The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 2 Chapter 22: High school girl

Because of Benjamin ’s extremely slow car, it was lunch break when he arrived at [Lipter]. ㈧㈠ 中 ┡ 文 网 www * W.ん 8⒈Z. Com Zak didn't want to say anything, anyway, Caesar didn't have any sense of gratitude. He thought Benjamin should drive slower, and dragged the afternoon class.

"It's great!" Caesar said with a lip in his mouth. "You just sent me over when all the teachers and students are free to move!" There have already been repeated broadcasts of "Please" Caesar to report to the Academic Affairs Office immediately. The students of the activity pointed to Caesar undisguisedly, "Good! Really good!"

Now that Caesar has sincerely mocked, Zach will help. "It's good, isn't it, your lovely classmates have reunited your nickname, the original 'dog leg male two' (because Caesar is old (Sissi, who already has a boyfriend) has been abandoned. Now, your name is 'Bottle Man', I think this is progress. "

Caesar's eyes twitched, and he glanced gloomyly at Zac.

Because there are already high school students who started pointing Caesar, he and Benjamin were included in them casually-"Hey! Isn't that Alice's two fathers?" "Uh, what two fathers are the white ones? Brother! The guy driving the car (Benjamin) is the father. "" No, he is not like the Indians. "" Uh, are you well informed, don't you know that Alice is adopted ... "

What can be said, rumours are awesome, half-mistakes and half-rumors are even more awesome.

Zach is going to question the high school students who leave a zero-tolerance campus and start to question why they would leave Caesar before they leave, but before leaving, "Caesar, can you do me a favor, go to Alice, we are, uh … "Zac took a look at the street in front of Reipt. It was the same beverage shop that once held a rugby party." We are waiting over there. "

"Hum." Caesar's eyes were "sinister", and Zac and Benjamin followed this morning without a white heel. He knew what Grand had done. "Need me to tell Alice what you did, hum. "

"You can talk about it." Zac raised an eyebrow and patted Benjamin. The car drove away from Ripter.

Laipute also belongs to the Becky District, a Becky district with rich nightlife. Wasn't there a municipal government project to clean up Ripter's surroundings? Um, this project has been completed for a long time, and the bar that has been extended to Reipt has been replaced by a bookstore and a stationery store after the project ... A new decoration, a clean signboard, to the east side of Becky One corner becomes a clear stream.

The only problem is to see how long this clear stream can last. High school students still seem to retain their previous habits, and the newly opened store is barely patronized. There was no one in this beverage store that once held a celebration party. Probably high school students are very realistic, the entire street outside the campus becomes ‘alcohol free’, so there is no need to go out of school.

After Zac and Benjamin entered the store, they looked for a table and stared at the menu for a long time, and there was nothing worth ordering. This place is not as good as the [Time Wizard] left by James. There is no coffee and no added. Alcoholic brownies ... no adult food. The manager recommends fries and cola, huh.

It was Tam, who ordered a bunch of things and stuffed his mouth while saying it was unpalatable. The speed is amazing. Zac wondered whether this guy was eating or just putting it in his stomach.

After waiting for a while, they came. Yes, it was them. Maya naturally followed Alice, and Lola and Kepler also ran out. And Zac also saw Sissi hanging from the street by the window, pretending to be leaning behind the street lamp with a book, hum, the ghost knew what the saint was doing.

"Do you know what is the most embarrassing!" Lola rolled her eyes as she came up. "It was a guy who shouted hard in the corridor, 'Hey! Alice! Your two guardians came to you!' Huh! Caesar is definitely intentional! 'Guardian'? He is intentional! "It means not to explain the gossip at all, but also deliberately guide in a serious direction.

Oh, I need to give Caesar some praise. It's still witty and understandable to shift the focus on myself, on the survival laws of high school students.

"Lola!" Alice is much better, and she doesn't care about these at all in the sun, but blinks curiously, "Is there something?"

Alice was not very curious about Zac and Benjamin coming here. Caesar, who had disappeared all morning, came to Reipt with her two older brothers to explain the problem. Alice is curious about Tam, and Tam is now looking at Maya holding a cup of Coke.

