It was only then that Fan Siwen realized that his life was not good. The servants in the mansion were divided into three factions, fighting fiercely together. The Xia family, who had always tried to keep a bowl of water in the past, stood unequivocally on the side of his own people. Not only did they beat and sell Fan Zixiao's people, but also drove several servants who were loyal to him to the farm, causing his prestige to plummet.

If this is enough to make him uncomfortable, then it is his pain that has calmed down. He found that Xia Shi no longer set his sights on him, but devoted himself to guarding the family's family property. Xia clearly told Fan Siwen, "These belong to my son. He is a legitimate son and has not made any mistakes. He deserves nothing less. If you want to leave all the family business to Fan Zixiao, you are not allowed to find anything about the Fan family. Going to An Guogong's mansion, the two sides are divided into sects, and the well water does not interfere with the river water."

The Xia family didn't care about him so much, which made Fan Siwen timid. He didn't have any trouble with Fan Zijin in the past two months. In addition, Fan Zijin was recuperating in the mansion, and the father and son couldn't see each other. , On the contrary, the relationship between father and son has eased.

But that is in the eyes of outsiders. In Fan Zixiao's eyes, it is Fan Siwen who is very disappointed in Fan Zijin, and Fan Zijin completely ignores Fan Siwen. Let him take care of the fields so that the property can be transferred?

Fan Zixiao has even thought about the future, he wants to quickly transfer the property in the mansion to his wife's dowry, so that even if Fan Zijin uses power to overwhelm others when the family is finally separated, he will not be left without a penny.

Unexpectedly, my father refused to agree!

"Father, why?" Fan Zixiao looked at him sadly, "My son is a bastard, and my younger brother has always been prejudiced against me. If you don't help me, then my son will really have no way out."

Fan Siwen said with a headache: "You are not the only bastard. Your younger brothers are not in a hurry. What are you in a hurry? Didn't I give you money to run your business a few years ago? How are you doing?"

Fan Zixiao choked, and said in a low voice: "The capital is not enough, and my son has no connections, so..."

Fan Siwen sighed, it seemed that the eldest son was no match for Zijin, not only in reading, but also in business.

He waved his hand and said: "Go down, your mother and I are still here, and the general affairs of the mansion should be handed over to your mother. When I get old, I will naturally divide the family for you. It is yours, and there will be no less."

Fan Zixiao's face twisted for a while, he naturally didn't want only the bastard's share, isn't he the eldest son that his father loves the most, why didn't he want to hand over the common affairs of the mansion to him?

Fan Siwen has been immersed in the officialdom for more than 20 years, so naturally he did not miss the eldest son's face, and felt sore and painful in his heart for a moment, which was extremely complicated.

Xia's indifference seemed to wake up his brain, making him pay attention to things around him that he never noticed before.

As soon as Fan Zixiao left, Fan Siwen couldn't sit still. He called the butler in and asked him to open the storeroom to find some valuable medicinal materials and supplements to send to the Duke Anguo's mansion. After all, it was the first child of his son-in-law. Grandfather's can't mean nothing.

Xia Shi and Fan Zijin both have people in the Fan Mansion, and what happened in the study cannot be hidden from them at all. Not long after she let him go, Fan Siwen also changed, if he could change earlier...

Fan Zijin was much more direct, he said: "I didn't believe that there would be such a lowly person in this world before, but now I believe it."

Yanmo who was standing underneath could only wish to hide himself.

Fan Zijin snorted and said with a smile: "Now that I know I regret it, what did I do long ago? All the things sent over there are thrown into the warehouse and sold another day. Since the Fan family hates me, Duke Ang, then what is mine is mine." .”

Yan Mo said: "Do you want the slaves to let people watch them?"

"No need," Fan Zijin said with a smile, "I wish they could do more moves. It will be refreshing to slap them in the face. Anyway, the Lord is not afraid of losing face."

Yan Mo suddenly shrank his neck and dared not speak.

Fan Zijin felt refreshed, and felt that the depression in his chest had dissipated. He could actually see Fan Siwen regretting what he had done in his lifetime, and felt that the anger he had suffered before was worth it.

Then the old doctor who came to ask Fan Zijin for a safe pulse the next day looked at him in surprise, and took the pulse carefully. After confirming what he thought in his heart, a smile appeared on his face, and said: "Master Guo's health has improved a lot." , after another three to two months of conditioning, the medicine can be stopped, and it is almost enough to recuperate with food."

Fan Zijin raised his eyebrows, "Didn't the master say last time that he would take care of it for about half a year?"

The old doctor smiled and said, "My lord, pathology is not only caused by the body, it may also be caused by the heart, or a combination of both. These effects, if people are optimistic, may in turn affect the disease for the better, if people are pessimistic, a small illness may also become a serious illness."

The old doctor paused for a moment and said with a smile: "Master Guo is in a good mood these days."

Fan Zijin raised his eyebrows, he was in a happy mood and did not refute.

He was happy with his precious son, and his knot with Fan Siwen was untied. Naturally, he was in a happy mood. He used to feel uncomfortable at work and recuperating at home, and he became happy. He played with the child every day, read a book, and sat outside in a teahouse. Life should not be too wonderful.

Fan Zijin's condition was very good, the emperor knew the second time, he breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately rewarded Anguo Gong's mansion with a lot of good medicinal materials.

As for the reason for the reward, congratulations to An Guogong for his precious son.

The courtiers were numb and unable to complain at all.

Unlike Xiao Bao and Xiao Xiong who only got their name when they were older, Fan Zijin had already chosen the name for the child. It was taken from Zhuge Liang's "Book of Commandments" "If you are not indifferent, you can't show your ambition, if you are not peaceful, you can't go far." This time, Fan Siwen did not Difficult Fan Zijin about the child, he seemed to have forgotten his purpose of controlling his grandson to control his son, and soon put the child on the family tree.

Fan Zijin was in a happy mood looking at the other party's calm and complicated face, and the child invited him to be the crown prince as soon as he finished the genealogy.

Like Qi Xiuyuan and Qi Haoran, he has no idea of ​​using his title to encourage his sons to fight each other. He wants to confirm their status early, and let them know that he will love them and arrange a future for them. The position is determined early, not the goal of their struggle.

Brothers fighting against the wall has always been the root of family chaos, and he doesn't want what happened to the Fan family to happen to his sons again.

Therefore, Fan Zhiyuan successfully became the third most favored child of Quandaqi after Xiaobao and Bear.

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