North District Police Station. "August 1 Chinese Language" W? W? W ?. (8) 1? ZW. COM

"Where are you going?" Coulson grabbed James' arm and stared at his partner.

"I'm off work!" James shook off his partner.

"Off work?" Coulson was inconceivable. "Massa Port just reported a new cargo missing (Fisher dragged the North District police investigation and bought time for his population to buy and sell)! The West District Police Department just arrived The banquet organizer's lost and sold list (the new products made by Kozil made by the West Side sneaked into the channel, and it should be well understood that Mrs. Sheila gave Kozil's bag to Rita)! Liszt supported Esera's campaign A few unidentified flows of funds have just been detected (the West District ’s main purpose now is to put all things on Liszt, but now Curson said this is the cooperation of Ethela)! You say you are off work ?! "

James is very persistent, "I'm going home!"

"Go home?" Coulson didn't move very slowly, he pulled James's clothes back and sullenly, "You are my stupid! Don't think I didn't hear you and your new Girlfriend ’s little phone! You ’re okay, Lance! You ’ve got your brain broken! "Listen to what Coulson said-" Your last relationship (Georgina) prioritized work, the ending is bad! Now! Completely reversed ?! You left your job to see your girlfriend on one call ?! "

The "terrible ending" in Coulson's mouth is not as tragic as Georgina's abduction and disappearance (death), only to break up. Can you recall that when Georgina's parents came to Patton to see James, James was late, and Georgina's family opposed her interaction with the police.

Do you think the things that define James' life are those hero detectives in the newspapers and news? No, James is not a historical character in any textbook, and it is these small fragments that define him.

Coulson stared at James, "You are a detective! Work always comes first!"

James glanced at his partner sullenly, turned around, and put it in front of Coulson under the frown that Coulson suddenly didn't adapt to.

Coulson collapsed and looked at James, who was about to reach the tip of his nose. "What are you doing?"

James pulled off Coson's coat and buckle and buckled Coulson's belt. This picture is awkward, but it seems that James is trying to show it. His hand grasped the badge on the belt of Coulson, and forced the whole body of Coulson to tear off, holding the policeman of Coulson. Hui met in front of him, "You are right!" James said sullenly, "We are detectives! Not the dog legs of the West Side!"

Coulson's face was instantly black, grabbing the police badge directly, and he hated James for saying so! Almost gnashing his teeth, "I'm not a dog leg from the West End! I'm a dog leg from my boss!" It should have been anxious and corrupted, all these words were said, "The director (Darcy) said, everyone is on! Now it is Special period! No time for you and your girlfriend ...

James used almost ... no, sympathetic eyes, looking at his partner. In a dark corner of James's heart, James really wanted to laugh, Coulson, really didn't understand the situation at all!

The West Enders wanted to abolish Liszt because Liszt was a partner of the Western Demon Banquet. Fisher, Kozier, and even Ethella all jumped into the West End ’s ship because of the wicked vampire and attacked in secret. Liszt. Now the only person beside Liszt is Darcy, the chief of the North District Police Department.

Coulson, Coulson, don't know at all. The two thighs he wants to hold are not on the same person at all! Coulson thought he tried his best in front of powerful people? No, he was looking for his own way.

James turned around, looking at Coulson's words, too sad, and finally reminded a little bit, "We are murder detectives, these are not things we have to manage, we, we are off work."

James is gone. When everyone in the North District Police Station is busy, go home? Of course not, he is going to pick up his girlfriend, where to pick up? Awesome, Grand Funeral Home.

"Are you going to Grand?"

James seemed unable to get out of the police station easily. Chapman didn't know where it came from and followed James.

"No!" This was his naive instinct, James's face gloomy and frosted.

"Then can you go to Grande." Chapman still followed James, whispering the surroundings, "I need to bring a message to Zach. Um, more than me, fallen angel, Uh, there is Sgal. "

James felt his lungs cramp when he took a deep breath.

Grabbing Chapman's belt with one hand, he turned a corner and walked to the elevator. James really doesn't want to talk about certain topics in an environment where people are all around and ignorant.

Chapman didn't resist. He glanced at the elevator and stopped at the top floor, closing the door. "Let me talk about things first, the least important."

James didn't want to reply, staring at Chapman, which was also the dark corner of his heart. James felt that Chapman in front of him, if he had succeeded in suicide, he didn't need to live like this. Yes, the dark side of James thought that Chapman died better than alive.

"My son ..." Chapman didn't know what James was thinking. There was a smile on his face. "Healed." Chapman saw James' eyes turned away. It didn't matter. Continue, "Because Zac He ’s healthy now. ”Remember, because of Zach ’s persuasion, Chapman withdrew from the ongoing Western experimental treatment,“ I ’ve always wanted to go to Grande to thank you, but you know, I ’m leaving No, now the situation in the bureau is in a mess. I am not like you. I can work against the Secretary. "

That's right, the entire police station, dare to face Darcy is James Lance.

James' eyes twitched, and there was still no opening.

"Tell Zach, thank you." Chapman shook his head. Although he didn't have a tacit understanding with James, he always saw it every day. He still knew a little about James. He emphasized, "Please, help me. "Don't talk about this topic that will make James more gloomy." Then, you probably need to take a few deep breaths. You won't like my next words. "

No Chapman reminds, James is already taking a deep breath.

"Square is ready to come out." From the prison. It seems that Chapman put the message of the fallen angel at the end, "I don't know what he said to him when the" general "ran to the prison a few days ago, but he decided to go back to the southern district to lead the skeleton The skull is gone. "

What James wants to say, think about it or forget it-the two surviving gang leaders in the southeast are back, 'good', really 'good', one is a vampire, a demon contract holder, good It couldn't be better.

