The Reborn Noble Girl is Hard to Find

Chapter 119: Siblings turn against each other (1)

When Han Yan was called by Zhuang Shiyang to the hall in the house, he saw Zhuang Yushan, who was leaning against Wei Rufeng and smiling beautifully.

Seeing her come in, Zhuang Yushan called out affectionately, "Fourth sister."

Han Yan raised her eyes to look at her. Compared with the previous time in the mansion, Zhuang Yushan was much more beautiful. Today, she is wearing a soft red embroidered colorful brocade feather coat, full of cat eyes, coral beads, and pearl emerald enamel on her hands. There are a lot of them. When you see the ring and the ring in action, it is magnificent. Wei Rufeng must have treated her very well, Han Yan smiled and said, "Sister Yushan, brother-in-law."

Hearing this "brother-in-law" in Wei Rufeng's ears, he felt extremely harsh. His eyes fell on Han Yan, who seemed to have grown a little taller, but still wore two round buns. , with a string of pendant collars on his neck, a bracelet on his wrist, and a blue jade hairpin on his head, wearing a pink jacket, a pink forged vest, and a long pleated skirt of white silk. The porcelain doll looks like this, whoever sees it will know that she is Princess Xuanqing.

But her smiling eyes were curved, but her eyes were very quiet, and the corner of her mouth smiled, but it seemed to be mocking. The arrogance revealed unconsciously is really worthy of the word "Princess". Wei Rufeng unconsciously looked a little crazy.

Zhuang Yushan noticed Wei Rufeng's abnormality, and his heart froze, looking at Han Yan's eyes a little sharp, holding Wei Rufeng with one hand, he said to him like a spoiled child: "Master, my concubine will take you to see my aunt."

Zhou Shi is now sick and in bed, but rarely leaves the Dovetong Garden. Wei Rufeng smiled: "Okay." His voice was extremely gentle, and his attitude towards Zhuang Yushan was very close, and it was clear that he looked like glue. Da Zhou and Zhuang Shiyang stood aside and nodded with satisfaction. Wei Rufeng glanced at Han Yan and saw that she didn't care. She didn't seem to care about herself at all. She was a little annoyed and snorted coldly. With a sound, he took the lead and strode out.

Han Yan was not interested in standing, so he went back to his Qingqiu Garden.

Ji Lan said, "The eldest son wanted to marry our young lady before, but now the second young lady looks like this when she walks through the door. It's really chilling to see."

Shu Hong frowned: "Let's say a few words less, didn't the young lady marry him? If the prince is the kind of person who sees things differently, it must be the second young lady who suffers."

Ji Lan was indignant: "You didn't see the face of the second young lady just now, didn't you just become a side concubine, you really take yourself for something, your eyes are about to look up to the sky, and you slapped our young lady's face, too. Don't think about it, our young lady is not as ostentatious as Princess Xuanqing, what are you proud of?"

Shu Hong was angry and funny when she heard it: "Why do you compare Miss with her?"

"That's right." Ji Lan glanced at Han Yan, and seeing that Han Yan had no intention of stopping her, she continued, "Didn't she just enter the gate of Prince Wei's mansion by having a skin-to-skin relationship with the prince? Bah! Don't be ashamed. "

Han Yan didn't take the conversation between the two girls to heart, but she was suspicious. Wei Rufeng didn't like Zhuang Yushan very much before, but now he has the heart to act like a loving couple in Zhuang Mansion. Rufeng is naturally not afraid of Zhuang Shiyang, so who does he want to show?

Han Yan thought about it, is it possible that he made it for himself?

Can't help but want to laugh, what is Wei Rufeng thinking? If he really wants to show it to himself, then he is very wrong. If Zhuang Yushan wanted to go against him by climbing up on Wei Rufeng, Han Yan smiled slightly, then it was time to urge the right minister's daughter and Li Jiaqi to pass.

Back at Qingqiu Garden, Ji Lan and Shu Hong were sent by Han Yan to do other things. Han Yan was leaning on the small couch in the courtyard, lazily basking in the sun, while embroidering half of the embroidery.

The sound of footsteps suddenly came from behind, Han Yan paused, and saw a long figure in the sun's elongated shadow. He thought it was Fu Yunxi who had come uninvited again, but he looked back helplessly, but was stunned: "why you?"

Wei Rufeng looked at her coldly: "You hate seeing me so much?"

Han Yan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he hated him if he did anything.

"You're hiding here and don't want to see me, do you still hold grudges against me because of me and your sister?" Wei Rufeng took a step forward, trying to find a trace in Han Yan's expression.

Unfortunately, Han Yan just took a step back: "Brother-in-law and elder sister are a match made in heaven. It's too late to congratulate Han Yan, how can she hold any resentment." But she said in her heart, Wei Rufeng's thoughts are now more and more incomprehensible to him. Could it be that he still thinks that he resents Zhuang Yushan because of his skin-to-skin blind date?

When Wei Rufeng heard her say that, his expression changed, and after a while he said, "Sure enough, you and Fu Yunxi were hooked up early in the morning."

He said that he was okay, then Fu Yunxi said something, and the words were so ugly, Han Yan didn't know why, and suddenly became a little angry, and said lightly: "The prince said this is bad, the marriage between Han Yan and the prince was the emperor himself. It was ordered by the decree. When the prince said this, is he doubting the emperor's decision? Then Han Yan can help the prince and explain to the imperial censor that tomorrow morning, he will ask the emperor for the emperor to understand."

She speaks aggressively and doesn't give anyone a chance to breathe. Naturally, Wei Rufeng can't ask the emperor to understand. Han Yan's words block him speechless. Seeing that Han Yan has no affection for him at all, the hatred in his heart is inexplicable: "You love Fu Yunxi so much!"

"If the prince is only here to ask about the friendship between Han Yan and the prince, Han Yan will make it clear once and for all, and the prince of the province will continue to ask questions in the future." Han Yan looked at him and said firmly: "Listen carefully, I am deeply in love with Prince Xuanqing, he is loyal and unswerving, and we will be together forever. I adore him for his bravery and invincibility, his outstanding talent, upright and upright, and he is the person I am looking for in my life. I adore him more than Any man in the world." Han Yan didn't hesitate to say such a long list of confessions, Fu Yunxi was not there anyway, she could arrange it as she liked, but it was the first time that she said good things to another person in front of others. It was really unaccustomed, and she blushed a little when she thought about it, and it fell into Wei Rufeng's eyes. It was Han Yan who thought of Fu Yunxi and couldn't help being shy.

"Master Shizi, do you understand?" Han Yan asked word by word.

"Understood!" These words were almost uttered by Wei Rufeng gritted his teeth. The woman he loved was talking about his friendship with another person in front of him, which made him feel ashamed, unwilling, and jealous. Why, obviously, Zhuang Hanyan should be the wife he is marrying!

The corner of Han Yan's mouth twitched: "Since you understand, Sister Yushan must still be waiting for you, please, please."

Wei Rufeng only felt that if he stayed any longer, his self-esteem had completely disappeared, so he snorted coldly and walked away. Han Yan breathed a sigh of relief and finally sent the God of Plague away when he heard a low male voice behind him: "That's right."

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