The Reborn Wife is Farming

Chapter 1446 Extra Jewel (19)

Qi Haoran was really angry this time. Seeing his daughter coming in with her head bowed, he only glanced at her and continued to sit with a sullen face.

Baozhu knelt down towards her parents with red eyes, and said in a low voice: "Father, mother, I know I was wrong."

Qi Haoran snorted coldly and ignored her.

Mu Yangling watched the father and daughter quarrel and quarreled, thinking of the children's audacity, he also remained silent.

Baozhu felt a little uneasy in her heart, and said in a low voice: "Why don't you beat me up."

"Who wants to beat Baozhu?" As soon as Baozhu finished speaking, Xiaoxiong rushed in from the outside. Seeing his sister kneeling on the ground, he was taken aback, and asked blankly, "What's wrong?"

Seeing his son, Qi Haoran immediately vented his anger, jumped up and pointed at his son's nose and scolded: "You still have the face to ask, why don't you guys behave without scruples and teach your younger brothers and sisters to the ground! "

Little Bear was stunned, he had no idea what he had done wrong.

Little Xiong has been in the barracks all this time, and rushed back when he heard that his younger brothers were going to sea. As a result, last night he held up wine for Little Leopard and Little Fu, accidentally drank too much, and couldn't get up in the morning.

When he came up, he ran to find his parents. He was a little sad for not being able to send his younger brothers out of the city, and he was also afraid that his father would beat him, so he rushed to make jokes. Who knew that he saw the family's baby, Liao, kneeling on the ground.

Qi Haoran continued to point at his nose and cursed: "How old are you, you can't grow your brain, your younger brothers are leaving, why don't you bid farewell to your family, what kind of friends are you inviting? Hurry to block the wine for them, do you know that they intend to get the family drunk on purpose, do you know that they want us to relax and take the orb aboard?"

Lin'an Mansion is near the sea, and horse racing can reach the port in two days. Today is a day, and Baozhu is locked in the house in the name of being sad. Knowing that she has a good relationship with the little leopard Xiaofu, neither Mu Yangling nor Qi Haoran will bother her. At most, people can send her more food to heal the sadness of parting.

In this way, when the family finds out that Baozhu is not there, they will send pursuers to chase after them. They will have already boarded the ship at the port.

Because the two children belonged to the emperor's family, they were sent to the west on behalf of Daqi, not only for the sake of national prestige, but also for safety. The sea ships dispatched were the most stable and fastest in Daqi at present.

When they reached the sea, they couldn't catch up with them at all, so they had to hurry up and let the ports below intercept them.

However, a few brats can change the course, and they won't be able to stop them at all!

Moreover, the ministers of the DPRK and China have complained a lot about the mission to the West, and now there is an incident of intercepting the sea ship because of Baozhu, and all those who support the mission will be attacked.

They are relatives of the emperor, no matter how bad they are, but other courtiers may be dismissed from office and questioned because of this matter.

In short, this matter can be big or small, if it is small, it is a family matter of their Qi family and Fan family, if it is big, it is a state matter.

Although Qi Haoran spanked his daughter a few times, she was a pampered daughter after all, and she was not willing to beat her hard. Seeing his rough-skinned and thick-skinned son at this time, his anger burst out immediately.

He pointed at his son and scolded him, then searched left and right, finally tore off a branch from the nearby tree, and raised his hand to beat him.

The little bear didn't dare to run away, so he stood up and was beaten up by his father.

Qi Haoran took the branch and hit him several times. He felt sorry for his son, and was afraid that he would be damaged if he didn't have a heavy hand, so he threw away the branch and waved his palm to fight in person.

Baozhu was dumbfounded, and when she saw her elder brother being held down and spanked, she burst into tears with a "wow", rushed forward and hugged her father's leg and said, "Father, father, I know I was wrong, don't hit elder brother, yes My fault, I don't know about my departure, we were the ones who made everyone drink on purpose last night..."