"But, he is not going to use the usual way of returning ..." Chapman frowned here. That's why he reminded James to take a deep breath. "He wants to honor his demon contract." Chapman noticed Zhan Mu Shi's face, "When he came out of prison, he ..." Chapman was thinking about the exact wording, "He will leave his body in prison."

Seeing James's posture of looking up at the ceiling, I understood.

So Chapman continued, "But his soul will not stay in **** for too long, now the demons have a more efficient way of promotion, and Sgal will advance in the Church of the Son ..."

"What's this fart with Zac ..."

"Constantine is not here." Directly interrupted, Chapman pressed his chest and used his deep breath to remind James to follow, "Eric is recommended by Constantine, but not long ago. , Um, "Frightening", still rested for so long. His instability is considered by the demons to be unreliable, and the demons need someone who can be trusted to watch the promotion rituals of Scorer. " Straightened his chest and motioned for James to take a deep breath. "The devil wants Zac to watch."

James was very obedient, his chest undulating greatly.

"Mike wants to tell Zack himself." Chapman gave James time to adjust his emotions, and then continue, "But, now he, uh, hides, and won't appear for a while."

Instinctively asked, "What?" But James knew the direction of the conversation and shut his mouth tightly. Because the next thing is the news that the fallen angel Jessica will bring to Zac.

"The fallen angel is in hell. The person who keeps the gate of **** in this world is Mike. His safety is too important, and now." Chapman paused. "The demon barrier around Barton is being attacked by the Newton demons. "

"What?" The instinct this time failed.

With this sound ‘what? ! What ’s happening is that the bell of the elevator-the elevator on the top floor starts to descend.

Chapman glanced at the numbers that started descending and accelerated, "Breakfast today, at the end of the full moon cycle, the Newton demon gathered around the barrier. Well, it's a little troublesome to explain, you can ask Zack What you need to know about the Demon Barrier is that we do n’t want Newton ’s Demon to enter Barton anyway, and the Fallen Angel ca n’t secure the barrier from Hell. The only chance we can resist Newton ’s Demon invasion is ... ”

"Vampire!" James made it up, his face somber to frost, "Zac!"

"Yeah." Chapman seemed relieved, and James himself said this key name was better than what he said. "The demons have contacted the 'General', Rimer and Nofellers, but we Everyone knows that no matter how they behave, or what they belong to, Smith, Spira, or just thinking about revenge, but they only listen to Zac. "

James, after accepting the reality, still tried to rebel naively, "What about Gangro? The Saints ?!"

Chapman gave James a helpless look, "The saints can't show up. Gangaro is the last line of defense for the saints and angels." Even if the elevator kept getting closer to the ground floor, Chapman still James was given time to respond. "The Newton Demons knew the return of the angels. The reason they tried to invade Button was because of the progress of the Saints in heaven. Like Mike, they would never appear at this time."

When James breathed in again, Chapman glanced at the elevator. "These words brought to Zac, you ask him the other, he knows more." Isn't it, Chapman out of time , Did not have time to explain how the Newton Demons knew about the angels, right ...

Chapman finally nodded, pushed open the door, and left, leaving James exhaling hard.

If you can, James can definitely walk away before the elevator comes down, but unfortunately, the mood adjustment is not so easy. When James walked tightly outside, his belt was pulled, "Just, I'm looking for you."

Secretary Darcy closed his papers with annoyance, pulled James back, closed the elevator door, and opened the door directly, "Port Massa, West District Police, Liszt." The job said, "No need for you to go."

Oh, as if James was about to go.

Darcy was unconscious, "I have more important work for you." Looking at James, "Go to Grand and find Zac ..." There was a pause. "Are you sick?" Facial expression Looking at James Bai's miserable face, "Do you need medicine?"

"No! I don't need it!"

"Very well, this is not something you can hide if you want to hide." Darcy shook his head, a little irritable. "I need you to find Zac and let him call the vampire of Button to guard against New Zealand. Dunton's invasion ... "Frowning again, looking at James," Are you sure you are okay? "

"I'm sure! You said Newton's Demon Invasion!" James is good. In this case, the other person's attention is diverted.

"Uh, yes." Darcy regained his irritability again. "I don't know who the **** guy leaked the news of the angel's return to heaven. Newton Demon, no, all the demons outside Barton are crazy ..."

"Does the feast still care about Newton's demons!" James stared at Darcy.

Seriously, James is alive and tired. Looking at the people around him, who does he like?

"We don't." Darcy pouted, "We and the devil have an agreement that doesn't affect each other in the west, have you forgotten." There was a chuckle on his face, "Huh, but you should be able to understand now, our magic feast I do n’t like things that are out of control. So, do you think our covert support for religious colleges to train demon hunters is for fun, no, we do n’t want demons to share our world. "

Darcy waved his hands and returned to the irritable after laughing. "The annoying thing is that Taylor actually left at this time." Goodbye to breakfast, remember, "Kozil and I are bound by the agreement with the demon without affecting each other. If you ca n’t take care of this, Barton ’s reliable guy is only Zach of Grande. You go and say to Zac, let him shoot, it ’s best to take Nofeller and Rimer together. Tell him that if this is done, the Devil Banquet will rate him higher and he will be satisfied with our rewards. Hey, it's a pity that at this point in time, I also want to ask him to be in the West Side ... forget it. "

It is a bit ridiculous fact that the Demon Banquet also regards our Zachary Grande as a valuable resource.

James stared at Darcy for a while, "No, I don't want to have anything with Zac ..." In a sense, it blackened.

"Mature!" Darcy pouted, "Now! No longer in the bureau! You are off work!"

James obeyed and got off work. (To be continued.)

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