The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 2 Chapter 17: Difficult game

It was completely dark, James's car was driving towards Liszt's backstreet, and the two detectives on the car were talking about irrelevant things—

"Why are you still dealing with the gang of otakus?" Detective Coulson, holding the cigarette in one hand and the window eave in the other, sprayed a cigarette on James's side face. ㈧㈠ 中 Δ┡WenWw. 8⒈Zw. COM

James frowned, too lazy to stop his partner. Coulson shouldn't have been in the car. He was so irritable that he caught James who ran out when he blew the wind outside the police station. To put it bluntly, I went up for a ride and then went back to work. If I do n’t let Coulson relax now, after going back, the unlucky and an irritable partner is still James.

Oh yes, James has to go back to work, and now the journey of driving home is only equivalent to letting go of the wind. Tonight's game night, James is going to be absent. He just goes back and puts a bunch of otakus waiting at his doorstep into the house.

"You don't have any real friends, can you hang out?" Detective Coulson was still looking for James stubble, talking with a smile in the eyes, looking at a serious James, "like you Guys, there should be no shortage of friends ~ "

Do n’t be too naive to think that Coulson is envious of James ’s youth and Duo Jin. This is a mockery. ‘Even if you are so young, rich and promising, you still have no friends! ’Kou Sen knows best, oh, this is the life of a detective.

James didn't want to bother and glanced at his partner. "If you put soot in my car, I will tell Mrs. Coulson where your cigarette is hidden."

Coulson's eyes twitched, and he didn't run against James at the beginning.

You can see Fitz's car parked on the side of the road-the bus dedicated to otakus, and the spray paint of various fantasy characters is very conspicuous under the street lights. At the same time, James also saw the old car parked next to the bus, Grand's.

After a little hesitation, the car stopped at the intersection. "You stay here! I will come back immediately." Without giving Coulson a reaction time, James had pulled the key and locked the door. Watching and trotting towards your home.

This is not to avoid that Coulson might laugh at Fitz's group in person, but to avoid that Coulson and Zac will encounter, it will be embarrassing, everyone understands.

It can be confirmed that Coulson's contempt for Fitz's houseboys, hey, when James walked into his own exclusive corridor, a group of houseboys were playing with his elevator ...

"Hey! James! You're back!" A few heads stretched between the fences of the elevator. As the platform rose, shouting to the James below, "Descent and fall, don't rise, descend, and take James! "

"Uh ... how to drop? The lever is upstairs ..."

James is ready to go up the stairs. Striding across the steps on the stairs until he was blocked by two guys sitting on the stairs.

The person who blocked the stairs was not conscious.

The guy with the appearance of Benjamin smiled at James, deliberately and inexplicably whispered, "Hush ~ he doesn't want to be disturbed ~"

"Still, you still seize any opportunity to speak." Zac didn't look at James, and ignored 'Benjamin' sitting next to him, but still stared at the open palm, uh, a little The twisted things are the same as those in the paper **** handed over by Louise in the morning. They are like smoke but not smoke. The twisted and twisted cigarette wraps the brown tobacco shreds.

"Huh! Give way!" James kicked Zac's shoes.

Zac's eyes turned away from his palm and looked at James. He didn't let it go and palmed to James. "What's this?"

"Smoke? Uh, how do I know!" James waved irritably and patted Zac's palm, "make way!"

Zac carefully gripped the object that was almost shot, and looked serious, "Be careful! This thing is very fragile!" Then carefully plug the shredded tobacco into the wrinkled and twisted cigarette.

James did n’t want to explore what Zac was doing, and he did n’t want to stay on the stairs any longer—

Did you see the deep scratches on the wall that I didn't know were scratched by something? It was the traces that Sam struggled to leave when Sam was taken away by Papa last night. The place where Zac and ‘Benjamin’ are sitting now is where Semm tried to break through Papa ’s midnight block to ‘save’ Zak who did n’t need to be saved, and was then taken away by Papa at midnight.

At least Zac told James this way, hum, what James knew, he was stolen by Papa for a short while at the time.

Carefully wrap this' smoke 'with a handkerchief, get it in his pocket, Zac also stands up, pats his body, makes way, and looks across James' irritable face, "Unless someone likes to sneak to you Smoking here, this thing should not appear here. "

‘Benjamin’ twitched his eyebrows and made a pick-up gesture, probably expressing the gesture of ‘Zack Pick-up’ to James.

Still, James did n’t want to explore what Zac was talking about, or trying to express, let alone ignore Benjamin ’s apparently not Benjamin ’s, “I have no time for you and wordy! I just came back to open the door!” Push another Zac who has clearly given way, and continue to move up.

At the same time, the elevator was carrying a bunch of otakus down again, and after three people, "Ah ?! James, are you not going to play today? Er, rise, rise! I'm talking to James!"

"Uh ... how to rise? The lever is at the bottom of the building ..."

Please don't spit out the limitations of this lift. This is the exclusive tool for James. The straight up and down is its function.

Zac followed James and raised an eyebrow. "Do you have a job?"

"none of your business!"

Ok, Zac asked for it, but there are still complaints, "Hey, so we not only need to bring a knight who has fallen down a level and has a mischievous, but also a magician with a main output. That ’s good. Today ’s game must be It will be very, very smooth. "

It ’s the detective ’s sense of responsibility, and his anger at the sinister reality. James Meng turned his back and glared at Zac, “Yes! Unless you can make everyone stop continuing to murder others !! You have to endure such a“ smooth ” Game night! "

From the bottom of the stairs, "Zach-let James do his job ..." I don't know which otaku is right.

"I'm just complaining, my fault." Zac smiled and looked downstairs, then shrugged at James, blinking his eyes. The meaning was clear, ‘Need help? "James said the word" murder "emotionally, right.

