Chapter 284: Hold It, Not Destroy It

Want to take first give.

Su Pingnan understands this truth very well, so the Jinxiu Group in Haizhou has a very gentle approach, which means that it is a step-by-step,,,.

When the foundation of the Jinxiu Group is solid, the relationship network is intertwined, and no one can be light and tough, Su Pingnan will show his fangs.

In Sigang, the Splendid Group was exceptionally generous.

Cooperation is just an intention, Su Pingnan is bigWith a wave of his hand, three Hope Primary Schools and ten official vehicles have been donated by him.

Haizhou Sigang is indeed poor enough. In places with a little more money now, the head of the family has replaced the Audi 100, while Zhangzhi County in Sigang is still a dilapidated 213.

As soon as this decision was announced, the banquet hall burst into thunderous applause, and some people from Sigang began to consider whether they were qualified to sit on that enviable iron box.

During the staggering, half of the several golden plots of Haizhou Sigang have fallen into the hands of the Jinxiu Group.

One night, Sun Man’s performance was very good, his acting skills were online, and Su Pingnan was very polite to Sun Man, which made many people guess the specific origin of this girl in red.

Su Pingnan refused the performance specially organized by Sigang on the grounds that he was tired from the journey.

Go back to the locally arranged hotel and close the door.

Su Pingnan sat quietly on the sofa, the fingers of his left hand tapped the coffee table rhythmically, his whole body was as sharp as a knife, and he looked a little tired from the half-minute banquet just now.

Sun Man looked at the empty room with only himself and this villain, and couldn’t hide the nervousness in his eyes.

The experience of this graduation trip was really like a dream for this girl.

Completely different people, completely different things, even completely different worlds.

Up to now, the girl is still confused, like a marionette.

But Sun Man is very smart, but he can still vaguely smell the blood and cruelty hidden behind the matter.

Although the girl was very scared, the slowly opening veil of another world brought a different kind of excitement to Sun Man’s heart.

Three long and one short knocks on the door.

Lu Yuan walked in, nodded to Su Pingnan, and said softly: “The local place attaches great importance to us, this floor is full of our people, and it is very safe.”

Su Pingnan nodded, cut out the tail of the cigar unhurriedly, did not light it for himself, but threw it to Sun Man.

The girl took it blankly.

“The message has been delivered, so someone will definitely come to you to confirm.

So we have to create an environment where you can’t speak easily.”

Su Pingnan squinted his eyes and tapped his fingers on the coffee table faster and faster.

Sun Man nodded dumbly, but still didn’t understand why Su Pingnan threw a cigar to her.

“This person, inseparable from ten, 89, should be her and the person she trusts.”

Su Pingnan continued: “He Laoliu and those rough guys can’t describe the smell of Murong Qingqing, just in case, the smell of cigars will be suppressed.”

Sun Man is dumbfounded, this big villain actually has such a heart.

There was no way, the girl could only light the cigar with some grievances, and for a while the room became: smoke filled up.

Su Pingnan didn’t guess wrong, this time the person who came to confirm the news was old Maitreya.

People who stayed in Sigang couldn’t figure out how Hai Dongqing’s eldest sister suddenly got mixed up with Su Pingnan of Jinxiu Group, and she seemed to be very respected.

Could it be that they agreed to Zhao’an? After all, the price that Jinxiu Group offered at that time was sky-high. Now these people look back at He Laoliu and the others, and it is false to say that they are not envious. One person has five people and five six, and some people even open it. metal box.

And those people like myself live in a small port and eat the mountains and the sky.

The people who followed Murong Qingqing were all extremely sturdy men, how could they endure this kind of life, these days, some people have taken the lead in arguing with old Maitreya a few times.

At the port at the time, Murong Qingqing’s gesture conveyed a meaning.

So people tonight at three o’clock: , board the ship at the port, old Maitreya leads the team, big business.

When the news came back, everyone who was already panicked immediately.

Start preparing, at this moment, these people immediately.

Showing the heritage of Haidongqing, no one hesitated, all faces were only indifferent.

These days in Sigang, old Maitreya’s waist seems to be more hunched, and the whole person looks a little listless.

He was the only one who didn’t move. Decades of experience and caution made him decide to check it out himself.

“The window of this room allows everyone to see you as soon as they step into this courtyard.”

Let Sun Man stand at the window, Su Pingnan smiled, “If the other party just confirms, this distance is enough.”

Sun Man glared at this complicated man quietly, trying to keep the posture that Chen Shui taught her.

She had been standing in front of the window for half an hour, her neck was sore.

Just when she was about to lose her hold, she saw a rickety old man walking in, nodding and bowing at the door of the compound.

The old man looked up and clearly saw her.

Then he made a gesture quickly and covertly.

Sun Man has learned this gesture and knows what it means.”Is there any danger”

Sun Man responded very quickly according to the method he asked He Laoliu to teach her.

The old man didn’t leave, but looked straight at Sun Man. Sun Man’s heart was beating wildly, and his forehead was even sweating.

Su Pingnan’s calm voice sounded in her ear: “stare at him and nod to him.”

Sun Man tried his best to restrain his panic, stared straight at the old man, and nodded slowly.

The old man smiled, bent down, and slowly walked out of the yard of the big hotel.

Sun Man let out a long sigh of relief, and his body went weak with fright. Just as he was about to leave the window, he heard Su Pingnan snort lowly.

“Don’t move, keep looking outside.”

Sun Man was a little frightened by Su Pingnan’s stern voice, and immediately.

Straighten up.

Ten minutes later, the figure of the old man appeared at the gate of the compound again, this time the old man just nodded to her and left quickly.

“Okay, it’s alright.”

Su Pingnan’s voice was much softer.

Sun Man’s whole person immediately.

Sitting down on the carpet, in such a short ten minutes, this girl feels like a century has passed.

Su Pingnan didn’t speak, and the room was quiet for a while.

After a long time, Sun Man asked her most curious question: “What are you doing so deliberately to deal with the woman who looks like me?”

Sun Man has seen Murong Qingqing’s profile, and in her opinion, this man shows his financial resources and connections, so he doesn’t need to spend so much time.

Su Pingnan’s tone was calm, and the ambition contained in it made the girl even a little scared: “If there is a sharpest knife.

I want to hold it, not destroy it.”

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