Chapter 553: You are Crazy than Me

The people below Harrow really fought their lives, but there were still six cars that escaped. Under such circumstances, they were able to escape as expected to be the most ferocious and desperate elite of the Torrion family.

“Go to hell, idiots.”

The six bulletproof Mercedes-Benzes that left were speeding away, and even some of the most vicious people did not forget to curse the riot arresters loudly when they left, and their attitude was so arrogant that Haro’s face was gloomy as if it were about to drip water.

He had the intention to let the people below catch up, but the wreckage generated by the explosion and the burning car blocked the intersection, so he could only sigh and give up the idea.

“Captain, the people in the Eastern Division have been notified that they can’t run.”

The cronies below approached him, seeing the anger of his captain, and immediately.

Said aloud in consolation.

“Those guys from the Eastside”

Harrow sneered and didn’t say any more.

“It was six cars that escaped, and they will arrive at the designated place in two minutes at the latest.”

Yang Qianli’s phone rang.


Yang Qianli hung up the phone and looked at Murong Qingqing, “Just do something.”

“it is good.”

The woman’s smile is still beautiful and refined.

A few minutes later, a loud bang woke up everyone who was still there: sleeping Chicago Canadians.

The sound of the explosion of the 60-ton oil tanker of the Carl Waffle Oil Transportation Company was earth-shattering.

“very beautiful.”

Although he was prepared, Yang Qianli was still overturned by the huge noise. He got up a little embarrassedly and saw the raging fire shining, the woman in Tsing Yi still stood there straight, staring at the explosion scene, his tone was full of Admire and appreciate.

“You are crazier than me.”

Probably for the first time in his life, Yang Qianli had a crush on a girlPeople feel ashamed.

The wind was calm, and the freighter returning from Xingtiao Country to Xia Country was running smoothly.

Now it is less than 300 nautical miles away from Jinxiu Port in Tiannan, and the dozens of people who left the Jinxiu Group first have completely relieved their hearts. Everyone knows that this is their own sphere of influence, and there will never be any problems.

“You go to Liu Jianran’s funeral.”

Zhang Hua, who led the team, really couldn’t stand the smell of the lower deck of the cargo ship. The smell of the sea made him feel sick.

“Excavator accident, compensation of 150,000 US dollars.”

Dong Peng’s words made Zhang Hua nodded, he looked at the most trusted subordinate who was hesitant to say anything, and his tone brought a light smile, “What’s the matter, what do you want to say?”

“Hua brother.”

Dong Peng looked around, except occasionally on the sea of ​​silence.

There is no half human figure outside the passing seabirds.

“I burned the body, but the location of the stray bullet is very strange.

Peng pointed to a place on his head, gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, “It should have been shot from behind.”

“I made it.”

Zhang Hua’s voice was also low, and the content of his words sounded like thunder in Dong Peng’s ears.


Dong Peng’s trembling lips betrayed his mood.

“Prevent problems before they happen.”

Zhang Hua looked directly at the other party, “The bottom boss’s meaning, the elder sister of the museum agrees, but it has nothing to do with the top boss. The three of us agreed on the result.”

Dong Peng was silent, Zhang Hua’s words continued, “After that little girl died, his mental state has been very wrong.

So that’s the only way to do it.”

“As for what?”

Dong Peng asked.


Zhang Hua’s face was grim, “That kind of… guilt is like a poisonous snake, it will make him sell everything.”

After he finished speaking, he patted Dong Peng on the shoulder, “Come to Jinxiu, everyone has lived a life they can’t even think about. It’s not like I was ruined by him.”

“But the old Maitreya is not because he is soft-hearted”

Dong Peng stopped for half a sentence, and was interrupted by Zhang Hua forcefully, “There is only one old Maitreya.”

“very smooth.”

After hanging up the phone in the car, Su Pingnan suddenly showed a smile when he saw that he was still holding the wool in his hand, and turned to face Aston, who was so sleepy he couldn’t help but keep yawning.

Dale said, “It’s time to close the net.”


Dale immediately.

Without any intention, he asked energetically, “Success”


Su Pingnan put the soft ball of thread back, leaning back in a bleak tone, “Unfortunately no one applauds.”


Dale has nothing to say, he knows that Chicago is going to be completely reshuffled.

The plan that I watched helplessly is being realized step by step.

The two fierce gun battles have ended, but the waves have just begun.

Although Chicago has never been a peaceful place, fighting of this level is extremely rare.

Here, the most well-informed people are definitely not those well-dressed politicians, nor those successful businessmen, but those three sects and nine-class people who roam the streets.

For a time, the turbulent situation caused all the ambitious guys to pay close attention to the development of the matter, and they were desperately looking forward to this big man who had ruled this city for nearly twenty years, that is, the infamous Johnny.

The Torrion family will really fall.

No breaking, no standing, only when the big mountain of Johnny falls can everyone get a share of the pie.

These people’s ideas are surprisingly consistent, that is, everyone is carrying their heads to get rich and rich, why are you Johnny.

Torrion makes a lot of money.

In the final analysis, profit is the root of all troubles.

“Informed Ryan.



Dale hung up, “I can’t guarantee whether they have the courage below.”

“He will.”

Su Pingnan sneered, “You just need to tell him, Tim.

Potts is going to die, and he’s going to drive it all.”


Dale nodded. He is now completely thrown into the ground for Su Pingnan. Now I am afraid that Su Pingnan said that the earth is square, and he thinks it is possible.

Up to now, Su Pingnan’s ambitions have been revealed. What he wants is not only the complete downfall of the Torrion family, but he also wants to take root here: to support a force that completely obeys the Jinxiu Group.

So he needs to completely mess up the muddy waters of this city.

He also started gambling.

It’s up to people to make things happen, and the chaos of various forces made him see the possibility of the success of the plan.

The underground known as Sin CityThere are many forces, and the forces established by various races are called the Chicago Gangster to the outside world, but they are not unified internally.

Irish, Africans, whites, and Asians all have their own little ninety-nine.

So doing this is entirely because of the rebelliousness in Su Pingnan’s bones.

When the Splendid Group started its first day in Nevada, the urgency and arrogance of the Torrion family about money laundering made them feel like vultures who smelled blood. Their threats not only did not make the Splendid Group retreat, but instead stimulated Su Pingnan’s ruthless arrogance emerged.

Not only to fight back, but also to conquer the city that challenged him.

When Jiang Qianglong met a fierce tiger in the field, Su Pingnan’s character determined that he would never lower his head and never retreat.

Even if you lose.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push </p>

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