Andre and Antonio knew that Qi Haoran didn't value them when they heard the message from the servants. Although they felt a little depressed, they couldn't do anything about it, because the Han people really didn't pay much attention to them Westerners.

This also made the two of them pay more attention to the two children in front of them.

Andre simply started a discussion with the two of them. In fact, their purpose was very simple. They still hoped that Daqi would be able to exempt domestic goods from taxes and provide a place to supply and rest ships.

Qi Wenmi came here to see the strange things. Seeing his elder brother and his cousin talking about serious matters, he could only sit on the chair honestly and stare at them back and forth.

Xiaobao and Xiaoxiong looked at each other, both were a little embarrassed, and told Andre that the ministers in the DPRK looked down on businessmen, and they didn't approve of the opening of the sea to trade, and now it is even more impossible to propose tax-free trade.

And their second condition involves territorial integrity. Today Daqi still has a large area of ​​lost land occupied by Xixia, so the ministers are very sensitive to this, and it is impossible to agree.

Unless the other party can come up with the same conditions in exchange.

This is obviously impossible. Since Daqi opened the sea ban, a large number of Daqi fleets have flooded into the west, bringing precious silk, porcelain and tea. If the Daqi fleet is tax-free, what else can their country receive? tariff?

In the final analysis, it was because of the unequal trade that Daqi sent ten shipments of goods to them, but only brought back two shipments of goods from them, and the rest was a large amount of silver and gold.

Andre is more eager to change this situation.

Antonio has been being hit all this time, seeing Daqi's big piece of cake but unable to eat it, it can be seen that he is anxious in his heart.

Andre has made this request three times, and was rejected every time. This time, he didn't have much hope. Hearing this, he couldn't help sighing, turned around and took out a box from the attendant, and said regretfully: "I wanted to be here After the matter is completed, I will present this item to the queen of your country, but since your country has no intentions, then forget it."

Xiaobao showed interest in a timely manner, "Oh? I don't know if I would be honored to see what's inside."

Andre smiled, slowly opened the box, and looked confidently at Xiaobao and Xiaoxiong.

Both of them looked at the things in the box in surprise, Xiao Bao was surprised, "Is it a gem?"

Little Bear looked at it twice, and after appreciating it, he nodded and said, "It's sapphire, very beautiful."

Andre: "..."

Andre felt that they must be ignorant. This is a rare gemstone. It is not only pure in color, as blue as the blue sky, but also very large, and it is perfectly cut. He and the ministers in the country fought for a long time to get it.

Xiaobao and Xiaoxiong are indeed ignorant. Gemstones are things for women. They don’t know much about gemstones at their age. Not only them, but also Mu Yangling don’t know much about gemstones. Let her say how big a gemstone is. Rare, Mu Yangling really doesn't know, she can only judge whether she likes it or not.

However, it would be different if the other party gave jade.

Chinese people like jade, jade is a gentleman, suitable for both men and women.

Xiaobao and Xiaoxiong also know jade well, so they can comment on the jade they gave as a gift, and the gems they gave...

Xiaobao thought about it hard, it seems that there are many such gems in the warehouse, but I don't know if they are so big, is this thing very precious?

Little Xiong thought to himself: Gemstones are expensive. It is said that a better one can sell for dozens or even hundreds of taels of silver. I just don't know how the quality of this one is, but do they look like they are short of money?

Unless you can't buy this thing even if you have money, there is really no need to present it to the emperor's aunt.

Andre and Antonio knew that they were ignorant after seeing their reactions, and their faces darkened, and they couldn't help explaining: "This sapphire is the rarest one in Spain. It has the reputation of the eye of the ocean, and it is only the most beautiful in the world. A beautiful person deserves to wear it."

Xiaobao and Xiaoxiong suddenly realized that they were just accessories for beauties.

Fortunately, Andre doesn't know how to read minds, otherwise he would definitely spit out his heart.

Seeing that the two were still unmoved, Andre and Antonio looked at each other helplessly. They were afraid that they had found the wrong person. The other party did not know how to appreciate gems and the importance of gifts. How would they go on talking?

You should look for Princess Rong, she is a woman, and she will definitely make this gem play its due role.

But soon the two children gave them another hope, Xiaobao said: "My fourth uncle likes your cannons very much, Mr. An, we tried the cannons you bought for my fourth uncle last time, we plan to have more Equip a few sets, if it is something like this, I think my fourth uncle will definitely persuade my father to exempt from tax."

Xiaobao smiled embarrassedly when he said this, "My father is very fond of fourth uncle, and he will agree to everything that fourth uncle says, and the ministers are often helpless about it, so if you can satisfy my fourth uncle, he will definitely be willing to help you of."

Andre said helplessly: "I mentioned this matter to the prince when the cannon was traded last time, but the prince did not agree."

Qi Haoran blocked back with a word, still asking them to treat Daqi's merchant ships equally.

Little Xiong hesitated: "Maybe I can ask my concubine mother?"

Andre's eyes lit up. It is said that Prince Rong loves his princess the most, and he will agree to everything his princess says, and he has seen that princess's power. I can't thank Spain enough."

Little Xiong said: "Mr. An, don't have too much hope, my mother and concubine always don't care about outside affairs."

Andre immediately took out another box from the attendant and said with a smile: "This is a gift I prepared for the princess. Although this ruby ​​is not as big as the blue one, it is still very rare. I don't know if the prince would like it Can you recommend us some time?"

Little Xiong and Xiaobao looked at each other, nodded and said, "Take a seat, both of you, and have some tea first, we'll come as soon as we go."

Xiaobao also carried out the stunned fourth brother.

Qi Wenmi didn't come to his senses until he was approaching the side room, and shouted: "Brother, do we really want to allow foreigners to go through customs without tax? But it's not fair to my Daqi fleet."

Xiao Xiong nodded his forehead with a smile, and said, "That depends on the product."

"That's right," Xiaobao and Xiaoxiong looked at each other with a smile, and said, "If they hadn't bullied fourth brother, I wouldn't have thought of cheating on them."

It is of course impossible to fully switch duty-free, but what if only some commodities are exempted?

The two went to discuss with Mu Yangling.

Qi Haoran was also at Mu Yangling's place, curiously asking Xiaoan why he didn't play with Hutou and the others.

Xiao An smiled shyly, and peeked at Fourth Aunt, Qi Haoran became even more curious, and was about to press him, when Xiao Bao led a group of children over.

Qi Haoran suddenly had a headache. It's not good to have too many children. A word from one person can make people die.

Qi Haoran bit the bullet and asked, "Why are you here, aren't you talking with Andre and the others?"

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