Little Xiong was dumbfounded by counting his own money, and Mu Yangling guided him: "Teaching people how to fish is worse than giving them fish. You feed them, it's better to teach them to feed themselves."

Little Bear tilted his head, "What fish?"

Mu Yangling smiled and explained the meaning of this sentence to him, and Xiaoxiong propped his chin and said in distress: "But I don't know how to teach."

"If you don't know how to teach, you can ask your teacher to teach them. Education can change their minds and allow them to learn skills and survival skills. So, little bear, help them build a school!"

The bear's eyes sparkled.

Qi Haoran stood at the door with his mouth wide open to watch his wife cheating on his son, and when he was sleeping at night, he asked, "Isn't this similar to a nursery?"

Mu Yangling gave a "hmm" and said, "But it's still a little different. This is just a small school in Zhuangzi. It depends on how long he can last."

Mu Yangling just wanted to use this to cultivate his son's character and exercise his ability. If a person does good deeds from an early age, he won't become a bad person when he grows up.

Qi Haoran hesitated for a while, but still said in a low voice: "The influence of the nursery school is too great. It was possible to do this in the special circumstances of the Northland back then, but not in other places."

"Then what if the royal family takes the lead in this matter? Without the Mu family, and without you, how about doing it in the name of big brother?"

Qi Haoran was silent for a while, and said, "No money."

"I didn't ask you to open it all over the country now," Mu Yangling murmured, "but take your time, and always find something for your descendants to do, otherwise, like other dynasties, one generation will not be as good as one generation, and it will perish after a few generations... ..."

Qi Haoran frowned, and said, "There are so many things going on in one country..."

"Always have a goal, for example, stabilize the refugees in five years, take back their homeland in ten years, live and work in peace and contentment in fifteen years, have enough food and clothing in twenty years, provide care for the elderly in fifty years, and rely on children in fifty years. Yes, what is the education rate of the country in five years, how much is the grain output... There must always be a goal, you can’t just review any papers you receive, and only deal with things when they happen. Now Daqi is only established. Although the eldest brother He is busy, but his goal is set there, he has a direction to move forward, Xiaobao can continue the unfinished business of his elder brother, keep it, what about the emperor after Xiaobao? What do they do?"

Mu Yangling lay in Qi Haoran's arms, and said in a low voice: "Look at the emperors of all dynasties, what have they done after the third and fourth generations? During their term of office, they will repair water conservancy, and then hold imperial examinations step by step to select and appoint talents. , As long as you work diligently to go to court, review memorials, and deal with corrupt officials, you will be a wise king. When you meet someone who is greedy for pleasure, you will use the money accumulated by your ancestors to collect beautiful women, build gardens, and spend money like water. Flowing into the palace, if our Daqi is like this, it will only be a dynasty of one or two hundred years, the country you have worked so hard to build, and your ambitions, are you willing to be cut off in the hands of your descendants like this?"

Qi Haoran's blood was boiling when he heard it, and he couldn't help but exert a little force on the hand holding Mu Yangling.

Mu Yangling found a comfortable position in his arms, and said, "So we have to find something for them to do, and find some goals for future generations." The ancients, among other things, respected their ancestors very much. Few of the descendants are willing to break the established rules, and if they want to break, there will be a group of passionate ministers working hard to maintain them.

If it is outdated, the rules of the ancestors are really painful, but what if it is just a goal for future generations?

Everything has disadvantages and advantages, who said that believing in ancestors is not beneficial?

"What do you want to build the country? Tell them, let future generations work hard and protect it."

Qi Haoran's eyes sparkled, and he said: "The soldiers are strong and the horses are strong, there is nothing wrong with insulting and deceiving the country!"

Mu Yangling nodded slightly, "Then you can ask the eldest brother what he wants to build the country for."

What kind of country does Qi Xiuyuan want to build?

He hoped that the people of Daqi "will end their old age, be useful when they are strong, and be able to grow when they are young, so that those who are reserved, widowed, lonely, lonely, and disabled will all be supported." This is also the dream of most emperors, but so far no one can do it.

Holding her brother's letter, Qi Xiuyuan pondered. A Ling's goal was obviously more specific and far-reaching than his. She hoped that she would have a care for her old age, a care for her children, a cure for her illness, and an education for all. How can it be?

Qi Haoran also thought it was impossible, but when he wrote the letter, A Ling was sitting beside him watching, so he could only bite the bullet and write down what A Ling said, thinking of the soft expression on her face when she said this, he Couldn't bear to break her fantasy.

But in fact, at that time, Mu Yangling just remembered her life in her previous life. Although her country hadn't been able to do that in her previous life, it was much better than it is now. Moreover, the government is working hard in that direction, although everyone always scolds everyone. This kind of policy is unfair and imperfect, but it will not be short of food and clothing like it is now. Twenty or thirty miles away is like another world. Ordinary people can't travel at all, and dare not travel.

After reading the letter, Qi Xiuyuan put the letter in a box specially placed for family letters, picked up a pen and began to think about what kind of goal he should set for his children and grandchildren. give up.

When Qi Xiuyuan made the outline and was about to go back to the dormitory, he remembered that he hadn't seen his son all day, so he went to the East Palace as soon as he turned around.

Qi Xiuyuan waved his hand to interrupt the servant who was about to report, and stepped in. His son, who thought he was studying his homework, was sitting cross-legged on the couch, counting the hills of gold and silver in front of him.

Qi Xiuyuan opened his mouth wide, wondering in his heart, his son hasn't been crowded with Zijin recently, why is he falling in love with money?

Qi Xiuyuan paced forward, while Xiaobao was concentrating on counting the money.

Like Cubs, he also has a lot of savings. It should be said that he has more money than Cubs.

Because he lives in the capital, he can receive a lot of red envelopes during the Chinese New Year when he goes out for a walk, and the prince's salary is also quite a lot, and now that he is young and the only prince in the palace, he doesn't have to think about rewarding the maids and servants with money. To win contacts or something, as long as you eat and drink, you can only get in and out, and after a few years, don't save too much money.

The most important thing is that all his money is taken by himself!

No, his wet nurse used to hold the key, but now it's in his hands, and he can use it whenever he wants, unlike Little Bear, who has all the money with his aunt, and if he wants to spend money, he has to reach out and ask his aunt for it, so pitiful.

Xiao Bao sympathized with Xiao Xiong in his heart, while trying to count the money, completely unaware that his father was standing behind him and watching him.

After Xiaobao calculated the money, he recorded it, planning to write a letter to tell Brother Xiaoxiong that his money was four times more than his.

Seeing little Bao'er happy, Qi Xiu couldn't help asking, "Bao'er, what are you doing?"

Xiao Bao was startled, turned his head and saw his father, and said happily: "Father, you are here, and I am counting the money, please help me to see if I have made a mistake."

Although Xiaobao thinks he is smart and can't count wrongly, but he is only five years old after all, so he is still a little nervous.

Qi Xiuyuan sat on the edge of the couch, stretched out his hands and asked while counting: "Why did you remember to count the money?"

"Brother Xiong borrowed money from me. He is very poor now, and he still owes his aunt a lot of money."

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