"You're back. The kitchen just delivered several new dishes. I was just about to talk about you. There are only three of us eating. How can we eat so much? It's a waste to make them."

The little bear gnawed a pig's trotter with a "wow", and responded vaguely: "Waste is not a good boy."

"Eat your meal, where are you talking so much?" Qi Haoran wiped his mouth for him, sat down on the side, Gu Yu hurriedly served a bowl of rice, and Qi Haoran tasted the new dishes first. , Nodding and holding a chopstick for Mu Yangling, said: "Try it, it's okay."

Mu Yangling already felt the nausea in her heart, but she still ate a chopstick, but she didn't spit it out unexpectedly. She let out a big breath, smiled and said, "It's not bad."

Qi Haoran laughed happily, and didn't dare to pinch her too much, so Mu Yangling tasted some of every side dish with one chopstick each time, and ate half a bowl of rice intermittently.

Qi Haoran was very happy. Although her appetite was still not as good as before, it was much better. Qi Haoran happily turned around and rewarded each of the cooks with ten taels of silver, asking them to make persistent efforts and make sure to be like the princess every day. The dishes to eat come.

The whole palace was filled with joy as if it was Chinese New Year. When there was movement from the Duke's mansion next door, everyone was even happier. Gu Yu almost rushed in at a trot, and said with a smiling Fuli: "Your Majesty, Mrs. Guogong is back, and we talked for a while. Just bring Master Biao over to see you."

Mu Yangling was propping up his head and feeling drowsy. When he heard the words, he got up and walked out while holding his stomach. He asked in amazement, "Didn't they say that they will come to Lingnan after the Mid-Autumn Festival? Why are they here now?"

Gu Yu smiled and stepped forward to support Mu Yangling, saying, "It's probably because the affairs of the capital have been dealt with, so I came here."

"You didn't tell me in advance before, has the Duke's mansion been cleaned? What is missing for food and use?"

"Don't worry, the prince asked Butler Zhu to arrange it early in the morning. He is a thoughtful person, and he must have done it all."

Just after leaving the Second Hospital, the group of them ran into Xiao Xia and the others who were holding the child and holding an umbrella. This was the first time Mu Yangling saw Fan Zijin's child, so he couldn't help but leaned in front of Xiao Xia and took a closer look. Look, seeing the child sleeping with his eyes closed, and Xiao Xia's powdered face was slightly wet, and he was panting slightly, so he knew the child was heavy, so he quickly took the child and hugged him in his arms, and said in a low voice: "Why not?" If you don't ask someone to hold it, the child is already six months old, right?"

Xiao Xia's face turned slightly red, and she said in a low voice: "I don't ask others to hold this child. She wakes up as soon as others hold her." She looked at Mu Yangling's big belly worriedly, and said, "Let me carry it."

Mu Yangling smiled and said: "It's okay, I'm much stronger than you, just hold a child, let's go, go back to my place to rest, let them clean up, and then you can take the child over after cleaning up."

Xiao Xia was not polite to her, and went with her to the main courtyard with a tired face.

Lichun put an ice basin across the screen, Xiao Xia exhaled comfortably as soon as she came in, and said: "You are better here, standing outside is like standing in a steamer, it is really hot here this year, we set out from Jiangnan At that time, there were still a lot of cloudy and rainy days, although the temperature was good, but it was damp, making people feel like the whole person was going to be moldy, and it was not easy."

It happened that the little bear was also sleeping, so Mu Yangling put the child next to the little bear, and then put the child down. The child suddenly let out a big breath, which scared Mu Yangling. He felt comfortable when he saw the other side stretched his legs and hands. Turned over and continued to sleep, he couldn't help but chuckled in a low voice: "This kid also knows that it's comfortable here."

The smile in Xiao Xia's eyes seemed to be overflowing, and she nodded happily, "You are smart, you will hum when you are uncomfortable, and you will open your mouth to talk to people when you are comfortable, you are very obedient."

Xiao Xia covered his stomach with a small quilt, and went out with Mu Yangling to sit outside. Seeing that she was so thin, she squeezed her hand and said pityingly: "Why are you so thin? No wonder the prince keeps writing letters. Come to urge us, and beg the emperor to let us leave early."

Mu Yangling was startled and asked, "Did Haoran ask you to come early?"

Xiao Xia pursed her lips and smiled, and leaned into her ear and whispered: "It's more than that, you said you don't have a companion here, you can't find anyone to talk to, and it's a bitter summer, so I want to ask your mother to come and take care of you." You, it’s just how far it is from Beidi to Lingnan. It takes almost two months to come here. Your mother is not in good health. There is no way, so he begged the Duke of the country to let him go south as soon as possible, saying that our sister-in-law Speak well."

Mu Yangling's eyes turned red, she didn't know what Qi Haoran had done for her.

Xiao Xia said enviously: "On the way, the prince sent letters every now and then, and he was very impatient. It can be seen that he treats you heartily. I heard from the Duke that he would also lend their holy land to the Bisha tribe. You are escaping the summer heat, and you don’t know how much to give them.”

Mu Yangling's tears fell with a "wow", and Xiao Xia hurriedly hugged her and said, "Don't cry, otherwise the prince will think that I bullied you when he saw it. I just let you know that the prince treats you Heart, I heard the doctor say that bitter summer is a serious illness, but it is not a serious illness, sometimes the heart can be relaxed enough, and it will be cured, or it may take the whole summer to recover..."

Mu Yangling shook his head, wiped away his tears and said with a smile, "I made you laugh."

Seeing that her tears had stopped slowly, Xiao Xia breathed a sigh of relief. The nanny said that it might be all right to let Ah Ling cry. Although she had prepared before, when she really cried, Xiao Xia was still very anxious. .

When Li Chun came in, she was slightly startled when she saw the tears on the princess's face, but she didn't say anything, she just stepped forward and said: "Madam, madam, the room is ready, madam, you should go and have a rest first, we have dinner tonight, servant girl Call you again."

Xiao Xia did feel tired, so she nodded slightly, patted Mu Yangling's hand and said, "Then I'll go to rest first, and we'll talk about it at night if we have anything to say."

Mu Yangling responded with a smile, and as soon as the person left, the whole person fell silent. She knew Qi Haoran's efforts. She asked people to clean up the water pavilion and asked the kitchen to prepare all kinds of food for her. She knew all of this. , but she did not expect that Qi Haoran would specially ask Fan Zijin and the others to go south in advance.

Fan Zijin and the others were originally scheduled to go south after the Qingming Festival, but Qi Xiuyuan had accumulated too many things at hand, and Qi Haoran was also able to turn around, so he left Fan Zijin in the capital to help. It's not suitable for long-distance travel, so I decided to leave after the Mid-Autumn Festival. By then, the child will be more than ten months old, and he will grow up a lot, so don't worry so much.

Fan Zijin went south ahead of time, and many of them could be done with one or two letters. Mu Yangling didn't know how much he paid, let alone how much he was scolded for it, not to mention the matter of the holy land of the Bisha tribe.

How much did Qi Haoran do for her when she didn't know it?

Whenever I think of this, Mu Yangling is both sad for him and angry with himself, tears are rolling in his eyes, and when he sees Qi Haoran, Mu Yangling can't hold back his tears anymore, hugging his waist Just whimpered and cried.

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