The Reborn Noble Girl is Hard to Find

Chapter 116: Princess Xirong (2)

"The prince and the princess are really deeply in love." Zhuo Qi stepped forward with a smile, his eyes fell on Han Yan: "If it wasn't for the princess..." Before she finished speaking, the frivolous tone had already made Fu Yunxi feel unhappy.

"No one dares to touch this king's concubine." He said lightly: "Once they do, they will be killed without mercy."

Irina took Zhuo Qi's hand: "Brother, let's go, since they are so arrogant, let them be convinced that they lose, and it's not too late to punish them slowly."

Zhuo Qixie smiled: "That's true." He winked at Hanyan: "Princess, if you want to repay your kindness with your body, you must do it."

Fu Yunxi's face darkened even more, and Irina also shouted to Fu Yunxi, "This princess will do what she says, Fu Yunxi, you will definitely be my concubine!"

After the two of them finished speaking, they performed light work and disappeared from Han Yan's sight. Fu Yunxi looked coldly at the direction they were going, but did not catch up. However, he found that Han Yan beside him was too quiet, so he looked down at her in doubt.

Han Yan's face was expressionless at this time, but his heart seemed to be a stormy sea. She slowly opened her mouth and said, " the princess?" A bad guess floated in her heart.

Fu Yunxi replied, "Princess Xirong, Irina."

Han Yan's palms are cold.

In the last life, Fu Yunxi was married to this Princess Xirong. At that time, Fu Yunxi was seriously ill, and only this princess could save him. It was a coincidence that Irina and the messenger came to Dazong, and they married into the Xuanqing Palace in the name of Chongxi. The emperor loved his own younger brother since childhood, but there was nothing he could do at the time. Seeing that Irina had an idea, he couldn't care so much. Who knew they got married for half a year. Fu Yunxi's illness was slowly getting better, and everyone in the world said it was the blessing brought by this Princess Xirong.

Han Yan had never seen this princess in the last life, and although he had doubts about his identity just now, he only regarded him as a girl who admired Fu Yunxi. Unexpectedly, she would say the last sentence, which seemed to be just a scolding sentence, which actually made Han Yan's breathing stagnate for a few minutes!

The princess of Xirong actually appeared!

She was careless. The road ahead in this life was still smooth, and she forgot about the crises she might face in the future. She became Princess Xuanqing herself, but she forgot that there was another Princess Xirong!

Fu Yunxi saw that she had not said a word since she heard the name Princess Xirong, and her expression was uncertain. She has always been calm, but at this moment, he seemed to feel a faint panic in Han Yan's heart. After being silent, he stretched out his hand and patted Han Yan's head: "Don't be afraid."

Han Yan smiled bitterly in her heart, this Princess Xirong, she is not afraid. It's just that if you follow the way of the previous life, Fu Yunxi will be seriously ill soon, and her marriage with him will probably have setbacks. What's wrong with him...? Thinking that such a person of peerless elegance will become increasingly haggard and thin, Han Yan couldn't tell what he felt in his heart. If he is really unfortunate enough to contract a serious illness, and only the Princess Xirong can save him, I am afraid that the emperor will personally order the marriage.

What about her? Are you really willing to hand Fu Yunxi over to others and watch others become his princess?

Han Yan's eyes were a little sad.

Xu Shi noticed the change in her mood, so Fu Yunxi took the horse and motioned to send her back to the house. The two of them were speechless along the way. Han Yan leaned against the warm chest behind her, and Fu Yunxi's warm air was squirting in her ears. Her heart moved, and she said, "Your Highness must always be cautious."

Fu Yunxi didn't know why she said this, she was silent for a while, and then she heard Han Yan say again: "The people around you are not trustworthy, you can't fake the hands of others when you eat."

If Fu Yunxi's serious illness was caused by Princess Xirong, she would naturally be able to solve it. Han Yan thought that if he wanted to avoid the possibility that he was seriously ill, he had to avoid the possibility of this happening. Eating food is the most likely thing to be contaminated with poisons. If you are careful, you will not have the next scene.

Conspiracy and tricks, she can hide, she can seize it in advance, she can make a plan, and she can return it to the enemy without moving. But birth, old age, sickness and death are doomed disasters in the world, which cannot be avoided and unknown.

Fu Yunxi didn't answer her, just asked, "What's the matter with you?"

Han Yan's performance was so abnormal along the way that he couldn't help but feel suspicious. She should have seen Irina for the first time, but when she knew that Irina was Princess Xirong, that shocked expression seemed to have happened. Does she... know Irina?

How could a young lady in a boudoir get involved with Princess Xirong, not to mention that the two countries are high and the road is far away, even he himself, only met Irina on the battlefield back then. Han Yan has never been out of the capital, and Irina has never been to a large sect. Few people have heard of the name Princess Xirong. But Han Yan's expression was telling him that she knew Irina.

He couldn't help but want to explore. Han Yan looked no different from an ordinary daughter in the capital. If there was any difference, it was a shocking calm and calm, a scheming that did not match his age. The closer you get to her, the more you can discover her mystery. Sometimes, she even feels that the eyes she shows are like a person who has read a thousand sails, quietly watching all the old things repeat themselves.

Irina doesn't know Han Yan, but Han Yan knows Irina, and Fu Yunxi understands that Han Yan is not a person who can do boring things. Everything she does has a strong purpose. This step is often done inexplicably, but it is paving the way for the next step. So, what kind of secrets are there between her and Irina?

Han Yan noticed his inquiring eyes, and covered up with a smile: "It's just that the Xirong people are now infiltrating the sect, so you, the prince, are also in danger. It's better to be careful in everything."

"That person is Prince Xirong." Fu Yunxi said.

Han Yan was stunned: "You said Zhuo Qi?" After speaking, she realized that she had made a slip of the tongue and called out that person's name. Fu Yunxi understood that she and that person had already known each other, and explained, "He was the one who broke in that night. Zhuangfu's assassin."

Fu Yunxi said, "Stay away from him in the future."

Han Yan nodded: "Why did the Xirong people sneak into the sect?" If it was ordinary Xirong people, it would be fine, but why did the princes and princesses come here, and people couldn't help but doubt their intentions.

"Xirong is in civil strife right now." Fu Yunxi looked stern: "Fleeing to Dazong is not only to escape pursuit, but also for the war between the two countries."

Han Yan frowned. Now the lord of Xirong is a man named Turmu. Could it be that there is a dispute with Zhuo Qi for the throne, and that Zhuo Qi was chased and killed by someone who was actually ordered by Turmu? If it is in the big sect, those killers will indeed restrain a little, no wonder they fled here. Thinking of the scars on Zhuo Qi's body that night, Han Yan understood a little. But the problem came again. On that day, the government clearly said that someone was going to assassinate the emperor.

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