At that time, Qi Xiuyuan was fully focused on the war, so in the end he only sent 2,000 people to surround the treasury and continued to fight. When he opened the treasury, he also suspected that the soldiers were guarding and stealing, but he quickly dismissed this idea.

Those two thousand soldiers are all trustworthy people, not to mention, there are his confidantes among them, they are not familiar with Lin'an City, and wanting to do these things would make a lot of noise, so it is impossible to do such things.

So it can only be that those money banks were empty before he fenced off the treasury.

But he also didn't believe that the second prince emptied those things. Just as Mu Yangling said, when he invaded Lin'an City suddenly, it was impossible for the second prince to prepare in advance. Too much money, that's the rhythm of courting death.

He ran after the second prince all the way, knowing their speed.

Mu Yangling: "It's not the second prince. It must be Emperor Jingyan who hid things, right? But the second prince's rebellion also happened suddenly. Apart from them, who else in the world can just keep the money out of the house quietly?" Take it out of the money bank?"

Mu Yangling paused, raised his head and looked at Qi Xiuyuan, Li Jinghua also had guesses, hesitantly asked: "Is it Prime Minister Qin?"

Qi Xiuyuan showed a smile, and said: "Yes or no, you will know if you copy the Qin family tomorrow."

Qin Xiang's sons were all taken away by him, leaving only his daughter, concubines and unimportant servants in the mansion.

Although Qi Xiuyuan didn't cut them down, he didn't let them go. He chose an upright and well-versed criminal official who was proficient in the law to interrogate them, and then they were all sent to prison. Now the Prime Minister's Mansion is empty.

It should be said that Qin Xiang's house under the name of Lin'an City is all empty.

Qi Xiuyuan ordered those houses to be turned upside down, digging three feet and did not find a single piece of gold.

Now even Qi Xiuyuan felt something was wrong.

Who is Qin Xiang?

The most greedy man in the Great Zhou Dynasty, his family property is more than the national treasury, how can he have no gold at all?

Qi Xiuyuan opened the confiscated bill, and saw that there were silks and satins, jewelry and antiques on it, Dongzhu alone could search a box, there were countless red and sapphires, and various jades could be placed in a small warehouse alone, but there was no piece of gold.

Qi Xiuyuan picked up a gold hairpin and asked, "Is there any gold and silver utensils?"

"Back to the general, there are gold and silver jewelry, but some big gold and silver artifacts are all gone."

"Check!" Qi Xiuyuan dropped the things in his hands and said, "They left the capital in a hurry. It is impossible to take away so much gold and silver. They must still be in Lin'an City."

However, the officials of the Ministry of Punishment continued to torture the people left behind by Prime Minister Qin, and they also asked about their useful value every year. The important people were taken away by Prime Minister Qin, and the unimportant people who knew the inside story were also destroyed by Prime Minister Qin. They really don't know.

The pauper Qi Xiuyuan's complexion became more and more ugly, Li Jinghua said tentatively one night: "Master, the family is rich."

Qi Xiuyuan was silent for a long time, and finally nodded slightly.

Li Jinghua breathed a sigh of relief and would not ask any more questions in the future, but she knew that the family might be completely lost in the future.

Emperor Shizong of the Great Zhou Dynasty tried his best to suppress the aristocratic family, and Gaozong gradually recovered after a hundred years of cultivation.

Their Li family has been misnamed for a long time. They only have appearances but no reality. Soon, other aristocratic families may be like their Li family.

Li Jinghua wanted to write a letter to ask her father and brother to come over, but after thinking about it, she temporarily suppressed the matter. Her father is not in good health, and her brother is disabled, so coming here doesn't help much. Why bother to bother them?

Maybe Qi Xiuyuan found another way. Anyway, he didn't pay much attention to the treasury theft case, and after several groups of people turned Qin Xiangfu inside and out again, he waved his hand and said: "Qin Xiangfu stay here." , wait for Haoran to come back and give him the palace."

Rong Xuan had no objections, and the other ministers had no objections either. Not to mention that Qi Haoran is Qi Xiuyuan's biological younger brother, even if he now has hundreds of thousands of troops in his hands, he has contributed half of the country to Qi Xiuyuan, and he deserves this honor.

Everyone is concerned about another question, "General, when will you and your wife move into the palace? Although you are not enthroned now, it is better to enter the palace earlier."

Qi Xiuyuan still lives in the Qi Mansion until now, and he came to the palace to deal with government affairs every day. The ministers felt tired after seeing him, and were afraid that something would happen to him during the journey from the palace to the Qi Mansion.

Qi Xiuyuan paused and said: "Let Qin Tianjian choose a good day, the palace won't be used so much, then seal it up, and only open what we use."

So someone took advantage of the trend and proposed to add new people to the palace, such as eunuchs and maids, should be replaced with new ones, and there are many palace maids and eunuchs who escaped before, so they should be increased appropriately. It should also be increased by one or two.

Qi Xiuyuan still only has one wife, Li Jinghua, two concubines, and no concubine. Everyone knows that if he can become Qi Xiuyuan's concubine at this time, then after he ascends the throne, the concubine will definitely get a big position.

Qi Xiuyuan hated other people meddling in his family affairs, so he pretended that he didn't understand, and said, "Ask someone to repair Qin Xiang's mansion. When Haoran comes back, he can move in directly."

So everyone's attention was shifted again, Qi Haoran moved in as soon as he came back, and the plaque must be replaced, which involves meritorious deeds and rewards, which is a big problem, even bigger than Qi Xiuyuan's harem.

After Qi Xiuyuan came back, Mu Yangling knew that she had got a big house. She asked curiously: "I heard that Qin Xiang's mansion is better than the Prince's mansion, and the specifications are even higher than the Prince's mansion, isn't it?"

Qi Xiuyuan nodded, "It's not just one or two things that Qin Xiang violated the rules. Emperor Jing Yan doesn't mind such trivial things."

"But brother, don't you want to make Haoran the county king? This is beyond the prince."

Li Jinghua's heart skipped a beat, and she hurriedly smiled and said, "It's good to separate out a few pieces of land, can't we get through when the fourth uncle becomes a prince?" With the relationship between Qi Xiuyuan and Qi Haoran, becoming a prince is only a matter of time thing.

Qi Xiuyuan smiled and said: "It doesn't need to be so troublesome, the extra part is for Haoran to build a training ground."

Mu Yangling disagreed, and said with a stern face: "This is not good, you have to follow the rules, big brother, Haoran is your younger brother, only if he obeys, the people below will be more scrupulous, otherwise he If you violate the rules first, can't other heroes follow suit?"

"Hao Ran belongs to the royal family, so he must be more tolerant than others." This is the default rule all the time.

But because it is a hidden rule, Mu Yangling doesn't like it even more, "Brother, what I said to abide by is not only for outsiders, but also for our Qi family, including Xiaobao, Xiaoxiong, and future descendants of the Qi family. The Great Zhou declined sharply after Emperor Sejong, was it because he indulged the royal children too much, so that no one became a talent, and there was not much talent, but the power and money were restrained a lot, so that the order collapsed, and the foreign invasion was powerless to resist. Instead, point fingers at the border guards, Haoran is your younger brother, it is right for you to pamper him as an elder brother, but the rewards and gifts are the status of a king, then Haoran is your subject, he should abide by the rules."

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