The Reborn Noble Girl is Hard to Find

Chapter 110: Juvenile Affair (2)

The little girl was a little puzzled, but smiled: "You are so beautiful."

Fu Yunxi's thought at the time was: Which arrogant child is this, so rude. After a pause, he said, "Be quiet."

The little girl looked at him, flattened her mouth, and started crying again.

Fu Yunxi was startled by her sudden cry, and said, "What are you crying for?"

The little girl looked at him and said, "I cry when I'm sad. My aunt's father said that we're not allowed to cry in the house, so I'll cry for tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow."

Fu Yunxi was puzzled by what she said at first, but after thinking about it, she became a little clearer in her heart. She was afraid that this girl was the unloved young lady in the family, and was bullied by the concubine and hid here to be wronged. Seeing her crying sadly, she said, "Then how long are you going to cry?"

The little girl raised her fingers and counted: "One, two, three...the tears that have accumulated for half a month, and the tears in the future, it will take about an hour."

An hour later, Fu Yunxi couldn't help rubbing his eyebrows. He wants to listen to this ugly girl cry for an hour here?

The little girl looked at him thoughtfully: "God, do you want to cry too?" After thinking for a while, she patted her shoulder and looked like she was arrogant: "I'll lend you Yan'er's shoulder."

Fu Yunxi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, where did he hear this. Seeing that she really puffed up her chest, she put her weak shoulders close to him, with an expression of "I'm very generous", her expression was a little stiff: "Thank you for your kindness, I don't want to cry."

"Don't want to cry?" The little girl asked suspiciously, "But immortal, you look like you really want to cry. Don't be afraid. If you hold back your tears, you will get sick. Yan'er won't laugh at you."

Fu Yunxi looked down at the little girl, thinking of the secret she heard today, she couldn't help feeling a little sad, like saying to the little girl, or mumbling to herself, "Is crying useful?"

His words were quite profound for a little girl, but the other party tilted his head and thought for a long time before he said, "At least I am happy."

Fu Yunxi simply sat down beside her: "Are you happy?"

These words seemed to remind the little girl, and she said: "Oh, just talking to the immortals, you forgot to cry. I also need to shed the tears of Mother, Ji Lan, Shu Hong, and Mother Chen together. ." After speaking with another flat mouth, Fu Yunxi was afraid of her tears, and subconsciously stretched out her hand to cover her mouth: "Don't cry."

The little girl looked at him with her cheeks puffed up, perhaps because her stupid appearance was a little funny, Fu Yunxi couldn't help reaching out and pinching her face.

"I can't play with you. I won't have enough time to cry." She said.

Fu Yunxi looked at her serious look: "Why don't you change crying to laughing?"

"Laugh?" The little girl tilted her head and thought, "I can't laugh."

A move in his heart, such a small baby, but can't laugh, must have suffered a lot, but he can't blatantly cry, and wants to hide on the uninhabited mountain to shed tears. The tone softened: "Why are you crying?"

The little girl kept talking, saying how the aunt in the house bullied their mother and daughter, how the father was cold to them, how cold the servants were, and the tears could not stop falling. . Fu Yunxi sighed, and suddenly felt a sense of pity for each other.

The world is not easy, and who can live better than the other. The drooping child in front of him also had unspeakable pains and sorrows. Seeing that she was crying non-stop, he comforted her: "I will catch a small fish with you, why don't you cry?"

Above this deep mountain, the clear spring ding-dong, the spring water is clear, and you can vaguely see colorful fish playing underwater. He was also a little headache from this little girl's tears, so he comforted the other side for the first time.

Seeing the little girl staring at her blankly, Fu Yunxi got up and left, and after a while, came back with a fishing rod. The young master who has been petted since he was a child is also the first time to sit by the spring and fish for a little girl. Seeing him like this, the little girl probably found it interesting, but she didn't shed any tears, and sat obediently beside him, staring at the floats in the water.

"God, then why are you crying?" When Fu Yunxi was absent-minded, she heard the little girl beside her ask.

He was stunned: "I never cried."

"Your eyes are not crying." She pointed to Fu Yunxi's chest: "Here we are crying."

Fu Yunxi was startled, staring at the little girl in front of her for a while without speaking. She actually saw his fragility.

But Fu Yunxi just said lightly: "I didn't." Seeing his indifferent expression, the little girl shrank back in fear: "Crying here is more sad than crying with eyes. Mother said, the people who cry here, It's all pathetic."

He didn't speak, a sneer appeared on his lips.

"God, will you come here to fish in the future?" she asked.

The young man looked indifferent: "Not necessarily, I will go to war tomorrow, maybe I won't be able to come back alive, and I have a fate with you." He looked at his life and death indifferently, and even thought that it would be better if he died on the battlefield. never come back.

The little girl looked at him and didn't quite understand what he meant: "Aren't you coming in the future?"

The teenager glanced at her: "That's right, so this colorful fish should be left as a souvenir for you before parting."

But in the end, the little girl had never seen him catch a colorful fish.

It didn't take long before two maidservants with anxious expressions came, calling the maid next to him "Miss" and staring at him vigilantly. When the girl was taken away by the two maids, she waved at him heartlessly: "God, see you later!"

after? Where is the future? This time we parted, life and death are uncertain, maybe we will meet again in the next life, maybe we will never see each other again. He lowered his head and lifted his wrist upwards, and a beautiful colored fish with blue phosphorescence burst out of the water, shining a beautiful halo in the air.

This fish was not sent out.

He smiled, took the fish off the hook, and put it back into the water. The blue colored fish flicked its tail, causing a bunch of splashes, and soon disappeared into the water without a trace.

"If I come back, I'll see you again." He whispered toward the water, and then looked at the path where the little girl disappeared. The face in his memory, but for a moment, turned out to be blurred.

Anyway, at that time, she had no image with her nose and tears, and Fu Yunxi didn't pay much attention to her appearance. She only remembered those eyes that had just been washed with tears, very clear, as if everything in the world reflected in her eyes, it was blasphemy.

The next day, Fu Yunxi set off with the army, the young man sat high on the horse, raised his head and looked at the blue sky in the distance, his expression was extremely deep.

In the battlefield that followed, soldiers met each other, and the young man grew up rapidly in just a few years, indifferent, deserted, deep and calm. He has transformed from an arrogant boy to a handsome young man, and he has grown up with a thousand troops and horses.

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