The Reborn Wife is Farming

Chapter 760: Yuan Zhao (Part 1)

Seeing Qi Haoran coming in, Fan Zijin raised his eyebrows slightly, and said with a smile, "Send your father-in-law away?"

Qi Haoran nodded, and sat down opposite him, "Why do you sit here when you have time?"

Fan Zijin leaned on the back of the chair relaxedly, "Who else is more free than me in this capital now? Haven't you and your eldest cousin already decided to let me stay in Beijing? There is no errand to do, why don't you just come out to drink tea and relax?" Relax."

Qi Haoran rolled his eyes and said: "I'll give you a chance to hide and relax. You don't want it. When my cousin gives birth and returns to Lingnan, there will be more things for you to do." Qi Haoran sat up slightly, stretched out his feet and kicked her gently Kicking his feet, he said, "I'm serious, this time I'm letting you stay in Beijing, not only is Hou Biaosao giving birth, but more importantly, taking good care of your body. Doctor Wang said earlier that no matter how good the diet is, if you can't take a good rest, you're going to lose your health." None of the magic medicines work."

Seeing that Fan Zijin lowered his eyes and did not speak, Qi Haoran's eyes darkened slightly, and he said in a low voice: "You and elder brother are both older than me, but they are both in poor health now, have you ever thought about how I will feel in thirty or forty years? "

Fan Zijin looked at him strangely, and said, "Don't you still have a wife and children? You are the only family."

Qi Haoran said seriously: "The child always flies out, how can he stay with me? A Ling is my wife, although we will be together until we grow old, but brothers are brothers, husband and wife are husband and wife, how can they be confused?"

"I thought you would say that brothers are like brothers and women are like clothes."

"Brothers are indeed like siblings, other women are not as good as clothes." Qi Haoran said boldly.

Fan Zijin leaned forward slightly, and asked with a strange expression: "Other women? What about Ah Ling?"

Qi Haoran coughed lightly, and said, "Of course Ah Ling is not another woman, isn't she my child's mother? Just try to be eyes or something."

"Oh, I saw it as an eyeball." Fan Zijin sat back in his chair and said sarcastically, "It's a pity that she's not here now, no matter how nice you say, she won't be able to hear you."

Qi Haoran blushed and said, "I didn't mean to tell her."

Fan Zijin snorted, held his tea and looked at the busy street outside. This street is the only way out of the city. It can be said that this road is the only way to go from the inner city to the outer city, and after passing here, go on. There are streets leading to various city gates.

Back then, Fan Zijin opened this teahouse not only to make money, but also to collect information. Among other things, as long as they opened a window, they could know which direction people in the inner city went out to.

Fan Zijin was in a depressed mood, so he came to drink tea early. Today Qi Haoran sent Mu Shi out of the city and passed under his window. At this moment, he lit the window and said, "There are three more generals who are leaving the city. Except Yuan Zhao, the other two are said to be He is talking about marriage to the children in the family, so it will take two more days to marry the powerful officials in Beijing, and the second generation of Daqi will also rise up."

"Yuan Zhao?" Qi Haoran recalled the strange feeling from last night again, and said: "The Yuan family was taken to the North by General Yuan. With Yuan Zhao's personality, he should be the first batch of people to leave the city."

Although Fan Zijin also found it strange, he said, "I don't know about that, but I'm an idler now."

Qi Haoran stared at him, "You have been in charge of the information before, so I don't believe you don't know, tell me quickly."

Fan Zijin snorted twice, which whetted his appetite, and he consciously took revenge before going back, "I guess Yuan Zhao wants to break away from General Yuan and make some achievements on his own."

Qi Haoran stared in surprise, and said: "General Yuan is the second largest army in Daqi after Qi's army, is he willing?"

"It depends on how you look at it." Fan Zijin knocked on the table and said, "Brother is only in his twenties this year. It's the time when he is in the prime of life. There is no accident. Twenty or thirty years later will also be the time when the spring and autumn are at their peak, and what Xiaobao has to do Undoubtedly it is conservative, as long as you pay attention to maintenance, twenty years of peace and prosperity cannot be escaped. General Yuan looks getting older, but Lian Po is still not convinced at seventy. Five years is not a problem, but Yuan Zhao," Fan Zijin looked directly at Qi Haoran and said, "Don't forget, he is still two years older than elder brother, General Yuan can wait, but he can't."

Qi Haoran rolled his eyes and said, "This may not be a bad thing for us."

"That's right, if Yuan Zhao can be used, Yuan's army may not still exist after ten or twenty years." Fan Zijin laughed and said, "It would save people from bleeding to death."

"Didn't Yuan Zhao have several younger brothers?"

Fan Zijin said indifferently: "They are nothing to be afraid of. They are more than courageous, but not resourceful. Moreover, if the Yuan family army can embezzle Yuan Zhao's military achievements, they will naturally embezzle them. Yuan Zhao is the eldest son and has grown up. If he can't take over Yuan Jiajun, his younger brothers are even more impossible."

Qi Haoran smiled and said: "Then we can prevent the Yuan Jiajun's family from becoming bigger with almost nothing." It’s not necessary to come.”

Fan Zijin snorted coldly, and said: "General Yuan's contribution to the country is of course nothing to say, but it is not as good as you boast. It is too duplication of name, but it is distorted."

General Yuan has always been Qi Haoran's idol, even if Fan Zijin is his brother, he can't forgive him for speaking ill of his idol, so he glared and said: "Whoever says a general can't love his name, he can withstand the pressure of Emperor Jingyan and guard the border For twenty years, this deserves our admiration."

Fan Zijin said lightly: "I didn't say that he is not worthy of admiration, I just think he is not as good as you promote, at least he is biased in the word of justice, otherwise Yuan Zhao would not be staying in Beijing at this time. Looking for another way out, but suffering from my father's reputation, I can't tell the hardships, if it were you, would you like to be like this little bear?"

"My son, my son, will pave the way for him..."

"You said the same thing, so why bother pushing General Yuan to the altar? Yuan Zhao doesn't ask him to be partial, but if he is more fair, will Yuan Zhao still abandon Yuan's army?"

Qi Haoran was silent.

General Yuan is indeed a good general, a loyal minister, loyal to his duties, guarding the border for twenty years, even if the generals under him put a knife on his neck, he would not rebel, he is generous and loving to the people, restrains military discipline, and never disturbs the people and harms others. Not to mention that he will not be greedy for his subordinates' military merits, and even share the credits with his subordinates equally.

But those were outsiders. General Yuan was very strict with his family, especially his sons. The sons of the Yuan family all joined the army at the age of thirteen or fourteen. His superiors dare not be greedy, but General Yuan will take the initiative to distribute it to others.

Among them, Yuan Zhao was the most aggrieved.

Yuan Zhao is the eldest son of General Yuan. He was the first to join the army. He joined the army at the age of twelve.

Before Qi Haoran appeared, he had always been regarded as the most talented young man in military affairs, and Qi Xiuyuan would have shot back.

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