The Reborn Wife is Farming

Chapter 793 Cooperation

When the parcel from the capital was delivered, Xiao Xiong was chasing after him in the farm with his new friends, when he heard his servant shouting from a distance: "Little prince, I have a letter from you!"

The little bear jumped three feet high, and excitedly told his friends, "Brother Xiaobao sent me money, and I will treat you to candy tomorrow."

Little Xiong bid farewell to his new friends, and ran home first, Zhu Zi waved to them, and hurriedly pulled Dan'er to follow, Gui Ge'er followed behind panting, shouting: "Wait for me, wait for me!"

Zhuzi rolled his eyes, dragged Dan'er to run faster, and made a face back, saying: "I told you to be lazy, you deserve it!"

Little Xiong has already rushed to the main courtyard, and Mu Yangling is distributing the letters. Qi Haoran put aside Qi Haoran's letter, and took out the letters written by Li Jinghua and Xiao Xia to her. The remaining big package was Little Bear of.

Mu Yangling weighed it curiously. It felt quite heavy, and he really wanted to take it apart to have a look. His son rushed in like a cannonball.

Mu Yangling raised the package as if nothing had happened, and said, "Son, the package your brother Xiaobao gave you."

Little Xiong didn't have a sense of privacy yet, so with a happy "owwow", he rushed up and hugged him in his arms. As soon as he kicked off his shoes, he climbed onto the couch and began to dismantle them.

Inside was a box, which was not locked, and it opened with a slight twist. The box was opened, and on it were a letter for Little Bear and a few pieces of paper. Gold nuggets, he poured them out and counted them, but in the end he couldn’t count them, so he could only ask his mother for help, “Mother, how much money is there?”

But Mu Yangling picked up the bank note that he had put aside, and said with a smile: "Silly son, this is the big guy." Looking at the gold and silver coins again, it can be seen that they were cut from large pieces of silver and gold with scissors. She asked Lichun to get a scale, weighed it in front of Little Bear, and said, "There are twelve taels of silver, and five taels of gold."

Mu Yangling asked him to read the letter, and Xiao Xiong also needed to ask his mother for help when reading the letter, so he unfolded it generously, which was different from his letter full of ink dots. On the whole, the shape of the characters can be seen.

Mu Yangling read it to him, and Xiao Xiong combined his own understanding. It was not difficult to read a letter. The last piece of paper was a picture of two vivid children with their fists bumping together to make a blood alliance. His eyes lit up, and he pointed at one of the round-headed children and shouted, "This is me, this is me."

Mu Yangling guessed that Qi Xiuyuan helped draw it, and nodded with a smile, "It's you and brother Xiaobao, the painting really looks alike."

The little bear was so happy that he couldn't see his eyes. He looked at the painting on his stomach and asked his mother, "Is it cute?"


Satisfied, Little Bear put away the letter and painting cherished, ran into his room, took out a small box from the bedside table, put the letter and painting away, and then locked it.

There was a letter written by Xiaobao in it. Originally, the child would throw it away after reading it, but once he saw his father put Uncle Huang's letter in this way, he immediately rolled over and asked for a box, and put Xiaobao's letter in the same way. Woke up, and wrote a letter to Xiaobao, asking him to accept his letter in the same way...

At this moment, Little Xiong put away the letter before running out, picked up the banknotes he didn't understand, and braggingly said to his mother: "Brother Xiaobao gave it to me, I have so much money."

Mu Yangling laughed and asked, "Then do you still remember what Brother Xiaobao said?"

"Remember, the school will be called Baoxiong School from now on!"

Looking at the letters from his younger brother and sister-in-law, Qi Xiuyuan figured it out immediately. He felt that he should also train his son. Moreover, this country will be passed on to Xiaobao in the future, so that he can be exposed to the hardships of the people since he was a child and cultivate a benevolent heart. There is nothing wrong with Yide, so Qi Xiuyuan encouraged Xiaobao to hand over his assets to Xiaoxiong to set up schools, and those schools will be counted as two people.

The two children have been separated all the time. Qi Xiuyuan was worried that they would be estranged. Now they can exchange letters twice a month, but as they get older, the letters will become less and less. Now they have things in common. , are more closely connected.

Little Treasure had long been aroused by the fact that Little Bear was running a school, almost as soon as his father mentioned it, he packed up all the money he had on him and planned to send it to Little Bear.

Naturally, it was impossible to send such a heavy thing in this way, so Qi Xiuyuan asked him to exchange gold and silver with him for a silver note of the same value.

In the end, Little Treasure was worried that Brother Little Bear had no money to buy candy, so he generously cut a few pieces of gold and silver for him to use as pocket money, and asked him to invest all the money in the construction of the school.

At this time, Xiaobao hadn't realized the importance of gold and silver, and he didn't feel bad at all when he gave away all his assets, just like picking up a piece of pastry from the table and giving it to someone, but that piece of pastry was very precious.

Seeing his son's appearance, Qi Xiuyuan woke up secretly. As a prince, he naturally couldn't be stingy, but he also couldn't help but know how expensive and rare gold and silver are. Like him, the king of a country, one piece of silver can be broken into two petals. The son understands the value of gold and silver, so he needs to make him realize how difficult it is to live without gold and silver, so Qi Xiuyuan didn't remind him to leave some silver for self-defense, and went to tell the queen not to allow her to subsidize his son in private.

Only then did she feel sorry for her son's lack of money, and the queen, who wanted to send him money, was taken aback for a moment, and had no choice but to keep the money.

As a result, Xiao Xiong became rich and Xiao Bao became poor, but Xiao Bao didn't realize how this affected him.

Here, Mu Yangling helped his son calculate the money and keep accounts, and said: "Now that you have money, you can't spend it randomly, because although you have built a school and hired a teacher, you haven't bought them books or pens and ink. Paper inkstones, they are too poor to afford these things, so you have to pay for them yourself."

So Xiaoxiong's money went to some more. This is the result of Mu Yangling picking up books from his own bookstore and giving him a 20% discount for Xiaoxiong's face. Otherwise, the cost will be even greater, Mu Yangling told the truth He said: "You and Xiaobao should thank me very much, I have saved you a lot of money."

Xiaoxiong pouted and looked at the banknote drawn by his mother. Half of the money he got was gone. He felt so sad, what should he do?

But Mu Yangling turned a blind eye and wrote down the money in the account book, saying: "This is the cost of building the school. Later, you can send a copy to brother Xiaobao. Since the school has half of brother Xiaobao, how about the money?" The spending must be open and clear, and you must let him know where your money is spent. If there is anything in the school, you have to discuss it with Brother Xiaobao. Since there are too many trivial things like this, you can apply with your father when he comes back. A carrier pigeon, just for the communication between the two of you brothers."

Xiao Xiong, who was still sad about spending too much money, suddenly became happy when he heard the words, clapped his little hands and said, "I'll wait for Daddy at the gate."

"Go, go." Mu Yangling didn't feel sorry for him at all, and just said: "Remember not to stuff the snow around your neck or inside your clothes." Then he let the boy look after him, and then let him go.

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