The Reborn Noble Girl is Hard to Find

Chapter 107: Lord is jealous (2)

Han Yan frowned, and was about to clean up the mess on the table, but saw an iron sheet beside the teacup, holding it in his hand, it was a little heavy, with words Han Yan could not understand written on it. He thought it was left by the man just now, and it was probably a very valuable thing, so he walked to the bed, touched a protrusion at the foot of the bed with his fingers, and lifted it with force, the whole bed board was lifted, and a hollow hollow appeared.

This is where Zhuo Qi hid just now. After the rebirth, Han Yan was afraid that Qing Qiuyuan would have the eyeliner arranged by the Zhou family. The money exchanged with Jiang Yulou a few days ago would not be safe to put on her body, so it took two days and two nights to put the bed on her. There is a hidden space at the bottom. Fang Cai was a gentleman, at least the money in it remained untouched.

Han Yan took out a small cloth bag from the bottom, put the iron sign and the silver note together, and then made the bed again. After tossing for so long, I was already a little sleepy. It's just that the sky is bright now, and I can't go back to bed to rest. He asked Ji Lan to move the rattan chaise longue to the yard, and squinted for a while in the early morning sun.

I don't know how long I took a nap, I just felt a cold hand patted my head, Han Yan suddenly opened his eyes, but saw Fu Yunxi standing in front of him, looking down at him condescendingly.

Recently, he wore a large blue cloak with a brocade robe embroidered with dark patterns in sky blue. He was more heroic than before, but his expression was a little gloomy.

Han Yan was stunned for a moment, then turned to look, but did not find Ji Lan's figure, and asked strangely, "Why are you here?"

Fu Yunxi just stared at her: "I heard this morning that Zhuangfu encountered an assassin last night, and I came to visit the princess."

When he said the word "Princess", Han Yan suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, secretly thinking that Fu Yunxi's hands and feet were so fast, this happened only for a moment, he can come now. Presumably Ji Lan and the others were taken away by him, so open and aboveboard, I'm afraid they sneaked in.

"You entered from the main gate?" Han Yan asked him.

Fu Yunxi was a little amused by her question, and her face sank: "Could it be that the King has to go through the back door?"

"I didn't mean that..." Han Yan hurriedly denied: "It's just that you entered from the main entrance, I'm afraid many people will see..."

"So what if you see it?" Before she could finish speaking, Fu Yunxi interrupted her: "Now you are the princess of my Xuanqing palace, and this king sees his own princess as a matter of course."

Han Yan was speechless by his words, so he could only stare at him without speaking. But in my heart, I thought that Fu Yunxi's actions, in the eyes of others, was that King Xuanqing loved his concubine, so when he heard that there was an assassin in the palace of the concubine, he rushed over the next morning, as if he was there. With her majesty, she shows her status in the heart of King Xuanqing. In the future, if someone wants to bully her again, they will not dare to act rashly for the sake of King Xuanqing.

This person is always so thoughtful when he does things, Han Yan thought, but he is not too angry with his arrogant words. Just ask: "What are you doing here? There's nothing to do."

Fu Yunxi looked at her and pursed her lips. After a while, she threw her a small white jade bottle, and Han Yan hurriedly took it: "What is this."

Fu Yunxi took a step closer and grabbed her arm, Han Yan was startled, and saw that he lifted Han Yan's sleeves and stared coldly at the wound wrapped in white cloth.

Seeing him behave like this, Han Yan understood that he wanted to see his wounds, but was still a little embarrassed, so he shrank back: "Nothing to see."

"Don't move!" Fu Yunxi whispered, "Zhuang Shiyang didn't ask a doctor for you!"

Zhuang Shiyang really didn't care about the wound on Han Yan's hand, so Han Yan had to find another bandage by himself, sprinkle some medicinal powder and wrap it up, as long as it was healed. Seeing Fu Yunxi's bad tone now, his heart warmed, and he comforted: "It's not a big wound, you don't need to trouble the doctor."

Fu Yunxi sat down on the stone bench beside Han Yan, tore off Han Yan's bandage with a sullen face, and took out another brand new bandage, which she wanted to re-bandage for her.

The dignified King Xuanqing bandaged a little girl, but Han Yan felt it was inappropriate and refused: "I'd better do it myself."

Fu Yunxi said, "Shut up." He glanced at Han Yan, those deep phoenix eyes exuding a little chill at the moment, Han Yan was a little afraid to look, probably knew he was in a bad mood, but why was he angry . It's her who suffers.

Although Fu Yunxi's face was ugly, his movements became more and more gentle. Han Yan didn't feel any pain. Seeing his skilled appearance, he couldn't help but say, "Your Highness, this technique is quite skilled."

After a long while, I didn't hear Fu Yunxi's answer. I thought he was angry and didn't want to talk to him. Then I heard Fu Yunxi's cold voice: "When I was in the army, I would bandage myself when I was injured."

Han Yan wondered: "Isn't there an accompanying doctor? Why do you still use yourself to bandage the wound?"

Fu Yunxi said lightly, "I can't believe it."

I can't believe these three words, it sounds like an understatement, but Han Yan can feel the weight of these three words. I heard that this King Xuanqing started wearing armor at the age of fourteen. It is conceivable that a fourteen-year-old boy will face doubts, and the place he is in is a battlefield. Not being trusted by others, and not trusting the helplessness of others, in that kind of situation, what a price to pay to get a little bit of life. Is it precisely because of that journey of being attacked by the enemy that Fu Yunxi has such a cold and indifferent character today?

While Han Yan pondered, Fu Yunxi had cleaned her wound, sprinkled medicine, and re-bandaged her. His bandaging technique is more than a little better than Han Yan. Han Yan was about to thank him when Fu Yunxi looked at her and said, "Why did you hurt yourself?"

Han Yan was stunned, but did not know how to answer. Fu Yunxi's behavior was someone who had been in the army for many years. This wound could deceive others, but not him. At a glance, you can see that it was not a fall and scratch, but that he deliberately scratched, but now, how should I tell him?

"The hairpin I gave you is not for you to use to hurt yourself." He said, his deep eyes almost sucked Han Yan in, but he couldn't see any emotion.

Even seeing this, Han Yan cried out in her heart, and forced a smile: "The situation was urgent at that time..."

"Since you can move out the name of Princess Xuanqing, why didn't you move out at the beginning?" Fu Yunxi said coldly, "But you have to hurt yourself to prove your innocence."

Han Yan blushed, and she moved out of the name of the princess at that time, just to see the reputation of King Xuanqing. How can I listen to him now, it's like I'm doing bad things in the name of the princess. I felt a little uncomfortable in my heart, but stubbornly said: "I haven't been through the door yet, so naturally I can't be regarded as an official princess. How can I take out the name of Princess Xuanqing everywhere and let people see jokes."

Hearing her words, Fu Yunxi narrowed her phoenix eyes and said with a half-smile, "Are you reminding this king to marry you as soon as possible?"

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