The Reborn Wife is Farming

Chapter 1122 Figured it out

Mu Yangling was right in thinking. There was indeed a crack between Mu Shi and Mu Bowen, otherwise Mu Bowen would not have approached Mu Yangling. I hope that my sister's participation can reconcile the conflict between their father and son.

But a letter from Mu Shi directly extinguished Mu Bowen's enthusiasm.

In the letter, Mu Shi blamed Mu Bowen for not thinking about his sister. Marrying into the royal family requires prudence in words and deeds, and there are many things to do. His sister finally came back. Do you want her to worry about your affairs?

Warn him not to tell Mu Yangling about these things.

Mu Bowen couldn't help being sad, he couldn't tell his mother about this matter, younger brothers and sisters are not easy to interfere, if there is no elder sister to mediate in the middle, then would he and his father have to be in such a stalemate all the time?

My younger sister told him that when conflicts arise between people, they should be resolved immediately and communicate actively, otherwise, the longer the time, the small conflicts will become big conflicts, and even become a thorn in the heart. Whether the other party is a stranger or a familiar person, it is not good for things to evolve to this extent.

The former will make them an enemy, the latter they will be sad.

And he is indeed sad now, but when he had a disagreement with his father at the beginning, he wanted to have a good talk with his father, but his father was either too busy to take time off, or he quarreled whenever he met, and he couldn't communicate well. When he made up his mind to finish his sentence no matter how difficult it was, his father set off.

Now nearly a year has passed, and there is almost no communication between father and son. He has already felt that the contradiction between father and son is getting bigger and bigger, and when his sister comes back at this time, she can't help but give Mu Bowen a kind of support.

Compared with his stalwart father and loving mother, his elder sister is more like his guide in life.

So seeing her, Mu Bowen told her his troubles almost without hesitation. Just the night before, he thought that the conflict between him and his father should be resolved this time, but he didn't expect his father to be so resistant. Even think of him that way.

Could it be that in the eyes of his father, he is such a selfish person who doesn't care about his brothers and sisters?

Thinking of the harsh wording in the letter, Mu Bowen's eyes became a little sour, and he tried not to show any abnormalities. He went home to bid farewell to his mother before returning to his post.

Mu Yangling worried for two days, and finally couldn't help writing a letter to her father. This time, she stopped persuading her and just asked her father what happened between him and Bowen.

Mu Yangling felt that she only listened to what the blog post said, maybe her father's understanding would be different from what they thought?

So you should still ask your father to see what he said and what he thought.

This time Mu Yangling didn't use the post station to send the letter, but used the flying pigeon to send the letter.

And Mu Shi, who was far away in Taiyuan, had just received the first letter from Mu Yangling at this time. Mu Shi was a little annoyed at first, and he sighed after seeing the date of the letter. It seems that his letter to Bowen was still late. step.

Mu Shi opened the letter, read it, his eyes were full of complicated emotions, and his face couldn't help showing a little bit.

If Ah Ling didn't say anything, he would almost forget the past.

Mu Shi put down the letter, knocked on the table involuntarily, sat on the chair and began to think about the details of these years.

He didn't move a single step until dusk fell and the room was completely dark. The servant who came outside to light the lamp couldn't help calling out hesitantly, "Master?"

Mu Shi came back to his senses, and said in a hoarse voice: "Back off, there is no need to light the lamp."

The servant was about to ask if he wanted to set up a meal, but when he saw that there was no movement inside, he felt a little uneasy, so he didn't dare to ask any more questions, and stepped back slowly.

But in the room, Mu Shi's eyes were a little wet, and his hand holding the letter was tightened and loosened. In the final analysis, he was promoted too fast these years, his heart was too big, and he neglected his family.

Only then did Mu Shi realize that he was not a good father!

Mu Yangling likes her parents in this life very much, because her mother Shu Wanniang is a typical loving mother who puts her children first. Although she is weak, as long as her children are involved, she can bend like a bamboo. Yang Ling can ignore all the shortcomings of her mother, and is willing to open her hands to protect her under her wings.

Although her father was from the feudal era, he was not arbitrary at all. When she was a child, whatever she wanted to do or the strange ideas she came up with, although my father disagreed with him in his heart, he would still let her go and let her go. She wore men's clothes, went hunting in the mountains and forests, and sold prey in the city. She was more tolerant of her and her younger brother than her mother.

In contrast, her father in the previous life was more like a person from the feudal era, so Mu Yangling liked Mu Shi very much.

And the quality of a person cannot be easily changed. At this time, Mu Shi's tolerance and introspection made him figure out some things.

In the letter, Mu Yangling talked about their life and past events for twenty years, which also made Mu Shi start to recall, from twenty years ago to the present, and in the memory, the problems between him and his son Bowen were naturally It stands out.

After all, it was his fault.

It was okay before Bowen was five years old. At that time, they lived in Linshan Village. Although he had to go to the mountains to hunt or go to the city to sell prey every day, he spent half a day with his son every day, making toys for him, and pushing him on the ground. Go out to play on your shoulders, read and practice calligraphy with him, and teach him the principles of life.

But after the age of five, everything changed since they fled to Xingzhou Prefecture and were incorporated as military households. He was going to live in a military camp. At first, he could take two days off in a month, and then he had to run away after receiving a mission. To go to the Kingdom of Jin, it takes three to four months or half a year.

Boys are the most naughty when they are five years old and up, and it is also the time when children receive education and need their father the most. However, at that time, he can count the number of times he goes home a year with a slap. He knows Wanniang's temperament, and Bowen's education is still a Spirit is in charge.

It can be said that Ah Ling played the role of father and sister in Bowen's life.

So although Bowen admired him as a father, he was used to discussing things with his sister and complaining to Ah Ling.

When he finally settled down and didn't have to run out for years, his son was already able to take care of himself. Not only could he study well, but he could also handle the affairs of the farm and the nursery. Fan, for such a sensible son, he has almost nothing to teach him.

The only time he made up his mind was two times, one was when he failed the provincial examination, and the other was when he got married.

However, the former was the one he was hesitating to ask him, while the latter was the one he had already chosen for him to talk about kissing.

Since he has hardly cared about him for twenty years, why should he think it is good for him to make decisions for him at this time?

Mu Shi sighed, after all, it was because of his big heart.

He has already been a second-rank general. He has made great contributions this time, and his intention to be promoted to a second-rank general is on the way. From now on, his connections in the army will be inherited by Bosi, and Bosi will be a member of the third-rank at worst in the future. General, and Bowen was born as a second-class Jinshi, so it is not a problem to be a third-rank civil servant with his ability.

The two brothers have both civil and military skills. As long as they live in harmony, the Mu family's prosperity will not be a problem for a century. It is this heart that makes him unwilling to let his son resign.

But recalling the days and ideals of twenty years ago, his persistence now is like a joke. Back then, didn't he just want the children to be safe and happy for a lifetime?

But what he is doing now is cutting off his joy.

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