The Reborn Noble Girl is Hard to Find

Chapter 105: Assassin in the boudoir (5)

This is a rare opportunity. Mrs. Zhou felt that her whole body couldn't contain her excitement, and Mrs. Zhou stepped forward with a smile: "Fourth Miss, please let the official look at your wound." The corners of the lips are the confident smile that masters everything.

Han Yan stared coldly at the people who were harboring ghosts in front of them. They all wanted to put themselves to death. In fact, in the last life, he was not an enemy of them, but he was also poisoned by them. In this life, history seems to be repeating itself, but their methods are even worse than those in the previous life. These ugly faces are now engraved in her heart, and one day, they will pay their debts with blood!

"What would happen if Han Yan said no?" She looked at the medicine bowl in front of her, her expression unclear.

The head of the officers and soldiers had already discovered that something was wrong with Han Yan and the Zhou sisters, and was happy to watch the show on the side. In any case, as long as the assassin had an explanation, it would be beneficial to him.

"Fourth Miss." Zhou's voice was like a vicious snake: "You can't say no!"

"It's so good." Han Yan did not show weakness, and raised his sleeves: "Then let's see!"

Where the sleeves were rolled up, there were bandages wrapped around in circles, and the bandages were oozing out a little blood, and it was dark red.

Zhou Shi and Da Zhou Shi looked at each other, obviously not expecting such a move. Zhuang Yushan thought for a while, then said with a smile, "Fourth sister might as well remove the bandage, how about it?"

"You deceive people too much!" Zhuang Hanming was very angry, and he was already heartbroken when he saw Han Yan's injury, but now this Zhou's mother and daughter are so hateful, they want Han Yan to tear open the wound, just to confirm her suspicion!

Zhou shi looked at Han Yan, but saw that there was no loophole in her expression, neither she could see her confidence nor her guilty conscience, so she couldn't help but feel a little dazed. The Da Zhou Shi on the side has already said: "Yan'er, anyway, it is necessary to change the dressing, why don't you just tear off this bandage."

She decided in her heart that there was a reason why Han Yan covered up before and was unwilling to show everyone the wound. Although Zhuang Yushan's words are direct, it is the best way. She had intuition that Han Yan was lying, at least she must have seen the assassin, and now she has finally got such an opportunity to bring her down. Moreover, she looked at Han Yan's indifferent expression, this opponent is too terrifying, if not removed, it will become a serious problem in the future!

Hearing what the big Zhou said, Zhou also smiled and said: "Yes, Fourth Young Lady, is it possible... There is nothing else we can't see."

Han Yan also looked at her with a smile: "It's not that Han Yan doesn't show you, it's just that I'm afraid you will look down on it."

"What do you mean?" Zhuang Yushan asked suspiciously, Han Yan's tone made her feel a little scared, but she expected that she had nothing to do.

Han Yan also smiled: "It's not interesting, just... I hope you don't regret it after reading it, because regret is useless!"

Zhou shi calmed down: "we all don't understand what the fourth miss said, but the wound must be seen. We, but we really care about the fourth miss's body. If there is a scar..."

The corners of Han Yan's lips twitched, and she didn't speak. She quickly tore off the bandage with one hand "crashing", and the snow-white bandage was forcibly torn from the flesh wound with bloodshots. Zhuang Hanming couldn't help biting his teeth when he saw it. However, Han Yan did not frown, and when she raised her hand, the bandage was thrown aside. She raised her head and looked at Zhou Shi with a half-smile: "Are you satisfied?"

Seeing the place where the bandage was torn, it was all bloody. Han Yan instructed Ji Lan: "Go get a pot of hot wine."

The officers and soldiers have seen countless tragic appearances on weekdays. At this moment, seeing that Han Yan doesn't take his wounds seriously, he can't help but be a little surprised. But every daughter's family, especially the daughter of a wealthy family, is naturally squeamish. Said to tear off the bandage directly from the wound, but if he fell and broke his skin, he had to hide in the room and cry for half the night. But this little girl's cruelty towards herself made him a little terrified.

Ji Lan quickly took a pot of hot wine, and Han Yan took the wine pot and poured it over the wound without blinking an eye. After a pause, he raised his head and smiled: "Now... Official, Concubine Zhou, Madam Zhou, Sister Yushan, have you seen it clearly?"

She read out the names of several people word by word, not like shouting, but as if she wanted to remember the names of these people in her heart, and she would come back with revenge in the future. Several people felt a chill on their backs. Seeing that the hot wine was poured on the wound of Han Yan, the blood had faded, and it was actually a finger-length wound. It seemed to be scratched by a sharp tool. Very deep look.

Han Yan looked at everyone with a smile, despite her wounds still dripping blood: "Everyone, what doubts do you want Han Yan to answer for you right now?"

The officer and soldier smiled shyly: "Misunderstanding, a misunderstanding, it turns out that there are no assassins here. I hope the lady will understand." After saying that, he was about to leave, but he heard Han Yan's soft "Stop." Turn around.

Han Yan looked at her wound, looked up at him for a while, and said slowly, "What if I don't understand?"

The officer was stunned when he heard the words, and his heart was miserable. This little girl was not easy to deal with. At that time, he was only watching the play, but he didn't expect that if nothing happened, the girl would definitely not make him feel better. The officials were poor, afraid that a twelve- or thirteen-year-old girl would not be able to justify it. But he knew that after so many years in the crowd, he was extremely accurate in seeing people, and this little girl definitely had a way to embarrass herself.

"This..." He was a little embarrassed.

Zhou Shi didn't see the scene he wanted to see, and said sharply: "How can the fourth young lady talk to the official like this?

Han Yan sneered: "Of course I don't dare to say no to the official, but what about Princess Xuanqing?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Shi immediately fell silent, and Da Zhou's face instantly became ugly.

Han Yan's tone suddenly became stern: "Could it be that in the name of searching for assassins, the official can force Princess Xuanqing to leave the boudoir and let others search. Could it be that the official can be aggressive and insist on Han Yan showing his wounds before giving up?" These words were clearly referring to the officers and soldiers, but secretly they were referring to the Zhou family. Everyone present could hear it.

Han Yan's voice was clear, but it reached everyone's ears with a hint of coldness: "I haven't even walked through the door, I am a girl in a boudoir, and exposing my body in front of outsiders is a taboo, both my aunt and Mrs. She has been married before, so she doesn't even understand this truth." She glanced at the officer and soldier: "I am the wife of the prince who has never been through the door, and I am insulted by this. Guess what the prince will do?"

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