The Reborn Wife is Farming

Chapter 852 Persuasion

If she was an ordinary person, she might not be able to change anything, but now she has a powerful husband. If she doesn't do something, Mu Yangling feels that she is really ashamed of future generations, so that night she pulled Qi Haoran, tell him how vast the world outside the sea is, we should strive for our own interests, and we should not tolerate pirates forever.

Qi Haoran said: "The sea is full of water, so what's the use of being so wide? The interest you are talking about is not maritime trade, right? Ah Ling, I value this because he likes doing business. Don't you like farming? Are you so interested in doing business? Compared with fields, mountains and forests, sea trade is only a small item, it only benefits some groups, and has little impact on the country and the people. Except for sea salt, I can’t think of how much impact the ban on the sea will have. Fields, mountains and forests are the lifeblood of the people, as long as we do well in these things, we don’t have to worry about the country being weak, but you’re right, we shouldn’t be patient with pirates.”

Qi Haoran sighed, "It's a pity that I don't know water warfare, otherwise I would definitely beat those pirates to the point where they don't even know their parents."

Mu Yangling immediately thought about it, and retorted: "The fields and forests are indeed the most important to the common people, but not all the common people have land." Seeing that Qi Haoran wanted to refute, Mu Yangling immediately raised his hand to stop him, saying: "Don't tell me about the Yongye and Fentian fields allocated by the imperial court. In the coastal areas, where there are few lands and many people, and most of them are saline-alkali lands, those fishermen who want to share the fields are tantamount to reaching the sky. They can only rely on farming. Fishing makes a living, and the imperial government banned the sea, which affects not only Haiyan, but also millions of people along the coast of Haiyan.”

Seeing Qi Haoran pondering, Mu Yangling persisted and said: "Besides, it is most taboo to retreat to show weakness when using soldiers. Now that we retreat to the forbidden sea, we are undoubtedly telling the pirates that we are afraid. I am afraid that they will be more confident. They used to harass us in the offshore, but now they dare Go ashore to plunder, and when we give up the five-mile sea area in the forbidden sea, they will dare to cross the defense line and directly kill inland."

"How is this possible?" Qi Haoran despised Mu Yangling, "They only have a few boats, how many soldiers can they bring in? If there are 40,000 to 50,000 troops in the sky, could it be that my hundreds of thousands of troops on land are just for display?"

Yes, but the Qing Dynasty was opened in this way. Thousands of people forced to break through the Qing Dynasty's defense line. Didn't the Qing Dynasty also have hundreds of thousands of garrisons?

At this time, Mu Yangling asked Qi Haoran with some sadness, "Back in the time of Sejong, if someone told Sejong and his ministers that one day, the coastal waters of Dazhou would be ravaged by pirates, and even coastal fishermen would Do you think Sejong and his courtiers would believe that they were slaughtered and plundered by pirates?"

Qi Haoran remained silent.

Mu Yangling sighed and said, "The national power is getting weaker and weaker. If you take one step back, others can take two steps forward. Nothing is impossible in this world. The current ban on the sea is indeed only to reduce sea trade, increase the price of salt, and make coastal The livelihood of the common people is more difficult, but in the long run, what we have lost is the confidence and determination to fight pirates. We will retreat step by step and give up the land that should belong to us to others. Haoran, the land is ours, we cannot let it go, the sea It’s also ours, and we can’t let it, so you should work hard to learn water warfare and prepare for defending your home and country.”

Qi Haoran opened his mouth wide, he didn't expect Ah Ling to open his mouth to ask him to learn water warfare, he immediately said: "I can't even swim, if I go to water warfare, if I fall off the boat, I will die. "

"What's so difficult about it? Isn't it just swimming? Just ask someone to teach you later. You can learn it easily now that you are young, and you don't need to go out. Doesn't our house have a big lake? You can swim as you like."

Hearing that they can play in the water, the three children who were sleeping obediently jumped up at once, and asked to learn to swim one after another. They also wanted to prepare for "defending their home and country".

Mu Yangling responded with a smile, and volunteered: "Mother will take you into the water tomorrow."

Let Ah Ling go swimming in the lake?

Qi Haoran patted the bed to suppress them, bluffing: "You are still young, you are not allowed to go." Then he glared at Mu Yangling, "You don't know how to swim, and you don't need to fight in the water. What are you doing in the water? Be honest with me. Stay home."

Mu Yangling was taken aback, and said, "Who said I can't swim?"

Now it was Qi Haoran's turn to stare, "There are few rivers, streams and lakes in the Northland, how can you know how to swim?"

It was only then that Mu Yangling remembered that she had never learned to swim in this life. She coughed lightly and said vaguely, "Isn't there a small river behind my house?"

"How many years ago was that, are you sure you can swim now?"

Mu Yangling rolled his eyes and said, "Will you know if I will swim in the water tomorrow?"

"No need," Qi Haoran glanced at his sons, bit her ear and said, "You'd better swim in the bathroom and show me."

Mu Yangling's face turned red immediately, and his feet moved, but he still didn't push the smiling Qi Haoran off the boat, but he also gave him a look, "If you don't get me into the water, tomorrow you will Let's take Xiaoxiong and the three of them into the water, there are so many people in the mansion, there will always be someone who knows how to swim, choose a place where the water is shallow and the bottom is sand and gravel."

The three sons all looked at Qi Haoran eagerly, but Qi Haoran, who always dotes on children, was extremely determined this time. He would never bring the twins into the water. to the lake?

Even the little bear was forced by his mother and son to take him with him.

Little Xiong came to learn swimming with the enthusiasm of defending his family and the country, and he learned how to swim after half a morning, and Qi Haoran was still supported by the guards who knew how to swim. It was really embarrassing, isn't it?

At this moment, looking at the three little Doudings who were looking at him eagerly, Qi Haoran still gritted his teeth and insisted not to let them into the water.

No matter how sensible the three children were, they were still children. Seeing Qi Haoran's repeated refusals, they simply cried out with a "wow".

Qi Haoran saw that Mu Yangling's face turned red, and quickly put on his coat, while glaring at her fiercely.

Mu Yangling was baffled and didn't understand why Qi Haoran was staring at her, but she soon ran out of time to think about it, because the three children came running towards her.

After hearing the children's demands, Mu Yangling tried to communicate with Qi Haoran again, "The water you have chosen is not too deep, it only reaches your waist, doesn't it? Let's find three coaches and practice one-on-one. If you are still afraid that they will have accidents, you can assign another coach to each of them..."

"No," Qi Haoran said with a serious face, "The water is too deep for the children. Unless you can find a water area that only reaches their necks in this lake, I will never let them enter the water."

Mu Yangling puffed up his cheeks and glared at him angrily.

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