Chapter 406: Heroes Twilight | The Rise of the Reborn Hero | The Rise of the Reborn Hero Chapter Read

‘Seeing the distant back of the old Maitreya and the suddenly hunched waist, Murong Qingqing’s always cold face looked a little disappointed.

She didn’t speak any more.

When the old Maitreya said that there is no Haidongqing and no Maitreya Buddha in the world, Murong Qingqing knew that the heart of the old man who watched him grow up was completely dead.

He gave up his only known name.

Old Maitreya’s life has always been very hard, and he is already one of Costin’s only old people.

With the passage of time, the young people of Costin are no longer aware of Maitreya’s real name.

Even Murong Qingqing only vaguely remembered that the old Maitreya seemed to be surnamed Liu.

Tiandu Railway Station.

The train station is crowded with people, noisy and busy.

Various hurried travelers and hawking voices interweave, forming a vibrant place.

Old Maitreya squatted alone on the edge of the bench in the waiting room, smoking the dry tobacco pouch he had not smoked for a long time, like an old farmer returning home.

Even a few women holding their children rolled their eyes at Old Maitreya with disgust, some disliked the pungent smell of his dry smoke.

Old Maitreya also felt the meaning of these eyes, grinned, showing a simple and honest smile, and knocked on the sole of his shoe with a cigarette stick, extinguishing the fireworks.

The pride in his heart made the old Maitreya decide to reject the sufficiently generous retirement arrangement provided by the Jinxiu Group, and also reject the pension proposal from Murong Qingqing and others in his hometown in Haizhou. The stubborn old man quietly embarked on his return journey alone.By the way, he is no longer Maitreya Buddha, and he is no longer the head of the foreign affairs department of the Jinxiu Group, he is just Liu Sangou.

It’s that… an old man who was born in a border town, and has come to the end of his life after wandering outside for more than 50 years.

The fallen leaves return to their roots.

Liu Sangou forgot the all-powerful situation of the Jinxiu Group, and the bloodshed of Haidongqing. Now he is full of thoughts about returning to the land that once raised him.

That… the town of Eren at the end of the Qilian Mountains.

Eren is Mongolian.

Translated into Chinese, it means the most beautiful place in the Gobi Beach.

I haven’t gone back for many, many years, but now Eren is still called Eren.

Liu Sangou knew how to get back. He took the train from Tiandu to Shengjing for 38 hours, then took 40 hours from Shengjing to Qingcheng, and then took 16 hours from Qingcheng to Chaha. Eren, and then the bus station there has a direct bus to Eren every morning and afternoon.

The loudspeaker in the waiting room recalled that Liu Sangou stood up alone on the long chair next to him, and hurried to the platform. Old Maitreya sat on the chair unhurriedly, narrowing his eyes slightly.

There are still 40 minutes before his train, he is indeed old, and the lack of rest these days has caused severe back pain.

The waiting room was full of people, and old Maitreya’s thoughts had begun to drift into the distance.

There are many Han people in Chahar, and Liu San is one of them.

From the ancestors who walked to the west entrance and settled down here to Liu Sangou, this place has completely belonged to Erren.

He left Erren in 1945, when Liu Sangou was exactly eighteen years old.

Eighteen years old, he is already extremely strong, with a straight waist and thick arms that can run a horse.

At that time, he tied his shirt like a Mongolian man, bare his chest, drank strong wine, and spoke the dialect of Chahar.

If it wasn’t for the name Liu Sangou, everyone would think he was an out-and-out Mongolian man.

Liu Sangou’s parents went to another world around the time of his fifteenth year, leaving him only an earthen house and an IOU that owed Fusheng four Yuan Datou.

In the past few years that his parents were gone, Liu Sangou didn’t let him become thin, but through his flexible skills and natural hunter instinct, he used the hunting yellow sheep to support himself to be extremely strong.

It took him three years not only to clear the arrears, but also to have two 2 Yuan Datou deposits. You must know that in this era, those banknotes are worth one a day, and only silver dollars are the most popular hard currency.

“The 73rd train to Modu is about to enter the station”

The loud trumpet sound pulled Liu Sangou out of his memory, raised his wrist to check the time, and the old Maitreya changed his posture to make his waist more comfortable.

“If I didn’t meet a big boss, I would probably save a few more years of money, and then I would ask a mother-in-law to live in Eren for the rest of my life. By now, I think I have grandchildren.”

Old Maitreya lit his dry smoke again, took a deep breath, and imagined another life.

“That guy!”

An obvious foreign accent stopped Liu Sangou, who was walking in the market with a yellow sheep on his back.

Liu Sangou stopped and followed the shout. A middle-aged man with a mink hat and a big cloak and a face with a Chinese character, which is common among high-profile foreigners, waved to him.


The middle-aged man rolled the yellow sheep’s eyelids, his tone was a little surprised, then he looked at Liu Sangou’s sturdy arms with a hint of admiration in his eyes.

“Being alive until you catch this guy requires patience and perseverance, how long have you been squatting on it?”

The middle-aged man is an expert in hunting, and he knows that catching a live yellow sheep can only catch a yellow sheep that is urinating in the morning, because only at this time can the prairie elf not be able to run very far, and the timing is very difficult to grasp.

“A whole night.”

Liu Sangou said shiveringly, “Boss, the taste of live sheep without bleeding is different, and the skin is not hurt at all.”

The middle-aged man’s eyes flashed past the cracked hole on Liu Sangou’s face, and he threw a silver dollar into Liu Sangou’s arms with a very generous smile, “How old!”

The vicissitudes on Liu Sangou’s face did not hide the middle-aged people.

He could see that this athletic man was definitely not very old.


The ecstatic Liu Sangou hurriedly took the silver dollar and answered honestly.

“Would you like to change your life?”

The middle-aged man looked at Liu Sangou with an irresistible admiration in his eyes.

As the best hunter in Baishan, and the owner of Costin, Gao Mingshan understands that this young man is a piece of jade.

“Change the way of living”

Liu Sangou is puzzled, his young eyes are full of hope.

On that day, a big event and a small event happened to Eren.

The big thing was that Mr. Buren was shot in the head with a firearm, and the small thing was that a boy named Liu Sangou suddenly disappeared in Eren.

No one knew where he went.

“236 chariots and horses leading to ShengjingThe passengers who are going to Shengjing are ready to enter the station.”

Old Maitreya got up, put the cigarette stick behind his back and turned around after putting out the cigarette, and the whole person froze for a while.

Su Pingnan, dressed in a straight black suit, stood at the entrance of the waiting hall: looking at himself quietly, Lu Yuan, Du Jiu, Murong Qingqing and others stood behind him with awe.

“You have to go, I understand.”

Su Pingnan bowed slightly, “Today I will send Lord Maitreya to the car.”

For a time, the Sanjiao Jiuliu Group in the waiting hall was dumbfounded.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push </p>

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