James, did you deliberately take a big step and put your **** to Zach's horizontal line of sight, this is the answer.

The otakus in the elevator and the three James arrived at the door at the same time. James opened the door at the front and looked like he was standing by the door. It seemed that he was not going to enter. It was really just a door opening. Leaving, of course, the keys were given to Zac, "I don't know when I will come back, lock me the door!" Viciously told.

"Yes, officer." Zack answered solemnly and threw the key to ‘Benjamin’. When James's face was about to continue to be somber, "Before you came back, your phone rang for a long time, I think the other party left a message, anyway, you come back, you can probably listen to the message casually."

James's eyes twitched, and he entered the house with a sullen face.

The otakus began to get acquainted with James ’homes, lay out today ’s dungeons, get props and costumes ... otakus would n’t bother James who needs to go back to work. Zac's.

"Honestly." Zac ordered "Benjamin", hanged behind James, and went to the bar. Due to the work of detectives, James suspects that he has not used Zakuo more than his own bar!

Instead, James glanced at the 'Benjamin' who really sat on the sand, not curious that it was impossible, but he couldn't ask in this situation now, he pouted at Zac and walked to the phone .

If you can, James really does n’t want to listen to the message when Zac is there, but who would lie, who knows whether Zac will listen to it when he is away. Does this vampire have a sense of **? So don't be hypocritical! James looked at the record on the answering machine, and the flashing screen showed an unfamiliar number. The time was indeed not so long ago. Without thinking too much, he picked up the receiver and pressed the play button.

"This is James Lance's house, he can't answer the phone now, please leave a message ..."

Zac is already trying to pick James from his snack jar to "wine", "Oh, you should change another answer message."-A trivial matter, this answer is George Na's voice was probably a time when the two were still infinitely beautiful, a small game between couples ~ I don't know if the message of Georgina's home was recorded by James ~

Uh, sorry, this kind of thing should not be said so lightly.

James's face just started to be gritty, and when he stared at Zac, his face went dark.

As Zac's pouring stagnation stopped, he raised his eyebrows with interest and looked at James, who was frozen by the phone.

Because, the voice of the message in the receiver is Kate's—

"Hey ~ James ~" Oh, James ~ "I did a stupid thing today ~ My car hung up again, I still don't know where my car was towed ~ Ha ha, you are free now Can you come and pick me up? If I go back directly, my grandmother must complain that I lost her car ~ Ha ha, but if I have a man like you, send me home, ha ha, my grandmother must I do n’t care about the small details ~ So ... I ’m in the bar opposite the newspaper ~ And, yes ~ I sipped a little ~ A girl used a little trick to "lie" a man to go home Family, you need to be 'inspired' ~ Right ~ Ha ha, don't take it through me ~ I'm waiting here ~ "

There was no more sound in the receiver, but James still stood there stiffly.

Zac lowered his eyebrows, shook the glass, took a sip, put it down, and pushed the glass around the bar. Ever heard the tiny sound of rubbing the bottom of the cup against the smooth marble table. This sound is being amplified infinitely in James's mind, infinitely amplified, infinitely ...


James pressed the receiver heavily and turned away.

"You know, work is important, but you can't let a girl who is 'inspired' and hopeful stay in the bar alone." Zach reminded and added, "Of course, don't care My feelings are completely useless. "

James's face was black, and there was a change in the route straight to the door, according to Fitz, who was changing into the character's costume. "Fitz, can you do me a favor!" That look, that tone, It's really not like a request.

"Oh ... alright."

"Can you go to xx, the bar opposite the Barton Daily, help me send someone home? Now!"

"Yeah, okay." Fitz blinked, looking at Zac's direction with some doubt. Shouldn't it? The keys of the James family are kept by Zac. Now this is busy, there are more suitable candidates.

"She's Kate!" James, who saw Fitz's eyes shifted, was even worse. "You make sure to explain to me that I'm working." Just to emphasize, "I have no time for a cross-region murder in the afternoon. In the past, tell her I'm sorry, and then make sure she goes home safely! Is it okay! "

Zac didn't intervene, ‘Benjamin’ intervened. Squinting and staring at James, "So are you going to get rid of our only priest who has the ability to recover now, James? This game is too difficult to play." Remember, 'Benjamin' is mischievous .

Zac sipped ‘wine’ and watched.

"It's none of your business ..." James instinctively vented to 'Benjamin'.

"No, it doesn't matter, Benjamin." Fitz, Fitz, who has always appeared when a little bit of a dispute emerged, used his tone of nervousness, anxiety, and seemed to have done something wrong, so that both sides I ’m sorry to continue, “Jan, James, I ’m going, I ’m going now. You guys, just remember, before I come back, no, do n’t touch the trap!” Xi Li wah took off her half-dressed clothes, "Where is it coming, James, tell me again ..."

When James re-addressed Fitz, Zach stood by the window and looked in the direction of Liszt's backstreet junction, where James's car stopped.

There is a boring Detective Coulson, who is impatiently waiting for James to return, and at the same time, Coulson is also turning through the files that are probably files. Do n’t overestimate the sight of the vampire, Zack ca n’t see the file.

However, Zac can see other things-

The shadow pulled under the street light was distorted, the manhole cover of the sewer was opened in an instant, and then closed. Bumi appeared in the shadow of the shadow, hidden behind the car, and waved at Zac with a smile, Then he pointed to Coulson in the car, and Black Shadow recapped Bumi ’s figure, but his voice began to pass into Zac ’s ear—

"He took the case of Heather. Although the death was born in the West District, her car did not stop on the road from the work place in the North District to the West District. The police believed that the brakes of the Heather car were damaged in the North District. Eventually caused her to die in a car accident in the Western District ... "(Unfinished.)

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