The Reborn Wife is Farming

Chapter 704 Revenge

Qi Haoran scolded Mrs. Lu from his character to Mrs. Lu's tutoring character, but Mrs. Lu was almost pissed off, but a small matter, at most it was a charge of laziness, was made a fuss by Qi Haoran Ordered a vegetarian meal...

Grand Fu Lu gritted his teeth and stood in front of the carriage, with a gloomy look in his eyes, but he didn't say a word.

Qi Haoran scolded to his heart's content, and left with a cold snort.

Grand Tutor Lu didn't go back to the Imperial College anymore, and went straight to Lu's house. As soon as he entered the door, he couldn't help but smashed the decorations in the house, and roared, "How dare you?"

The follower who came in stood at the side with his head bowed. A cold light flashed in Lu Taifu's eyes, and he said, "Go and clean up the traces of the Qinzheng Hall. I remember that Lord Wang of Guanglu Temple was also on duty in the Qinzheng Hall recently. He Isn't he reading the history books of the previous dynasty?"

"Yes, the old man was entrusted by Mr. Wang to give some advice. After all, apart from Grand Tutor Yan, the old man knows the secrets of the previous dynasty best."

Mrs. Lu nodded in satisfaction. Thinking of Qi Haoran's aggressiveness, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he ordered: "Go and find out, why is King Rongjun crazy today? Also, find out about his affairs in Qiannan, I will If you don’t believe it, he’s clean.”

Although Taifu Lu was in the palace at that time, he really didn't know what happened in Shanglinyuan, otherwise he would know why Qi Haoran always made troubles about their Lu family's tutor, so he could fight back, because no matter how much Lu Yan No, he was also beaten by the Cubs, and he was beaten badly.

It can be seen from this that Qi Xiuyuan has control over the palace, as long as he does not want some news to spread, the news cannot be spread.

This is very different from the imperial palace that was like a sieve in the previous dynasty, so Mrs. Lu's people have spent a lot of effort to find out any news. It was because there was a commotion in the inner house, and Mrs. Lu couldn't stand the noise and asked to guess what happened. what happened.

Mr. Lu Xiaolang was carried back to Lu's house by his servants. He was still young and still lived in the inner house. Mrs. Lu was shocked and angry when she saw her precious grandson become like this. She called for a doctor and burst into tears.

Lu Yan was frightened by Xiao Xiong and Mu Yangling in the palace, and he recovered after being hugged and cried by Mrs. Lu. He couldn't bear the grievance in his heart. He didn't talk about scolding Xiao Xiong, but only about Rongjun Palace The little prince beat up his cousin, and the princess came over and reprimanded him...

Mrs. Lu was also very honorable all her life, even the empress had to be courteous when she saw her. When did she suffer this wrong?

She was so angry that she immediately asked someone to set up a car to argue with Mu Yangling in person, but was stopped by Lu Yan's mother, Mrs. Lu.

There was too much noise in the back house, which alarmed Mrs. Lu. He was in a bad mood, and became even angrier when he saw this. After asking, he found out that his grandson had been beaten in the palace.

Grand Tutor Lu almost immediately thought of Qi Haoran, he was not Mrs. Lu just blindly doting on her grandson, so he said that Lu Yan came over, and asked seriously: "Why did the young prince of Rongjun want to beat you? He is only three years old this year, isn't he with the prince?"

Lu Yan lowered his head under his grandfather's stern gaze, not daring to say a word.

A faint light flashed in Lu Taifu's eyes, and his face became more and more kind. He patted Lu Yan's head and asked, "Did you quarrel with the young prince of Rongjun Palace?"

With a fever on his face, Lu Yan whispered his mocking of the little bear.

Grand Tutor Lu was furious, and finally understood why Qi Haoran stopped him and scolded him halfway. He co-authored with him for one purpose, and let him talk about Lu's family education.

Grand Tutor Lu pointed at his grandson and was so angry that he couldn't speak, and Qi Haoran was also angry in his heart, wasn't it just the children who were quarreling and fighting? Do you need to be so serious?

But he also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, it's just these small conflicts, Qi Haoran shouldn't hold on to him, and the matter of Qinzheng Hall should be smoothed over.

Qi Haoran really didn't mean to go into it, he just wanted to vent his anger and seek justice for his son, but he couldn't go to Lu Yan'er, he could only go to his parents.

Grand Tutor Lu is the head of the family, and he is the first object of seeking justice, while the second is Lu Yan's father, Lu Jie, who is known as a talented man.

Lu Jie was meeting friends in the teahouse, Qi Haoran knocked on the door of the box directly, everyone looked up at Qi Haoran, they were a little dazed, all the people present were literati, they really didn't have much friendship with Qi Haoran, I don't know why this prince came here.

Soon they found out, the guard behind Qi Haoran said with a straight face: "Why are you so rude when you see my prince?"

Everyone's faces were a little bit exciting, and they hurriedly stood up and saluted.

Qi Haoran just stared at Lu Jie, and everyone followed his gaze to look at Lu Jie. The guard coughed lightly again, and said with a straight face: "Mr. Lu doesn't seem to have any fame, does he?"

The guard felt that his face must be red, but he had no choice but to peel off his face and step on the ground for the sake of the prince.

He felt his face blushing, but everyone felt that this stern-faced guard was so ruthless.

Everyone raised their heads to look at Qi Haoran, seeing that he was still standing steadily without saying a word, really waiting for Lu Jie to make a big gift, their eyes suddenly became a little interested, and they watched with some interest.

Although they have made friends with Lu Jie, they may not be good friends, because Lu Shi only came to Beijing at the end of last year, and everyone has known each other for only a few months. The reason why they got so close to Lu Jie is partly because of him. Half of his own talent is because of Lu Shi behind him.

Lu Jie also raised his head and looked at Qi Haoran in astonishment, but he quickly came back to his senses, kneeled down with a calm expression on his robe, and saluted, "Lu Jie, a grassroots man, has seen King Rong."

Qi Haoran asked with interest: "Are you the eldest son of Mrs. Lu?"

"It's right down."

Qi Haoran sighed and said: "Mr. Lu is indeed talented. I heard that Mr. Lu can compose poetry at the age of five, and can make art at the age of eight..." He seemed to admire Lu Jie very much.

But everyone looked at Lu Jie who was still kneeling on the ground, and felt a little weird in their hearts. They didn't know how Lu Jie offended this bully.

Lu Jie was also a little curious. He had heard about the great meritorious King Rong, his military talent, the emperor's love for him, and his domineering, but this was the first time Seeing him, Lu Jie didn't think he had offended him.

Qi Haoran asked Lu Jie to kneel and listen to him rambling for a while, and then he mentioned his son's education, and said earnestly: "Mr. Lu is tall, but he must also pay attention to educating future generations. After that, if you can’t teach it well, then it’s better not to have it, it’s the father’s fault for raising him and not teaching him, Mr. Lu is very talented, but it seems that the responsibility of being a father has not been fulfilled.”

Qi Haoran shook his head slightly, and said: "Mr. Lu can teach children well even if he spends only half of the time spent in teahouses talking about poetry."

Everyone looked at Lu Jie with wonderful expressions on their faces, and Lu Jie's expression was also quite colorful. How did he offend the prince?

Qi Haoran asked people to get up after saying that he was happy, and left with his sleeves shaken.

Everyone: "..."

So this prince came here just to let them salute him, and then teach Lu Jie?

Everyone turned their heads to look at Lu Jie again in unison. Lu Jie twitched his mouth and clenched his fist to leave. He had to go back and ask his father what happened. It seemed that this matter was still related to Yan'er.

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