The Reborn Wife is Farming

Chapter 717 Palace Banquet (1)

As soon as he got off the carriage, Qi Haoran put away the stupefied look on his face, and became a little more indifferent. He got off the carriage with the little bear in his arms, and then turned around to help Mu Yangling get off the carriage.

A servant hurried over, bent down and said flatteringly: "My lord, you and Lord An's family can enter the palace in a carriage. If you don't like to ride in a carriage, this servant will ask someone to bring you here."

Qi Haoran waved his hand, "Master, walk in, is An Guogong's family here?"

"We're here, we're here, we're talking to the Duke of Wei, this servant will lead you there."

Qi Haoran had already seen Fan Zijin and Rong Xuan, waved his hands and said, "No need, you ask someone to carry a sedan chair over here."

He hugged the little bear and took Mu Yangling over.

The female relatives waiting next to her saw a flash of surprise in Mu Yangling's eyes, and then hurriedly bowed her knees to salute.

Mu Yangling nodded slightly and walked to Mrs. Rong and Xiao Xia's side, and the two also bowed their knees to salute Mu Yangling, Mu Yangling supported Xiao Xia, pulled him back, and said with a smile: "Do we still want these courtesy? "

Xiao Xia was also a little distracted when she saw Mu Yangling. Because it was Mid-Autumn Festival, she was going back to Fan Mansion with Fan Zijin, so she came out of Fan Mansion just now, but when she left in the morning, A Ling was not so bright and charming.

How did it take half a day for people to become so beautiful?

Mrs. Rong and Mu Yangling don't see each other very often, but they came back to their senses the fastest, and said with a smile: "The princess is so beautiful, I didn't pay attention to it before, but now I see it, I almost can't take my eyes away."

Fan Zijin kept glancing at Mu Yangling, and then looked up and down Qi Haoran and the little bear in his arms. Seeing that Qi Haoran was making the little bear call someone with a smile on his face, he called "Uncle Cousin" three times .

The corners of Fan Zijin's mouth twitched, guessing the reason, he tugged Qi Haoran's sleeve, and whispered in his ear: "You'd better restrain yourself, be careful that big cousin will clean you up for the festival."

Qi Haoran said unconvinced: "What's wrong with letting Xiaoxiong recognize him? He is the young son of Rongjun Wangfu, how can he not know the important ministers of the court? I have a reason to say that I will go."

Fan Zijin saw that he looked like his only son, and immediately had a headache, so he decided to put his hand away, anyway, there was a big cousin on top, so let him go to have a headache.

When Fan Zijin thought about it, he completely relaxed, treated it as an ordinary feast, and looked at everyone leisurely.

The servant carried the sedan chair and rushed over, Qi Haoran waved to Fan Zijin, "Hurry up and help my cousin up, let's go in quickly, there are still many people waiting behind."

Fan Zijin was slightly surprised, "Is this for Xiao Xia?"

Qi Haoran looked at him like an idiot, "Who else needs a sedan chair here besides my cousin?"

Fan Zijin glanced at Mu Yangling, because Qi Haoran loved Mu Yangling so much that he didn't even prepare a sedan chair for her.

Qi Haoran explained in a low voice: "Many old ladies will come to the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet this time. They didn't sit in the sedan chair. Wouldn't it be eye-catching if Ah Ling sat? The cousin is pregnant, so it is only natural to sit in the sedan chair. As it should be."

Fan Zijin gave him a look of "you are interested", and the group went to Zhaoyang Hall together, where the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet was held.

The Rongjun Prince's Mansion and his party left, and the people behind followed slowly. They had already arrived at the gate of the palace, but if the nobler An Guogong and Wei Guogong did not leave, they could only continue to wait. Now the Rongjun King As soon as it came, everyone also went in.

Seriously counting the incident, this is earlier than the time when the palace banquet entered the palace before. It's not that the big man in front deliberately delayed it, but the situation had to be like this.

Wei Guogong came first, he was embarrassed to go first, so he had to take someone with him, or wait for someone who was more valuable than him, or someone with high morals to walk in front, and An Guogong came, An Guogong However, he and Rongjun Wang are not separated from Meng, and Meng is not separated from Jiao, so they have to wait for Rongjun Wang, and other things, so that the people behind can only wait. It is said that these big men should talk a little longer today, and wait for Yan Jun. Equal people, but Rongjun Wang said that he can go in, and everyone can go in without basking in the sun and waiting.

You must know that the palace banquet starts at Youzheng (around 6:00 p.m.), and it is only Shenshi (around 3:00 p.m.). Even if it is Mid-Autumn Festival, the sun at Shenshi is very hot.

Mu Yangling can bring a maid in, and there will be a maid beside her to fan her, but other wives don't have this kind of treatment.

After arriving at Zhaoyang Hall, the queen sent people to invite Mu Yangling, Mrs. Xiao Xia and Mrs. Rong to rest in the side hall.

Mu Yangling looked at Qi Haoran, Qi Haoran had already hugged the little bear to recognize people, and there were compliments and praises everywhere he passed, Mu Yangling twitched his mouth, hesitated for a while and said: "I won't go, you take Mrs. An and Mrs. Wei go."

Xiao Xia and Madam Rong looked at Qi Haoran and Xiao Xiong, their eyes flashed, and they said goodbye to Mu Yangling with a slight smile.

Mu Yangling sat helplessly on the high platform, watching Qi Haoran showing off his son everywhere, and seeing the eyes of everyone secretly looking at her, Mu Yangling couldn't help showing a little pride on his face. In fact, Qi Haoran was right, they His son is indeed very powerful and well-behaved.

Her eyes swept down unintentionally, and she saw Mrs. Xia sitting in the middle, and Mu Yangling was taken aback.

Xia's complexion was pale, her figure was thin, and she was no longer as cheerful as before, as if she had suffered a serious illness.

Mu Yangling sat up straight involuntarily, and looked at Fan Zijin who was sitting diagonally opposite. Fan Zijin was lowering his head and talking to Rong Xuan. He didn't know what he said, and he laughed.

Mu Yangling sighed slightly, in the end he still didn't say anything, the matter between their mother and son was totally unclear, unless Mrs Xia figured it out for herself, or Fan Zijin took a step back, otherwise this matter would be over.

Qi Haoran walked around with the little bear in his arms, came back full of ambition, handed the little bear to him, and said, "My son is thirsty, give him some water to drink."

While feeding him water, Mu Yangling scolded Qi Haoran, "You always call people, can you not be thirsty? You also restrain yourself, don't end up tormenting others and tormenting your son instead."

Qi Haoran snorted and said: "That's because you didn't see Mrs. Lu's face just now, hum, tell them that my son can't speak, my son speaks fluently, Mrs. Lu's face just now heard Xiao Xiong talking. As ugly as swallowing ten flies."

Mu Yangling knew that Qi Haoran brought the little bear in such a high-profile appearance to justify his son's name. Although he felt that this move was a bit naive, seeing the anger and pride on his face and the eagerness on his son's face, Mu Yangling had no choice but to hold back. Stop it, forget it, let others be depressed, as long as the father and son are happy.

Qi Haoran sat next to Mu Yangling, and took out a lot of jade pendants and rings from his arms and gave them to her, saying: "These are all gifts for their son, you take them for him."

Little Bear looked at those things eagerly, and solemnly told his mother, "Be sure to keep them, they are all mine."

Mu Yangling: "..."

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