in the house, but Han Yan was not seen to open the door to speak.

"Fourth Miss?" The leader of the officers and soldiers was a little impatient, and when he saw Han Yan's delay in opening the door, he became suspicious.

Zhou Shi was overjoyed in his heart, expecting that Han Yan was being held hostage by an assassin. Although he was a little afraid of the assassin in his heart, he was even more delighted. A daughter's house was held hostage by an assassin in her boudoir, and it was rumored that King Xuanqing still wanted her. At that time, she will still be able to show off her power like she is now.

Da Zhou's eyes lit up, looked at Zhou's, and shouted inside, "Yan'er, Yan'er, why are you silent? Did something happen?"

Seeing this, Zhuang Yushan also called out anxiously in a thin voice: "Fourth sister, don't scare us, everyone is here, how are you?"

Zhuang Shiyang was very nervous, but he wasn't worried about his daughter. It was just that the assassin appeared in his house, and he was a little worried. He took a few steps back, afraid of getting hurt later.

Zhuang Hanming was also very anxious, but he couldn't show it. He only touched the soft sword in the waist of his jacket and made up his mind that if Han Yan was really held hostage, even if he tried his best, he would save her from the assassin. .

Even though the outsiders shouted like this, there was still no movement inside. The officers and soldiers had long been impatient, and upon seeing this, Mrs. Zhou said, "My lords, I'm afraid that the fourth young lady is being held hostage... Why don't you just rush in like this? ."

Seeing that the officers and soldiers did not respond for a long time, they were already suspicious. Now that they heard Zhou's words, they would break into the door without saying a word.

"Stop!" But it was Zhuang Hanming who stood in front of the officers and soldiers: "My sister is still in the boudoir, what should you do if you rushed in so recklessly and tarnished her reputation?" Zhuang Hanming stared angrily at the two Zhou families. Sisters, I can't wait to cut them with a thousand swords. Han Yan is now being held hostage, in case her clothes are not neat... It's amazing to be seen by so many officers and men!

However, Da Zhou waved his hand: "Don't say that, young master, the official is also for Yan'er's good, if Yan'er is in the hands of the thief right now, and the opportunity to save her is delayed, Yan'er may be in danger, let's talk about it. She looked at Zhuang Hanming tenderly and lovingly: "Yan'er will be the princess of the Xuanqing Palace in the future, who would dare to ruin her reputation?"

These words are indeed a bit big, and all the officers and soldiers present heard it. They have been bullying others for many years, and when they heard this, they couldn't help showing squinted eyes. If the woman was disheveled, wouldn't she be able to see the beauty of Princess Xuanqing, which is a rare beauty. At the moment, he didn't care, and he kicked the door open directly. Zhuang Hanming couldn't stop it. Seeing that the gate was kicked open, the surrounding officers and soldiers blocked the door. The leader of the officers and soldiers, followed by two guards, walked in first.

While reading "Yan'er", Da Zhou walked in, his face full of worry. Zhuang Hanming was worried, and naturally followed without hesitation. Although Zhuang Yushan and the Zhou family were a little scared, when they thought of seeing Han Yan being bullied and her reputation completely lost, they felt extremely relieved, so they followed in. Only Zhuang Shiyang and Aunt Mei, and Aunt Wan and their daughter were still standing outside. Zhuang Shiyang didn't dare to take this risk, while Aunt Mei was in the mood to watch a good show. Zhuang Hanyan is also not easy to manipulate. If the Zhou family and Zhuang Hanyan have bad relations, maybe she can become the one who benefits from the fisherman.

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