"We went to [Parker Elementary School]."

Zac ’s eyes, glanced at Benjamin and Lola. The two of them had no emotional changes when their eyes crossed. Everyone should know that a girl ’s goodwill and patience can only be to a certain extent. When Alice explained, Laura was already asking Benjamin, "What about Matthew?"

"Want to ask Mr. Cuisha to ask about the workers in Port Massa."

"I know, Louise told me and Maya yesterday ~" Alice smiled and gave Lola a sorry look. Is it not Lola ’s idea that ‘girl ’s affairs’ be kept secret? Alice would naturally feel sorry for Grande ’s breach of this confidentiality agreement. This should not be the first time Alice apologized, because Lola waved her hands helplessly, looking a lot lazy.

Then, Alice looked forward to Zac, "How is it?"

"Cuisha is not here." Zach shrugged. "Her colleagues said that she felt uncomfortable. She took leave to go home to rest. I don't want to trouble her too much, so."

"Is Teacher Trisha uncomfortable?" Alice's face was a little worried, and she looked at Maya, who was still holding Coke and Tam looking at each other. Alice glanced at Lola again, and Lola was discussing with Benjamin what he had borrowed from Matthew on the weekend. Going to see Kepler again, Kepler was looking at a sad look outside the window.

Alice pursed her lips, it was clearly a 'girl's thing' with four people, but now she is the only one who is worried, hey, "We will go to [Parker Elementary School] after school, let's go and see Teacher Tsha . "

Zac nodded, and Maya did n’t have to worry about it. She probably had already seen the truth in Tam ’s mouth, and Lola and Benjamin did n’t have to worry about it. What they said was to let Matthew come to Rip tomorrow after school. Special, not to mention Kepler, who doesn't know what he is doing, "If you can, yeah." Zach used a hesitant tone, "You help me to presume about the port of Massa in Trisham, after all, she is more familiar You guys, I do n’t think it ’s good for me to ask her so directly. ”

Alice nodded happily, "Okay!" A look to me.

Alice is not a girl who doesn't know anything. She knows why Zac built a new living area in Grande-not for Zac himself, but for her future. Neither the vampire nor Alpha will be 'Grande', but her Alice is still the future of Alice Grande, the granddaughter of Old Grande. Please ask Trisha to inquire about the workers at the Port of Massa for the sake of her future. She should not let her guardian do all the work. She should participate in her future. Because of this positive attitude, I gladly agreed.

Zac nodded with a humiliated expression, don't pay attention to Zac's real intention in mind, this is a warm moment when my family has grown up. Zach stretched out his hand, looking at the direction to Alice's head ...


Lola crosses over, "Uh! Don't make this more embarrassing!" Sure enough, she is still a normal girl, not used to this kind of thing, "Alice!" Emphasized, there are no other guests looking at the left and right. Beverage Shop, "Image !!!"

Alice smiled giggingly on her shoulders. She didn't care about these images. The magical rumors in Riptree should be the result of her carelessness.

Lola rolled her eyes, glared at Zac, and shook her head silently, continuing to Benjamin, "Then let Matthew pick us up on time at nine o'clock on Saturday morning!"

Benjamin nodded and said indifferently, "Matthew will not drive."

"Uh, let's pick him up." Lola pouted, and then began to shake Kepler, who had no idea what she was sad about, "Kepler! Did you hear me! I've arranged it all! You can start the spirit !!"

"Oh." Kepler responded weakly and continued his sorrow.

Zac glanced at Benjamin and felt it was necessary to ask about the agreement that Laura and Benjamin had just made. "Do you have any special events this weekend? Do you need Matthew to buy clothes in advance?" --Lola said to Benjamin just now Yes, tomorrow Friday, let Matthew come to Lapt and wait for Lola.

Lola continued to glance at Zac, "You don't care! I have already said to Benjamin! It's nothing to do with you!" Lola's attitude towards Zac if he is willing to speak well to Benjamin.

"Laura!" Alice gave Zac an sorry look for her friend, "Yuri is back ..."

