The Reborn Wife is Farming

Chapter 1363 Extra Mu Hirofumi (2)

Some people will go to extremes after they develop because of childhood sufferings, and they are unwilling to recall everything that they have been humble, but some people will keep reminding themselves to remember those sufferings, and try to make more people avoid those suffering.

Mu Bowen undoubtedly belongs to the second category.

He is smart but not proud. He always knows what he wants, so he can move forward step by step towards the goal in a down-to-earth manner.

Since he was three years old, he knew that the family had such a difficult life because of him and his mother.

Seeing his young sister carrying a bow and arrow and following her father to hunt in the mountains on a snowy night, the young Mu Bowen learned to be sad.

There is only the Mu family in Linshan Village. Even if the villagers are kind, the little Mu Bowen can always hear something about his family.

Those grown-ups thought he was young and ignorant, so they didn't shy away from him, so he knew that hunting was very dangerous. It was a life-threatening industry, not only not as stable as farming, but also not as safe as farming.

He also knew that their family could have had a better life, but because he and his mother had to take medicine all year round, no matter how hard their father and sister tried, the family could not save money.

At that time, the young Mu Bowen didn't understand why his father and sister didn't farm. Isn't farming stable and safe?

Although he was puzzled at the time, he didn't take it too seriously, because in the child's heart, the danger of losing his life was the same as going on a long trip, and there was no specific concept.

Until he was five years old and experienced the war.

Only then did he understand what death is. The former friends disappeared and never came back, the former uncles and aunts disappeared after death, and no one even mentioned them anymore, as if they never existed.

And their families were devastated by the loss of them, especially the orphaned children, who might not even survive that winter because they had no longer a shield to shield them from, and they had to make it on their own.

At that time, Mu Bowen was terrified. He thought, what would happen to him if his father and sister were gone one day?

Will he be curled up at the foot of the wall like those children, and can only stare at the passing people with a pair of big eyes, hoping that someone will show kindness and give him a bite to eat?

Because of such fear, Mu Bowen was particularly clingy to his sister for a while, and he was not sad when he knew that their family was going to join the military, and even a little happy.

Because their family has land!

If there is land, we can grow food, and my father and sister will no longer have to go to the mountains to hunt every day, so they will not be so dangerous.

The naive Mu Bowen thought that their family could stay together forever, but then he realized that things were far from that simple.

For example, my father and sister can't even tell the crops apart, let alone farming, which is also risky.

If it is said that hunting depends on the mountains for food, then that kind of land depends on the sky for food.

Their luck was not very good. They encountered drought in the first year. He watched his sister go to grab water for irrigation every day. Although she was only ten years old, she would lie on the bed and beat her back secretly every night.

He remembered all of these in his heart, filling up his little heart.

Mu Bowen has never been a strong person, he prefers to set off others, such as his own sister.

My sister's wish is to cultivate good seeds to increase the yield of food, but good seeds are not enough to grow food.

Technology, the right time and the right place are indispensable.

My sister has already paid great attention to improving planting techniques when cultivating improved seeds, but the weather and geographical conditions cannot be controlled. In addition to improved seeds and technology, farmers have to rely on God to a large extent if they want to have a good harvest.

That's why Mu Bowen wants to build water conservancy projects to store water in floods and release water in droughts. He hopes that one day even if the weather is not good, the people of the world can use the water conservancy projects to have a good harvest.

Instead of looking at the sky with tearless eyes and begging in sorrow.

And he does have the talent.

Many people think that it is very hard to survey the terrain on the spot, but Mu Bowen feels very happy, and he enjoys the process of exploration.

In thousands of mountains and rivers, he found the most suitable place for construction of water conservancy projects, and designed the most suitable water conservancy projects for that piece of land. In the following decades or even hundreds of years, this water conservancy project will continue to serve the people on this land. It provides convenience for people, allows them to have a good harvest of food, and protects them from drought and flood.

What could be more pleasing in the world than this?

For Mu Bowen there is no more.

But obviously not many people can understand him. His parents, wife, children and friends all feel that he is very bitter. Every time he takes his things to go out, everyone looks at him with distressed eyes.

Mu Bowen knew that they did this because they loved him, but he didn't need to be distressed or pity, what he wanted more was encouragement and praise.

Just like his sister, every time he packs up his things and goes to the palace to say goodbye, his sister will be very happy to congratulate him, "Are you going to inspect the water conservancy again? That's really great, you have to watch carefully, after all Water conservancy is related to the livelihood of local people for hundreds of years."

His sister would happily tell him that this would be the first water conservancy project he built, and said seriously: "Bowen, you will definitely be the person who designed the most water conservancy projects in the past and present, and future generations will be proud of you."

Mu Bowen said with a smile: "But they will definitely be proud of you first, and then me."

The name of Princess Rong has been spread to every place in Daqi along with Fengshou Grain Shop, and has even spread overseas. As far as Mu Bowen knows, there are historians in the court who want to focus on recording sister's affairs. It can be said that, His sister is already famous in Danqing.

Mu Yangling laughed loudly when he heard the words, and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Then we sisters and brothers must work together to grab all the demeanor of our time!"

Mu Bowen smiled and nodded, the two siblings took it as a joke.

But when later generations study this period of history, these two people are indeed the two most dazzling stars.

At this time, Mu Bowen didn't know the high praise of future generations. He was worrying about relief housing and heating facilities. He was also familiar with the construction industry, but he was most proficient in water conservancy construction.

Mu Bowen was a little confused. Seeing that it was already dawn outside and the sky was dark and heavy, as if it was going to rain at any time, he couldn't help but paced out.

When the wife saw her, she quickly asked, "Where is the uncle going?"

Mu Bowen answered absently, and continued to walk outside.

Seeing this, his wife sighed slightly, knowing that he had listened but didn't care, she couldn't help but tugged on his sleeve and said, "Mother sent us a letter asking us to go back for the new year. Father is going to celebrate his birthday this year. Isn't uncle planning to go back?"

Mu Bowen was stunned for a while before saying, "I'm going to see my sister."

The wife twitched the corners of her mouth, watching her husband walk away who answered the wrong question.

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