Last night, not only the little bear was drunk, but the prince who came to deliver the letter, Xiao An, Qi Haoran and several other adults were also drunk, the purpose was to make them confused after drinking, so that they could relax their vigilance the next day.

It's just that Qi Haoran has a good capacity for alcohol, the children drink as much as they want and get up as usual the next day, while Fan Zijin is sober and rational, although he also drank, and he was very restrained.

Mu Yangling's sadness caused the children to drink a lot, and her head hurts even now, but if it wasn't for her headache, she wouldn't suddenly become so sad after seeing the children get on the horse, and neither would Qi Haoran. He will hold her in his arms lovingly.

At that time, she was leaning on Qi Haoran's shoulder, with her face facing Zuo's back, she quietly reached out to touch her tears, and when her vision became clear, she immediately saw the orb mixed in the caravan.

That was her daughter, she had raised her for thirteen years, a wit and courageous daughter, let alone a simple disguise, she knew even if she turned into ashes.

Thus, the orb was discovered.

At this time, Baozhu saw that her elder brother not only blocked the wine for them and got drunk, but even got beaten for her, she felt guilty all of a sudden, hugged her father's thigh and cried loudly, and cried out in fear and guilt: "Daddy, you Stop hitting, I really know I was wrong."

Hearing this, Qi Haoran beat him even harder, and scolded his son while beating, "Look at how well-behaved your sister is, she has been spoiled by your scolding, if you hadn't been naughty and mischievous since childhood and set a bad example, she would have thought about leaving Run away from home and go to sea?"

"Aside from playing all day long, I made troubles, and I forgot to teach my younger siblings well..."

Mu Yangling heard Qi Haoran angering the little bear like this, coughed lightly, and the strings in Qi Haoran's mind were picked up. He glanced at his son who was honestly let him beat him, snorted coldly, let him go, and said, "You two Don't eat today, just go to the study and copy the "Book of Filial Piety" ten times, and when you finish copying, you will eat."

Little Xiong immediately helped up his sister who was out of breath from crying and evacuated quickly, for fear that his father would change his mind.

As soon as the children left, Qi Haoran immediately accused Mu Yangling, "I'm teaching my son, why are you meddling?"

Mu Yangling immediately apologized, "Aren't I afraid that your hand hurts from the beating?"

"It's okay for me to tear myself apart, but you're afraid of spanking twice? You dote on your son just by doting on him. Don't make excuses. You're such a loving mother who loses so much." Thinking of her daughter crying like that, she said dissatisfiedly, "You shouldn't be spoiled." Chong, don't punish those who should be punished, seeing Baozhu crying like that, won't you say a word of comfort?"

Mu Yangling was a little speechless. The two reached an agreement on the children's education shortly after giving birth to the cub. They can pamper and bicker at ordinary times, but when it comes to punishment for children's mistakes, one party is punishing the children. When the other party must not intervene to stop.

But this time, Little Bear really didn't have much responsibility, just beat him up, how could he beat him hard?

But Mu Yangling didn't refute Qi Haoran face to face, let alone beg for mercy, just coughed lightly to let him regain his sanity, but the girl did make a big mistake, don't say she is just crying now, she was really beaten by Qi Haoran She won't even say kiss, that child deserves a beating, right?

But she knew that Qi Haoran was just making trouble for no reason, so she let him in. Anyway, he would apologize to her in the evening, and she felt wronged.

But Baozhu, who walked out of the yard, felt ashamed and ashamed of her eldest brother, wiped half of her tears, and asked him with red eyes, "Brother, does it hurt you?"

Little Xiong couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and said: "Don't you understand my father? Thunder is loud and rain is light, and it's not a board. How painful can spanking with the palm of your hand be? I was injured when I competed with others in the school field. Much heavier than that."

Bao Zhu felt relieved, then she was even more ashamed, wiped her eyes and said: "Father loves us so much, I really hurt Daddy this time, what should I do?"

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