Yuri? When the name appeared, Kepler sighed mournfully and stood up, "I'm going ..." and he really left like a walking dead.

Remember Yuri? The competitor of the building materials business that was acquired by Smith. But the conversation here has nothing to do with the brutal competition in the adult world, Yuri, the boy who broke up with Kepler on Noor Beach.

"It seems I heard that Liszt recalled Yuri again." Alice's voice was a little lower, and she looked at Lola, with a solicited look, meaning that what she said next was based on a girl in her funeral home It is impossible to know the identity. The things expressed in the following information are known to her through these Western Princesses.

Lola waved her hand, frowning and ignored it, believing.

So Alice continued, "Kepler said that Liszt came to his father last week ..."

Do you still have an impression? When Zac called Smith, it was not the end of Liszt's visit outside working hours. Smith also expressed directly, ‘I do n’t like Liszt, I wo n’t agree to what he says’.

"... The result didn't seem very pleasant, and a few days later, Kepler heard that his father was discussing with Aunt Lydia about the possible return of Yuri, when Mr. Smith was making up for Aunt Lydia when she was not in Patton. , Something about Yuri. "

Zac raised his eyebrows and looked at Lola a little puzzled. This sounds like an adult and the second generation of the West End. What do she need to prepare?

"Don't look at me!" Lola really didn't want to be polite with Zac, "It's not what you think!"

Alice held down some inexplicably excited Lola, "Yuri's family has returned to Patton. The adult's business has nothing to do with us, but on the weekend, Yuri will have a return party at their old manor, not very formal, just Yuri ’s family invited each of their former friends in Barton to have fun on their side. Then, um ... "Alice glanced out the window, and Kepler, who slowly moved on the road, passed their window," Yuri Coming to school, a bunch of flyers, inviting his former friends to his party. "The voice was a little lower, and he watched Kepler's slowly moving figure and sighed," Kepler was not invited ... "

Zac raised an eyebrow. "No invitation?"

"Who cares if there is an invitation !!!" Lola looked angry and looked at the godless Kepler outside the window. "We'll go to that party !! Not only to go! We have to ..." Lola was so excited When he clicked, he snapped and looked dull. "We need all the friends we can pull! Dominate the party! Let the **** Yuri see if Kepler is better than him!"

Zac glanced at Kepler outside the window again, pursed his lips, and dominated the party? This group of girls really wants to destroy that party. The girl ’s brain circuit was not saved.

Zac shrugged. Based on the vision out of the window, there was always someone in disharmony reading behind the street lamp. Suddenly, he had a bad heart, and raised an eyebrow. "Is Sissy invited?"

"Cici? Yuri didn't know her and invited her to do something!" Lola stared instinctively at Zac.

Zach blinked with a chuckle, prompting something, "What happened to the last time Cici was at the party?"

There were ‘a thousand pieces of fragments’.

Lola's eyebrows rose instantly, staring at Zac, many unknown things flashed in her eyes, and then turned into inner joy! Grab Alice and shake it vigorously, "Yes! We have to bring Sissi too! Kepler's cheerleader is invited! Then we brought Sissi here, ha! Sissi can also bring Chris and Caesar! Haha! Every 'bomb' was pulled by us! Great! Yuri regretted that he hosted this party at home !! We can make a big ... "Watching Zac alertly, I'm not ready to give Zach was grateful for the reminder, "Huh! I've thought about it!"

Zac shrugged and smiled, "It's my mouth."

"Have you finished speaking?" Maya, who had been quiet, began to speak, and put a relaxed and satisfied smile on the empty Coke cup, and finally turned away from Tam, "It's almost time for class, we're going back ~"

"Yes!" Lola had already pulled Alice, "Let's go! Don't be seen by others, these two, uh, 'Guardians'! Image!"

When Alice was forcibly taken away, "I promise! I won't let you down! I will definitely talk to Teacher Tsuisha!" Alice finally assured Zach.

"Well, I certainly believe you." Zac nodded and glanced at Maya.

Maya turned her head to the side and raised her shoulders slightly, meaning, ‘I know’. (To be continued.)

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